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Open Market Interstellar Shipping - Contract Terminal



Interstellar Shipping was a freight service that began nearly a millennia ago, usually operating out of the Tion Hegemony. In the last decade, the company came into some financial trouble and was on the cusp of bankruptcy. Conveniently (perhaps a bit too conveniently), Malicar and a group of private investors were there to make a buy offer on the company. With little choice, the executives of Interstellar Shipping sold the company.

In its five short years, Interstellar Shipping has become one of the galaxy’s leaders in supply chain and logistics services. The company takes pride in its ability to quickly and securely get cargo, small and large, across the galaxy. Every facet of the business is taken care of internally, even the security, transport shipbuilding, and storage. Interstellar Starship Technologies is the wholly-owned subsidiary that manufactures the ships and equipment to run the operations.

1. Why are the services of Interstellar Shipping sought throughout the galaxy?
Interstellar Shipping has been around for millennia and knows the business of logisitics. Once Owner Malicar Raith took over, Interstellar Shipping skyrocketed in its profits year after year. What is different about Interstellar Shipping is that they possess the fastest shipping fleet in the galaxy and they insure all their loads. Because of these two reasons, customers understand the value of their services. In addition, Interstellar Shipping is well-known for its "wartime deliveries", equipped to deliver their cargo loads in warzones across the galaxy.

2. Are there limits as to what Interstellar Shipping is able to ship?
Due to the wide range of shipping freighters of all sizes, there is no limit to what can be shipped all the way across the galaxy. Their state-of-the-art ships are designed to accommodate cargo loads of all shapes, sizes, and weights. The only limitation on their Intergalactic Freight Shipping services is that there is a minimum tonnage amount (100 tons).

Intergalactic Freight Shipping
Courier Services
Passenger Transportation Services
Refuse Disposal Transport
Warehouse Storage
Other Logistics Services
Ship Systems Design
Security Services

Coming Soon...



IST 250 "Kaadu" Light Transport


IST 450 "Purrgil" Freighter (Corvette-class)


IST 650 "Luggasbeast" Heavy Freighter (Cruiser-class)


IST 50 "Connect" Rapid Courier Starship


IST 100 "Spur" Escort Starfighter
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Corellian Confederation - CONTRACT COMPLETED
Chiss Ascendancy (Client: Aristocra Sila) - ACTIVE
Lucerne Personal Defense (Client: CEO Gir Quee) - ACTIVE
Intergalactic Monetary Fund (Client: CEO Elizabeth van Laach) - ACTIVE
The Mandalorian Empire (Client: Mand'alor Adenn Kyramud) - CONTRACT COMPLETED
The Sith Empire (Client: Emperor Carnifex) - ACTIVE
The Sith Empire (Client: Moff Tithe) - ACTIVE
Eternal Empire (Client: Emperor Tacitus) - ACTIVE
Black Sun (Client: Underlord Broka the Hutt) - ACTIVE
Eternal Empire (Client: Baroness Sabosen) - ACTIVE
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OOC Credit goes to RU Comet for his idea of setting shipping prices and for some of the ideas on structuring the cost. Thanks Ru Comet Ru Comet !
Interstellar Shipping Terminology
Load - one delivery utilizing a ship or a number of ships designated to transport goods from one destination to another
Standard - examples include manufactured parts, raw materials, furniture, beverages, non-refrigerated foods, building supplies, small consumer goods
Nonstandard: Bulky - examples include irregular-shaped containers, starfighter frames, prefabricated structures (small dome abodes)
Nonstandard: Handling - examples include live creatures, environment dependent items (refrigeration, heat lamps, etc), volatile ammunition (i.e. explosives), etc.
Nonstandard: Specialty - examples include precious gems, prototype technology, functioning weaponry, etc.
Tonnage - items are measured by tonnage. Here are a few examples of item weights:
1 ton - Blaster Rifles x 250
1 ton - Datapads x 1,300
2 tons - Speeder Bikes x 3
15 tons - X-Wing
30 tons - 40’ Standard Shipping Container (full of cargo)
60 tons - Gravtank
500 tons - Proton Torpedoes x 750

Tiers of Shipping Loads
Tier 1 – Standard Load
Tier 2 – Nonstandard Load: Bulky, Handling, or Specialty Loads:
this tier includes just 1 nonstandard characteristic
Tier 3 – Select Nonstandard: this tier includes 2 nonstandard characteristics
Tier 4 – Premium Nonstandard: this tier includes 3 nonstandard characteristics

Transit Fees
No price Adjustment if the destination is along an established hyperlane that can be used for the majority of the transit
+10% No Hyperlane - destination is not along an established hyperlane
-20% Routes Across the "Big Five" – destination along the Perlemian Trade Route, Corellian Run, Corellian Trade Spine, Hydian Way, or Rimma Trade Route
* * * * *
+5% Hazardous - Destination is within a hazardous system (i.e. Hutt Space)
+15% Warzone - Destination is within an area of conflict or active warzone (i.e. Dominions, Invasions)
+25% Hot Zone - Destination and load are to actively reinforce a faction in an active warzone (i.e. delivering reinforcements to a faction during an invasion, such as troops, vehicles, starfighters, ammunition, bacta, etc.)
* * * * *
-10% Elite Client - if the client's organization enters an ongoing logistics contract with Interstellar Shipping, all loads are 10% off. Elite Clients are listed above.

Tier Cost Per Ton (minimum load is 100 tons)
Tier 1 – 25 credits/per hex
Tier 2 – 50 credits/per hex
Tier 3 – 75 credits/per hex
Tier 4 – 100 credits/per hex

500 tons of Durasteel from Coruscant to Ord Mantell (5 hexes)
Tier 1: 25 credits/ton x 500 tons = 12,500 credits
125,000 credits x 5 hexes = 62,500 credits
+10% No Hyperlane
TOTAL LOAD COST = 68,750 credits

10 X-Wings (150 tons) from Corellia to Delrakkin (21 hexes)
Tier 3 (Bulky and Specialty): 75 credits/ton x 150 tons = 11,250 credits
11,250 credits x 21 hexes = 236,250 credits
-20% Super-Hyperroute
TOTAL LOAD COST = 189,000 credits

EXAMPLE 3 (actual Interstellar Shipping example)
1000 tons of Proton Torpedoes (approximately 1500 units) from Taris to Mandalore, which was in a Hot Zone (2 Hexes)
*Interstellar Shipping provided ordinance to the Mandalorian Clans when defending against a Sith Empire invasion
Tier 3 (Handling and Specialty): 75 credits/ton x 1000 tons = 75,000
75,000 credits x 2 hexes = 150,000 credits
+5% No Hyperlane, +20% Hot Zone = +30%
TOTAL LOAD COST = 195,000 credits

REAL WORLD EXAMPLES: Cars weigh about 3 tons – transport cost is anywhere from $1000-$5000 for overseas transport and $5000-$40000 for air transport. Obviously, this cost would be significantly less if the cars are shipped in bulk. Another example is to have a shipping container shipped overseas from the USA to China—this would cost approximately $5,000, which can carry a maximum of 30 tons. So in US dollars, it could cost approximately $167/per ton to ship cargo from the US to China. This gives you an idea of the kind of money that is freight logistics!

Order Format
CLIENT ORGANIZATION: (The Company (including department), Government (including department), or individual)
CLIENT NAME: (The name of the individual who is point of contact for the contract)
LOADING LOCATION: (location that the load will be picked up for transport - please include system, planet, and building)
DESTINATION: (location that the load will be delivered - please include system, planet, and building)
RECEIVING: (name or group of people who can sign for the delivery)
TYPE/TONNAGE OF CARGO: (list the cargo that is being shipped and its tonnage, minimum tonnage is 100 tons)
TIMELINE: (denote the desired number of days that the cargo is to be picked up)

Clients are encouraged to do their own math in regards to what the estimate may be. Once the Order is placed, Interstellar Shipping will respond with its delivery contract. At that, the client can accept the contract or respond with any amendments to the contract that they believe are needed.

*If your loads are under 100 tons, we encourage you to use some of the smaller transportation companies, such as Comet's Delivery Service, run by Ru Comet Ru Comet .
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CLIENT ORGANIZATION: Nation of Bob (Department of Defense)
CLIENT NAME: Chancellor Bob
LOADING LOCATION: Kuat System/Kuat/Kuat Orbital Space Exchange
DESTINATION: Hutt Space/Nal Hutta/Creamy the Hutt's Palace
Any Creamy the Hutt Enforcer
500 tons - Durasteel
50 tons - Brylark
300 tons - TIE Defenders
15 tons - Prototype Starfighter
5 tons - Blue Milk
TIMELINE: ASAP - pick-up within the next two days
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Brask'ari'sabosen (retired)
Eternal Empire - Barony of Verkuyl
Baroness Karisa Karisa Sabosen
Verkuyl System/Verkuyl/Verkuylian BactaCo Loading Docks-Dalos Penisula Spaceport
Various Planetary governments and Military Installations within the Eternal Empire (List TBA)
Quartermaster/Chief Petty Officer
Liquid bacta, bacta tanks & various other medical supplies - Individual tonnage & Tier TBD
TIMELINE: Weekly - ongoing
ADDENDUM NOTES: Discussion of the details of said contract between the Barony of Verkuyl and Interstellar Shipping may be seen here. Also, House Sabosen discount is applicable.
SciFiHombre SciFiHombre

CLIENT ORGANIZATION: Strategic Command (Eternal Empire)
CLIENT NAME: Emperor Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe
DESTINATION: Kalidan (All Spaceports)
RECEIVING: Strategic Command, Eternal Army Logistics Corps officials
TYPE/TONNAGE OF CARGO: Food Shipments - 3 million tons/week
TIMELINE: Regular shipping service (repeated deliveries). No time limit as long as weekly quota is met
CLIENT ORGANIZATION: Strategic Command (Eternal Empire)
CLIENT NAME: Emperor Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe
LOADING LOCATION: Imperial Heartland Province
DESTINATION: All provinces across the Empire
RECEIVING: Eternal Army Logistics Corps officials, local officials, private businesses
TYPE/TONNAGE OF CARGO: Industrial goods - 400 thousand tons/month, weapons - 700 thousand tons/month. Tonnage may vary based on market demand.
TIMELINE: Regular shipping service (repeated deliveries). No time limit as long as monthly quota is met
CLIENT NAME: Moff Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe
LOADING LOCATION: Vitiate Spaceport, Bastion
DESTINATION: Central Spaceport, Orinackra
RECEIVING: Sector Group II Logistics Command
TYPE/TONNAGE OF CARGO: 1 million tons total, typically consisting of:
  • 0.4 million tons of military ground vehicles
  • 0.1 million tons of small arms and munitions
  • 0.35 million tons of dried/carbon frozen food
  • 0.15 million tons of medical supplies
TIMELINE: Daily deliveries until further notice

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