Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Infinite Rotations

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@Joshua Dragonsflame

The jedi master stretched herself out where she was going for now, allowing the force to guide her through the halls of the ship. The large library itself was well the closest to a ship she controlled and it was a station. Since most of the jedi thought they had their own she was not worried about it. Sticking around with the holocron vault Sorel and a few others had helped to recover for them. She was able to access a lot more training then others expected, plus there was her holocron that gleamed above the central room looking like the ancient eye of zallow itself for any of her padawans to try and access. There was a small look on her face while she stood there finishing off one of the cups of tea. The viewscreen showing the movement of the library itself.

She stood there in the qel-droma robes and they had been mended, repaired from the near five thousand year old pieces of history that they were. The skylar and agena within the robes themselves as it radiated the force energies itself, a beacon of the lightside of the force for herself as the brown outer robe gleamed almost form fitted to her body with the lighter off white robes underneath. The protective qualities could almost be seen her and field kit on her hip was visible. The small folds of the robes sleeves able to hide her lightsaber. JOshua had asked to learn some more skills of the force and she knew a number of things that he could seek to learn. She didn't really try and enforce a limit before she was standing there.
There had been things that Josh had realized as he got back into the fold, and the primary action of things. Fighting alongside factions and taking on far more powerful foes than before had taught him, that for all he had been through, and all he had learned and all that he had learned to do... He lacked variety compared to his opponents, and that had placed him at a disadvantage. The fact was, he needed to branch out to survive. That was the truth, the heart of the matter. And to do that, well... As a Master he knew he never stopped learning, but he needed a source of knowledge to draw from.

That source of knowledge of course, ended up being his former Master, Matsu Ike. A conversation between them had led to him admitting his worries to her, and she had agreed to teach a matter of things, and help him expand... To help the cause of the Jedi.

He would step into the chambers aboard her ship, taking a breath as he would walk in. She had mentioned something about Flight and Weather Manipulation. He couldn't remember if she had mentioned much else in the meeting before, but he was sure it'd come back to him.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

SHe could feel him arriving as she stepped around. Slowly and with some determination until her eyes flicked back towards Joshua with a bow of her head. "Welcome to the library, the full one. We have managed to get everything online and functioning." The massive monolith was also just calming, the wintrium walls that were force enhanced to radiate warm calming feelings allowed all of the jedi to feel the force better and it made getting angry that much harder. The material's ability to get stronger as it ages was just a byproduct that would in the end make the library itself into something that could survive just about anything for the jedi. Matsu stopped while she moved wearing the robes and removed the outer robes, her arms covered in atrisian and aurabesh tattoo's along her hands, arms and to her shoulders but stoppingg at her neck where it would peak out of her robes. Her undercover work was something important as well as what she could work on. The scars and burns along her arms before she straightened her hair. "I am glad to see you are doing well."
"You as well, Master Ike."

She herself had not seemed to have aged either. It seemed no matter how old she got, she never seemed to actually age, nor did he. She had several adult children he knew, she had to be what, around 40 or 50 by now? It was funny, that, that Josh wasn't even 30 yet... And now Matsu seemed so much older than him all of a sudden. He would peer around the library with a distinct curiosity, noting it had changed some in the time since he had last visited.

"We spoke of lessons, then?" He would inquire, taking a breath. It was time to get down to business, he supposed. This world had become that of surviving... And he needed the tools to pull that off. And they both knew that. Not that he wasn't happy to see Matsu, of course.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

She gave a small bow of her head before holding a hand up and the library itself was responding to her. Shifting and going through space while she set the course. "Yes lessons are important it allows us to continue to learn. In this case I know you wanted to get some skills that many do not know and that requires some small protection and being away from others. THe best way to learn where we can." She stuck around and wanted to see what they might be able to do before the jedi master stood backwards a little bit with her hands in her hands before putting them to her hips with some small pieces of equipment.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

He would bow his head respectfully, gingerly, in response. She would talk about how learning these skills required some protection, and how it was best they were away from others. "You're sure this isn't your way of getting us alone, Matsu?" He would tease lightly, a small smile crossing his lips. He was jesting, of course, but this was nothing Matsu wasn't used to.

Either way, he would nod his head, indicating he understood what she wa talking about. He watched her carefully as she worked with her equipment, waiting to see what was on tap for the time being.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

She was looking at him and had prepared for it, for anything that they would be able to here. She had ideas of ways to train him and what she wanted to do. "We'll begin with something simple, tell me what it is you really wanted to learn first so we can build a foundation and go from there." She was curious what it was but also had an idea... she just needed to confirm it. She was thinking back on what she had learned and how best to explain the different number of techniques or teachings in a way that go well with the different students that she had to teach. Joshua would make jokes but he could learn eventually.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Many ideas had been shot on their last conversation via holo call, but Josh hadn't really thought of which to go for first when they got there, he'd figured Matsu would teach as she wanted to. But if she was offering for him to pick what to do first? Well, he wasn't going to complain. He had to think about it for a moment, but it didn't take him all that long to figure out what he wanted to do first.

"Flight" He spoke. "If it doesn't inconvenience you, I'd like to learn Flight first. I do know Force Levitation, though I understand Flight is a much more advanced form. I've attempted in the past to make the upgrade myself, but I've been unable at present to figure out the correct fashion. Is there a trick to it, perhaps?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

"A trick, no not really." She said it with a small look on her face while she was standing there and then slowly getting taller and moving around a little to show the skill. "It is not some great challenge, it is simply knowing how to use and channel the force. Your body and mind need to be able to do a few things without conscious thought. For this you need some training, levitation, how to telekinetically push and pull yourself around in the air and most importantly how to regulate your own body and mind with the force." All of it went together to serve a purpose and teach you how best to do it. "I have spent a long time learning how to let my mind and body react with the force by themselves. We'll just have to work on that for you now."
The Jedi would listen carefully, patiently, as Matsu would speak of what would be needed to make this happen. It appeared to need a proper pre-requisite in order to use Flight and he noted Matsu starting to get a bit taller, than beginning to move about the room just a bit. He was tempted to make a joke about how she needed the height increase dearly, but it didn't seem to be the right time nor place. It was just as he had been trying to instruct [member="Auron Song"] before when he had jumped the gun during training. He wasn't scolding him for being free spirited, no... He was scolding him for not knowing the right time and the right place. A Jedi's sense of timing was an underrated skill they needed to possess.

When she finished, he nodded his head in turn. "Alright" He spoke softly. "Where do we start?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

"THe first place to start is the last. What do you want to do?" She said it but held a hand up. "Quiet you want to learn to hover and fly. That is alright but you have the skills. You are a jedi master and have been trained in these skills. Now it is just learning how to chain them together so you need to go back to the beginning of your lessons. For ones with telekinesis to levitate and lift yourself, to your lessons of focus and control so that you are not tiring yourself out." She continued to hover around him but also made a small show of crossing her legs and sitting there to watch him and show what she knew how to do. "The floating meditation is the easiest method to this, you already learned how to do most of the work it is just a matter of reaching that state without having to meditate."
Josh nodded his head in turn. Yes, he knew how to do this. Force Levitation was a common skill, especially for a Jedi Master. With that, he would mimic her movements, taking a cross-legged, meditative stance on the ground as he would close his eyes, beginning to meditate... Slowly, his body would begin to hover off the ground, as Force Levitation did it's work. Of course, he couldn't really do much besides hover there for the time being. This gingerly began to cease though as he would begin to move around in the air through his meditation, though he couldn't break his stance or his concentration...

This went on for a few minutes before he would steadily open his eyes and attempt to break the meditation slowly and move without it. But the moment he did, he had to return to it as his body began to quickly plummet toward the ground. He was a bit frustrated, but kept his calm as he continued to meditate in the air, catching his breath before he tried again...

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

Matsu was watching him before she had a look on her face now, until the other jedi master was doing it somewhat... then he was losing it as she spoke. "Careful, don't lose your focus for now, let it slowly become something that your body knows how to do without even your mind. It isn't always easy but it is why we practice and look for new ways to really workl with the force." She said it before she was looking at a few of the things for herself, Matsu wanted to wonder what they were doing as she continued to sit there with her legs crossed and spoke watching him. "I taught my daughters how to do this when they were little so I can teach you."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Got it" He would respond as he would try to relax, try to make this focus seem like a natural part of him. "Not exactly helping" He would add when Matsu would remark that her tiny kids had apparently managed to learn this quite quickly. Hurting his pride wasn't going to help him here, but he did his best nonetheless. He did what he could to keep calm, make the motions feel natural... Make the feelings feel natural...

Before long he managed to open his eyes, and begin to abandon his pose as he slowly began to float even without the meditation. It was still shaky, it seemed like he could topple over any moment, but he was beginning to get it...
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

She looked at him with a moment on her face. "I wasn't trying to help exactly more get you to try it." She was looking over at some of the things they had going on. He seemed to be getting it which was important, Matsu herself remained there floating prepared to help him before he fell over.. if he fell over or forward. She couldn't be sure after all and wasn't going to risk one of her former students getting hurt. "We'll just have to see, be careful with what you have, you don't want to topple over cause you have the weight shift and become a problem."
He would just allow himself to remember the feeling that he had, keeping his body afloat and begin to relax... So long as he could relax and learn to make this feeling come natural, it would be alright, right? He just had to keep chugging at it, just like he did as a Padawan... No problemo, no different.

"Considering my size, falling is probably not something I'd want" He would add, taking a deep breath as he managed to begin to steady himself...

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

"You are going to fall, the real test and tgrial is if you get back up. Many padawans barely want to try after they fail and many masters just get pissy because they are masters they shouldn't have to learn let alone fail." Matsu said it while she remained there and looked on with raised eyebrows. "Could be worse though, you could be any of the dozen new masters that seem to appear from the woodwork and know in days what it took many to learn over years. THen they just vanish and become something else or you could be like a few others who just roam around proclaiming their are better then this or that because reasons."
"Fair point. Suppose I'm less afraid of falling and more wondering if I'll fall on something I need should I fall" He would admit, though the talk between them caused his concentration to waver and soon enough he fell. This time though, he caught himself last second before his body hit the ground. Taking a deep breath, the Jedi Master would allow himself to float upwards, keeping calm, keeping serene... He just needed to relax, and make every movement, every feeling, all of this... Feel natural.

"Where would you count me, amongst all of these different kinds of Masters?"

He was asking her questions on purpose now. He needed to be able to speak - and listen - while he flew. He needed to make this natural. He needed to be able to hold this no matter what was around him.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

"Well you certainly are not new and you haven't just disappeared." She said it though while looking at him and allowing the force to guide her movements. She had taught Vulps much the same way but had proven with him how she would be able to move around. Letting the force guide her movements until the right moment. "We have a great deal of training to work on still but there are always going to be some of the risks. The newest masters within the jedi are more political I have seen, they seem interested in making alliances with other and being in charge over wanting to learn about and teach the force. To confident in their minimal teachings. Even some second hand ones have tried to pretend to make things. I've sen other jedi try to make things to rival Sasori artisan's and it is terribly second hand, low grade materials being passed off as skilled labors. Then given clout because they are skilled more at kissing the political backside of people." Her eyes rolled but she had more things that they would be able to work on and teaching right now she had a couple more ideas.
"I've been a Master a handful of years now. How long has it been... Ah, I don't even know. I think it's been roughly six years since I became a Master. So I guess it's been awhile and I haven't disappeared so... Fair enough" He would respond as he would continue to listen to her talk. But he was learning, ever steadily, to be able to listen and speak, and still concentrate. Multitasking was something a Jedi had to learn quick and this was no exception when it came to it. Multitasking was very important here, this he knew.

"I feel like I could make a few jokes at the backside kissing deal, but I think we've already had our fill of innuendo, judging by our last mission. Or at the least, they don't seem to be your forte" He responded in turn, as he would begin to move to the side a bit in flight. He was experimenting with moving more than just up and down. Ever so slowly... But he was getting it, bit by bit. He almost didn't feel like he was concentrating anymore. He definitely was, but it felt like it took less effort and attention to keep it, the longer this kept on. He could feel like energy slowly ebbing away from the use, and he could feel the strain. But it was less on his mind and less prevalent the longer this went on. Progress, he supposed?

[member="Matsu Ike"]

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