Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Insult Game

[member="Jake Sorin"]

You must be a dog. Your sig gives it away.

Oh I got heart. If I didnt, i wuldnt be fighting, since it takes alot of heart. :) I supose it depends vhat kind of heart are you refering to.

Aniway... nice sig *sarkastic*... not exacly fit for the shity world we'r living in, but I guess its nice to be a naive idealist. :p
If you think the code is made from a stance of ponies and unicorns... you haven't been paying attention.

Just stuck with swinging a lightsaber cause you couldn't figure out the finer points of the force?
Not that mushy, but "life, freedom, unity" is prety pink, too. Nice sentiment tho. And yea, I always been beter at fighting viht my hands then my brain. Plus its more fun hehe.

Are you a man, or a fox? Make up ur mind!
I left the jedi and betrayed the sith... I've gone rogue twice. I'm one of the most roguish people you'll ever meet... But I'm also pretty much royalty.

Bet ya take some sort of force steroids.

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