Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Into Hell, We March (Authority Invasion of Naboo)

Talon Vosra

Location: Theed AA emplacement
Objective: Jedi Stud stuff
Ally: [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] (cuz he be homies now yo)
Enemies: [member="Salem Norongachi"] and his droid killing ways!

Talon sat in the seat of a large AA gun emplacement as he listened to [member="Ayden Cater"] over the comm giving fleet orders.

"All right people." he said over his shoulder, "we may have incoming keep your eyes on the skies and ready the defenses."

Talon slid his chair around and gripped the turret controls as he began dialing in the settings. He hoped they could keep as many out of the city as possible but his hopes rarely got farther than his head.
His breath was the only sound to accompany him, his heart beat slow and rhythmic. He could feel every cell in his body tremor, they could feel it. The calling, their purpose about to be fulfilled once again. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting his mind become steel, become as unbreakable as the body Palpatine had created.

Then [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] was with him. Not simply there, but there. The scorching essence that was her soul meshing with his own, in the confines of a place that no war would ever touch. The song, that song of war, the sonnet. It awoke the beast, the creature, that indomitable monster that he could only barely control. It rose from its slumber, an ethereal eye gazing out into the world beyond and it smiled. They were right where they were created to be.

A call through his helms com, forced his eyes open. [member="General Mayhem"] spoke and Norongachi responded coolly. "Crush them under steel and fire, General." The line went dead and then the chant started. The chant that rose up and took hold of the transport like a plague. It set his skin to tingle, brought the hairs on his neck to stand on end with anticipation.

If he did die this day, then he knew that [member="Atretes Rhoujen"] could follow the path he had laid out before them.
Irys looked at the forces arranged against her. Looked like the Protectorate had garnered enough intelligence to realise that they were coming. A mighty fleet was arrayed before them, and a large number of heavily armed defensive stations.

It was a heavy fleet, built around a core of Star Destroyers. Her own was comprised of a large number of cruisers and frigates built for a variety of roles. The Contention-class heavy cruisers and Sev’rance-class frigates formed her own core, with heavier vessels added to the mix.

They were broken down into formations. There was no way she could control the whole fleet by herself, instead she saw the fleet as individual units that had their own properties. The hierarchy of command was such that she could present orders to each unit, and their own commanders were work out the best way to fulfil their goals.

Her lack of heavy vessels was going to make landing difficult, but she had one last trick up the sleeve. The New Order and Horde fleets brought by [member=Enigma] had contained a phenomenal variety of classes and types. So many that the ASA could not hope to support them all without shouldering a huge burden in support and maintenance fees.

They had been passed to the ASA military, they would be put to good use today.

There was no warning before the Hypervelocity cannons hit, sensors reported the weapons firing after the slugs had crossed the space between them. One almighty salvo hit the fleet. Even in the depths of the Jupitus’ armoured command centre she felt the impact. Red lights flared across the symbols representing her fleet.

“The ANS Devastator is down sir!” called one of the tactical officers. Irys pulled up her display, looking at an image of the Grevious-class ship whole sections of the vessel were floating adrift. The focussed volley of kinetic energy had been too much for one of the most heavily armoured vessel in her fleet.

“Any survivors?”

“Yes sir, they still have the bridge and life support in sixty percent of the vessel,”

“Order them to prepare for Firestorm Protocol, transfer command of C1,” Irys commanded.

Firestorm involved a skeleton crew being be left being to destroy any comms systems and crypto material, and to sabotage as many key systems as possible. They would be left behind to surrender to the enemy and blow charges to ensure the Protectorate did not get any sensitive information, and that it would be hard to get the ship running again in the event of a retreat.

She looked up at the display, a FLEETCOM station hovered over Theed. She chose the formation of three stations nearest to that. Marking it on her display.

“I want the ion-pulse cannon to fire on that Uldyr station. All long range batteries for on that section of the enemy fleet. Let’s punch a hole!”

Her combined fleet had the equivalent of two hundred and fifty long range batteries. They weren’t going to take a complete loss in the long range exchange. Steaks of blue and green bolts lanced out from her own fleet, with any luck starting to open up the gap.

The fleet accelerated forwards, as per the plan. Thousands of fighters were disgorged into the fray. A mix of the old droid fighters, and the new TIE’s purchased from Sienar. Droid fighters struggled one on one versus the enemy, but were brilliant at complex formation movements. They swirled around the fleet, ready to try and intercept missiles and even giving the enemy sensors some issues. The droid-manned demilitarised vessels pushed ahead. Already they were falling into place to provide some cover for the heavier vessels being targeted by the enemy, but they were primarily there to ensure boots would get on the ground. The aquatic assault teams were ready to be dropped directly into the oceans by the light carriers, but the ground force would need time to deploy.

The fleet raced on, weathering the storm. So many wouldn’t even join to first charge. The Protectorate had never seen the Ion Pulse Cannon. At least that would give them pause.

“Ion Pulse Cannon firing in three…two…one…”

Irys watched the display, expecting to see the Uldyr station disabled in one blast. Nothing changed.

“Did it miss?”

“Did they take the hit?”

“Capacitors are still full, we haven’t fired!”

“Forcedamnit!” shouted Irys, leaping from her chair and cutting across the chatter. “I want that thing firing in the next minute, we cannot afford this. I want engineering reports to my console every ten seconds! Get some demilitarised vessels and fighters acting as cover screen, we need to fire that weapon!"

Feth. Her ace in the hole, misfiring due to technical problems. Feth a hundred times over!


Rapid Destroyer 2 (RD1, RD2)
Destroyer 3 (D1, D2, D3)
Rapid Cover Screen 3 (RC1, RC2, RC3)
Command 1 (C1)
Patrol 1 (P1)
Planetary assault 2 (PA1, PA2)
Carrier Formation 3 (CF1, CF2, CF3)
Super Heavy 1 (SH1)

Additional Vessels (counted in 85km):
Monitor 2
Thrawn 2
Interdictine 1
Argente 2

Total Vessels:
Jupitus 1
Lucrehulk 2
Grevious 2
Gunray 1
Tambor 8
Pillar 8
Contentio 15
Argente 6
Scythe 8
Broadside 2
Krell 8
Scintel 8
Sev'rance/a 42
Sev'rance/b 3
Tu/a 25
Tu/b 5
Wodantra 6
Sickle 22
Ventress 12
Monitor 2
Thrawn 2
Interdictine 1

“Operation hide behind New Order junk”
Additional fluff vessels:
Demilitarised Leviathan-class Frigates (400m) 20
Demilitarised New Order/Horde Heavy Cruisers/Cruisers 40

Gunboats (mix of Tikkes and Arcturus) 508
Droid Starfighters 3012
Fighters 288
Elite Fighters 24
Droid Interceptors 1976
Interceptors 242
Droid Bomber 872
Bomber 384

Navy Manifest (ship links)
Capital Ships
Space Stations/SatellitesStar DreadnaughtsCommand ShipsStar DestroyersLight Star DestroyersHeavy CruisersCruisersFrigatesCorvettes
Other Starships
Note: CIS designations are the same as stock, but with CIS communications, command and tactical systems.

Elite StarfightersStarfightersInterceptorBombersGunshipsDrop Pods
  • [url=]Low Altitude Assault Transport/Ambigene
Heavy DropshipsLanding CraftScout Vessels
  • Pending
Patrol CraftPersonal Transports
Into the Breach

"Reversion in 30 seconds!" Came the call, the one they had all been dreading but training took over. C.O's barked for weapons and gear checks and Norongachi, comfortable with following orders as he was giving, checked the thigh holster which held a Woebringer Heavy Blaster Pistol, in the rack by his seat stood another abomination from the genius minds at Blas-Tech Industries, the Harbinger Blaster Rifle. He checked the pouches on his belt, ensuring he had the correct power cells and more importantly, enough to see him through the fight.

A heartbeat, a quiet breath to calm himself, and then every sense he had screamed holy murder. There wasn't time for warning, there wasn't time to alert anyone. The vortex that had been their tunnel into hell itself collapsed and the fleet was transformed. He turned in his seat swiftly, pressing his visor into the small viewport. Watching the inferno of destruction roll toward them. Green eyes flicked to one of the Horde and New Order vessels the Admiral had brought with them. It was whole one second and then shattered the next. Clustered chunks of debris spreading further damage among the smaller, less armoured transports. He saw three, four, five succumb to the reapers call in that first second of realspace. Thousands dead already.

"We're gunning it!!" The ships pilot yelled and the craft lurched into acceleration. The demilitarized cruisers forming up under fire to screen the vital troop carriers from the great bulk of the enemies relentless rebuttal to their intrusion. A staggered formation of similar carriers ships rode in the wake of their selfless droid guardians.

The entire engine section of a cruiser ripped free from its moorings, slicing across their path and three more transports were lost. The pilot sent them into a hasty evasion, cutting hard left that forced the Lord Marshall to grip a handrail. Others were not so lucky, tumbling and colliding with bulkhead and ally alike.

Watching, ever watching, the pilot he had once been and the Master of the Force he was, calculating and predicting destruction from debris and pilot error that claimed more of them for the black. He stood then, gave Anesia a look that she didn't need to see, she'd feel it and then moved toward the front of the ship. Fighting against the turbulent motions of the ship, he barged into the cramped confines of the cockpit. The man seated in the pilots seat was white, his face so drained of colour it might as well have been transparent. Whatever he was doing right now, however he was keeping them whole and on course, was down to fear and instinct and little else.

"You've done enough, soldier." Norongachi spoke placing a gauntlet upon his shoulder. The pilot didn't ask who he was, or why he thought he could do better. Everyone knew that armour, every man loyal to Salem Norongachi recognized it instantly. So they traded places, and Salem let the front of the helm slide back and looked upon the galaxy torn asunder.

"This is the Lord Marshall," He began into the ships com. "Get strapped in and hold on." The Force flowed out before him, it was a better indicator of what lay ahead than any machine and he trusted it. Letting it rule his hands upon the controls of the vessel, jinking them just so at the proper moments but never slowing, never wavering from that spinning world. Another cruiser down, the barrage of energy torpedoes ripping open its skin and breaking its back. The screen began to reform but suddenly the troop ships found enemy fire punching through, protectorate gunners finding the hole and exploiting it. "Come onnnnn you queen!" He roared at the vessel, ripping the control stick right as a wall of green and blue lances slipped into the space where he had been.

Lira Dajenn

[member="Ilyena Talith"]

Rahvin stood inside of a small transport that seemed to duck and weave through enemy turbo-laser and anti-air fire. He stood in place, not strapped in just yet but instead holding onto a piece of rope that hung from the ceiling. He frowned slightly, not quite sure what he was doing here.

Of course he knew what his purpose was, he knew what he was going to be doing, but he was quite unsure why he was doing it. There was something strange about this whole situation, an irony that was not lost on him. His mother, Nemene Talith had been present during the invasion of Eriadu, she had fought against the Protectorate with the Fringe, something that he was now doing. Yet was he not trying to step out of his mothers shadow? Out of both of his mothers shadows? His frown deepened.

He supposed it was the way of the Force.

Rahvin could only control so many aspects of his life, could only do so much to change things. Letting out a breath, the young man accepted his fate. Slowly he sat himself down in one of the empty jump seats, strapping himself into place and looking at one of the Troopers next to him.

He saw fear in those eyes.
Vorhi nodded with a very tranquil, passable sigh. He wondered how nice it must be to have that much hope and trust in others. "Well, if you're going to paint a target on your head by playing the part of grand master, then I suppose I will have to keep you from getting yourself killed," he said with a laugh.

Seriously, he'd been hoping she'd have a more subtle plan than battle meditation. But, at least it was a better plan than anything else. He was certain, this mission was all high-risk insanity. Still, he hoped he could at least protect Feena, or someone, at this point. Maybe he'd have to stop holding back and go full lethal for this one. He hated going full lethal. But, he could.

General Mayhem

Behold my Conquest!
Mayhem would have said a prayer, had she been the believing type. But faith, faith wasn't the prerogative of a droid, even a highly trained one. She board one of the transports in the ship watching as it lumbered to the sky, hopefully drawing some fire. Each Trident-class in the carrier was decently armored, and filled with "eel droids" and a modified "aqua clankers" within. She connected to the mainframe via her Trident droids command module. "Prepare to move! Maintain a scattered formation after your descent, and deploy without mercy! The Gungans will fall before our superior might! We are the droids of ASA, and we shall not fall!"

Mayhem wish she could grin as she saw the ship aim for the atmosphere. The closer they got to the service the better it was. But even getting shot down now would allow for a decent number of survivors. This would be a glorious conquest, a three dimensional assault on the most infamous underwater fortress on a powerful, highly defended planet. This would be truly brilliant.
The Eternal Queen
The Queen laughed. She actually laughed. Vorhi. He wouldn't change. He couldn't change. No matter what he said, he would always be Vorhi.

"You're a good friend," she said, taking one final glance at the hologram on her desk, before she flipped a switch and turned it off. She grabbed the case sitting under her desk, and turned to the door.

"Let's go. Top tower. The highest point in Theed. It's the most difficult spot to get to, and there is a holo in there. I have one final speech to make to my people."

She'd only been in the tower once. Truthfully, she was never very fond of towers. The height thing. Made her nervous. But for once, she was willing to look past that fear. She was going to be brave. People would die today. If they could be brave enough to give themselves to protect this world, then their Queen could give even more than that.

[member="Vorhi Alestrani"]


The Renegade
Location: Orbit
Allies: [member="Feena Mason"], [member="Felicity Mason"]
Enemies: Everyone
Objective: Planetfall

The Inferno Duo wasn't built for speed. It had never been high on Keter's priorities. He preferred a jack-of-all-trades type of craft, and Barnabus had more than delivered. Exactly how he had managed to get his hands on an obsolete Fury class star fighter was something the blond had never managed to learn. The original Inferno was a melted pile of slag on Vjun, though he still missed the creaks and groans of the old ship's superstructure.

Now, now there was nothing in his mind but his old self. It was strange. It had proven as easy as slipping on an old and comfortable mask. Rage, fear, power coursed through him. He had heard about the situation on Naboo. He had known Feena would never leave. She had left her world behind once before. He knew she wouldn't do so again, no matter what.

And in that kind of situation, the onyl place for him was by her side. He was her Knight after all. The blond smiled slightly as his ship dropped from hyperspace, screaming through space. It was time to step back onto the stage. Oh he had missed this! Keter chuckled depsite himself. His family was down there, probably in danger, and here he was losing himself in his performance.

No matter. Only they mattered. His hands danced over the controls, plotting the most direct course to Theed. Of course, there was the small fleet taking up position around the planet, with quite the contingent setup above the capital city, but Keter didn't care. He would not be kept from Feena. Death itself had tried once, and failed.

His red eyes flickered, bringing up memories and images stored in his memory. Feena...tired but proud. Celeste, so young and full of wonder. Felicity...rebellious and stubborn as her parents. Keter laughed slightly. He had never intended to have a family. He had never wanted one. He had been devoted to the memory of his parents and sister, to his homeworld, the rotten boil on space known as Hutta.

But then there was Feena, and nothing else mattered. His passions, his anger, his fears - all had cooled around the woman. He had found himself keeping an eye on her, enjoying their time together. He had fallen hard for her in the end, though he never acted on it. And then she had come to him, her friend, for help. And he had given it, and she had decided that he was more than a friend. Keter still didn't know how that had exactly come about, but it had.

And he had no regrets. But if he didn't reach Theed in time, he would carry a burning regret in his heart for the rest of his life.

The old SIth ship spun through space, a Knight at the helm seeking his Queen.
Location: Orbit
Objective: Assess military force/make it planetside.

Time to go.

The Ge'hutuun dropped out of hyperspace unceremoniously behind the rest of the ASA fleet. Gravesen stood calm and collected as the relative sea of colorful death flew up toward the other ships entering the system. The Architects worked well to make the ship seem harmless, though it would no doubt be fired upon. The Rattataki parted his lips to give some kind of amused laugh at Una's antics, but any semblance of humor in his voice or expression was lost when they exited hyperspace.

"Una." He murmured. "I've fought by your side before, and I'm happy to have you with me again. I'm going planetside with Norongachi. I need to earn his trust, and the galaxy needs to see the underdogs win here. Otherwise, we'll have to find a new group to bring about what is necessary....and I would prefer not to do that." He continued. "If you want to stay aboard and help the Monitor keep the Ge'hutuun away from the fighting, I would appreciate it. If you would join me in the assault, I would also appreciate it."

All of this was said while the girl's hands were over his eyes. The Architect he had spoken to before lifted up to its full two meter size, and flashed a bright green light. "Your transport is ready. [member="Zeer Delos"] will be waiting for you. We wish you well."

With that, the droid-not-droid lowered down to its smaller stature and scuttled off to a nearby terminal. Gravesen turned to face Una, cracked the slightest ghost of a smile, and turned toward the corridor leading to his transport. "Its your choice."

And with that final word, a possible parting and an invitation all at once, Gravesen marched on down toward his transport. It would take a bit of luck to make it through in one piece, but he would be there when Salem took Theed...or when Theed took Salem.

"Prove to me we made the right choice [member="Salem Norongachi"]."

[member="Una Gal"]
Una had never seen so many architects on one ship before. Then again, she had never seen an architect. Her fingers remained pressed to his eyes as he spoke. Her nose crinkled at the bridge. Having only known him for a few weeks, she was having trouble figuring out his personality. He was so emotionless at times. As he spoke a soft smile caught the corners of her mouth. A compliment was a compliment, in whatever form it was given. She pondered for a moment as someone else piped up. She had never been involved a war before and she wasn't too certain whether or not the Silver Jedi would be on board with that or not. So many innocent people would die. She cringed at the thought. On the other hand, she couldn't bare leaving him to go alone. Her mind wondered off to their first meeting on Roon. The two had fought so well together.

His weight shifted in her hands and they fell a few centimeters to rest on his shoulders. The mere trace of a smile on his face made her blush. The rose color spread from her cheeks to the tip of her nose. He did look handsome when he smiled, even if it wasn't a proper one. Quickly retracting her hands, she watched him walk toward the transport. Una hesitated, if only for a moment. She hoped the decision she was making was the right one.

"Hey Gravy, wait up!"

[member="Gravesen Conclave"]
Also Into The Breach? Yeah.

Gravesen stepped aboard the single LAAT/A that happened to be operable in the Ge'hutuun's hanger. there was nothing utterly special about it; save for its older chassis. This shuttle, alongside the handful of transports the ASA had breaking through the atmosphere would attempt to level Theed. He ran his fingers over the familiar interior of the old dropship. It would do it job well.

With a deep breath, he readied to lower himself into the pilots chair--that is until Una's voice interrupted his thoughts. While the rest of the ASA committed to its assault, they were dragging their heels. In truth, Gravesen was alright with it. The more bodies between them and the Protectorate's guns the better.

"You're coming?" He asked; his normally even voice wavering with thinly veiled surprise. He had not expected such, not at all. "Stay close then. when Zeer climbs aboard, we'll dustoff for the planet below."

He lingered there, on the stairs of the ship, and tilted his head back to look into the cockpit. A single droid, not an Architect, but an astromech, sat next to the pilot's chair. It would help him survive the flight in, hopefully. "And put on a flak jacket, or something like that." He added quickly. The tiniest hints of worry could be seen in his expression.

"Naboo is going to be ours. Count on it."

[member="Una Gal"]
One leg flung over the other as she plopped into her seat beside Gravy. The padding was comfortable, she could have probably gotten used to it. Una had to remind herself she was only sat here till they were planet side, then the real danger began. Her mind was still split in two. She could always remain in the shuttle once they touched down, but that seemed like a more dangerous idea. Craning her neck to look at Gravy she raised a groomed eyebrow. "I'll be fine..." Regardless, she took the black flak jacket handed down to her by one of the architects. It fit snuggley and honestly, Una was grateful for the extra protection. Stretching her legs out a little she listened to Gravy speak. Ours. That was a funny way of describing a win for the ASA. It was hardly beneficial to her. "You said ours."

[member="Gravesen Conclave"]
|Outer Edge of the Naboo System|
Allies: Abrion System Authority, [member="Ordo"]​
Enemies: The Omega Protectorate, [member="Ayden Cater"]​

"The day you die," the gloves slid over milk-white hands, a now black finger pointing out into space, "is the day I have his hat with his head still attached on a pike." As if she knew where the Lord Protector was, knew his exact position, her calm emerald eyes peered into the black. "And even then..." her voice trailed off, the emotion snuffed out and her arm fell to her side. The Omega would not fall this day, nor on the morrow if she had anything to say about it. And she did. The shuttle swayed, the body of Anesia leaning with the movements, putting weight on one foot, then the other in attempt to stay herself upon the deck.

With that and Omega's movement to the cockpit, Ferrius pivoted on her heel and took her place just behind him. Meters, far enough back where there were still grips to grasp on the ceiling of the transport. Both arms came up, fingers wrapped and her palms held steady. That was when her lids shut over her eyes and she embraced the environment, the Force, letting it coat her mind. Pulled at the terror riddling the minds of her brothers and sisters, aiming to gather it for offense. The lips of the siren twitched, just a smear of malice lofting them into something close to a smile.

The tendrils of her power ever seeking the means of control and alter with sheer iron will and determination and Anesia spun it until she felt it could spring forth mayhem at any moment. Like a blade freshly forged, still red-hot from the christened coals of the blacksmith's fire, the darkside struck having been unleashed. A blanket of fear sent on a ghost hand reached for those opposing members of the Protectorate, the ones nestled in the confines of their ships, stretching as the carrier [member="Salem Norongachi"] handled spun and wove through debris and oncoming fire with precise accuracy, in an attempt to smother them.

Judgment day had come for The Omega Protectorate and all who allied with them.



CEO of Verres Trading
Zarro's ride was stopped when a transmission beeped at his side. With a quick look, he saw that he was to be dispatched to aid the queen as an escort. Moving after her last known location, he charged out to find her. Before long, he the akk dog mount had managed to transport him to her side and he tipped his hat to [member="Feena Mason"]. "Hello your highness. I believe that I'll be your escort as you make your way to the tower." Short, simple, and direct. Sometimes, the riddling words of a haggler weren't what one needed and thus he spoke quickly as he brought the dog to a trot at her side.
[member="Zarro Verres"] [member="Feena Mason"]

Solan watched silently from the shadows, his movements swift and quit as he blended into them with his dark cloak. Feena Mason, the woman who had taught him the use of force healing, even if just the basics. He owed her a debt of gratitude for that and he was now going to repay it whether she knew it or not. He saw another being though, a less hidden man, the man named Zarro. "Interesting." He muttered this silently, his words caught no further than his lips as he smiled. This was going to be interesting.

Zeer Delos

Watch out world...
Zeer was quick to board the drop ship. The Ranth was still clad the heavily modified armor he bore since their prison break and still carried the same rifle too. Gravesen would recognize the familiar impatient snarl from the beast now held within the belly of his drop ship. Zeer was ready, he was ready to bring tribute to the visceral gods of war, of the hunt, and of plain blood lust.

"Its about time we're getting off this dead ship. I am ready to feel Naboian blood between my teeth." He stated in the shrill barks and growls of his native tongue. It was unlikely that [member="Una Gal"] could even understand him. His orange, tech-aided eyes whipped towards the lift to the cockpit and he bellow. "Now dust off already! Raaaaaaaa!"

[member="Gravesen Conclave"]
Naboo Sewers

[member="Felicity Mason"]

Ikki had arrived on the planet undercover using those super awesome ignore me I'm the maid powers she had.... The ones where no one noticed the help until it was tooooo late and was moving through the streets. Careful with her latex outfit to not raise to much attention while she slipped into an alley way and saw a pair of guards. Her hand went to the Bodo Baas Gunbelt on her hip and she offered a small smile sliding the Injector Pen out. The guards moved to stop her and she slid the pen behind her ear moving the hair and waited for the moment to come.

Then she was moving and injected the sedative into the neck of one guard before sending the vial into the alley wall. A second one sliding with her fingers placing it in and she got another one. There was two bodies there on the ground and Ikki kept moving getting the sewer grating up before jumping down and she was up to her waist in thick water while moving towards the palace. her eyes glowing whitish blue for a moment while she was searching for direction and following towards the area. Going through the lower levels and infiltrating the palace eemed an easier idea while she checked her Slicewire gloves, her Monofilament net launcher and a Thorn of Ryloth in case she needed to fight but she was relying on the injector pens to handle dangerous situation.
The Eternal Queen
The Queen turned at the sound of the door opening. The battle had no begun. Only her guards were around now. Her guards and Vorhi. She turned around, hand at her waist, ready with a hidden weapon. Nothing would stop her now. Not until her work was done.

But the guards let this one through. Who...?

Oh yes. She knew him. Her fingers relaxed at once, the knife immediately hidden in the folds of her white skirt. She let out a slow breath, smiled.

"So, news travels fast, does it? If you could do something this small for me, then I will have no choice but to accept your help."

But if things got bad, she was not going to be the reason her friends died. The sooner she got to the tower, the sooner she could get Marea out of danger and into a safe zone.

"Vorhi? Zarro? Let's go. We have very little time to waste."

[member="Zarro Verres"] [member="Vorhi Alestrani"] [member="Keter"]
Objective: Don't explode.

Gravesen snorted a quiet laugh at Zeer's....comments. The Ranth language was guttural and brutal. The series of barks, hisses, and grunts would sound little more than feral to anyone that did not know better. Luckily, Gravesen did in fact, know better.

"Don't kill any ASA personnel Zeer, and stay relatively close." Gravesen ordered. They were loose, at beast, but the beast of a creature would go around ripping out their own people's throats if he was allowed. Zeer was, truly, an animal without his keeper. The task of watching over him did not bother Gravesen; he rather enjoyed the convict's company.

The Dropship's engines roared as it lifted a meter or so from the ground. It lurched forward, and broke free from the protective womb the Ge'hutuun provided. Almost instantly, the massive ship began to veer off away from the battle.

Gravesen's fingers wrapped tight around the throttle, and his brow knit in concentration. Ahead, all hell had broken loose. Ships exploded in flaming plumes of twisted metal and broken bodies. Thousands of bright lights came up from the planet's defenses to greet the ASA force. A bolt of bright emerald flew soared just under the dropship's wing, and elicited a loud cry from the astromech.

The worst of it all, however, was the relative peace within the shuttle. all one could heard was the dull whine of the ship's engines and the occasional click of a console being pushed. If one were to never look outside, it would seem like any trip from a carrier to the planet below.

The astromech brought the dropship in line with the majority of the ASA's landing craft. Shuttles and carriers exploded in beautiful displays of flame across the dark void of space. Below, Naboo almost seemed to glow in vibrant blues and greens; the relative safety of the atmosphere begging for the ASA pilot's to accept its embrace.

While this happened, all Gravesen could do was sit and watch. The droid was a far better pilot, and the horrible pit of anxiety burning a hole in his gut would do nothing more than deliver them to a violent demise in the lonely abyss. He would much rather meet his end with his feet on the ground.

"Closing in...cross your fingers." He stated to his two companions. "And hope we make it through the atmosphere without exploding...and that others do the same. It'd be a shame to show up to the dance without a date."

[member="Zeer Delos"] [member="Una Gal"]

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