Well-Known Member
Damien watched the youngling ignite the flames she did so, then instantly his power exploded outward on a combination of Tutaminis and his Pyrokinetic control. In seconds, all flames in the area were dwindling to nothing before vanishing, "What are you thinking!? First off, attempting to melt the crystals?? In what way is that logical?? We need the pieces to work the technology not liquid! Also, think first! Igniting a flame, even a cooled one, let alone those you conjured, could send this whole mine to the galaxies rim!! What do yoh think powers the machinery in this place? Combustive liquids and the like!!"
He did not mean to sound so harsh, as he understood she was just a kid, but it was such an unintelligent idea!
"If you cannot simply use your hands to do the work, wait outside. Guard...I don't know, the mine or something." With these words he went back to swinging his pick at the wall. Chunks of raw stygium fell to the ground in ranged size, from small like marbles, to heftier ones the size of a fist and bigger.
[member="Ultimatum"] [member="Pyro"]
He did not mean to sound so harsh, as he understood she was just a kid, but it was such an unintelligent idea!
"If you cannot simply use your hands to do the work, wait outside. Guard...I don't know, the mine or something." With these words he went back to swinging his pick at the wall. Chunks of raw stygium fell to the ground in ranged size, from small like marbles, to heftier ones the size of a fist and bigger.
[member="Ultimatum"] [member="Pyro"]