Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Into Hell, We March (Authority Invasion of Naboo)

Location: Vents
Enemies: Omega
Allies: Authority
Objective: [member="Felicity Mason"]

Ikki looked at the net being pushed back at her, she then saw the princess leap into the air at her while she reacted with the only thing she could think of. Her size letting her get the lowest center of gravity and she dropped to her back as the net past over her. She looked at the leaping woman and help the launcher to her chest squeezing the tripper with a puff of gas again while she tried to fire off a second net quickly. The injector pen ready to get Felicity if she impacted and try to inject the sedative.


Well-Known Member
ALLIES: ASA [ [member="Salem Norongachi"] // [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] // etc. ]
ENEMIES: OP AND AFFILIATES [ [member="Jorus Merrill"] // etc. ]

A crash of thunder punctuated that portion of dialogue from Captain Merrill. A dramatic end to a soliloquy that Atretes found to be decidedly non-dramatic. While the implicating undertones were there, there was little need for what nearly came across as a veiled threat. Soldiers kept their eyes trained, and Rhoujen nodded in understanding.

"While I'm not sure what you're used to dealing with, you'll find I'm not fond of ruining families," he remarked pointedly before continuing, "I only know of one stray group of civilians that remains within the area. I'll go get them." he said, turning away and walking back through the rains to retrieve those he'd just encountered.

It was a beginner's mistake, to turn his back on the one with a gun pointed at him, but the cause was noble enough to warrant the lapse of reason. Given he wasn't shot in the back, the Knight Commander returned to the small domicile. As he reached to touch the knob, a stray bolt of lightning from the overhead storm struck the stone structure. In a moment of panic that reduced the stoic facade of Knight Commander Rhoujen back down to the simple mind of Knight Obsidian Atretes, the young man dove into the building and turned in mid-air, hands outstretched as he threw forth power to hold up the crumbling building. He looked to the woman and girl, and the sore but awake father, and he tried to convey the urgency through his eyes, since his face was obscured by his mask.

"GO! There are local authorities to take you away, just GET OUT!" he screamed at them, his muscles buckling under the shared strain of his mental capacity.

More chunks fell, and the space to get out was narrowing by the second. The family, beyond speech, cowered. The father, affected most by the airborne madness drifting through the Force, was the one to rally his wife and child. He drove them out of the collapsing domicile, directing them toward the shielded form of Merrill. He spared a second glance back at the ASA soldier who was risking their life for him, but only gave a mixed expression between a grateful sadness and hateful sneer before he too ran for safety. With the civilians evacuated from the building, Atretes curled into himself and reduced his barrier to a personal telekinetic field. The building fell atop him, and from the outside view, it looked as though he was crushed.

Moments passed.

Then a minute.

Then two.

The rubble shifted. And again. Stonework ground against itself until a large chunk was shoved over by the will and strength of the body. Rhoujen's body. His the crown section and upper half of the face had broken off by the pressure, and Atretes' hair hung over his eyes and the collar that now passed as his helmet. He propped himself up with his left arm and let out a grunt of pain as the joint shifted unnaturally. Atretes looked to the protruding ball of the join, and his brows knit together. He knelt down on the fallen rock beneath him and hissed when he relocated his shoulder. He gave the appendage a careful turn and his shoulder a ginger roll. He would be fine, he hoped. He would need to be.

The Knight Commander rose to stand fully, and slid his way down the gravelly slope of rubble to come to the surface of the courtyard that the cordon resided in, and he looked to Jorus, and the family that just broke the barrier between danger in a war zone and safety deeper in their city. He spoke up.

"Would you like a more thorough search? There may be more stragglers hiding in the area, though I don't know it." he said, the pain from his shoulder worming its way into his toned by drawing out a few vowels slightly, and giving his voice a nearly raspy undertone.
LOCATION: Theed - breach point cordon
Opponents:[member="Atretes Rhoujen"], 60-80 Knights Obsidian, 70-90 other ASA troops
Allies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"], Theed defense forces, Omega Protectorate Forcewielders

As Rhoujen moved off to keep his word, Jorus turned off the voicecaster and answered his comm. Sarge's taciturn presence flooded through, and Jorus' eyes narrowed, tracking the armored kid.

"Think I've got this lot handled." He described the location of the breach to Sarge. "Looks like maybe seventy Forcers, maybe a hundred soldiers. We've got a solid cordon, they're going nowhere, they're just evaccing our civilians now, fun's about to start. There's also someone outside the walls running battle meditation, I'm told." Imperturbable, he watched the building come down. "Your call, bro. Do what you do."

The kid pulled himself out of the rubble over the course of a couple minutes, as cops ushered the civvies out of the cordon. Jorus watched throughout, at one point swapping out the yellow-and-blue shell for one marked with a pale blue. When Rhoujen reset his shoulder and spoke, Jorus raised the voicecaster to his mouth again.

"That's acceptable. You need a minute?"

He didn't go in much for inflection these days, he'd found, or maybe that was the impression of the moment. Either way, what could have been good form probably came off as something closer to emotionless, deadpan condescension, and he didn't feel like correcting it. What needed doing had been done, the kid had injured himself in the process -- he could almost regret the blue shell he'd just loaded.
Location: Theed - Leaving Palace, headed to Breach
Allies: [member="Aaralyn Rekali"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], 100 Inquisition soldiers, Other local forces
Enemies: [member="Atretes Rhoujen"], 60-80 Knights Obsidian, 70-90 other ASA troops

"Rejoice, for we have returned and your days are at an end."
Walking out into the rain, Sarge gave a frown as his optics began to swim, liquid coursing across them as his men followed him out. Their orange lenses shown through the weather's haze, scanning and tracking like a great platoon of combat droids. But they weren't droids. They were people. Just like droids, however, they would be utterly ruthless in the completion of their objectives.

In this case, they were following their Lord onto the battlefield.

Behind them, or perhaps in front were she quicker than their armored forms, strode the Sword of the Jedi - provided she had taken what was undoubtedly a Cater assignment to heart. This was just like his old friend. Send someone along to make sure the trouble he made and fixed wasn't too damning. Too violent. Too... uncouth.

But invariably Sarge managed to keep all of that out of the equation. For him, combat was a sacred rite. An anvil upon which impurities could be expunged and perfection achieved. There was an almost religious quality to the experience, and he bathed himself in it like a veteran did a hot shower after months in the field.

Striding with purpose for the first time in a long time, his phrik staff made a staccato echo as it bounced off of flagstones. Where his men moved in shadows and cover, he strode like a god of war, unafraid and without hesitation.

This city was a piece of art. Every buttress and arch an act of love carried out by a proud citizen of not only Naboo, but the Protectorate. That thought had caused his chest to swell with no small amount of pride. He had been here when the world had been brought in.

He'd been there when more than half the worlds had been brought in.

Where Jorus was a household name among the spacers and starlane bums, common folk and underworld... Sarge moved in a wholly different circle. He had been a symbol for those in the Protectorate. A patriotic soldier with one goal in mind - the betterment of his nation.

Sure, he had done any number of questionable things in his tenure as the Lady Protector's bodyguard; a job of no little irony. Especially since the worst thing he'd ever done was to shoot the very woman he was meant to protect. Yet, somehow, that had seemed to solidify his reputation as a reliable, if ruthless, warhorse for the Protectorate.

And that old warhorse had many more rides left in him. Breaching Jorus' well devised and properly maintained cordon, Sarge strode up onto the walkway, his massive two and a half meter form obscured by wind and rain. His halberd slammed down onto the stone, echoing across the nearby buildings. Optics of ice blue fire stared down with contempt.

He was twice as wide as the bum he stood beside, and every bit as deliberate. He spoke nary a word, but in the moments following figures began to appear alongside, below and even above. Hazy figures in dark armor, bright orange lenses denoting their locations, positions chosen with expert precision and care.

These weren't your normal troops, and the man leading them was no normal commander. "Jorus. We will push them from this city. Then I will rend their commanders body in two." His distorted, mechanical voice brokered no compromise on that part.

In Sarge's typical manner, he was stubborn and without ability to be swayed from his goal. But if anyone were to be able to do it, it would be his old friend Jorus. An odd pair, for sure, but for every man of arrogance there need be one of modesty.

And perhaps, in that way, they weren't such an odd pair after all.


here for your dad
LOCATION: Otoh Gunga
ALLIES: Abrion Systems Authority, [member="Rahvin Talith"], [member="General Mayhem"]
ENEMIES: Omega Protectorate, [member="Ghorumgash Khazund-Veranum"]
OBJECTIVE: Pull off the wet look.

The swimming was coming to an end.

Thank goodness for that, Ilyena thought, if she spent anymore time scrutinising her own personality and possible genetic attributes from her awful mothers then the young woman might have physically imploded. Of course, on the surface of things she appeared to be just swimming away, with naught but a slight frown upon her features.

Couldn't give away the game now, could we? Couldn't let the world know that Ilyena Talith, daughter of legacy was experiencing a touch of self doubt!

The frown remained as she eventually joined her brother upon the other side of the energy field, for the Talith twins this state of facial being was a pretty ordinary occurrence. They weren't ones for open displays of happiness, they could have been presented the galaxy on the platter and at most Ilyena might have smirked but old stone face would have remained in his typical solid state. You couldn't blame him, his upbringing was short and full of neglect. Conceal. Don't feel.

Feet touched upon solid ground once more and her rebreather was pocketed for later convenience.

“War is awful lot more relaxing than I thought it would be,” she mused, wringing out the swamp water from her ponytail, nobody wants cold drips down the back after all. A curt nod was granted to Rahvin, “After you, brother.”


The Renegade
Location: Theed Palace Tower
Alongside: [member="Feena Mason"] [member="Vorhi Alestrani"]

Keter nodded at the blind force warrior, stepping into the chamber. "Landings are going on around the city. Beyond that, I do not know. The defences seem to be holding, but I was...preoccupied during my approach," he said to Vorhi, shooting him a dark look at his levity, before remembering himself. This man had kept Feena safe whilst she had been away, and had been doing this kind of things far longer than him. Plus Keter would normally have been partaking in humour as well, except this time his family was too close to the frontlines.

He could see his wife, shouldering the wieght of a world on her shoulders. Again. For the first time since reaching the system he let a smile grace his face as he approached her, stopping an arm's reach away. Battle meditation. Interesting. Feena had never mentioned that particular skill to him. But the Queen was entitled to have her secrets, even from him."Of course, Feefee," he started, looking her in the face. "How could I not?"
Location: The Tower in the Place in City on Planet in the Hole of the Bottom of OP Space.

Allies: Lovesick kids ([member="Feena Mason"] [member="Keter"] ) and a bunch of guards.

Enemies: Probably some assassins. Yeah, that.

Objective: Nobody gets assassinated.

He nodded to Keter, still tranquil as usual. He seemed a bit more unfazed, but noticed Keter's slight grimness. "I apologize if I seem a bit complacent about this situation," he said calmly. "But the thing is, Keter, my calmness, my tranquility, is how I deal with this sort of thing. So, forgive a strange man his strange habits before a battle," he said affably, sipping his tea. He was prepared to take a swing whenever necessary, but he wouldn't stop being casual until the fight began. Lax in peace, unshakeable in battle. That was how the brethren of Bonduki fought. How the Seala Kasi would fight. And today, it was how he would fight.

He smiled softly. "You two really do love each other. Even if you are both fething nuts, you really matter to each other. Have to say, that's a good rare thing around here," he said with a smile. "However, love's a potent force--contained within it is the power to accomplish quite a bit. Let love and hope aid us all," he said resolutely.

Lira Dajenn

LOCATION: Otoh Gunga
ALLIES: Abrion Systems Authority, [member="Ilyena Talith"], [member="General Mayhem"]
ENEMIES: Omega Protectorate, [member="Ghorumgash Khazund-Veranum"]
OBJECTIVE: Pull off the wet look.

Rahvin only frowned to his sister, but didn't anything. He moved quietly, his feet somehow not making any squeaky or squishing wet noises as he moved through the city, perhaps the floor was designed for that. The pair moved quickly, on the outskirts of the underwater city, for the first few minutes they encountered nothing, no people, no gungans, no droids, nothing.

Then, they turned a corner.

As soon as Rahvin turned the corner he saw what could only be disguised as a Gungan Army. More than a dozen amphibian warriors carrying Electropoles. The Blonde man stopped in his tracks, throwing up a hand to stop his sister in her place. The twins stared at their Gungan opponents for a moment, just as surprised to see them, as they were to see the two of them.

“Boo.” Rahvin suddenly said as his off-hand lanced up. The force enveloped one of the gungans, and a loud snapping noise could be heard as his neck broke.

Then the fighting began.
In the midst of the battle, standing beside the two droids, Una felt a strange sense of confidence work its way through her body. Here on what once was a beautiful, popular planet the blood of many innocent people spilled. It would ruin what Naboo once was. Despite the thousands around her dying Una felt safe. As long as she was beside Gravy, she would be. Una turned her body to say something and in that instant panic coursed its way through her body. The large explosion sent sharp metal debris pinging around their area of the field. It sent her flying backward toward the floor. A shard of metal sliced its way through the flesh on her cheek. Though it wasn't too big or life threatening in any way, it stung like crazy. Often people said the smaller wounds hurt the most. She could barely feel the deep gash in her side now.

Panic struck her body as she struggled to stand from the floor. Where was Gravy? Where were the droids?

A strange tingle went down the back of her spine. In the second it took her to turn around, the blur of a saber was swinging toward her side. She reacted instantly, paring it away with her own. The oncoming attacks from the defender were quick and merciless, but Una was quicker. Though she was concentrating fully on the battle, the cogs in her head were working double time. Attack, block, duck, attack. Would she ever see Gravy again? Was he even alive right now? Block, duck, attack. Would she make it out of this alive? How would she manage to kill this man on her own? Could she even take a life? Block, attack, duck. Suddenly, she was transported back to Roon. Her legs felt like jelly as she raised her blade to stop his from slicing through her shoulder. But behind all that mental strain, behind the possibility of an oncoming panic attack, something else was growing. An anger she harbored for her lack of faith in herself. And that same familiar thirst as her mind painted pictures of the hole that cut through the Kalak's body. In an instant, she felt the force flow through her body and toward her hand. That same blue shine coated her skin as she reached out to grab the saber that sliced at her already injured waist. It felt like her hand curled around thin air, but she knew it was there, she felt the energy rippling through her body. Her feet moved quickly, thrusting the saber upward toward the attacker. With no defense, he was helpless and she could see it in his eyes as the saber pierced his neck.

The sickening smell of flesh and smoke filled her nostrils. She had to find Gravy. Pivoting on her feet she took confident strides across the battlefield, that eventually turned into a full speed run. In the midst of the battlefield she could make out the huge piles of scrap metal that once held the key to her survival. And there was Gravy. The best thing that had happened to her since this whole ordeal started. But he was injured. That familiar crimson red was pouring from a hole in his arm. She had to get them out of here. The city walls lay just up ahead. There was nothing for it. The force filled her body again, spreading out over ever muscle and fiber of her being. In one quick flash, she released the pent up energy in the direction of Gravy. Her body shot double time toward him.

"Gravy!" Una wasn't just heading toward him, she was heading straight at him... and she hadn't quite figured out how to stop yet.

[member="Gravesen Conclave"]
[member="Ayden Cater"]

The force push collided with the air born man and found purchase as it knocked him back. An angry grunt left his throat as he landed. Golden eyes burned behind the visor of his helmet as he watched them man. The viridian lightsaber of the Corellian lashed out with precision accuracy seeking the life of the Dark Lord of the One Sith.

Ordo moved quickly as the first strike hit near a joint in his armor. His heavy blade moved to defend, each parry leaving small grooves in his beskad. After the last parry he countered and swung his blade from the left. His powerful arms sought to batter the defense of the other man rather than surpass it. His swings were not as quick or as many while attacking but force enhanced strength combined with his weight and size made each one a a potential death strike. He aimed for the man's shoulder hoping to batter his guard to oblivion so he could take the man's life and end the battle here.
The Eternal Queen
Location: palace, tower
Allies: OP, love and friendship
objective: battle meditation

The Queen didn't open her eyes to look at her husband. She didn't need to. His presence was enough. It gave her such strength. Vorhi had it right. Love was powerful. More powerful than hate. A better motivator for certain. The queen had tried both during her life. Hate. Love. She preferred this.

"Keter," she said. In a slow, hushed voice, "come closer. Hold me."

If just being this close to him did this much, She wondered what touching him would do.
It was sentimental. It was so pathetically childish, trusting so much in something so abstract as love. It was like one of those cheesy romance plays. The ones where love wins the day. For Feena, this silly idea was something she would have never once considered. But now that she was here, now that she could feel the physical effect it was having, now that she knew there was actually something to that, well...
besides it all, if this was going to be the final act, She was going to go out with this feeling in her heart.

[member="Keter"] [member="Vorhi Alestrani"]


Well-Known Member
ALLIES: ASA FORCES [ [member="Salem Norongachi"] // [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] // etc. ]
ENEMIES: OP AND AFFILIATES [ [member="Jorus Merrill"] // [member="Sarge Potteiger"] // etc. ]

The two who generated the Storm, tucked away into a battlement to recover, rose and looked out over the battlefield. The ferocity of the storm had abated, but the purpose of it was holding strong. Make the battlefield difficult to see, make the anti-air less effective. The pair felt that their Commander needed an edge, however. While he warily checked the buildings within the Cordon, they fell to their knees in a meditative state. Safe enough and unseen behind closed doors and walls, they relinked their power and fell into a trance of immersion within the all-encompassing Force. With slow, even breaths, they meditated upon the current Storm, and the Coming Storm. The one who manipulated the environment drew the clouds tighter, expanded their range, filled the whole of Theed with black cover. The denser clouds brought heavier rains, the greater area brought more room for winds, and small cyclones developed in pockets. Short durations of swirling that confused and disoriented those who got trapped within. The Storm grew wilder, and the one who knew the power of lightning felt the netting of sparks that flashed and licked through the clouds, and deepened their power, giving them a tether into the Force through himself. With a more direct link, nearly a conduit, the lightning fed, and fed, the greedy power that it was, until the flashes were nearly blinding, and bolts rained down with more frequency. The crash and boom of thunder cracked through the air every few seconds. One of the Obsidians keeping lookout on the area went to check on the pair, and found them meditating. With simple logic, she figured out what they were doing, and she entered the chamber. She knelt between them and laid her hands on the two, and added her own fuel to the fire. Pure focus upon sustaining, rather than developing and shaping, the Storm, that gave a deeper permanency and allowed the two manipulators to bend their creation to their will. The trio's powers combined, they were ready to see if the Protectorate could weather the Storm.

Down below, the Knight Commander had finished checking the buildings and corners. While he felt that the Protectorate was stalling for time the same as Druckenwell, he was sincere in his desire to see no non-military deaths. The deaths of innocents did not bring honour, only sorrow. A few more stray children or foolhardy men were sent off to join the first family, and some guards who surrendered and were merely waiting for the battle to end were also sent away. Atretes stepped out from an alley and saw the massive man standing beside Jorus, and he felt his mouth twitch with anxiety. While he didn't know this second man and his party, they looked imposing and intimidating, and that was enough for him. He barely heard a second voice over the growing torrent, but his senses were screaming at him that this was possibly the most dangerous scenario he'd been involved in. He stalked to the side like an anxious predator, and his gaze flicked across the held line. There had to be a way to make the battle more confusing... he unclipped an ear communicator from his belt and brushed it under his flattened-down, wet hair to sink into his left ear where it stayed nestled. He flicked it on with a finger and switched to the appropriate channel by reflex of making that same motion several times, and he muttered into the air,

"Draw the line closer, bring their troops further in. When this goes south, I want you Knights to execute manoeuvre Senth-Forn-Resh." his voice wouldn't carry far in this rain and thunder, but he was certain his soldiers and Obsidians heard him. Satisfied that the conversation between Captain Merrill and the Stranger was complete, and watching his soldiers withdraw, slowly, and the Protectorate forces advance in what they thought was their closing victory, Rhoujen looked up to the walkway and called out.

"I've found your civilians, Captain Merril," his shouting above the rain near made him sound hostile, "Now what are your plans?" he was subconsciously afraid to know what would come next, but he kept up appearances. If this went as he hoped, things might not be as bad as he feared. It certainly would not be easy, but it wouldn't mean death either.
Location: Theed, Sitting on a roof overseeing the breach
Allies: OP
Enemies: ASA

"This... is slow." His eyes watched as fighting continued, looking for someone who would be worth the challenge and curious if he knew any of them from when he was a templar, he probably didn't though. You tend to forget the names and faces of those that you really don't care for that much and this was one such situation as he overwatched the breach from a distance, waiting to see just who came though the hole in the defenses.

Location: Theed Walls/ Killzone
Allies: ASA [member="Una Gal"] [member="Salem Norongachi"] @Anyone near Salem
Enemies: @Anyone defending Theed [member="Talon Vosra"]


Gravesen knit his brow in frustration as he wrapped the still bleeding wound on his arm. The faint shade of crimson seeped through the bandages, and served to remind the Harbinger just how unlucky he had been.

It was now or never to break through Theed's wall.

He looked in every direction at his comrades; at the Gungan army that charged blindly into the crosshairs of their guns. The slightest ghost of a smile found its way upon his lips, and despite the pain, he found some sense of optimism in that.

If the Gungans were charging now, they would surely be reduced as any kind of fighting force. In other words, they would cease to post a threat.

The Rattataki waved over two men in the customary Mark-IV armor that the ASA employed.

"Mhm?" The first man grumbled. The second remained silent, and took cover behind a tank whose guns had failed.

"My name is Gravesen, and I'm with the Architects. Do you have any detonite?"

"Nekovitch." The man grunted and motioned toward himself with a thumb. "And we have so-"

"We have a few pounds. There's a pile near the center of the circle. Scavenged it off the dead. I'm Jarek." The second perked up. Nekovitch nodded in agreement.

"And this tank still runs?" Gravesen asked.

It'll move but it ain't shooting anything. Turrets are shot to hell.

[/i]" Having an idea?"[/i] Jarek added quickly.

Gravesen gave a short nod, and motioned toward the center of the holdout. "It'll make for a lovely battering ram. Grab what spare detonite you can, and we'll break the main force through."

The two men remained silent for a moment; their expressions hidden behind their helmets. Then, wordlessly, they broke into a jog toward the location where all the supplies had been stores. They understood.

Gravesen turned to try and find Una when..well, she found him. The girl slammed into him, and made him stumble back. His feet dug into the muddy ground, and his hands came up to hold her steady when she came to a stop.

There they stood, for the moment. Explosions reverberated through the sky and flames scorched Naboo's skin. Guns boomed, men died, and Gravesen just held the Jedi, and relished it.

The sound of a man's legs being ripped from his chest by shrapnel a few paces away drew Gravesen out of his reverie. He set his hands on Una's arms, and met her gaze.

"We're going to detonate one of the tanks on the side of the wall. Then, we'll win this." He assured. "I'm fine, its nothing that will take my arm off." He added quickly, nodding toward the bandages wrapped around his arm.

"Are you okay?"



Victory is mine!
Location: City Outskirts w/ Talon Vosra
Allies: OP, Jedi
Enemies: ASA, Sith, [member="Luna Vega"]
Objective: Help is on the way!!!

Viper ran down to join the close to 200 men [member="Corvus Raaf"] had rallied. Turning back to Corvus, he yelled. "You get the wounded. We'll help hold the line!" With that, he turned to his recruits. "Brothers!" He yelled as he activated his saber and held it above his head. "For your lands!... For your homes!... For your sweethearts!... For your wives!... FOR NABOO!" He clickly turned on his heels and faced the enemy closing in on Talon Vosra . "CHAAAAAAARGE!" Viper shot forward screaming his battle cry and waving his saber in the air as a beacon for those that had chosen to also fight for their homes. Quickly they closed the distance to where Talon was fighting. His men, what was left of them were looking weary. Even despite Feena's battle meditation. There spirits soon picked up when they saw almost 200 men and woman charging into the frey to assist their brothers in arms.

Smoke from the blast not far behind the enemy had begun to cast a dimming shadow over the area. What the enemy ASA troops would see as Viper and his men reached the crest was seemingly hundreds of heads suddenly appearing over the wall. But coming no further.

The area quickly erupted in a show of laser blasts as OP reinforcements poured in a deadly and devastating barrage into their lines. The absence of their heavy spider droids, and their own reinforcements not coming thanks to the arrival of the Gungans was only compounding the damage now being done.

"Sorry, we're late." He yelled to Talon as he picked up a large chunk of rubble with the force and lobbed it at a group that appeared to be taking aim at them.

It was then he noticed all of the reinforcements coming their way. His heart sank as he realized they would not be able to hold for very long. Not with what they had there. He dearly wanted to know where these endless supplies of reinforcements kept coming from. Apparently ASA had men to attack Theed, Otoh Gunga, and the Gungan army outside the city. Despite the massive losses they took just getting to the surface, and having to face entrenched positions while out on open ground. To him it looked like they must have brought a million men at least to this fight. Was that even possible? He didn't know. Apparently it was.

"Talon! I'll try and find more men as soon as I get the wounded out of here. May the force be with you!" The words no sooner had come out of his mouth, when his body surged forward causing him to lose his footing and fall. A sharp pain racked his side, causing him to move his hand there and put pressure. Looking down, he saw his robes turning red. "Ah fek...that's what I get for not paying attention..."
Location: Gungan city
Objective: infiltration

Raziel's deeds were virtually unheard of. His was not a household name. That was as he wished it. The gungan sentry was unaware of him, even as he rushed across the floor with careful heel-toe steps. As it was for so many, the first time Raziel entered his awareness was the last time he perceived anything.

The tiny splinter knife entered under the armpit, holding fast. The micron long shards embedded into the flesh. The gungan barely whelped as the fast-acting poison paralysed his lungs. Raziel dragged the body to the side, leaving the gungan to his death. Raziel tried to close off his mind to the dying creature's hysteria. Such an unpleasant poison, but it silenced faster than it killed so was dreadfully useful.

He avoided the gungan's expression, particularly it's eyes as he turned back to his path. Those fears would stay with him forever, damn his empathic senses.

He flicked a switch on his forearm. His hand immediately changed from an adaptive camouflage to a pale orange. He gave a quick hand signal and the squad moved forwards. Another handy use for the adaptive camo suit when running on EM-silence.
Location: ASA Encampment
Objective: Defend the LZ.

The perimeter had been established. Machine Gun nests had been set up and manned. The very same men now looked into the shimmering shield that covered the Gungan Army at their rear. The massive beasts that carried the shield generators bellowed at the sound of the war horns and moved with the green skinned troops as they advanced. The gunners all along the back line of the encampment waited....and waited....the gungans coming closer and closer. The Sergeant standing behind them looked out at the alien army, beating their shields so confident in their ability to repel whatever hellish energy the invaders could throw at them.

Except the CZ-837 Light Machine Gun were solid slug in nature.

Closer and closer, meter by meter and then...

"Bring down the Fambaas!" The Sergeant screamed to the gunners and the rear of the encampment became noise and light, muzzle flashes sending rounds through the shields of the Gungans. The great beasts of burden that brought the shield into the fray cried out in pain as their skin was ripped and torn by penetrating rounds. Blood gushed from them, spilling down onto the Gungan soldiers below who could only watch as the first, then the second of their Fambaas' succumbed to enemy fire. They fell, these innocent creatures who's only crime had been their slavery to archaic Gungan tradition. The shield fell, the generators crashing and exploding as the great weight of the Fambaas hit the solid earth.

Fire teams now leveled their weapons, two heavy tanks had positioned themselves to face the Gungan advance, and three Anti-Infantry Walkers towered over them all. The Sergeant wondered why they hadn't waited until they had assaulted Theed. As it stood right now it was much the same as the Cavalry charge, poor timing and a lack of patience on their commanders part. You almost had to feel sorry for them, these brave savages.

"Mow em down..." The Sergeant commanded and his men obliged. The machine guns cut through unarmoured Gungan's, their shields were of little use. The velocity and the nature of the rounds shredding them made them defunct for defense. The gunners didn't even count as body after body fell, something inside them told them this was wrong, a twisting feeling in their gut. These weren't their enemies, these were simple creatures who hadn't advanced in nearly one thousand years. And yet they still kept firing, and then the tanks joined as well. Their main cannons scattering dozens of Gungans, pitching them into the air with the force of impact. The Infantry walkers with their greater height cut down the ranks behind those that the machine guns were decimating. The confusion, the panic, how many dead now? What could they do? They were still six-hundred meters out, they had no weapons to retaliate with!

So the Gungan spirit broke, those still capable turning away from the reaper and scattering back toward the treeline. The Sergeant called for his men to ceasefire. The guns falling silent and after the noise of the firefight the cries of the wounded, on the field of death before them, seemed small and a world away.

"Get me some Medics up here!" A few moments later two teams arrived, slipping over the low durasteel wall that surrounded the base they moved through the sea of Gungan bodies to see what little they could do.

Location: Theed Outskirts
Objective: Demonstrate Situational Awareness
Enemies: Concussion, [member="VlPER"] and [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Allies: [member="Gravesen Conclave"] [member="Steph Zenima"] [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] [member="Una Gal"]

The Spider Droids were whole when last he saw them but that had been before honed senses had screamed at him to move, to get away, and so he had. Instinct was powerful, even before his higher brain really knew what was going on he'd launched himself backwards at speed, rising up and then flipping back toward the ground. It was then the missile hit, the blast wave catching him as he fell and sending him tumbling toward the hard earth with less grace than he had originally intended.

He rolled with the momentum and found a knee, looking out toward the ship that had, inexplicably, landed among the reforming ranks of the scattered soldiers, walkers, tanks and droids. Scattered or not, as soon as that ship begun its descent the guns trained upon it. Heavy cannons of tanks, the lighter repeating blasters of the anti-infantry walkers waiting. Almost patiently, for the ramp to open. They were now unmolested, the pilot of the ship having placed himself in the mix and thus no artillery could be risked on the area.

As soon as the ramp opened, a friendly greeting of unadulterated firepower lanced into the gap. Soldiers from the Protectorate, which couldn't have numbered more than twenty given the size of the ship, were ripped to bits. Some managed to dive off the ramp behind falling comrades out of the murder hole but they only found themselves caught in the heavy cannon fire of the MBT's that had trained themselves on the ship. With no pilot at the helm, no shields active or anyone to mount any weapons it might have, it soon found its hull coming off in blasted waves of twisted and slagged metal.

The dark helm of the Lord Marshall found a shining light on the battlefield and just said "Fuck it." Jumped on a rainbow unicorn and flew off to Narnia. The Jedi had gotten past the laser wall that assailed his ship and was now engaging their forces. Then they all ran away toward where [member="Talon Vosra"] was fighting [member="Luna Vega"]. This left Salem Norongachi confused, but it was outweighed by the sheer glee the 8000 men, the eighty or so walkers and tanks and their commanding officers felt while bringing everything they had to bear upon the backs of the Protectorate forces.

The troops were now in a semi-professional order. Walkers lumbering into position while soldiers took up firing positions behind wreckage and debris that littered the area. Norongachi moved toward the fore of this new front, well aware that Atretes Rhoujen had breached the walls of Theed, such was their connection as Master and Apprentice. The blade in his hand ignited, the Force drawn into the core of his being as he exerted his control upon it and green eyes looked out at the semi-concealed line of the outnumbered and outgunned Protectorate ahead.

"Destroy them..."

The whole place became a firefight. Protectorate and Authority soldiers exchanging fire across the distance, the longer ranged tanks throwing high powered laser fire onto their positions as their repulsors kicked them forward, a line of twenty moving across the open ground at speed, intent to smash through the defenders. While Walkers pushed forward behind them. Norongachi swung himself up onto an advancing tank, gripping a hand rail upon its side and saving what strength he had until they were right on top of the Protectorate forces.


The Renegade
Location: Theed Tower
Allies: [member="Vorhi Alestrani"] [member="Feena Mason"]
Objective: Level up at Intimacy 5

Keter opened his mouth, then reconsidered. Now wasn't the time to be a smartass. He just chuckled at Vorhi instead and shook his head. " blunt. Couldn't you see the subtext?" he remarked easily, smiling at his wife's protector. "You need to relax more. Drink something stronger than that tea," he commented, moving over to his wife. She wanted to concentrate, so he was somewhat unsure how to do this. Eventually he settled on kneeling behind her, embracing her midsection and resting is chin on her shoulder, resistng the urge to kiss her. Not the time nor the place, no matter the relief he was feeling at finding her safe and sound. "As you wish...Queen," he whispered into her ear.


Victory is mine!
Location: Pulling back to field hospital, somewhere
Allies: OP, Jedi
Enemies: ASA, Sith
Objective: Survive

Clutching his side,he ran back into his battered ship. "Corvus! We are leaving! Secure what wounded there are. We don't have anymore time." Looking at the controls he wondered what in the world happened for his shields to have been shut off remotely by the enemy randomly turned off on there own. "Thank god the ship was heavily armored. Though even that was quickly failing." He thought as he saw another chunk blown away through the wall that seems to have disintegrated as well.

Powering up his ship. The shields returned and took the force of the incoming fire. Viper waited just long enough for Corvus to return and not a moment longer before lifting off. As he flew up and out of range of the enemy guns, it was then he noticed the weather and how it too had suddenly seemed to turn against them. Scanning his instrument he looked at what he had left. "Shields 1%. Great useless. Weapons Offline...all of them. Fantastic. Hull integrity. Breach in comm room above, and right cargo hold. Well at least they can be sealed off."

He let out a disgusted sigh as he saw his wound. Yet another annoyance he'd have to tend too. "Corvus." He called. "Report please." He waited as he searched for the nearest field hospital.
Time seemed to almost slow for her. She was up in the air, leaping like some wild cat in a dirty blue dress. Her hands were outstretched, pretty freckled face contorted with rage. She was going to grab her face and rip her eyes out. She was keeping her from protecting her people. She was in her way. She was here to hurt Naboo.
Felicity was not going to let it happen.
Unfortunately, she did not expect the net launcher to reload so quickly. The moment she realized it, it was already too late. She fell on top of the Maid, wrapped in a net. She screamed in rage and pain, ripping at the net with her hands.

"You'll pay for this! When I get out of this, you're going down! You better hope my Daddy doesn't get to you first! He'll rip your skin off and feed it to the droids! He'll-"

But before she could throw out any more useless threats, the sedative hit her and she went limp and silent. Little did she know, Felicity was prepared for this. The moment she had escaped, she'd known capture was possible. This woman had no idea just what lengths this Queens daughter would go just to not have to change schools again.

[member="Ikki Ike"]

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