Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Innocent or Guilty


Cheshire Shi'ido
Neutral. (It can snow when I'm back in New York. Right now, I need it to not snow until after tomorrow.)

You want to eat ice cream in sub-freezing temperatures.

Alatar Istari

Guilty (cream cheese Danish)

You forgot something really important at school and are chiding yourself for it. (Counseling packet, it was finished but forgotten cause of adhd)

Alatar Istari


Your youth group leader/pastor is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(So guilty)


Well-Known Member
Innocent, I was one of the first people to see it >:3
Shall I spoil the ending?

You wanted to murder the guy next to you at the movies because he never kept quiet.
(Guilty. At the Hobbit -.-)
I am an avid fan and have likely known the ending longer than you have been alive... [member="Mit Tuxaire"]

I know who dies and who lives and who doesn't even belong in the movie!

Deio and Dahlia Leafwalker

GUILTY!!!!! (I'm actually starting to like Tauriel... #firstworldproblems)

You want to strangle Peter Jackson for making such dramatic deaths
(Guilty, and proud of it)

Deio and Dahlia Leafwalker


You hated Tauriel until the third movie
(it's more of a hate/like relationship)


Cheshire Shi'ido
Tauriel = Legolas's girlfriend there, right? If so, guilty.

You think the live action Hobbit fits the book better than the old cartoon one.

Alatar Istari

Dain forever! Not Thorin sry. GUILTY!!!

You were freaked out by Thorin in the first half of the movie. (Guilty, poor Balin)

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