Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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She was moving at the creature now as it came forward and the massive zeltron slammed her saber forward getting a roar as the tusk slammed into her armor spinning her to the side as she punched the beast in the head letting her armored fist smash and lock in his eye. She pulled and jerked his head grabbing the tuck as the glove squeezed down before throwing the creature forward with a snarl and roar. The massive bulk of her muscles tensing while Balaya put the full force of her weight into the ground lifting the sithspawn. "AHHHH"

The depot they were creating in the grasslands of the planet was quite a sight now. She looked over the most of it from the walls they had erected with sonic emitters heading to the walls to keep the creatures out. The walkers and transports moving in until she was slashing more into the air and wall to lead them forward so her croa could work on their different things. "Continue forward and push outwards, I want everythin mapped for the black roses use later on and any caves that might be able to hold a phrik mine." There were nods as she looked towards the soldiers with her now letting the power come forward.
Temple Courtyard

Mister Bubbles continued to move fighting her way through now with the croa while more sithspawn were being brought in. Walking through the moat to clear out the prisoners who were trying to escape until her attention was on her master directing them towards the citadel in the distance that Sanya and Camellia were working on. New defenses that were set up to contain the leviathans that were within the breeding ground being built up, sithspawn breeding setups one could have. "Mister Bubbles lets go and catch some more pretty kitties." The leviathan roared running off into the sunset.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

More defenses, more turrets and more troopers getting set up and ready before she was finding a place for herself to sit down and wtch them moving. The citadel in the distance that Sanya was working on before she sat down in the one seat letting the bones play out around her having a little fun. THe tight bodysuit clinging while she sat there playing with a rib bone seeing the prisoners. "Throw them into the moat, let their bodies handle the defense of this temple." A bigger look was coming into view though while the croa were putting them into the waters to be converted in time so they could rise again and serve their masters.

She was moving more now with her attention towards the crystals in the cave setting the beacons for Sanya. "We have found extensive crystal caves Lady Sanya." The laugh was there before she felt something, her head turning until the fair on the back of her neck was standing up. The crystals leading her deeper and deeper into the red glow was all around her. Remy was wondering what her master planned until slowly she lifted one she could grasp seeing the red glow and darkside of the force. It looked like a blood red tear as she went to get a second one for her sabers she was planning and constructing.
Space Station

With the reports sent down and work continuing the Liran was letting her engineers continue on several of the things they had before she was making her way back to the Prototype carrack mk II as she looked to the reports. "Good continue the reports and scans so that we shall help them all out." She had more for the sisterhood to work on while she arrived on the bridge of the ship taking a seat at her command chair allowing her view to go across everything. The massive sithspawn was there until her attention pointed into the distance near the polar regions. "Take us to the polar regions and we shall begin the real work whiel construction continues here."

With all the work finished Shinju had headed back down into the basement of the temple and all of it, they had the darkside nexus here being cultivated into the grotto with crystals before they had the dark waters here to bathe and clean with it slowly working like the lakes of Ambria. "Perfect." She could feel the force energies creeping along her skin as she moved ahead more and more tapping her hand along the top of the water until it pulsed with darkside energy. She drank it up while channeling it into her hands with the other croa and slaves working for the construction of the undercroft of the temple. "Continue construction."
Zarrah continued down the Temple corridor and found herself discovering a lone single room at the end. Zarrah entered the room and began searching it. Stacked in different piles where crates that were covered in dust. She brushed off the nearest crate and popped the lid and found tiny statues inside. Zarrah took one and examined it closely then she did the same with the others. Zarrah was no master of artifacts but she thought these figurines might be some kind of religious symbol for Gods and Goddesses that certain humans and aliens still worshiped. Zarrah thought of [member="Darth Zilti"] and her plans to build a temple honouring her Goddess Vahl.

Zarrah left the crate alone and began searching through the other crates. Nothing inside seemed to be of any use to her - maybe to the others though. During her investigation of the room she did notice another opening on the far side and stepped through it. Zarrah discovered that she had three options presented to her. She could continue forward or turn right or left. Before deciding on a path she carved on the wall an 'X' as a reminder to herself to have the crates brought out and examined by minds that deal with artifacts.

Zarrah turned right observing the symbols and patterns on the wall. Unlike the crate's treasures these designs were vaguely familiar to her. Zarrah had seen these before during her time in exile. While she walked she tried to remember where she had seen them before.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Sanya's face went bright red after resiving the kiss on her cheek. It was something about the rendili woman's touch that made her body feel tingly. "Maybe I should stop by your office more and try help you with some of that paper work that's if we don't get some what distracted." She said with a giggle and a cheeky grin on her face as if she was implying something. "Besides every time we get some alone time it's not for long." It wasn't long till the croa had hit a deposit of phyrik and started slowly carving it out the drill had stopped and it was only mining lasers now. Each passing second they used caution and precision to avoid wasting any of the precious metal. Sanya continued cuddling up to camellia as her tone of voice changed slightly to answer her question. "That can still happen beautiful, remember everything has a silver lining and your day will come again and this time you have me behind you one hundred percent. Hey after all from watching you and going over some of your open designs I learned a lot. Even producing my own line of ships to hopefully add with yours in their hangers or running along side them." Shifting a small piece of hair away from the rendili woman's face, Sanya gazed into her eyes with a smile. "Its a galaxy full of possibilitys. As for my dreams it's to only make you happy, make sure your safe and hopefully get to the point in life where there isn't so much running around then spend my days with you."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Camellia had no doubts if Sanya were to try and help her with the paperwork they definitely would get distracted quite often, though the other woman was without a doubt highly qualified and capable of helping her get through the stacks of files quickly. The thoughts of what would likely happen to keep them busy with the wrong things made the Rendili woman shake her head while she watched the Croa diggers stop their drills as they switched over to the more delicate and precise mining lasers for the final stages of removing the phrik ore from the rock in which it was encased. "I know, we do need an honest vacation when all this work is done. I feel pretty tired lately going from one operation to the next, but at least it seems like it will clear up soon." At least this part would on this world. Not that Camellia disliked the planet, she just missed home a little. Which made her feel incredibly selfish as Sanya spoke about her wish being to simply make the Rendili woman happy, leaving Camellia with a rather flushed face as the other girl gazed at her. "W-well I. . . .um. . . you really say the most incredible things you know. I dunno if its lucky or unlucky the mining team is almost done."
Desert Fortress

They had done it, the defenses and the croa moving around the area with the troopers were making sure the locals were being taken in and processed. These human's were stronger then she had expected compared to some of the ones they had fought but living on a world this strong in the darkside must have had some benefits while her attention now went to the transports below her as she extended her wings and picked up a ruby crystal from a vase with her tail swishing while she jumped off letting the air lift the fleshy flaps rising her into the air with her form casting a shadow over the transports seeing others.
Phrik Mine

More work being done as the sounds of construction continued deeper for the mine, then they were still moving and with the first of the shipments of ore she could send to the citadel as her hand came out and picked at some of the gems and crystals they had been finding while she moved with her attention on her croa working and fighting. They were a great resource for taking a world it seemed with all their improvements and the ferocity of their attacks more like a wave that washed over everything around them. Taking a world rich int he darkside was making it theirs while she picked out her own crystal to go with the corrupted healing crystal she had found.
Grasslands Base

With the croa securing the area and troopers moving in, the young apprentice had done her task. All the major works secured and done for now while the locals were in camps and cages all set up and ready for them to handle. The human's of this world she found rather interesting as it were going out and towards the base they had set up. "Prefab pieces are so nice." She gave a nod of her head while making some of the changes they could work on. "Continue to work on the fortifications and the mines access." She was working to make sue they had all the stuff they needed for what would become the next stage of the plan.
Riding atop Mister Bubbles

Mister Bubbles roared as the locals were finished being captured and with the city around them they started moving troopers and supplies in to start fortifying all of it. The female leviathan grabbed a tree and pushed it down as Bundori on her back cheered. The mass of spider webs and caves outside of the city they were buidling up were a powerful thing before she was making a path through the forest for the troopers to expand outwards with their flame throwers until the sonic emitters could be set up to make a pathway for walking patrols.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

THey had finished, the fortofications were completed and the moat filled with the dead croa that were partially transformed and dying. The process a dangerous thing while their attacking of the planet setting up plenty of it before her attention went to the troopers that were there. "You have done well." She was looking at her troopers and walking between them while her hands were clasped behind her back. Observing finally the moat as some of the croa seemed to be crawling towards it if they had been injured in the fight. "Send the reports to lady Sanya and the council we shall work on the next stage of building this temple but for now we have defenses in place."
Crystal Caves

Traveling through them now as she held the crystals... Remy was glad of a few things. Mostly that she had all the parts and pieces to construct her lightsabers and progress her training forward. The practice of spells and magics were something she would have to do once the time came before she stopped feeling the chills of the snow as the white she could see walking forward. Eyes getting wider when her bare feet touched it and she recoiled at the chill going up her spine while all hairs on her body stood on end. "Well this is going to be interesting." She said it while being semi stranded in the polar regions and her attention was on a few things before she moved now.

THey were finished as she stood there proud of the time. The defenses outside were fine and the small vents recycling the air well worth it for the dust as looking over a few of the things they had now. A general spa like area with hot rocks and steam for their sisters, access to the dark nexus that was here and the construction to the large forge that had been built by the sith for alchemy. The Ember of Vahl sect could have the glory but her Rakata would have the blood until it ran freely in the streets. The troopers flooding down now with croa who seemed defective and injured were going itno their pool at the large basin. "We have a spa."
Landing Port

Constructing the landing port so they could move things easier she was looking over it now. From space they had seen the deposits within the planet and now being here well she had all the reports and survey's to go over. The construction of their space station and dock for construction above the planet, down here the docks were quick and prefabricated for ease of use until she tapped her fingers. "Good, continue the construction and ensure everything is in order." There was a nod as some of the croa under her command were working on the things around the docks while recovering parts of scrap they could pile up.

The creature was still trying to survive and Balaya moved around it grasping and letting her eyes filter the low light until she saw something gleaming. A yellow pole sticking out of the creatures back and a massive grey metal fan that had been overgrown with fleshand spine. Balaya moved grabbing it as her hand gripped the axe smashing the creature into the wall to rip it out while she held the large weapon. It was clearly ancint and as the creature laid there she hefted it easily until swinging it. "Rest now, your body shall serve our purposes." There was a grin on her face and the axe cleaved through the beasts tusk and skull as she held it. The second stage of their work was completed and soon, soon they would begin the real construction here in the tombs with the darkside nexus.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Sanya smiled as she cuddled up closer to cam. "Well you are an incredible woman. The woman I love and the person I hold closets to my heart. Anyway I'd rather have more privacy so I'd say lucky because the sooner we are done the sooner we can go enjoy our selfs in each others company without others interfering or limited time." She would giggle for a second and resting her head on camellias shoulder. They had spent the next hour or so watching the screens and observing the croa work. The peice of phyrik they had started to look small but the further they cut it out the bigger it became. They where working fast still for how big it was. "I think we are almost done here beautiful." Sanya would kiss her cheek and wrap her arms around the rendili woman more even her black tail would intwine with her lovers. "You make me so happy, something I thought I'd never be. Before I was with you I gave up on everything nothing had meaning to me anymore, but you changed that for me. You make me want to do better. You changed my life so much in such a short time and I don't know where I'd be without you." There wasn't a moment that passed by now where she couldn't stop thinking about her. It was everything even the small details like how soft her skin was, the sound of her voice, the way she walked and moved it was every bit about her. Every second with cam was treasured and not taken for granted. The croa had finally dug out the large deposit of phyrik that looked like an easy 2 tonne or more. The croa worked as a team to drag the chunk and lift it onto the back of the drill. "Guess we get to head back to the spire in a moment." Once the drill surfaced with the other croa Sanya approached them. "Well done girls you did an excellent job, make sure that is melted down into bars and sent to the spire for me. Ohh and if I every require you all again I will make sure to request you." Turning back to camellia she smiled and reached out her hand in offer for hers. "Should we get going my love?"

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