LOCATION: Valley of Lords
ENEMIES: [member="HK-36"] [member="Kaida Taldir"]
ALLIES: [member="Hal Terrano"]
War had come to Coruscant and by the creator did Commander Orin love war. As reports of an invasion flooded into the Imperial Palace, he and the rest of the Royal Guardsmen stationed there geared up. Ceremonial robes were ditched in favour of conventional battle armor, painted red for identification. Thermal detonators were gathered and blasters powered up, with the iconic weapon of the Royal Guard -- the force staff -- being magnetically sheathed on the backs of the Guardsmen. They were ready for action moments after the fighting began down in the valley, which was where they were headed.
Red armoured guardsmen filed out of the Palace onto a landing pad, on which two dropships were seated. Orin directed his squad of thirteen onto one and tapped the pilot's shoulder twice to signal they were ready. Moments later and the dropships were en route to the Valley.
"Do as I say, when I say it, and you may just survive to serve another day," Orin announced to his fellow guardsmen, who all nodded in unison. "When we approach the LZ, I want a standard dismount, all sides covered. Free fire is permitted. We stay together until the enemy has been eliminated." Another unified nod.
Satisfied, Orin turned to the cockpit, gazing out of the windshield to witness the majesty of Coruscant whizz by beneath them. Soon, the Valley came into view, along with a peculiar sight to behold. What seemed like a droid and a humanoid were gliding above the valley. Orin nearly dismissed it as a trick of the eye, but as the dropship drew closer, it became glaringly obvious that it was, in fact, true.
With a shake of his head, Orin gestured to the dynamic gliding duo with his hand and uttered, "Get those idiots out of this airspace." The pilot stammered out a "Yes, sir," and began to fire at the two with front-mounted blasters. The pilot must have been feeling extra ballsy because he kept flying towards them at full speed -- which was quite substantial -- in an attempt to splatter them against the chassis of the dropship.
No matter the outcome of the attack, the dropship swooped back around and made a speedy landing about thirty feet away from Hal Terrano and the other dropship, with all of the guardsmen disembarking quickly, their blasters already discharging. The pilot immediately flew away, as did the other, obviously not too keen on lingering in the hotzone.