Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Into Hell, We March (Authority Invasion of Naboo)

Location:Fleetcom station
Allies:Havoc Squad,Omega Protectorate
Objectives:Defending the Station
Enemies:CIS,One Sith

Sharky looked through the logs scattered around the grounds of the Station not caring what each of them hold only what they are for, he turns to his Commanding Officer, Kaidan lifting his helmet and placing in the palm between his waist and arm length..

"Sir, mind i ask what are these for?"

The foolish lieutenant would mention raising two of the mission logs in the air..
Location: Troop Transport
Allies: System Authority
Enemies: OP
Objective: Enroute to Naboo surface
...the Troop Transport continued to weave its way through the dead of space, the debris of ships having been blown asunder and a barrage of fire from turbolaser batteries, explosions and starfighters enroute to the atmosphere of Naboo. Unable to be a witness to the carnage occurring around him, not wanting to as well, Laith could only sit amongst the other soldiers as the transports pilot did his best to keep them all intact and alive. It seemed to be going well thus far. The Mandalorian wasn't much of a conversationalist which meant he blended well with the others, none of them seemed to be saying much, there was an odd quiet amongst the soldiers in the transport that seemed to belly the sounds that all heard emanating from outside of their ship...

...tension ran high, it was a palpable thing that could have been cut, however as the Troop Transport rocked again the cry of a soldier seemed to break the silence. Most of them were afraid though among the men some dealt with their fear better than others. Laith looked in the direction that he'd heard the scream come from but by then the soldier was already straight back in his seat, pulled straight by his comrades, and the Mercenary went eyes from again. Across from him Laith was watching another veteran, the man must have been in his late twenties but was clearly no stranger to combat, and beneath the visor of his helm the Mandalorian made eyes at the man who stared back at him as though he weren't even there. It was unusually for him to see how another man stared right through him but before he could contemplate it for to long an announcement came over the comms of the transport...

[Atmospheric Insurgence in ten seconds. Brace for chop. Prep for offload]

...the voice was rugged as though it was speaking through gritted teeth. Laith sat back, his hands clutching the Assault Rifle he held across his thighs, and waiting knowing it would be time to put feet on the ground soon. Then it happened...

...he felt the turbulence as the Troop Transport hit the atmosphere of Naboo and began its descent. There was a brief second when Laith felt his stomach start to rise indicating he might vomit but he forced it back down with a hard swallow. Vomit on the inside of armor made for a bad combination. As the ship broke into the atmosphere and continued through it was impossible to hear what anyone was saying around him but as he looked Laith could see the mouths of some of the men moving. Shouting. Screaming. They were carrying on like maniacs knowing this might be the end for all of them...

...insertion through a planetary atmosphere was quicker than you'd expect. It wasn't long before the Troop Transport broke the atmosphere and continued down towards the surface of Naboo. Breathing easy Laith switched the safety on his Assault Rifle off in preparation right before the ship was rocked...BOOM!...they'd been hit by something and the pilot had lost control. The Troop Transport started spiraling out of control as it fell towards the surface of Naboo, at least one of its engines knocked out, and sheathed in fire on the side where it'd be hit. Inside the transport Laith watched as the hull further down from where he was seated was stripped away revealing open air before fire streaked into the ship and burnt several soldiers alive in their seats. Others were pulled out of the transport by the vacuum, screaming as they were thrown to their deaths thousands of feet in the air, which was almost the fate of Laith himself had he not been able to whip his left arm up and take hold of reinforced handle off to his side...

...the pilot activated an emergency burn on the remaining engine and tried to coast the troop transport towards the ground...

Steph Zenima

LOCATION: Anesia Jy Vun's Side
ALLIES: Abrion Systems Authority, [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]
ENEMIES: Omega Protectorate
OBJECTIVE: The embodiment of original HAVOC

The head of a sledgehammer rested upon the deck, hilt facing upwards and the tip being leant upon by what was perhaps the most bored person in the galaxy.

Stephanie 'Bloody' Zenima.

What?! It can't be true! Steph Zenima died! Oh yes, oh yes, so she did! It was a tragedy! We cried crocodile tears and drank obscene quantities in her memory as we did those centuries before. Oh yes, oh yes. The one, the only, living legend. Best friends with death, didn't you know? Hoovering up lines with the hooded harpy every other weekend, she was. It was once rumoured that Miss Zenima partied herself into death's grasp (that's how they met, don't you know) but yet she was always saved.

People that loved her, thought they could change her, or maybe just use her.

Why, why would you use Steph Zenima? What use does she have? She's not smart, she's not seven foot tall in miraculously approved power armour. She's a lithe creature with a strange haircut, a bad attitude and a sledgehammer, but she's got heart, she's got soul, rhythm and blues, tap, jazz and a little ballet.

Steph Zenima will fist fight a droid and love it, breakin' fists and wrists on a solid durasteel chassis suits that little miss just fine. It's the spunk. The concept of fear is lost here, sir.

However, the only emotional concept Zenima was feeling at that moment in time was boredom. Anesia's manipulations of battle were lost upon her and her granite skull. Where was her action and excitement? Playing the old guard left blood boiling over. The creature huffed, chin resting upon the hilt of the sledge.

“'Fan do I get tae dee sum smashin', man? It's killin' meh.”
Location: Fleetcom Station
Allies: Havoc Squad, [member="Riley Stryker"], [member="Commander Sharky"]. OP
Enemies: Whatever the CIS is nowadays
Objective: Hurry up and wait

He turned to look at the Lieutenant, furrowing his brow and resuming his seat on the boxes."Dunno. We have our objective, though. We're dropping into Naboo as soon as the fighting starts. That is, if they don't board the Fleetcom. I expect the best of you all."He said, leaning forward and wrapping his arms around his rifle. He looked sad, as if the galaxy was finally getting to him like it had gotten to the previous Havoc Squad commander.
Location: Fleetcom Station
Allies: Havoc Squad, Riley Stryker, Commander Sharky. OP
Enemies: Whatever the CIS is nowadays
Objective: Stuff

Doc was edgy, Dish could see it in Kaiden's eyes. Sometimes it was all a little much, Dish new that feeling. Drop after drop after drop, war aftter war after war, it all seemed pointless some days. From behind the tint of his visor the heavy weapon's expert looked towards his commander and friend worriedly, not that [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] could tell. But what they both could probably tell, is that something was wrong...very meth/spice addict wrong.
Location:Fleetcom Station
Allies:Havoc squad,Riley,Dish OP
Enemies:CIS,One Sith
Objective:Heading to naboo..

The soldier looked somber giving sympathy towards his commander, he would try to shake that feeling of weight from the galaxy off of his chest by lowering his expectations, he gives a full out graph of his assignment record of what he had done before heading to the trip and as well as the other troops just to make him feel like that he is with the right team..

"Sir, ill be there right dont forget..we are your family now..not only your team.."

The soldier would put his helmet over his head and would pat it to make sure it would fit while heading and waiting toward a shuttle to dock at Naboo..
The Eternal Queen
Location: The Palace, Naboo
Allies: OP, the people of Naboo
Enemies: The invaders
Objective: Inspire the hell out of you

Up the stairs, up flights and flights of stairs, she climbed. She could have taken a lift, but they had been disabled. Standard protocol in these times. If an enemy did infiltrate, they wanted things to be as inconvenient as possible. And in the top of the tower, Feena stepped inside, looking behind at her friends. She smiled, then she bowed.

"This will only be a moment," she said, rising again and stepping forward, "I promise."

The Queen stood in front of the holoprojector. Her eyes were wide, afraid. She looked like she had been through a lot. And she had. For a good bit of her fourty years, her life was nothing but fighting, scaratching, biting. Struggling to just keep going. To survive. The Force was her ally. Why was it only used to hurt?

It was why she was so eager to learn healing. Anything to get her off the battlefield. Anything to give her a moments peace.But it didn't. Even when she had dedicated her life to healing, she was pushed out onto the battlefield. She was forced to dodge bullets, asked to die. Ask to patch up soldiers, work so hard to help the wounded... just to send them back to bleed again. To die.
She'd seen so much death. She was followed by it. Stalked by an army of ghosts. All she failed to save. That was the healers burden. Not even the best healer could save them all. Not even the Galaxy's greatest. Not even Bethany Kismit. Not even...
Not even Feena Mason.

And she was great. Feena was certain of it now. She'd spent so much time with that holocron. Spent so much time learning the few techniques that she did not already know. Feena had been a quick learner from infancy. A child prodigy. A genius of medicine, she'd been called. And only now, at the end of it all, was she starting to believe it. Only now, did she feel like the healer she had been striving to be.

She glanced down at her hands. For the first time in almost a decade, Feenarah Mason felt... clean. Her hands had always felt so wet, so sticky with blood. Nothing could wash away her failures. But now, somehow, she had cleaned her hands. She had washed it away. Clean. Pure. Like she was new.

Her bright silver eyes looked out the window at the city. Thousands lived in these buildings. Millions called this world home. Including her, including her family. She would never leave here again. Not ever. Not after spending so long just trying to get back.
Omega Protectorate. The Confederacy. "The Authority". The Republic. The Sith. The Jedi Order. The Empire....
None of them. Not a single one of them mattered anymore. What mattered was one small world in the Mid Rim. All that mattered was Naboo, and the people that called it home. Good people. People of tradition, family. People who struggled and endured. Strong, Capable, resilient. Not fighters.
Why didn't she see it before? The reason she had such trouble as a soldier? Because she wasn't Coruscant. She wasn't Bothawui. She wasn't Korribaan, or Tattoine.

She was Naboo. And she always would be.

"I am addressing the people of Naboo, the men, women, and children who reside here. The ones who call this world home."

She looked straight ahead, through the holoprojector, eyes never leaving the city landscape. She relaxed now, fear present, but tamed. This specific room was exactly for this purpose. When she needed to send an important message to the people, make a speech that would be heard all around the planet, this was where she went to do it.
And she would be heard today.

"My people. throughout our history, war has come to us. Throughout our history, Naboo has endured. We have survived, rebuilt. We have pushed back against oppression, and climbed up the rubble to freedom.
We are a kind people. We are wise.
But we are not weak. We bow because we have respect, but we will not bend. We will not break.
We, the people of Naboo, will never die. We will never surrender.

To those of you who choose to fight, to my citizens in the streets defending your home, Stand now and know that you will never be forgotten. Not for an instant. Your sacrifices will not be in vain. Those of you who fight, never forget what you fight for. You do not fight for the Protecturate. You do not fight for your government. You do not fight for your Queen.

You fight for your children, your lovers, your friends, and your neighbors. You fight for the stranger passing you in the street. The man behind the counter at the store. The woman crossing the street.

You fight for each other. You fight for your home.

When this is over, when we scramble up the rubble of our old homes, when we observe the damage of our once beautiful lives, we will not cry. We will not mourn.

We will raise our hands in triumph and honor those who gave their everything. We will honor Naboo.
We will survive. We will endure. We will rise again.

I am Naboo.

We are Naboo."

With that, the transmission ended. One final word from their Queen. A speech spoken from the heart. Words from the world herself. Imperfect. Unpracticed.

"I love you," she whispered, stepping forward to gaze out the window at the city below. The clock was ticking. She had very little time now. She said it. If this was to end tonight, it was a fitting farewell.
After a moment, she turned, the tears that had sprung to her eyes previously were dry, never allowed to spill over.

"We are Naboo," she repeated, never knowing that below, in the streets, in the safe houses all around the planet, those very words were being repeated like a prayer. A chant, almost like song.

This was the power of inspiration. Now she was going to fan the flame she had started until it was a ranging inferno.
She suddenly sunk down to her knees, hands folded in the folds of her white gown.

"I need complete peace while I do this. Prevent intruders as best you may, but do not concern yourself with me. I know what risk I am taking."

Her eyes closed, and she withdrew into herself, searching her own will, testing her strength. Then, like a supernova, her strength was everywhere, in everyone chanting in the streets, waiting for the fight.
Her ghosts burned away to ash.
This was the fire.

[member="Felicity Mason"]

Ikki continued through the stone hole and slowly she saw light at the end, her head coming out and then her shoulders as she popped it back into place and her contorting to fit through ended. Ikki had a look on her face as she stood in a large tank with a ladder. Her neck popping while she moved about. There was no sound over the ladder as she lifted it and the sound of machinery came into the tank, her ears were ringing now until she crawled out and onto the floor. The sound of voices came to her ears coming and Ikki laid there for a moment slipping her hand for the injector pen in the belt and as he came close to check her vitalss. The smell assailing him first as she popped up and jabbed it in his neck. She grabbed his shirt and was wiping her face, skin and hair of everything on her. She needed to keep moving and went towards the stairs to go up from the lower levels towards the servants quarters.
Now where could she go? Where? She had not a single clue where her Mother was now! She could literally be anywhere! She might have even left. She was going to need a hand on the outside. She was going to need help...
She stopped to think for a moment, curled up, knees to her chest. This was her 'thinking' position. She'd been doing it since she was really small. It was the position she took when she had to think really hard.

Right now, she was just above the Queens Corridor. Her mothers bed room was down the hall. The Handmaidens quarters were just down the hall from there. Then a little further on was... security. She had an idea. They would be getting reports from the outside. But she had to be careful. If she was spotted outside the panic room, she would be taken back there for sure. Such an inconvenience.

In her head, she made a map. An approximation. It was the best she had under the circumstances. She crawled along, ignoring the cobwebs in her hair, the dust on her dress. She passed vent after vent, pausing when she saw her Mothers room. Just in case. Who knew? She might be hiding in there. But there was nothing. Empty.

When she finally reached the security office, she was so pleased to find it empty- for now. She would have to work fast. As before, she unscrewed the vent, and dropped down. Almost immediately, unfortunately for her, she could hear guards walking by. She sunk low until they passed, then went to examine the terminals.

So far, things were holding up out there. Naboo was highly secured, nearly impossible to invade. At least, not in one day. Not with the amount they seemed to have. Felicity was feeling confident now.
But if the odds were so high, why was her mother worried enough to send out Marea as her double?

Felicity was smarter than the average child, with nothing but time and expensive tech to play with. She knew how to work the system, and she knew how to gather the info she wanted- including, oddly enough, on her Mothers personal line, a peculiar message from a Jedi.

Her contact! Felicity had decided on it. She would use him! She took his contact info, put it into her comm unit and was about to send him a reply hen her mothers face popped up on a monitor.

She listened. She watched. She... didn't understand. Why was she doing this? Where was she? Felicity did not recognize it. Was she secure at least? Why did she think they might have to fight? The OP was going to shoot them all down before they got here! Nobody was going to have to die! It was...

Impossible, wasn't it?

The girl took a deep breath, touched the monitor just as the transmission ended and her Mothers face disappeared.

"...We are Naboo," she whispered, before hearing those foot steps again outside and climbing up the desk to get back inside her safe vents.

"Jedi. If you are alive still, you are hearing the voice of Felicity Mason, first Daughter of the Queen," she said, sending a message to the Jedi "I need your hands out there."

[member="Ikki Ike"] [member="VlPER"]
Location: ASA Dropship, Planetside outside of Theed.
Allies: ASA
Enemies: OP, [member="Feena Mason"], [member="Vorhi Alestrani"]
Objective: Infiltrate the Royal Palace

The dropship Ket occupied had landed just outside Theed, albeit roughly, as the fleets battling just outside Naboo's orbit had taken their toll, nearly killing the ship as it entered the Nubian atmosphere. Several Obsidian Knights had died from exploding hydraulics and the like, but thankfully Ket had managed to survive the ordeal, and get himself out with the remaining Knights as they charged into the ranks of the enemy with reckless abandon. Blaster fire was so thick, the sky glowed red from the bolt, and lightsabers moved so quickly in such epic numbers, one might confuse the battle for the galaxy's biggest rave party. Twin green blade had ignited from their respective hilts, and the Sith Lord began cutting down various Protectorate forces like a knife through butter. truly, the infantry of both sides was nothing more than bantha fodder in the big picture, as huge number from both sides were felled by their respective rivals. And in that utterly chaotic confusion, Ket found his way through the numbers slowly, but surely. In time, he was deep within the trenches of the outskirts of the city proper. His armor was bloody, dented and quite fatigued from the sheer amount of blaster fire and saber strikes it had taken as he advanced toward the city. dozens of the Protectorate forces had found themselves drawing their last breath at his hands once more, and he reveled in the sheer chaos of it all. Chaos was an old friend, it fit him like a favorite pair of pants, and he savored every last drop of agony he could cause.

Stripping the Obsidian Cure armor from his person, he was garbed in what looked to be simple brown Jedi's robes. Tugging the hood over his head, he kept his Force Signature not only concealed, but let only the small bit of light within him that kept his humanity in check through. To anyone whom might be savvy enough to try to seek out his path, he was for all intents and purposes a Padawan of some Jedi sect, many there were in the galaxy these days. And slowly, through the civilians marching one foot in front of the other as part of the evacuation efforts, he made his way through the streets of Theed. He only hoped he could keep up this guise until he made his way to the Palace itself, a looming, gargantuan building to be sure.


Victory is mine!
Location: Theed Spaceport
Allies: OP
Enemies: ASA
Objective: Jedi save the queen....and family

Viper had watched the holo of his Queen with wrapped attention. A fine speech indeed. And every bit as stirring to him as it was probably meant to be. He wanted to get out there. But how. Although his shields were regenerating, they were still fairly low. Not to mention, he was fairly certain by now the ASA would have gotten their acts together and brought in fighter support for what was left of their drop ships. He turned toward his companion, [member="Corvus Raaf"] . "Well Corvus. What do you think? How can we get out there and help? Our shields are still too low to risk going on the attack. And we still have not received any further word from the Royal Air Corps or anyone in charge anywhere. And we still haven't heard back from anyone from that message I se---."

While in mid sentence, his comm bleeped an incoming message. Viper having thrown what he was about to say out of his mind, lunged for the comm. The message he received though was not what he was expecting to say the least. A frown spread across his face and he gave Corvus a suspicious look. "How would the Queen's daughter have gotten a coded message that I sent out for Jedi only...? don't think the Queen could have been a Jedi at one point do you? Jedi don't retire and go into they?"

This new development seemed to only bring about a myriad more questions with no answers readily available. "I guess we should at least see what this person has to say..." He gave an uncertain shrug to Corvus before sending his reply.

Felic--- Viper deletes entry

"Princess Mason,
This is Jedi Padawan Viper, here with Jedi Padawan Corvus Raaf. We are standing by ready to help in any way we can. Where are you? Are you safe? How can we be of assistance? did you get this transmission?"

With the message away, Viper turned back to Corvus. "So what are your thoughts? Trap?"

[member="Feena Mason"] [member="Felicity Mason"]
The reply came quickly as the girl moved through the vents again. Good. They were willing to listen.

"Not a Princess, Oh, Mighty Space Wizard," she responded, calling out the name for Jedi that she'd heard her Uncle use, "Not yet, anyways. I haven't been voted into the government. Naboo is set up as a... Oh, never mind it! Yeah, Princess. Whatever you want to call me."

She was getting impatient, and she knew it could be a problem if she let it get to her. What would Mother do?
Felicity took a deep breath. She would put on a smile, and be brave.

"My Mother was a Jedi," she replied, "That's how I was able to find your transmission. I need a contact on the outside. I am safe for now. I'm in the ventilation system. Nobody'll be following me up here any time soon. My Mother is... somewhere. I think she is safe too. The Palace has not yet been breached, and I need to ensure it will stay that way. You will be my eyes and ears on the outside."

Location: Orbit
Objective: Talk it up?

“A pleasure to meet you…” She said quietly, her voice fading suddenly as [member="Sarge Potteiger"] spoke up. Her eyes shifted from the optical gaze of the man before her and then down at his trigger finger and then back up to his optics.

“Is there any particular reason that you’re eager to get an assignment?” She asked calmly.

She made a motion around to the various individuals within the hold. “I mean there seems to be an awful amount of tension, especially coming from him. There is more to this than what is being told, that is for sure.” She glanced up at his arm over her head and cleared her throat slightly, and with that she would shift lightly in her seat. She wasn’t uncomfortable, she just felt a bit awkward to have a man standing over her in such a manner, although he was probably ignorant to the fact…typical.
Location: Orbit
Objective: Hit Dirt

"First drop for some." Hastings mutters absently, body tensing as a murmur from Sarge's helm seemed to thicken what tension there already was. "Strap in." The Sergeant adds hurriedly before making his way down to his seat, the woman already gone from his mind.

Within moments he was strapped in and ready, and that's when Sarge spoke again. "We're headed to the palace. Space is pretty boring anyway." With another click, he was quiet. The ramp of the dropship locked, although it had already been raised, and there was a period of weightlessness as they passed from the artificial gravity of the hangar and out into the void of space.

Before long, the four dropships were screaming planetside with soldiers young and old alike all muttering prayers and checking their gear. High speed on a bumpy road, explosions rocking them as they strayed a little too close to the fighting. Fighters were swarming everywhere. Bombers were too.

To try and keep track of things was difficult.

But Sarge lifted his feet and rotated to look backwards towards the ramp, front now visible to [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] as his gauntlet tightened with a purpose around his halberd. A comm channel would open for her and the men, and likely the other dropships.

"The Systems Authority thinks to take our world. Not today. Today, Sith march upon our worlds, sullying them with corruption and ill intent. We will cleanse this taint before it can spread."

Turbulence hit so fierce even Sarge's great mass seemed to sway. Gear and metal slammed off the hull as soldiers were bucked in their seats. "Your armor will be contempt. Your shield disgust. Your weapon will be your hatred. In our Lady's name, let none survive."

And just like that, the comm clicked off and a message was sent to [member="Feena Mason"]. Her reinforcements were inbound. No Sith would ruin the palace on his watch.


The Renegade
Location: Theed
Objective: Meet with family

Enough time had passed. The darkness outside had been replaced by the skies of Naboo. The blond let out a controlled breath, thanking his luck. The besiegers could have easily shot him down, but then what kind of story would that have made? No, the galaxy leaned towards the dramatic. As he had always known. He smirked and triggered his ship's cannons, sending a pair of laser blasts into the engines of the closest dropship before peeling away. The city's AA defences were filling the air, and the closer he stuck to the enemy forces the higher his chances of being hit by friendly fire.

The Inferno Duo soared down into Theed, it's harsh and angular profile skimming the rooftops until it reached the river. Keter's hands deftly guided the ship down in between the buildings to follow the river towards the palace. He just hoped he still had time.

[member="Feena Mason"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Location: The swamps outside of Theed
Objective: Wait
Allies: OP, Jedi and [member="Ventasia Terana"]
Enemies: CIS ASA and Sith
Noah sighed as he propped himself up against his matte black 105-K lancer bike and he inspected the power lance in his hands. Making sure he was satisfied with the condition it was in, Noah set it down and began to check over his other weapons on his armor, making sure his Lancer Mark III was secure over his back, his two custom trench knives were secure over his chest on his Bodo Baas gunbelt/bandoleer as well as his two Corek Custom Revolvers were secured in two of the four slots on his chest, finally he checked his two Lazy Eye Merr-Sonn Power 5's were secure in their shoulder holsters and that his custom vibroblades were secure on their sheaths on his hip. Once he was done, he leaned back and sighed until a young ODF soldier approached, saluting him. "Sir, Major Terana is here." Noah quickly ushered the soldier away and sighed even deeper this time, this was exactly what he didn't need right now.
In a callous display, another volley of mass drivers were directed towards the ANS Devastator. The crew were already evacuating, the shields were down. Several escape pods happened to be along the approach vectors of the rounds and were utterly obliterated. Several rounds passed straight through the weaker sections of the Grevious-class' frame, blowing great chunks out of the far side. Somehow the reactor didn't go up, perhaps the skeleton crew behind had worked to secure it. Either way the ship was little more than a hulk, several sections of the Quadranium-alloy frame showing through.

At least they definitely don't get to steal that one, Irys reflected bitterly.

Her sister ship, the ANS Opening Salvo was slightly more fortuitous. Several rounds lanced through her shields, but the sleek angle of her hull led to a large number of inelastic collisions, the rounds carrying on their path into deep space. Her starboard weaponry suffered serious damage, and shield integrity was poor.

"Ground troops have started landing ma'am. They're suffering heavy casualties in the air, and on the ground. The AA defence over Theed is far too thick for any air assault."

"Understood. I was an increase in their air support, if we can't assault enemy positions, at least give them cover. Get more HK drones in atmo carrying out recon and attack on any targets of opportunity.

Keep up the assault on those Horn-class cruisers. I want the Scintel class keeping their long range weaponry trained on the three shield ships at the centre of their formation, keep up a consistent barrage so we get some shots through when they drop. Let's get in amongst them, RC and D formations gang up on their targets."


Rapid Destroyer 2 (RD1, RD2)
Destroyer 3 (D1, D2, D3)
Rapid Cover Screen 3 (RC1, RC2, RC3)
Command 1 (C1)
Patrol 1 (P1)
Planetary assault 2 (PA1, PA2)
Carrier Formation 3 (CF1, CF2, CF3)
Super Heavy 1 (SH1)

Additional Vessels (counted in 85km):
Monitor 2
Thrawn 2
Interdictine 1
Argente 2

Total Vessels:
Jupitus 1
Lucrehulk 2
Grevious 2
Gunray 1
Tambor 8
Pillar 8
Contentio 15
Argente 6
Scythe 8
Broadside 2
Krell 8
Scintel 8
Sev'rance/a 42
Sev'rance/b 3
Tu/a 25
Tu/b 5
Wodantra 6
Sickle 22
Ventress 12
Monitor 2
Thrawn 2
Interdictine 1

“Operation hide behind New Order junk”
Additional fluff vessels:
Demilitarised Leviathan-class Frigates (400m) 20
Demilitarised New Order/Horde Heavy Cruisers/Cruisers 40

Gunboats (mix of Tikkes and Arcturus) 508
Droid Starfighters 3012
Fighters 288
Elite Fighters 24
Droid Interceptors 1976
Interceptors 242
Droid Bomber 872
Bomber 384

Navy Manifest (ship links)
Capital Ships
Space Stations/SatellitesStar DreadnaughtsCommand ShipsStar DestroyersLight Star DestroyersHeavy CruisersCruisersFrigatesCorvettes
Other Starships
Note: CIS designations are the same as stock, but with CIS communications, command and tactical systems.

Elite StarfightersStarfightersInterceptorBombersGunshipsDrop Pods
  • [url=]Low Altitude Assault Transport/Ambigene
Heavy DropshipsLanding CraftScout Vessels
  • Pending
Patrol CraftPersonal Transports
Location: Inbound
Allies: ASA
Enemy: OP

The planet was getting bigger as they closed in on it. The drop pod began to shake as it did, the other officer was getting worried. As he saw fighters in bound into his position, he then let out a sigh of relief when one them blew up. Soon they be hitting the planets atmosphere, soon hell would begin for them. She was a very junior officer, and was in charge of a squad of snipers. How this happened she did not know, she was not even old enough to serve on front line yet. Though she was here none the less, it was time to prove her worth.

Then hit like a thump, not the planet but atmosphere of naboo. They had made it this far, and the lieutenant started a count down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 GO GO GO. The drop ship doors opened and almost blinding light came in to drop ship, as the first troops ran out while the ship was still landing. She followed them a few of them died before they hit the ground, she ran looking for cover she could here blaster fire whistle by her as she jumped into a creator of some sort. Then she took her rifle and then began to covering fire for her position. All she could see was omega protectorate soldiers, advancing on her position. Then it happened the training kicked in with the adrenalin. She opened fire, and an omega troop just flew backwards. More of ASA forces, began landing. The ground offensive had begun. Their objective was in the distance, but she could see it, it was the palace. She fired again, the omega protectorate troop dropped like a stone. The rest of them began looking for cover, and the first wave had done it`s job. They had began to secure a landing zone.
Raziel didn’t require a viewing port to understand what was going on around them. As an exceedingly sensitive Force user, he could feel the damage all around them. The sudden bursts of fear, followed by pain and then emptiness showed him where the drop crafts had succumbed to enemy fire. Soon they were through the orbital screen and descending through the atmosphere. At least the aquatic assault force would have a smoother ride down, there were less anti-air emplacements on the water.

“We’ve got a pair of enemy fighters a click out, we’re being targeted,” shouted the pilot. “They’re closing, incoming missiles, brace!”

“They’re closing for a strafe. Scratch that, they’ve been intercepted by Raptors.”

Raziel simply didn’t have the offensive arsenal of alter powers to defend them from a concussion missile. He simply waited and hoped. Closing his eyes he reached out towards the missiles, following their trail in. A wave of panic came over him as he felt the nearest streak towards his ship, he used that emotional strength to try and laterally push on the missile. It wasn’t enough.
The ordnance exploded just off the one side of their dropship. Metal screeched in a death wail as it was rended apart by the blast. Raziel turned his focus inwards, trying to keep himself conscious as the Ambigene span out of control.

“I’m….turning….you….looose…” grunted the pilot. With a crack both the ships’ pilot canopy and underslung transport container were released.

Raziel sensed the surface of the water rushing up to meet them, as well as a formation of Trident’s penetrating the water below. Everything faded to black as they hit the surface.
It was an odd thing. Watching destruction of such a magnitude without a sound to accompany it. The space around Naboo had become a graveyard of dying giants, the flicker of lights their last silent cry of life before it went dark. The space around the transports, their bellies filled with troops, had become an obstacle course peppered with laser and ion fire. Ahead, aboard the powerful defense stations growing ever closer, he knew flak and laser cannons would be priming their systems.

His gaze flicked to the sensors of the transport, what little information they could glean through the mass of metallic debris all around showed two full squadrons of fighters close at hand. He switched to their channel. "Aurek and Cresh, we're about to hit the wall here, clear a path." He received an affirmative and the squadrons slipped in ahead of them, faster and sleeker, blasting debris out of their path as best they could while what remained of their shield ships plowed ever onward.

To his immediate right he saw a turbolaser find its mark, lancing through the front section of a troop carrier and veering it wildly toward them. A curse snarled from bared teeth as he brought the ships nose up, trying to get above the dead vessel. The whole ship shook, a glancing hit against their engines that immediately knocked one of them out and set alarms to ring in the cockpit. Hands weaved complex patterns across the control board, cutting the power to the damaged engine and more importantly venting its stored fuel lest it blow the entire back section.

"Admiral [member="Irys Arist'lar"]," He yelled over the com. "This is the Lord Marshall with the transport fleet. We're getting hammered here! Punch us a damn hole!" Frustrated, focusing harder than he ever had to keep himself alive before they ran head first into the firing line of the Protectorate defensive batteries. If they ever made it that far...

Some of the transports had pushed ahead, surviving by, he assumed, luck and the mass of confusion around Naboo. They wouldn't be that lucky, Salem's transport had assumed the lead of main landing force. They'd lost by his vague count, around thirty ships already and they still had a distance to cover before they even hit atmo.

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