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Into the Jaws of Death [OP Invasion of Sith-Occupied Coruscant]

( The Dice Decided for me!)

The White Current had been trusted in the past to keep the Jedi Academy safe millennium ago, but there was no true testimony on how it would react to a Vong.

So when Tsavong's tail came, lke a scene straight out of the holofilm Lords of the Rings, that tail went whipping round Cira's dead form, tearing her from Embers arms. Maybe one could even say it was Balrog himself who sent the whipping tail. Down the chasm they would go, into the very catacombs as the trio disappeared into the darkness.
Once [member="Sarge Potteiger"]’s flash bang went off, Daella shut her eyes and covered her face with a hand. Chaos ensued. The result: @Cira’s body falling down the chasm with [member="Tsavong Kraal"].

As the fight for Cira’s body concluded, Daella rushed to Dark Lord [member=Ordo] in order to protect and serve. She would assist the Dark Lord’s escape from the crumbling ruins of the palace as well as the search for Tsavong and comrades.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Location: CIC onboard the Imperious
Objective: Destroy the Protectorate Fleet
Allies: OS Ships
Enemies: OP Ships

Cyrus was not an easy man to shock. He'd been around a while and seen nearly every aspect of warfare. He'd committed what others might call atrocities without blinking and sent tens of thousands to their deaths in battle without batting an eye.But using your one-of-a-kind flagship as a souped up asteroid to bombard a planet?

Well, that would be what you called a shocker.

It was intentional, that much Cyrus knew in his gut. The why of it was harder to tell, but a quick review of the battle thus far showed that the Starfall had been running much slower than normal. Furthermore there was no way in hell that the Lord Protector would misuse his favorite toy. That would indicate a level of incompetence never before shown by the Protectorate.

Smoke and mirrors, then. But for what reason Cyrus had no idea. There were more immediate concerns to deal with anyway, like the sudden massive gap in the Protectorate lines. Orders were given, and the Sith ships moved in to exploit.

They wouldn't get the chance. No sooner had the Starfall entered Coruscant's atmosphere than the Protectorate fleet surged in to cover the gap. Their motive was clear, recovery of forces planetside, but they met every attempt to hamper their efforts with a counter-stroke. A feint by a pair of Dark Blades was matched by a swarm of strike craft and fast frigates. Sith interceptors attempting to shoot down dropships were swatted aside by support frigates risking their whole ship by descending into high atmo. On the center line, casualties were horrifically high, but even so the Omega ships never showed weakness, and never broke.

So slowly but surely the Protectorate fleet recovered their forces planetside and withdrew. Cyrus dogged their step, ensuring they wouldn't leave without a proper fight, but annihilation was out of the picture here, all he could do was make them pay.

On another day, with a hand-picked naval force and on a battlefield of his choosing, Cyrus could have shattered their lines and swept both the fleet aside and grounded the thousands of troops planetside. But not here, where incompetence was the rule for the Sith commanders in orbit. The One Sith Navy needed a strong hand to shape it into something worthy, and there would be blood spilled in the shaping.
Location: War Room of the Imperial Palace
Objective: Escape.
Allies: [member="Ordo"]
Enemies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Dead: [member="Cira"]

Well, that changed rather quickly.

The girl, still in Tsavong's possession, was once again used as a cushion as his tail pressed her face against the rock wall and his hand pressed into the other side. He was about to grab Sarge with his foot as it was still the beast's intention to turn the man until a voice once again entered his head.

The Yun'o had not forgotten Tsavong.

Take the girl. She is the vessel. Leave the man.

He heard the faint whisper, seemingly a dream, and knew what he must do. Propelling himself upwards as the man fell down, Tsavong opted not to grab him and instead jumped into a different, alternate path in the complicated system of sewers.

There they would surely be lost.

From there, they would wander to One Sith controlled territory and discover the the Omega Protectorate were slowly leaving the planet.

From there, the Yuuzhan Vong would continue his journey.

][ Exit Thread. ][

Sven Talith

Near the Palace

Well. This was awkward.

It seems the crashing of his ship, and the subsequent lack of being able to get back to the palace saved his life. The massive ship that was now mere feet away from crashing into Coruscant, and Sven sat ontop of a Skyscrapper watching it fall.

The subsequent explosion nearly blinded him, if it hadn't been for his HUD visor growing black.

The palace was of course nearly leveled. The Center structure stood in ruins and the outer spires were nearly falling. A part of it was still standing, small spires and even a part of the central structure, though it was mostly obscured by the wreckage of the Starfall. Sven only watched from afar, being able to see the flames of the ship even here. Dozens if not hundreds of emergency services rushed towards the Palace, not troopers, but civilian and military alike.

The fires had to be put out, and people had to be rescued. Sven simply watched.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Location: That series of rooftops we're all on, somewhere around Valley of the Lords
Allies: [member="Kaida Taldir"]
Enemies: [member="Commander Orin"]
Objective: Protecting Kaida, Keeping the Sith suppressed
Musical Selection: Girls (Droids) Just Want To Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper

Commander Orin said:
To add to the insulting list of mounting tricks Omega had up their sleeve, a very unfriendly dropship whizzed onto the scene, absolutely laying into Orin and his squad with an automatic gun of a large caliber. Thankfully, the fallen pillar Orin and his squad had taken cover behind shielded them from everything but raining chips of stone.
That was enough distraction HK needed as he stopped his buzzsaw movements, impaling his Sith alchemy sword into the ground and deactivating his lightsaber as he pulled his MD-1 heavy anti-armor bombardment railgun, now recharged, from his shoulder and knelt down, taking aim towards Orin's position.

"Cover your ears, Kaida."
The droid gave his companion a warning this time around instead of letting her deafen and stun through the roaring shot from the Mass Driver.

As Orin aimed for the gunner HK aimed for the pillar his squad was hiding behind and at the same time the two soldiers pulled their trigger, in instant the Gunner of the dropship flew back and there would be flash of light at the pillar of Orin's squad, the explosion of the hyper-velocity bolt gun projectile.

Excerpt from tech submission for MD-1:
"As to the gun's power and ammunition, the solid metal Slugs of MK 1 bolt gun work wonders against heavy armored units. The solid slugs are propelled at incredible speed and are able to punch clean through a vehicle in some cases, dealing heavy damage. While the standard bolt ammunition has lesser penetration than Solid Slug, although it is able to penetrate Heavy Vehicle Armor with a good hit, it has a rather curious property when fired from this small mass driver. The Gados scientists called it the Hyper-Velocity Shrapnel Effect. What it describes is, when the standard bolt ammunition is fired and impacts its target, or soil, it explodes as it would usually, however, at the speed it travels, it loses its area of effect damage. Instead, it is a conical effect as the shockwave of its explosion and shrapnel are propelled forward due to velocity (This part is least grounded in actual science as my plane to Poland is nipping at my heels and I have no time to research this to be certain :p). The shrapnel, due to explosion, retains velocity similar to that of a shattergun pistol ammunition being fired, acting very much so like a shotgun version of shattergun in fletchete shrapnel version. This can pepper light and medium vehicles and penetrate their armor, although heavy armored vehicles deflect the shrapnel, or the shrapnel imbeds in their armor and impales it without really causing any further damage, and it's a very devastating effect to be used against infantry, especially when the shock-wave of it hits them like a run-away train. As such, the Slugs are advised to be used against heavily armored units and the Bolts are much more effective in bombardment against groups of infantry."

And after the flash of the projectile meeting its mark came the roaring thunder from the weapon itself, the sound of the bolt breaking the sound barrier would reach Orin and those nearby HK after the flash and projectile hitting, since the bolt launched from the MD would travel faster than sound and the barrier would be broken inside the barrel, which contained just enough sound dampeners to keep the wall of air from breaking the weapon apart but not enough to make it silent by any measure.

Presumably the pillar would explode in chunks of rock and high-temperature shrapnel from the explosion, the whole of the cover being thrown back from the shockwave as the area in its conical effect, covering stone and the squad, was peppered with the debris and hot metal like a shower of shattergun shots. HK's goal was to distract the squad long enough to suppress them, give opening for Kaida to move in with her frost powers, and possibly take out their dropship if the strike was good enough. Just to make sure that not everything was absorbed by the pillar cover the droid aimed towards the top of the make-shift barricade to pepper the Sith's torso and helmets should there be not as much rock debris as he expected.

After this maneuver he would take his two weapons into his hands once more, slinging the heavy gun onto his back to let it recharge, his shields now gone he stepped back towards Kaida who was already casting her spell to cover her more, and be closer to the dropship for when they could finally get out of there and have time to gossip.

As to the Gunner in the dropship,

Well the Gunner was presumable wearing one of the heavy variants of Defense Power Armor which droid had supplied from Omega to his company, and which would give the Gunner a bonus when using heavy weapons like the RC-1. Anyway, that would mean the soldier also had the heavier deflector shield that came with the suit which meant that although the bolt sent him back the other side of the dropship, he was not killed, injured maybe, but soon enough he would be climbing aboard the dropship with help of other soldiers, one of whom replaced him on the Rotary Cannon since there would be at least two of those, that usually means two gunners, and since they weren't being attacked from the other side they could spare one to switch.
Location: War Room
Objective: Leave
Allies: [member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Cira"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Darth Junra"]
Enemies: Chaos and disorder.

Pain...Pain was something he knew well, he had lived it for many years. Mental pain, body pain, pain of heart, it was nothing he hadn't felt. The pain from the darkside died replaced by pain from the force light, and he let the dead woman drop to the floor. Slowly he feel to a knee as the light burned away at him. skin flaked away only to regrow before their eyes and burn away again. When it stopped he could feel his entire body cry out in anguish. Seconds later the flash bang went off and he was deaf and blind, yet somehow he still saw and heard somewhere in his mind. Ember and the Protectorate man were gone and so was his Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster. He Felt Junra approach to shield him and fight beside him as the loyal woman she was. Ordo put an arm around her shoulder as she came to him then rose to his full height as he made the pain a new part of himself.

"Take me out. We must see them driven off our world for good." came Ordo's deep voice. "You did well my dear."
Location: Above Hal Terrano.
Objective: Get out of there.
Allies: [member="Hal Terrano"],
Enemies: Whoever wants some.

He landed.

Heavily, he felt his legs buckle as the jetpack was thrown off of his body and he tucked and rolled the rest of the way to [member="Hal Terrano"]'s form, already seeing several soldiers and [member="Commander Orin"] presumably nearby. When he set his gaze upon the Sith Knight, he rushed towards him, but almost tripped due to the self-imposed hurt to his legs.

Unfortunate, but necessary.

Setting his gaze upon the supposed corpse of a Sith Knight, he took up the man's form in his powerful frame, and gathered the Force to him again when he had decided a direction, which had only taken a moment, and then he leapt, the dead comrade in his arms and leaving whatever allies and foes in his dust behind him.

No brother deserved to be left in the dirt.
How the hell did this Sith knew his name? Especially his designated number that was given yo him after day one on Kamino. He shook his head and focused back on the Sith. The voice of his drill sergeant came to him. "What are you waiting for, you fething idiot?" Vilox, his Mandolorian officer said in his mind, "I didn't waste ten years of my life training a clone to be a little wuss instead of a deadly commando. Come on! Show him who's the apex predator!"

Canal then took of his cracked visored helmet and didn't had his HUD, breath filters, nada from his helmet. It was in his hands and would be used as a weapon. He then reached in with his free hand and felt a shard of glass with his hand he grabbed it and hid it in his hand. "You're nothing but words. You're just pathetic, weak, and a coward. Nothing more than that," and spat at the floor. The commando then activated his jetpack for a brief second to push him towards the Darth and then threw his helmet at Tsolan's face. Once he touched the ground he did a quick snap kick to the chest area that was being protected by his armor.

"Let's see if you think you're to hard to beat."

[member=Darth Tsolan]
The Eternal Queen
No allergies. Fine. This would be easy. Already she was preparing an anesthetic. As she lowered the needle to the womans neck, she paused to look where the woman was pointing.

"I think that's your ride."

The needle slid into the base of her neck, hopefully enough to numb for the upcoming proceedure.

"As I recall," Feena replied cooly, placing a white gloved hand to the first wound, "When I lived here on Coruscnt, this planet was run by the republic. You don't get to be snarky with me, young Lady."

There was a hint of a smile on her face as she said it. Closing her eyes, she began work on the first wound. This was going to be... uncomfortable, but she would live.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Feena Mason"]

Balaya felt herself drifting off mostly when the needle went into her neck, she had gotten shot in the cheek on Alderaan and that was patched up with synthflesh and biofiber but it was still raw and noticeable while she was internally laughing a bit at how the healer was giving some of it right back at her. She could even see Elara and the blackblades around them but not moving in to attack.
The Eternal Queen
When she worked, she thought back to the holocron hidden away in her office. The single most important object in that entire room. Bethany Kismits holocron. The woman widely known as the Galaxys greatest healer. And Feena Mason had been studying the holocron since it was first lent to her by the Lord Protector. As far as living healers went, many claimed that Feena was the best. But between her and Kismit? There was no way to compare. Not yet. One day, Feena was determined to take the title of Galaxys greatest Healer. But for now, she was going to have to settle for second best.

As the young Queen worked though the bone, the flesh, the blood vessels, she went one by one to heal each cell, forcing the body to stitch itself together. This was the hard part, healing the wound from the inside out.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Feena Mason"]

Elara continued to watch her master being healed while she stood with the blackblades and the eight year old held the tri-stunner in her hand at the ready with the training saber. Her masters hydrastaff slithering around. They had the equipment ready as needed and she was ready to attack if this one tried anythign with her master. The comlink chirped and she spoke. "Understood." Looking up. "Some of the forces are pulling back and when we have the chance we are to search the ruins of the palace."
The Eternal Queen
Feena was far too busy to pay any notice to those nearby. Didn't they know this was difficult work? Certainly more difficult than lopping off heads! Such foolishness, all this fighting. Made her job so very much more taxing. And she was already quite ill as it was.

One wound mostly healed now. She would need to let the flesh knit itself back together naturally now. She put in a few stitches, and applied a patch over the first wound when she heard the voice. Was she talking to her? Seemed like it.

"So? What does any of it matter now?"

That was the only response she gave as she moved on to heal the other wounds on her body. The worst of it was over. She would be finished soon and on her way to do this all over again.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
The sith grinned as he saw the pangs of anger in the clones face. And his joy only increased as he came in to attack. Vulpesen was not an active fighter, he was reactive, using his enemy's actions against him, and thus he found himself quite at home with countering [member="Canal Tal'Verda"]'s actions. Using his left hand to quickly push the helmet to the side, he rose his right just in time to deflect the leg upward before grabbing a hold of it. "I am." Two simply words, heartfelt and ready to be proven. Turning his left hand into a fist, he brought it down hard on his enemy's thigh. Using his armored gloves and the enhanced strength of whatever the hell he was becoming, he hoped that this strike would serve to possible dislocate the clone's leg with simply force in the right place.
The Sith might think he was winning but that would soon change. His leg was caught by his hand and then the hand punched on his hand. He felt blunt force going through his leg and would leave his leg dislocated. He didn't know that fact but once he would start walking then he would noticed. But at the same time the Darth punched his leg Canal then used his right hand that contained the shard of glass and what he did was he sent a stab with the glass towards area that was between the neck and the shoulder of his opponent. The Darth had no way to deflect or dodged it since he was holding his leg and it was sent at the exact same time as Tsolan punched. And with such swiftness there was barely any time to counter against unless he was using the force which, sadly, he couldn't use. If the stab succeeded then the Sith would be in big trouble since a couple of veins would be cut and it simply would just hurt as hell if he tried to move it.

Let's see if he can counter that.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Drex Skyreaper

Objective: Get out of dodge
Location: Palace Hangar
Allies: [member="Sero Valrel"]
Enemies: Everyone not OS

Drex took a deep breath and pushed off the wall turning to heads towards the ship. When he saw the stretcher Drex growled.

"Get that fracking thing out of here." "I am not dead I can walk just fine."

Drex ambled towards the transport using his rifle to help support the bad leg his mind screaming as he fought against blacking out. His mind raced through a hundred different things as he tried to focus and anything but the fire shooting up his leg and snaking up the back of his mind. When he reached the ramp Drex reached out for it really falling.

Cursing Drex waved off anyone who would try to jump forward to assist him putting great effort into pulling himself onboard.

Darth Atrox

Objective: Escape and try not to get blown up.
Location: Getting blown up.
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Everything and everyone else.

Down. He felt himself going down. A stray fighter's bullet had struck his hiding place, and death was imminent. "Damn." he cursed, before diving off the building, smoke and fire building up behind him.

Reaching out his hand, Mala caught hold of a large cable, with no avail. He slid quickly down, the heat behind him nearing. He was going to fast, the impact to the ground would kill him. Figuring that he was an amble distance from the ground, he leaped off of the wire, igniting his lightsaber with a hiss, he landed with a thud on the ground. "Feth." he spat, and began to run; well, half jog half crawl, in any direction, toward a transport.
LOCATION: The Bowels of Coruscant
ALLIES: One Sith; the legless, the armless, the blind and insane
ENEMIES: Omega Protectorate; [member="Ayden Cater"]
OBJECTIVE: Minimize civilian casualties and infrastructural damage; rule over the rubbish

So nice, we’ll do it twice.

Penance. For his failure at Alderaan, he had to be there, the little orb rolling against his combat boot.

“I’ve told you time again, old son – Never take nuffink from nobody wiffout the proper certificate of auffenticity and that, innit?” Benedict leaned down, scooping the trinket up into his hand and pocketing deep within his horrible tattered overcoat. There, it would disappear into some private Hell of the Subway; an annual tax of unwanted garbage for the Beggar King.

With his rotten grin, he blew smoke out from the parts between his teeth at the doddering unfortunate.

“You remember when they sold you that fake hair, right yeah?”

As his hand exited the folds of his trench, it cast back jarringly, throwing a pittance of change on the ground to which the vagrants swarmed. From within this cloud of poverty, he managed to sink even lower into Coruscant's guts.

Friends in low places, indeed.

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