Innocent You don't know when to say no.
Kassandra Distorith Peak Vampire™ Character Bio Apr 28, 2014 #322 Innocent, thankfully. I know exactly when to use the word 'no'. You have been careless with your heart in the past.
Innocent, thankfully. I know exactly when to use the word 'no'. You have been careless with your heart in the past.
Kassandra Distorith Peak Vampire™ Character Bio Apr 28, 2014 #324 Guilty! I do love a good red wine...there's this amazing Corellian vintage you should try. You have a total sweet-tooth!
Guilty! I do love a good red wine...there's this amazing Corellian vintage you should try. You have a total sweet-tooth!
Stephanie Swail Guest S Apr 28, 2014 #329 Guilty. Capital G. You like to P A R T Y? Because you GOTTA!
Kerri Aislinn Fly Away Character Bio Apr 28, 2014 #330 Innocent. I hate parties, especially with lot's of people (unless I'm best buds with a small group.) I'm a coffee addict!!!!
Innocent. I hate parties, especially with lot's of people (unless I'm best buds with a small group.) I'm a coffee addict!!!!
Kerri Aislinn Fly Away Character Bio Apr 28, 2014 #333 Innocent... I had a pet :'C I'm a mountain dew addict!
Stephanie Swail Guest S Apr 28, 2014 #334 Innocent (Sorry to hear that Elvira) British rule the world
Kassandra Distorith Peak Vampire™ Character Bio Apr 28, 2014 #335 Innocent...they tried that. *is a proud resident of the former colony of Massachusetts* You have the self control to open a bag of chips and eat only one.
Innocent...they tried that. *is a proud resident of the former colony of Massachusetts* You have the self control to open a bag of chips and eat only one.
Stephanie Swail Guest S Apr 28, 2014 #336 Innocent You like to act as someone else to lure others into a false sense of security around you
Kerri Aislinn Fly Away Character Bio Apr 28, 2014 #337 Innocent. Be yourself, be yourself and be best You're also a chocolate addict.
Kerri Aislinn Fly Away Character Bio Apr 28, 2014 #339 Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! I love fluffy animals.
Joshua Helthane Guest J Apr 28, 2014 #340 Guilty. Who isn't? The best days are those when you feel like you can just run.