Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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International Flag of the Earth Designed

Let's just hope it catches fire.

For me, the blue and white of the flag is tranquility, peace and prosperity. The inter-connected circles represent all of the differences on this planet; nations, races, languages, cultures, histories, coming together as one united Planet.

Verie Lacroix

Coci Heavenshield said:
United under one flag .. it is something that should be... Lets all hope that one day this will be. :)
The hell it should. I'll keep my national identity and disdain for the rest of the world, thanks.

Screw peace through unity. I say peace through superior firepower.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Valiens Nantaris said:
It's the fantasy of a lot of people of all stripes.
Most of them megalomaniacal dictators and stupid college kids who don't understand that to even things out globally they're going to have to move towards the "living on $2 a year" end of the spectrum.

A dangerous combination.
[member="Avadreia Lacroix"]

They'd also have to deal with the Women vs Muslim political battle due to Islamic tradition, not even mentioning the more radical sects of Muslims. Then they'd have to deal with South African government officials that have a ingrained disdain for anybody but them / Central African tribes and their rather barbaric practices in certain cases. Then you'd have to make Europe have peace and tranquility, something that's never going to happen because our shared history makes us leery of doing anything but tolerating each other. Then you have the same stuff going down in Southern America plus the poverty / ghettos / drug trades. Then you'd have to deal with China and it's indoctrinated population and corrupt government, as well as their army who swore to protect the party instead of the people. Then you have Japan and their professional life traditions of working themselves to the bone, alongside their lack of living space and the fact that their population is turning herbivore.

Then you have to get people to even like this United Government. Good luck with that, Europe has a disdain for the Union as is and any form of United World Government will be equally bad or even worse.

Long story short, never going to happen, flag was created several millennia too prematurely, the world and the human race will never hold hands and get along because we hate each other and this hatred of each other fueled our drive to succeed and evolve. That and I like my flag and nation well enough as it is, even with it's amalgamation of issues. Ain't going to trade it for a pipe dream.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Yvette Dusong said:
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Last time we trusted the Germans, we were promised Ukrainian land and a Monarchy that will survive through the century. Fool me once, and so on.
LOL - the Germans are the only reason Europe remains anything but a laughable relic to history. Who's bailing out Ireland, Spain, Greece? Certainly not Belgium (which, of course, is pretty much a non-country).

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