Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into the Jaws of Death [OP Invasion of Sith-Occupied Coruscant]

Location: Valley of the Dark Lords
Allies: [member="Luminous"] [member="Cira"] [member="Darth Praelior"] Ysalamiri Bubble
Enemies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Cira"]
Objective: Escape with [member="Cira"]

Sarge Potteiger said:
"Drop her, and you get to walk out of here."
An uneasy silence lay on the field as neither party budged.

Tsavong's green, alien pupils met the calm visor of [member="Sarge Potteiger"]. Gazes locked. The talon remained at [member="Cira"]'s neck, unmoving. Suddenly, she shouted.

Cira said:
"Behind you!!"

The behemoth's eyes jumped to [member="Darth Praelior"] entering the fray, attacking the soldier (Sarge). Tsavong didn't spare a moment. With most of the forces surrounding him dead, and their leader currently being preoccupied, the beast threw the girl over his shoulder and and leapt towards the edge of the Valley, sliding down the ravine into new and mountainous terrain. Their lines were pushed far more forward, and in the cover of darkness, the creature met no immediate resistance that hadn't already come to the soldier's aid given the sounds of explosion that had echoed in this portion of the valley.

He brought out his villip again.

"Immediate extraction requested, my coordinates," he whispered.

Footstep after footstep led him in a sprint away from the battleground.

"Hostage in tow. Require immediate medical attention for both parties."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sarge listened to Cira, turned, found a whip crack off the ground in front of him and simply unloaded on full auto at the new opponent with armor piercing rounds until he was empty. A moment later, he activated the stealth field on his armor and bolted after [member="Tsavong Kraal"]. "Track my comm." He messages to the dropship [member="Dicer"] was on.

The beast was fast, but powered armor would help him keep up. Thank the Stars for that. He was reloading as he ran, forgetting about the Sith and the dropzone and whatever beast had knocked a dropship out of the sky.

Evard L'Rik

Got Lightning Running Through my Veins

I kept firing my guns at the man in front of Tsavong and Darth Praelior, staggering shots at the ysalmiri as well. The sooner we killed those things, the easier the rest of this would be. The ysalmiri continued to scream and cower as I fired, but I didn't get close enough.

The armored Jedi would feel burns, even with the armor he wore. My guns were on pretty high intensity.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Location: In orbit over Coruscant
Allies: One Sith Fleet
Enemies: Protectorate Ships
Objective: Warheads on foreheads

Say what you will about their leadership, organization, or mentality, the spacers of the Protectorate were no slouches when it came to a good old fashioned space fight. And old fashioned it was. There was little room to maneuver or make any grand plans or feints for either side, as slipping too far away from the planet would give the other an opportunity to land troops or provide direct support. So instead the two fleets stayed nose to nose, slugging it out at effectively point blank ranges.

The sort of battle any rational spacer feared. Also the sort of battle Cyrus loved.

It was also a waste of his talents. Any fool captain could send a ship right up to another and blast away. Then the result came down to who had the better better shielding and weaponry (and possibly the more experienced damage control crew). It was probably a waste of talent for the Protectorate Admiral as well. But they knew the risks when they'd staged a rushed invasion, and anyway it had been working to their benefit so far.

Unfortunately for the would-be saviors of the Republic, that was starting to change. Sith ships previously detached to harassing and feinting operations to facilitate the invasion of Alderaan were returning in force, were combining with the now organized defense provided by the platforms and battlestations and the core fleet Cyrus had in near the planet. In space, at least, the tide was turning. It wouldn't matter much if the enemy forces on the planet below were able to crush the defenders and take control of the orbital satellites and emplacements. That would make the situation in space for the Sith untenable, to say the least.

The Protectorate lines began to shift, every so slowly. It was a textbook operation, clearing the lines of retreat for a possible fighting withdrawal. There was nothing particularly clever about it, but it was well executed and allowed no easy gaps to exploit. There would be no easy victory here, not like could be expected against the anemic Republic Navy, so dependent on the strength of its Jedi, or the inflexible droid-heavy forces of the CIS, who used their robotic forces as a shield for their incompetence.

A flashing display indicated an alert on the console in front of Cyrus. It brought up page of information detailing the progress of the battle on the surface. Someone was requesting fire support. By chance or fortune, the Imperious was in the best position to head to low orbit and assist. There was a certain irony in that, since Cyrus had relieved the CO, now he had to personally direct surface fire support. He had a hard time remembering the last time he'd done so.

"Sith Forces, this is Iron Duke, on station at sector 8 grid 385498, standing by guns up ready for for calls for fire, over."

[member="Tyger Tyger"]
Location: Valley of the Dark Lords
Allies: [member=Cira] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"] Ysalamiri Bubble
Enemies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member=Cira]
Objective: Eliminate threat

The drone of the propulsion drives had all but ceased to exist to the ears of the Keshiri. Her mind was sharp, her focus adamant. There was nothing but her and her rifle, and her twin of course. The two rarely parted ways, often taking on missions together. They were both on Alderaan during the Invasion, eliminating what targets arose from the rubble of the medical centre. Now, she had been shipped to Coruscant. She ran her hand down the length of the CZ-835. The civilian-owned YT freighter, rudely commandeered by Lily and Venus Rose was en route to the Valley of Dark Lords. An attempt to extract One Sith forces from behind enemy lines. Chht! - "Lily, clear zone dead ahead. Eight-hundred meters. Rocks provide good cover. Flat surface, best we can probably do. Intelligence reports our forces are one-hundred-and-twenty meters from the clear. Your call." - Chht!
Luminous raised a hand to her helmet, activating the transceiver in response, "Go ahead, Venus. Lower the rear ramp, keep this bird steady." The freighter began to jostle as incoming AA fire came their way. "And to think, I thought they wouldn't shoot a civvie," Luminious murmured to herself. Chht! - "Guess they know we're here!" - Chht!
"Keep 'er steady,"
Lumimous ordered sternly, retreating to the far end of the vessel. The hydraulics sounded as the ramp lowered, Luminous emerged into sunlight, the thudding of her boots audible against the loud buzz of engines. Luminous collapsed to a knee, adjusting her scope. The next few seconds, the cybernetic bounty hunter performed a trio of skills. Magazine slapped into place. Safety-off. Eye peer down scope. Crosshair hover 1cm above target, Protectorate soldier sitting in anti-aircraft stationary gun. Wind temperature check. Distance evaluated, two-hundredmeters. Trigger pulled. And a soldier dies. The AA gunfire halted for only a second, but it returned with fury. "Bring us in low, Venus," Luminous said. It was only a matter of seconds before the freighter swooped low. Incoming transmission distracted the Keshiri, Chht! - "Immediate extraction requested, my coordinates. Hostage in tow. Require immediate medical attention for both parties." - Chht!
Luminous activated her transceiver, "This is Freelancer Marksmen, Luminous. I hear you loud and clear. LZ is a 'undred meters to your north. I'm your ticket out of here for today. Flying over your boys in" On que, the freighter slashed across the sky overhead the ensuing fight. Luminous reeled around, loading the next calibre into the barrel. Distance evaluated, twenty-three meters and counting. Eye peer down scope. Crosshair sits on Sarge's midsection. Account ship jostling. Wait. Fire. Luminous slapped the trigger. She had no time to see if her target had been hit, the ship dove low and fast. Landing gears extended, this was in no way a smooth landing. "I'm divin," Luminous informed her sister. The jetpack strapped to her spine launched her off the ramp and into the air, coming to a slow descent onto the sandy surface. She moved to cover, hiding behind a rock. Glancing over her shoulder, she watched the rough landing almost snap a landing gear. Venus emerged, slugthrower in hand.


Anzat's How it's Done
[member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"]

The pilot of the most recent dropship to enter Valley airspace, a one Lieutenant Dax Frotil, had just deployed a squad of Royal Guardsmen on the Valley's surface. Considering the heat of the zone, what with all of the blaster fire and lightsabers whizzing every where, he felt that he'd done a good job getting in and out in one piece. That smugness was wiped clean when his radio buzzed and orders came out.

"Dropship Aurek, move to the following co-ordinates and collect Lord Kraal immediately," the voice said almost urgently.

Dax was not one to question orders, so he adjusted his flight pattern and got ready to intercept the dark lord's hand. "Copy that." He was, after all, in the immediate vicinity.

Not even thirty seconds later and he was right on top of the bounding Vong, descending at speeds that must have broken safety regulations somewhere. He aligned the craft perfectly, so all Kraal had to do was leap to the side and he would be within the dropship. As soon as he chose to do so, Dax was poised to fly away at getaway speeds.
Allies: [member="Aeon Caedus"] [member="Drex Skyreaper"]
enemies: [member="Knight"]

The electricity barely missed Sero crashing into the wall with a sick crack as he lurched out of the way unaware that he unknowingly just barely stepped out of the way of the thrown tonfa.

“Looks like back up is here, Boss man.” he cracked over the comm to Drex. He raised his rifle once more at the downed intruder and sent a volley of bolts her way.
Location: Valley of Lords
Objective: Win
Allies: OP and friends
Enemies: OS, [member=Darth Tsolan]

Reloading his now empty BTI-CC13 blaster rifle from shooting at Sith Canal ordered his men to spread out into two teams which one would be Canal's team and the other team would be commanded by a brother named Ryker. Ryker's team then began heading to a nearby temple which would be vandalized and searched for any data or valuable items. Canal and his team would take the fighting outside to the One Sith. The blaster rifle was now reloaded and the force dead clone commando placed a bayonet to the end of the rifle for close quarters with any hostiles.

After placing the bayonet the captain then spotted a man who was on the floor. There was no time to guess if this was an ally or hostile. Besides, the mask that he was wearing made Canal think twice for not pressing the trigger. With full auto on his rifle he began aiming and shooting at the man.

"Kill or be killed."
Location: Valley of the Dark Lords
enemies: Cira-vong [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Commander Orin"]
Allies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member=Cira]
Objective: keep the beast on the ground

The four M47s of B Company's 3rd Urban Warfare platoon streaked through the skies. Each of the structures that dominated Coruscant's skyline was kilometres high. Each was akin to a whole town than needed to be occupied. This battlefield was a mess, Dicer reflected. He knew this was a poor way to describe the utter chaos around them, as blaster bolts of all colours streaked between the buildings, but he was a simple man, of few words.

"Updated orders," came the voice of the Company Commander. "No time to find a position and find covering fire, you're going in. We're connecting your comm system to a single unit, follow it."

"Hang on!" called the pilot, a fraction of a second before executing a stomach-lurching manoeuvre. The ground beneath them suddenly transitioned from cityscape to desert landscape. Curtis couldn't even fathom that. Given all the levels of coruscant, how could it exist?

"Side door, left, prepare for covering fire!"

Dicer pulled back the door, as Corporal Haven strapped himself in secure and hefted a repeater into place. Private Jinks prepped his blastec ravager.

"What the... "


"Four arms?"

"No, two,"

"On the same side?"

Curtis didn't know what he was looking at. Some monstrous beast rushing across the sand. Holding...

"Someone in his arms!" he called.

"Hold fire!"

"Where's our contact? Does anybody have eyes on our contact?"

"He's on my HUD, but I have no visual."

The group of dropships coasted along, tracking the creature and the signal from a few hundred metres up and to the right. Dicer felt his grip tighten on his rifle involuntarily. Just as he thought he was beginning to learn to cope with war, he found something new and delightfully terrifying to jump into his nightmares.

"2nd squad. Get on the ground ahead of it!" One of the drop ships raced ahead and towards the ground.

"Enemy contact! Dropship straight ahead!" Dicer called, seeing the vessel drop down to the ground at break-neck speed.

"Firing concussion missile!" called the pilot.
The report of the blaster was heard long before the first bolt could reach him Tsolan made sure to leap away in time. Bolt after bolt slammed hard into ground and in a moment, Vulpesen drew his saber and started deflecting the remaining ones that came at him. The force wasn't with him, but he didn't need it. His movements were faster than normal and his agility was obviously reaching levels above that a a human. It was amazing and had he not been fighting for his life he'd be impressed adn amazed. But since he was in fact being blasted, he decided to push forward, swirling his saber in a red shiel to aid in in his dash to the temples. "Will you stop! I've work to do!"

[member="Canal Tal'Verda"]
Location: Valley of the Dark Lords
Allies: [member="Cira"] [member="Luminous"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Commander Orin"] Ysalamiri Bubble
Enemies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Cira"]
Objective: Protect Tsavong's prize

Balaya saw the machine gun rise and fire. Her whips not able to protect her as she raised her arms to protect her exposed face and felt the impact of shot with the biting and sensations as her thigh screamed in pain, her shoulder protecting while the feeling of warm blood going down it. The verpine shattergun and Havoc had blasted her armor and now it was giving away. She felt the shots bite into the sections while her armored chest protected her heart and Balaya stopped standing there with a pant when he was gone. She was panting and looking around while finding a bladder from the vong, his weapons that had come while she picked it up and looked inside squeezing it.

Blorash jelly was a wonderful thing she knew about and was looking for Sarge, his form long gone as she began limping forward and Elara came to her side. "Master." The little girl was there holding the rifle while she smirked. "I am fine Elara see to it we find whatever is cutting the force off and direct the blackblades to form a line under my orders. I have a jedi to get and pay back." The little girl went off and Balaya put her whip back while grabbing the hand gun a woebringer from her hip while she held the staff like a walking stick taking off after Sarge. His footprints in the sand still visible for now and the comlink spewing about pick up which gave her a destination.

She went moving off and found the area heading down quickly feeling her body want to give and without the force she couldn't numb the pain of the gunshots. Balaya moved while she was listening for sounds and gripped the bladder like a grenade ready to spray it towards the man. Glitter was off searching for things to fight and the bral swiping with his tail in long arcs to try and break it, the sith lord was following the steps and the clip from reload. She was pushing hard now and could feel the blood loss from her leg and shoulder but had one things left as she threw the bladder to spray the jelly in a wide arc as well as the sides to try and catch the made it would harden once on the ground and entrap him but leave her vulnerable.
Location: Above the Valley of the Dark Lords
Objective: Rescue those who need Rescuing!
Allies: [member="Commander Orin"], [member="Hal Terrano"],
Enemies: [member="HK-36"] and Co.

Below the Sith Knight, was something that he couldn't sense. He knew there were people down there from what he could see by standing on the edge of the ramp and looked down as the ship stayed in place above the Valley.

But it was weird, it was as if there was something blocking his senses in the Force, and he was unsure as to whether he should move into it. Of course he was still able to sense life and the loss of life in other directions, but below him? No. It scared him to say the least, and he nearly lost his balance and fell into the open sky that was above Tombs of the Dark Lord.

From reports that he had received on his way up to these heights, there was something down there that was blocking the Force, and it was visible, and when he finally set his naked eyes upon it, he didn't know what to make of it, but he wasn't sure as to whether or not he should proceed and go down. The Force was something that he had lived with his whole life, and based on what reports said, if he went down there he wouldn't be able to use the Force temporarily.

He wouldn't be able to use a part of himself down there...

His fists clenched, and he turned around and walked away from the open ramp to snatch up and strap a jetpack to his back.

Hopefully I can use this.
Allies: Protectorate | [member="Sarge Potteiger"] |[member="Dicer"] | whoever else
Enemies: One Sith | [member="Tsavong Kraal"] | whoever else
Song: Barbarian Horde


She wasn't going without a fight. Not today. Not this day.

Off came a glove, fluttering to the ground. She would not let them take her so easily. Her skin would crawl as she would feel the beetles swarm her, but now her hand was free. She would risk come what may. It didn't matter.

There was no life were she to be capture. She knew that.

She knew that well.

So the changeling did what she could, she stopped fighting against the infestation and instead focused on another. Black veins would darken, lining her skin as it would quickly spread, her body rejecting violently. Her vison was hazy, and she felt weaker and lighter. It was even a struggle to breathe, but she would fight as long as she had breath in her body. This would not shape her properly. No, it would eventually kill her, for her body was reacting to it much like a deadly virus. Tossed over the Voice of the Dark Lord's shoulder left her free to move her upper torso... just a bit.

Her hand would extend, flesh hardening, firming, until as strong and sharp as talon made of Nighthunter bone. It was an organic weapon, one she would use to do the following.

She would raise her arm and, with a cry of pure blood curdling fury, swung it. The improvised talon sang through the air as it went swiping down, aimed to puncture the vong through his back and into a lung.
Wrong move to pull out the lightsaber which ignited into a read beam. That was Canal's cue to show no mercy to the man who was assumed as a Sith. "Brek, you're in charge of Blue team now. Continue with the objective, but don't interfere with my work," the captain said in a harsh voice. "Yes, sir," Brek responded back to him and began leading Blue team away from Canal and the Sith and continuing with their objective. "Looks like you're gonna have to deal with me before you get back to your 'work'." The work the Sith was up to was probably to bring more corruption to the galaxy, commit genocide, etc.

The captain then dropped his rifle and took out his vibroblade from his back. Then he ran at the Sith and before he was too close to him he took out his DC-15 sidearm and shot at him until the pistol stopped firing and had to recharge itself. "You will fear me!" He said and continued running to the Sith.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
Tsola rolled his eyes at the acts of bravado and as [member="Canal Tal'Verda"], Vulpesen's blades continued to dance infront of him. As for the pistol, the sith decided to react in kind, pulling a pistol and blasting shot after shot at the trooper's chest. Fear him? Tsolan was simply annoyed by him, as one might be annoyed of a fly. "Not until you show me some true skill."
Location: Valley of the Dark Lords
Allies: [member="Luminous"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Commander Orin"] [member="Evard L'Rik"] [member="Cira"] Ysalamiri Bubble
Enemies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Dicer"] [member="Cira"]
Objective: Escape with Cira

Tsavong roared in displeasure as a blade embedded it's way into his armor, piercing his back. Though the blade wouldn't find a lung, as his armor was still providing some form of protection, it wasn't exactly the nicest feeling in the world.

As a firefight emblazoned around him between the ships moving into the vicinity, Tsavong growled in the direction of [member="Dicer"]'s ship and immediately dove to his right. Though he had been contacted with another option for extraction, this particular one had seemed a bit too enticing as it was directly next to the moving beast. Diving into [member="Commander Orin"]'s ship, he used Cira's face as a pillow to cushion his massive weight when landing in the interior of the dropship, out of spite.

Right before he landed on the ship, he saw [member="Dicer"]'s ship shoot a missile. He could only assume the target was them.

"INCOMING FIRE," Tsavong roared amid the chaos that was erupting.
Enemies; everyone and their brother, apparently
Objective; Stuff, i guess.

Sarge watched a concussion missile streaking in on the dropship that had slowed to match the speed of the Vong, knowing full well it would likely force the ship to either do evasive maneuvers or knock it from the sky. Breathing heavily from the exertion of running, he was beginning to feel a faint tickle at the back of his mind as the edge of the field came into play, but there was some distance for that he was sure.

Already another friendly dropship was flying in, his comm frequency being tracked by multiple dropships. It was no secret who he was, not after Druckenwell, and there was still a reputation for the formerly dead man - foremost of which was he never asked for anything he didn't need.

"Follow that dropship." He ordered to the dropship [member="Dicer"] was in, even as his own ride began unloading blaster fire onto [member="Commander Orin"]'s engines. "Call for fighter support. We'll need intercept if it gets away."

Considering the swarms of Protectorate craft around, help wasn't going to be far away. He was still sprinting though, hoping to get into the rear of his own dropship, armors cloaking ability keeping him hidden from the likes of [member="Luminous"] - unless she was shooting at air.

A few more meters and he was throwing himself into the rear, engines screaming as it fought for altitude just on the off chance the Sith got away.
His attack was deflected and for the incoming bolts, well, he took three of them before putting the pistol in its holster and rolled to the right to dodge the bolts. "Then come and find it, unless you are such of a coward like your father." The vibroblade was still in his hand and the other free hand went to his side. It looked like he was reaching for his sidearm but instead he took a flash bang from his utility belt and threw it at the Sith once it was activated. He then activated his jetpack that shot him backwards to get away from the flash bang ruining his vision.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
Tsolan rose an eyebrow Canal but noticed the flashbang, leaping away from the unknown projectile. Luckily the dive managed to keep him from being blinded but the bang... it was loud. Louder than usual. So loud in fact, that it hurt. Genuine, pain filled his head. A loud howl ripped from his throat as the pain took effect. It took a moment but he eventually got over it and turned to glare at [member="Canal Tal'Verda"]. "You kathpup!" He turned and raced towards Canal, brandishing his saber. "There's no way in hell you know my father!"
Under the emotionless helmet Canal simply smiled. He could tell that his for was angry but very angry. It was simple psychology. "Oh, I have met him and up to this day he has no honor and remains as a coward. Before I could strike him down he used his wife, your mother as a shield, to save his own life. Very pathetic from a man like him. Perhaps you're destined to be like him," the clone said to the Sith, taunting him. This would continue to anger the Sith Lord and that would lead him to his downfall.

The clone captain didn't move at all. He just stood there, holding his vibroblade, and the other hand to his side, waiting for his opponent to reach him.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]

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