Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Innocent or Guilty

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]

Because Ain't Nobody Got Time For That

Guilty...although I like to watch baseball and soccer. All the other sports are meh.

You love making references to Doctor Who, Star Wars, or other things like that just to see the confused look on your friends'/family's faces.

Alatar Istari

Guilty guilty guilty

You are so excited for Christmas you've worked yourself into a fever.
(Innocent, but my sis is definitely guilty)


Cheshire Shi'ido
Neutral. (To tell you the truth, I pretty much pick my presents, and then act surprised when I get them.)

You're going to be playing video games through most of the two week break. (GUILTY)

Alatar Istari

Guilty, sentenced to vacation to Washington (the state)

Your boyfriend and his brothers love to tease you
(Guilty and I half want to strangle them all)


Cheshire Shi'ido
Innocent. Don't even have a girlfriend. (yet)

You still have two more days of school before the break, and you hate it. (Guilty)

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