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Skirmish Into The Mouth Of The Leviathan [TSO x Mandalorian Protectors]



"Long have we waited for the Orragoth to return."

Hot, acrid wind whipped aside the Dark Lord's cloak, revealing blackened plate etched with runic pictographs. The lesser creatures shrank from the sight of it, but the tall Hansnok-Hai stood unmoving and resolute. This priestly serpent-lord, haggard from years of radioactive exposure and lack of sunlight, was nonetheless imposing and terrifying. His ornamental priestly robes were struck through with bone and stained with blood pigment. His crozier was adorned with various bits and pieces of Beskar'gam, harvested from those the Graug had preyed upon over the years.

"The treacheries of Moridinae have not diminished thy hordes, nay, they have multiplied deep beneath the blasted earth." Darth Carnifex, Dark Lord of the Kainate, stood atop a great precipice amidst an endless expanse of twisted iron and glass seas. Nearby was a gargantuan borehole, delving many kilometers into the planet's crust. Though the edges of the borehole carried the mark of intense bombardment, fortifications had been constructed along the edge. When the saturation bombardments of the New Imperial Order faded after their government collapsed, the Graug had begun to reemerge onto the surface for the first time in decades.

Dozens of legions stood, ready and waiting. They looked to their priesthood for direction, and the priesthood looked to the Dark Lord. He'd returned after so many years, to retrieve His legions from beneath Moridinae's surface. But not only that, He'd come to test the strength of the Mandalorian Protectors who had begun to resettle in the southlands. Already, His great ships loomed high in the sky, monstrous abrogators whose sole purpose was to consume the land and strip it bare. They had once driven across the land in ages past, despoiling one half of the world's surface.

Now they've come again.

"Go forth, Children of Gratos, and make the mountains tremble with your passing. Surge south and scour the land clean. This world I give to you, and this world you shall take. Churn the fields, dredge the seas, and cover all the land in an endless darkness."


  1. The Graug hordes burst forth like a ravenous tide. They pour down from the north, ravaging and pillaging as they go. Some warbands have tunneled beneath the ground, emerging from below near the sites of Protector settlements. It is up to the Protectors to cast this horde back, and defend all that they have worked hard to build. The Sith come on the backs of the Horde's advance, none more terrible than the Dark Lord of the Kainate; Darth Carnifex.
  2. From the skies surge great and terrible machines, World Despoilers, set to complete what the Sith had begun so many decades ago. Though slow and meandering, these Despoilers are mobile factories capable of replenishing their starfighter contingent ad nauseam. Their armor is well reinforced, and it will take more than a few bombing runs to knock them out of commission. And the more they consume of Mandalore's surface, the more wicked machines they can churn out to fight.





Melee WeaponsCopad'kal, "Ambition", personal Mandalorian Kal.
Tar'Nau, Bes'manda Beskad.
The Royal Dragon, lightsaber.
Kada'yr, Mandalorian Kal.
Iviin'cer, beskar spear.
PistolsDXN-57 Breachlight blaster pistol.
BH Durin Charric Blaster Pistol.
AP-25i 'SIMP' Particle Beam Blaster.
Mandalorian Ripper Pistol MK.II.
Auriel Combined Energy Bow.
Mother's Root seeds [In secured bottle stored in belt.]
Ground Mother's Root toxin [In secured bottle stored in belt.]

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Ordo Ordo Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Cyan colored text indicates an illusion.


Despite being in love with a Sith, Elise despised the order itself. Elise had a certain respect for the code itself, but those monsters... they had ravaged her homes before. Csilla, Archais, Kestri, Mandalore...

And now...

The Sith invaded her home again.

The mechanical, deafening roars of World Despoilers vibrated through her body as she used her jetpack to fly above the Graug hoard. Landing atop a spire, Elise pulled out her bow and started firing. In the Wastes, Elise found herself at a crossroads between a long valley and a series of mountainous pires, all devoid of life. Haar'chak! Mandalore was barely recovering from what had transpired sixty years ago. Six decades of decay, and now they were here to finish the job. Elise's heart pounded in her chest. She could not let this happen!

Below her, more Mandalorians in the outpost were also being alerted to danger. Elise gritted her teeth, unleashing an explosive arrow that both took out the Graug below and destabilized her perch. She jetpacked off the spire, landing atop another one as she released another distress signal.

<<"Mayday! The Sith are here! I repeat! The Sith are here! Our outpost has been overrun! Mia! Someone! Send reinforcements, coordinates 012676258637626836772b, 3526521277985214y! We-">>

An explosion, far larger than her own, rang out. Elise looked over to see the scattered vode all making way to the spires as well, as their outpost was being taken over and destroyed before their eyes. Elise gasped, then gritted her teeth. Such cruelty should not exist in this galaxy. As one vod fell, Elise looked up to the sky. She noticed a floating platform, and Sensed a great pulse of the Dark Side, sitting there with the density of a black hole. She tilted her head, activating her H.U.D. and zooming in... and who she saw... shook her.

Darth Carnifex.

The man responsible for all evils in the galaxy. The genocider of her people. Mass enslaver, eternal tormentor, and embodiment of the Dark Side itself. She recognized pages of history books alive before her, and her heart pounded ever more ferociously. If Darth Carnifex could be defeated... would this all be over?

<<"Elise! Focus, we-">>

Elise's attention was snapped to a fellow vode trying to call for her, only to be grabbed by a Graug and swung into the wall, jetpack still going. Elise gasped as yet another explosion rang out, killing him and several more vode before her. Her eyes widened beneath her helmet, and she barely heard the commander speak.

<<"Everyone! Fall back! Flee into the spires, I need you all alive!">>

But as her fellow Mandalorians retreated into the forest of stone, Elise snuck a glance back at Darth Carnifex before following her vode into the spires.

The arid wind was only intensified by the vacuums the stone spires created. Harsh wind made it hard to control jetpack flight, and yet another vod died as she crashed into a spire. Elise teared up, forcing herself to remain focused on escaping. Escaping... she felt like a coward, escaping.

<<"You all have stealth tech! Disperse, and remain scarse. You all survive! I'll meet you all back at Keldabe Outpost, where we'll properly report to our command! Got it? Vode'an!">>

The rally cry of "Vode'An!" was repeated as the platoon's worth of Mandalorian scouts activated their stealth technology and scattered. The Graug were thrown off by the retreat, terrain, and method of fleeing as Elise Force Cloak and Force Stealthed herself as well. She used her Jump Boots to remain stealthed while in the air, and she veered eastwards, opting to make a reverse U turn from here to Keldabe. She had scouted this place before. She knew how to make it.

She was completely alone by the time her H.U.D. warned her that her Jump Boots were low on fuel. Elise slid into a small cave and pulled the boots off, refueling them quietly. As she sat there, in solitude, the image of Carnifex on the platform did not leave her mind.

He was... right there... Elise could... save everyone...

Mia and Malum's warnings echoed in her head, warning her that it was impossible. History books berated her, telling her it could not be done. She was too weak. But Elise gritted her teeth, feeling that weight of the galaxy on her shoulder once more. The boot to her back, the chains on her wrists. She... she...


... She needed to try, against all odds.

Even if it killed her.

She would never forgive herself for running away from him.

A dark, grim resolve sat in her heart like ice. Elise finished refueling and stood up. She pulled her red hood over her buy'ce and stealthed once more. Today, Darth Carnifex would finally pay for his sins.

Stealthed in the Force, through her armor, and with her Force Signature, Elise was practically invisible as she made way back to the valley in a zig zag pattern. A couple pursuing Graug, separated from their hoard, could be spotted. Elise quietly took care of them and moved on. Eventually, the roaring of the World Despoilers were once again rumbling in her ears. Like a ghost, Elise used her Jump Boots to sneak from spire to spire, making it to a towering, larger spire that was so, so close to the floating platform where the source of evil sat, enjoying the death of her people. Elise slowly pulled her bow from her back and knocked an arrow. The shadow assassin pulled back the string, hands shaking in nervousness as she tried her best to aim at the monster. She bit her lip, begging her nerves to calm. The acid arrow was aimed directly for him. Without noise, without a trace, she finally focused on his head and let go. The assassin's arrow flew for the side of his neck, and Elise prayed to the Ancient Ones that it would somehow land.

I will save everyone!


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Keratel Rekali

This place is not a place of honor
The Clan Rekali Nekdog-class atmospheric fighter was a two- to three-trick pony at the best of times. Hordes spilling forth across Manda'yaim, somehow, qualified as the best of times. The situation could have been tailor-made for the little old ship.

Yet Kay felt unready. His thoughts were both too sluggish and too broad, far-ranging. Strategic worries, not tactical ones, and that would get him killed. He wove his way through wasteland precipices, skimmed too close to sandstone, kept missing things on the sensor screens. His comms picked up Mandalorians but only in scraps, and he couldn't make it work, couldn't brew those scraps into coherence. He was not at his best. He'd gone flying with his Calypho Compass and needed serious painkillers thereafter, and he was tired.

But Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel , Mand'alor, had called. And the Sith had called just as loudly in their own way.

A Graug horde appeared on the horizon. Flying low, Kay armed flame carpets and accelerated.
Earlier that day

He stood silent beside Mia Monroe Mia Monroe and turned his visor toward the sky. An old deep anger he thought himself far beyond stirred within him.

"The enemy is here." He said, as he reached out with his will, "I have something to do. I'll be on time."

He took a step toward the bulkhead and vanished.

One hour before the attack

He stood face to face with a legend. The dust filled air whipped around them as two beast circled one another. The Mythosaur wasn't it's full size, but it was close. It turned and lunged at the armored man, and the man slapped its massive snout again.

"NO." He said causing the wind and force to stop around them. Obey."

The mythosaur stared at him after shaking it's head. Huge black eyes stared deep into the black visor and slowly the beast prostrated itself, as was only right. It's will was not as strong as the will of War. The armored man mounted the Mythosaur and tapped it's neck gently.

"Up, we'll be just in time."


Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel Keratel Rekali Keratel Rekali Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex


Location: Mandalore Grasslands
Objective: Stop the tide
Tags: OPEN
Gear: In bio

Down below, Daesyn could see the pall of smoke as the Graug scorched the eart crossing the grasslands, Mandalore had only limited unpoisoned ground for farming and every acre burned was a family that might struggle to make it through the harsh winters. Her shimmering wings glowed behind her as she leaned and towards the ground and descended like a comet towards the core of the seemingly unending horde. Graug were strong and powerful but also extremely crude, by defeating their leaders, she hoped she could stop at least this part of the horde, but first she needed to get its attention.

As she descended, Manda's Wrath extended on her hand to its full length and she felt the eagerness of the weapon to taste combat. As she came to land her wings flared and she stopped like an angel of war above the ground, becoming her foes forth. The graug did not disappoint and quickly charged the armoured woman. She leaned forward and counter charged, a spray of whistling birds flew our around her like glowing explosive fairymies, detonating at the rare soft points on the graug and blowing chunks put oh her foe.

She felt the crunch of bone as Manda's Wrath impacted the chest of a large graug, sending him flying into his brethren. She spun the weapon and pulled out her autopistol, firing several shots into other graug nearby before bringing the hammer out of hits spin and down onto the head of another dark skinned warrior.

Under her helmet she was smiling, she was born for the glory of battle in the name of the Manda and with the number of opponents in display here, it would have to be quite the battle. The air around Daesyn shimmered as the personal shield built into her halo caught heavy caliber rounds coming in for one of the graug heavy shooters, she looked at the greenskin as he hurriedly tried to unjam his crude weapon before charging to crush his skull.

Location: Moridinae Grasslands
Objective: I - Ravage Moridinae
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Direct Engagement: Daesyn Rodarch Daesyn Rodarch

The savage Graug surged from the earth in their hordes and Quintessa gazed upon them from a towering plateau overlooking the grasslands as they did. In that, the tiny speedster found herself deep in meditation as the passions of the Graug’s long-awaited revenge came to a head, filling the currents of the Force with a spectrum of potent emotions. Quintessa drew on them almost unconsciously, a process that energized and strengthened her connection to the dark side, while also honing her own emotions into a weapon of the Eternal Father.

For Him, Quintessa spoke a brief prayer. Such a ritual came with new sensations now, as she had developed a more intimate connection to Him and He had granted her a gift, in turn. Nevertheless, the prayer was spoken from her lips with all the focus, devotion, and passion that would drive her in battle.

Some moments later, Quintessa opened her eyes after she finished her invocations, her cyan-hued gaze intently sanguine as her senses registered a particularly strong presence standing amidst those embattled, monstrous souls in the grasslands below. It radiated all of the energies that the speedster had been conditioned to hate—those that were anathema to the Eclipsing Mission and thus, could not be allowed to exist.

She would be the weapon to purge it.

Quintessa quickly stood back up onto her feet, before taking her chakrams from their place on her back and injecting poison into their reservoirs.

Such putrescent, debased anathema would not receive the mercy of a painless death from her.

Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Keldabe -> Sundari Battlezone


The Sith were attacking Mandalore. It seemed impossible, but it was happening right now. Arla and Arch were in Keldabe when the alert came to her comm with an audible and happy sounding ping that belied the seriousness and import of the news. Arch knew something was up when Arla froze in place, one hand to her buy'ce. Bad news. Then he heard her voice over the Clan-wide network. "This is Arla. Ultraviolet alert." Arch's blood froze as still as Arla had. That level of priority was never used, because it overrode everything else. This was worse than bad. Before she could elaborate, another voice came over the comm net, one Arch didn't recognize.

"Arla? What's up?"


Grand Admiral Kano Hades was a member of the UGF navy and though no longer officially under Arla's command as she was no longer a UGF minister, they were old friends, and had fought wars together.

"The same. I'm in orbit with the Nostril assisting with transfers. What do you need, Commander?"

He used her old title for familiarity and respect. "We're in the shit. I'm deputizing you, and if you'll have it, placing you in overall command. Direct our forces as you can, and get me every troop you have down here."

The Grand Admiral's voice held a smile. "Alright. I'll drop everything. I'll stay up here with the Nostril, and i'm ordering the Defender into low orbit to provide you with fire support. I don't know how these bastards got in, but we'll make sure they don't get out."

In high Mandalore orbit, the Nostril of Palpatine could cover most of the planet with its sensors, and it was even now spilling out light and heavy fighter drones and tractor drones to assist the Mandalorians. The Defender, Arla's flagship, was moving into low orbit itself and deploying multiple drop ships to supply troops to the ground force. Arla would normally have wanted to be in a command position where she could see everything, but not here and not now. Her fight was on Mandalore.

Arla cut her comm for a moment and looked in Arch's direction. Her question was direct. "Where are the kids?" Arch held up a hand and commed them on the family circuit.

"Tuur, Vaar, where are you?"

"Tuur here, i'm out riding." That girl was somewhere in the desert, and riding meant atop a wild Trinitaur, something she enjoyed more than any other activity. That was good, she was safe for the moment. "Vaar? Come in!" No response was audible from the boy, but that wasn't unusual if he was in the caves, which his parents assumed, wrongly, that he was.

Both parents relaxed slighly, knowing both kids were, to their minds, safe and out of harm's way for the moment. Mandalore was at war. Nowhere would remain safe forever if they didn't win this fight.

"Arch! Arla!" A voice yelled from up the street. It was one of the Panther's Arsenal guys, who had their shop open and were handing out weapons to everyone as they passed by. Arch waved his axe to show he was good. The Mandalorians were spilling into the street now from everywhere, arming themselves for battle, and moving out.


From above, the whine of engines came, and increased to a deafening roar, as a horde of dropships came over, one lowering itself to Arla's location so she and Arch could board, before rocketing back up into the sky to rejoin the formation. The dropships were in the center, carrying NSLR Drop Troopers and Penal Battalions as well as every B-12 in the flotilla. More dropships had headed south to pick up Clan Rodarch's fighters and ferry them north to Sundari and the battlefield.

Fighter drones whizzed past above and below and to both sides, escorting the formation. The massive ships came into view first, huge colossal Sith war factories capable of destruction and creation of more destructive creations. Then they got their first look at the ruined city, absolutely crawling with Graug. The ground was carpeted with the beasts. "Where the hell are we going to land?" Arch asked.

A massive sonic boom rocked the dropship and the area around them as Cammy Rodarch blew past at furious speed, bit between her teeth, screaming in towards the Sith and their monsters. Vaar was in the pilot's chair, but he didn't see a need to inform his parents, who might interfere with the fun he and Cammy were having. Gouts of glowing plasma erupted downward from her as she passed overhead, scorching great blackened gaps in the earth, vapourizing Graug by the hundreds. And inadvertently creating a landing zone for the Clan Rodarch too. Arla saw it as the pilot did. "Land there!"

As the fighters began to engage, the dropships all made combat landings, and disgorged the fighting force. To Arla's surprise and delight, Aria Talen appeared with a contingent of Moonguard. Their blades were all out, and they expertly deployed in a screen around Arla. The penal battalions went first, charging and roaring and firing as they did, stiffened by the B-12 leaper droids blasting away and flying to the attack. Skirmish lines of Drop Troopers fired disciplined volleys into the massed ranks of the enemy, reaping as they made a slow inexorable advance.

Behind their helmets, though no one could see, both Arla and Arch Rodarch were smiling. This was their time. Advancing toward the enemy, they roared as one, blades ready. "FOR MANDALORE!"

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Quintessa Quintessa Daesyn Rodarch Daesyn Rodarch Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Keratel Rekali Keratel Rekali

Ships: 1x Neebray-class Cargo Frigate carrier conversion, Talyc Squadron, 2x HB-1 Hssiss Heavy Bomber squadrons
Tags: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Quintessa Quintessa Daesyn Rodarch Daesyn Rodarch Ordo Ordo Keratel Rekali Keratel Rekali Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

Vaux sat in the cockpit as the blue spiral of hyperspace traded places with Mandalore. She had been part of her squadron that had to fly out of hanger for this, but her mission was clear. Protect the heavy hitting Hssiss... Hisses... Hississ.... She;d have to punch whoever named them. The cargo ship-like carrier would soon send the signal that launch was green lit, and the squadrons would begin to descend into atmosphere.

"Ground this is CT. We have heavy hitters diving into atmosphere and ready the wreck havoc on those Despoilers."


The Dark Lord watched the carnage unfold from on high, floating well above the margins of the battle upon a floating platform. Runes had been etched into it's surface, the entire construct powered by the ancient magic of the Sith. A throne had been chiseled from a large slab of volcanic basalt, it's back tall and broad. Slaves had been chained to the base of the throne, their emaciated bodies barely clothed as they twitched and shuddered as frigid wind spilled across the platform's surface.

Once, they had been Mandalorians, but the Dark Lord had stripped them of their identity. Their beskar'gam had been melted down in the foundries of the Malsheem, repurposed into the very weapons now being used to kill their kin. Graug warriors, armed with beskar swords, spears, or firing heavy slugthrowers chambered with beskar-tipped slugs, were moving in a great living tide down across the equator.

Darth Carnifex reached down to grasp one of the slaves by their chin, drawing their gaze up towards Him. As their eyes met, wispy tendrils of pale light seeped from their mouth, drawn up towards the Dark Lord. He opened His mouth in answer, and the light disappeared down His throat. The slave seemed to wither away, their muscles atrophying until they were all but skin plastered onto bone. They yet lived, their chest heaving as they fell back to the floor, milky eyes sunken into their skull.

The Dark Lord did not spare them a second glance, they were little more than animals in His eyes. Rabid beasts, only fit to be hunted and killed in droves. Mandalorians were a people condemned to death, there was nothing they could do to avert their fate; it was already written. All this struggling was the last gasp of a dying man, and soon darkness would take them.

"The little one thinks she is clever," He spoke to no one, save the slaves, but they either ignored His words or could not perceive them. "Her breath is like a hurricane, the beating of her heart louder than artillery. She does not know that she has already been seen. She slinks through the shadows, but the shadows obey the Dark Side, and I am the Dark Side." With a flick of His finger, one of the slaves shot up into the air like a bullet with such force that the chain shackled around their neck snapped at the base. Their hurtling body crossed the path of the Mandalorian's arrow, striking them in their midsection before gravity again took hold and they tumbled down into the wastes below.

Darth Carnifex rose from His throne, taking one step down from the dais upon which it was elevated. He turned His head to look in the direction the arrow was fired from. He stretched out His right hand, and a concentrated bolt of bright blood-red lightning surged forth from His palm. It soared through the air, striking the last spot that the Mandalorian had been hiding. The spot where it struck detonated as though hit with heavy ordnance, exploding ferociously and spraying both debris and fire in all directions. The resulting boom was like a thunderclap, knocking loose dirt and soot from the surrounding spires.

"A bullet would have moved quicker. Futile all the same, but quicker. To your credit, it's not the most inane attempt."





Melee WeaponsCopad'kal, "Ambition", personal Mandalorian Kal.
Tar'Nau, Bes'manda Beskad.
The Royal Dragon, lightsaber.
Kada'yr, Mandalorian Kal.
Iviin'cer, beskar spear.
PistolsDXN-57 Breachlight blaster pistol.
BH Durin Charric Blaster Pistol.
AP-25i 'SIMP' Particle Beam Blaster.
Mandalorian Ripper Pistol MK.II.
Auriel Combined Energy Bow.
Mother's Root seeds [In secured bottle stored in belt.]
Ground Mother's Root toxin [In secured bottle stored in belt.]

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Ordo Ordo Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Cyan colored text indicates an illusion.


Wide eyes witnessed as Carnifex ordered an unnamed slave, nothing but skin and bones, to take the arrow. Horrified, Elise watched that slave fall towards Mandalore's surface as the acid corroded his bones. Tears flooded her eyes, a sickness of hatred coiling around her heart. Darth Carnifex was just as vile as kegends foretold. She needed to end him. Today. Elise's Force Sense screamed at her, and Elise listened. Her Chiss cloaking technology deactivated, her jetpack roared. She used the Force to hastily evacuate the spire with her jetpack. A deafening explosion, louder than the World Despoilers below, blossomed behind her. Struggling to control her jetpack, she looked down to see the top of the spire completely obliterated by... whatever Dark Side power the Butcher King threw at it. Elise gulped, sweat breaking out as she tasted fear pumping through her heart. She realized, in that moment, that unless she turned away now... she could die.

Anxiety flooded her as she looked down upon the floating platform. Those poor slaves. She did not know who or what they were, but she knew that the man responsible for their suffering, for all suffering, was standing right there. He was right there! The Ajayid gritted her teeth. Mandalore, Kestri, Csilla, Archais... all worlds close to her heart, ravaged by the Sith. Good Sith existed in this galaxy, Elise knew. She even respected their Code. And yet, the Sith so easily turned to evil... and a sinner of such abomination and death stood before her. The Lord Of Domination. Elise could die here, but her fear was outmatched by her urgent duty. She was here to save the galaxy from this wretched excuse of a man... she would never forgive herself if she retreated now.


Elise activated her flight boots, regaining control of herself in the air. She zoned in on her target, and she hissed. His words had been unheard in the explosion and unprocessed by her ringing ears, but she did not need them. She only needed to kill her enemy. She only needed to banish the galaxy's devil back to chaos.

She used the Force once again, accelerating her speed and forcing herself towards the platform. She let go of the bow, letting it fall, and extended her vambrace towards the platform. She looked upon the slaves, frail and beyond recognition. She realized with the greatest pang that there was only one way to save them. The words of Malum Marr, telling her that sometimes the ends justified the means, floated in her mind. It tore her apart, but inside she knew... that it was the only way. Ni ceta!

She fired her fibrochord whip. It slammed into the platform, and she reeled herself in alongside the intense speeds of the jetpack and repulser boots. She used the Force to augment herself to a buffered landing, drawing her favored Durin pistol as she slid onto the smooth floor. Her hood and cloak rippled in the wind as she unleashed a flurry of Charric bolts upon the Great Enemy. At the same time, whistling birds were launched from her leg as they targeted every slave, opting to mercy kill the pitiful souls. Elise pulled an attachment from her utility belt, clicking it into the Durin. The Charric bolts changed to Disruptor bolts, all aimed to end the life of the scourge of the galaxy, Darth Carnifex the Dha'naast.


A Tsrotzhu gunship flew into the surface. At the pilot's seat Minerva squeezed her hands on the flight controls at the destruction she was seeing. The Sith were here once again. Inside the helm she gripped her teeth and narrowed both eyes with mounting fury. Remembering the discipline she was supposed to have Minerva closed her eyes and exhaled.

Going in recklessly won't help my vode.

Guilt flowed through her soul after she calmed down. Even when she was still part of the Enclave Minerva didn't come often enough. Shaking her head Minerva got ahold of herself. Now was not the time to regret. She had decided to come to Mandalore to see the new Protectors in order to try to figure out what they're about. Instead the self-exile found herself in the middle of an onslaught.

Now diving through the sky she soon saw the fighting below that was escalating with each passing moment. Now determined than ever Minerva flipped a switch, transmitting a message to a certain channel she had reserved for an emergency. This certainly qualifies as such.

"Ruus, I‘m here on. What is your position?"

She really hoped Drego reply back and soon.

Tag: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus
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One week prior...
Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

His message requesting to meet had come with a sense of foreboding that left Mia's chest tight with anxiety. They'd not seen each other since rescuing Elise, the bond between them still uneasy.

She paced on grounds decimated, the stage of their last private conversation, waiting for him to arrive.

His breath was heavy, and his heart heavier still, he ignored the ache in his mind, the remnants of blood trailing his nostrils, the consequence of forcing both time and space to bend around his form, demanding it take him from one quadrant of the galaxy to another in mere seconds.

What kind of body could survive such a thing unscathed?

No matter how much he had physically gotten used to its effects, however, he could feel the darkness coil about him, an invisible noose tightening itself around his neck.

He had long ago considered lessening, perhaps eliminating the use of that ability.

Yet those considerations mattered little now, when the matter so bleak, when the news so urgent.

He allowed a moment to allow his red eyes to adjust to their new present, finding themselves quickly to Mia, who had been pacing with enough force to make agriculture upon the land she ploughed.

Unfortunately, there was no time for japes or jokes either, “Kaine is planning an attack upon Moridini- Mandalore.” He finally huffed out, his knees wavering, apparently even the effort to ignore his instinct having taken a toll upon his mind, still processing the fact he had moved faster than possible.

Mia's eyes flashed, anger pulsing out from her. Not at him, but at the news, she stepped in to close the distance between them, recognising the toll of his teleporting, a hand moving to support him.

“When? With what? Tell me everything you know.” Her words were soft, despite the embers of anger growing in her blue eyes.

The dizziness, the delirium, it almost took him to his knees, instead he leaned into her touch, thankful now indeed that he could rely on the woman that only months ago he would have desired nothing more than to stab her through, and cause her utter agony.

Now he warned her, and her people of an upcoming invasion from their greatest foe.

“Weeks… days… I am not entirely sure… the intelligence is unmistakable, but not yet verified… not the Malsheem, not the fleet, not droids…” He was rambling his words first slow, then flying a mile a minute, “Droids… drones, resource drones, giant structures, and… biological soldiers, Darth Caedes is his underling, maybe the undead… maybe…” His lips were twisted in apologia, his eyes softened, the Tsis’Kaar were not what they used to be, too many purges, too many killed.

Yet if this would save Elsie, then… then it would have to be enough.

“You need to get Elsie away…”

Mia blinked, the cold commander that had appeared, who was building battle plans against the unknown, vanished at his words. “Elise is a warrior, Malum, she's an integral part of the protectors. You might not like it, but I need her in this fight. I will protect her, you have my word on that now and always, but I will not stop her from fighting to defend our world.”

Her expression softened. “I need to warn the others and out the call out for those we've got spread across the sector. Thank you, Malum. You have saved many mando'ade by telling me.”

If she intended to leave, he could not let her, desperate strength found him, as he reached out and held firmly to one of the women who confused him like nothing else.

“You don’t understand…” His voice was hollow, as he finally found blue eyes, flecked with amber, with his red glimmering with orange, his orbs brimming with fear and despair alike. Mind alive with the possibilities, alive with thoughts he could not process at the moment, alive with utter agony over what he knew very much was a possibility that he could not, would not consider.

“Kaine is coming.”

Blue eyes flared, the amber flecks obscuring them entirely as she took Malum's head in her hands and pressed her forehead against his. An action that held a greater meaning for Mia than it did Malum, a blending of souls, it was a gesture that marked him as her family, even if he didn't understand it.

“Then my brother and I will fight him.”

Keldabe Command Centre

It was a rapidly constructed lean to at best, but it served its purpose. The warning had given them time. Time to call in favours, time to bring home scouts and others loyal to Mandalore itself, to come to fight. Ordo Ordo had slipped away an hour before, she trusted he would find her on the battlefield when it counted.

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel was on the front lines, marked on the map with a the protectors emblem, leaving her to coordinate. Her hand twitched. They'd not yet had a report of any sighting of the Dark Lord Carnifex but he was here, she could feel him. The command centre was a bustle of activity, the map updating as more reports came in.

Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir had had the right of it when he pointed out the vast resources at Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex 's disposal, but he was wrong about their ability to unite against it. The reponse was rapid, driven by the fury that He dare to set foot here again, mandalorians were coming from all over, with murder and fury in their eyes.

"Oya manda." She said softly.

"Al'verde." Mia turned her gaze to see Elise's second in command. Fear gripped her heart. "Din'kartay?" She asked stepping towards him.

"We were overrun, the despoilers..." he trailed off, something in her eyes made him look away.

"Where is your alor'ad?" She took another step forward rage overtaking her blue eyes. "Where is Elise?"

"She orders us to scatter and fall back. She said she would meet us here..."

There was a heavy silence. "There are bes'uliik without riders, take your squad and support the resistance against the graug."

He snapped into a salute before retreating. "Jhi, you have command. Keep me appraised of everything." Rage was burning in her, she should have sent her elsewhere, or kept her close. She couldn't protect Elise if she didn't know where she was. Snatching up her buy'ce she jammed it onto her head as she marched from the command centre towards her own bes'uliik.

Encrypted comms opened to Malum. "Malum, I've lost Elise. Where are you?"


Location: Mandalore Grasslands
Objective: Stop the tide
Tags: Quintessa Quintessa
Gear: In bio

The Manda'kyrja bashed the base of her hammer into the ground and a shockwave knocked the two closest graug backward several steps allowing Daesyn to first deal with one and then the other on a pair of rapid but devastating strikes with the other end. As more Graug gathered she lept into the air and her golden wings briefly took her aloft before again she came crashing down on her foe. Her white armour was spattered with dark blood and her muscles burned with the rapid exersion, but her oneness with the force allowed her to move past those minor problems and sense...

Her? Malice incarnate, perhaps she was leadership, perhaps she merely supported the graug, either way she needed to be confronted as soon she might come across less capable foes. Daesyn hovered in the air using her hand to hold back a volley of slugger rounds from below, scanning the ground for she who called out to her.

Several bolts of electricity arcs as the reflective mode of her shield kicked in, burning holes in her attackers, one graug would shoot and another would feel the pain for his anger. "Where... are you?" her attention was called to a raised mesa where there was movement and she grinned. Her energy wings lifted her aloft and to within striking distance of a small, strange looking woman that reeked off Sith. Daesyn didn't speak, she opened up with her autopistol trying to quickly down her foe.

A Real Motherfucking Stormtrooper


Objective 1: Thin the Horde

"Ruus, I'm here on. What is your position?"

Minerva watched as a Speeder, a massive beast that seemed to be designed more like a GADF tank than a speeder smashed through the air passing her, before diving down and using it's massive speed to splatter a couple Graug, before the metal man inside ejected out, pulling the shotgun off his back and firing off a impact grenade out of the underslung grenade launcher into a crowd of Graug, before landing on the corpse of one, and spinning around and firing a 6 pence of buckshot into it. To Drego, this was his art. The blood of the sith's men of war spilled because he was holding the line. A man of honor. a man of violence. A man of war.

Tag: Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

The mythosaur raged across the barren ground as the armored being sat calmly upon it. The air began filling with the smoke and dust of a battlefield as he lifted a well worn fragstorm to his shoulder and channeled his will through it. Beams of black energy spat from the charred barrel as they drew closer to the line of the swarm. Slaying these creatures had been a mission he had spent years on. He had cleansed hives on multiple worlds including this one and now, with the darkside slaves they had come again.

The beams left nothing in their wake. Nothing but trenches spoke of their passing. The mythosaur crashed into the massing swarm and the being in armor stop firing. He held up his as the fragstorm vanished.

Beskar bolts, plates and began pulling off gruag and riping through whatever may have been in its path. All of the pieces began spinning and assembling under his outstretched palm before a large ball of beskar began compressing in the center. Smaller and smaller the ball of beskar compressed as it began to glow white. The beskar now the size of a large pearl grew dark as the many parts formed around it. The large being gripped the cylindrical handle and leapt through the air from his seat. A snap-hiss filled the air as a black blade of condensed plasma came to life from the beskar hilt as the figure crashed into the vicious mass of the swarm and began swinging....

Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Sundari Battlefield
Friendlies : Daesyn Rodarch Daesyn Rodarch Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel Ordo Ordo Keratel Rekali Keratel Rekali Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Drego Ruus Drego Ruus
Enemies : Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Quintessa Quintessa
Units : Penal Troops, Drop Troops, Moon Guard, Battle Droids

The battle was very intense, and within minutes of engaging, both Arch and Arla had been involved in hand-to-hand fights with the Graug. Some of them proved to be extremely tough, and many were armed with deadly weapons. Fighting bravely despite the horrifying odds stacked against them, the Penal Battalions fought bravely, overmatched by the foe. They were stiffened by the support fire from Drop Troopers and B-12 droids, but they took heavy casualties in the front line. Though capably armed, they were outmatched by the Graug physically, and it usually took several of them to take down one.

Precise shooting from the Drop Troopers and the deadly and swift blades of the Moonguard kept it from becoming a massacre. The reinforced square formation had held since the landing. When a Graug punched through the line, the second rank were ready. Small groups of elite warriors roamed behind the infantry lines, firing in support and dealing with individual threads, plugging gaps and stiffening resolve with their utter ruthlessness. They were efficient and disciplined, and they killed as easy as breathing. Despite all this, the tide showed no signs of abating.

Up in the air, the battle went on. Almost as soon as the fighters and dropships arrived on the scene, hundreds and hundreds of star fighters came swarming from the Sith devastation machine factory things. Arla didn't know the name, they were clearly very bad news. As with the ground battle, the friendlies were hopelessly outnumbered. Arla intended to leave that battle to Hades, she had enough on her plate with the surface conflict.

Cammy was being jumped by several groups of fighters, but friendly forces intervened with a series of slashing maneuvers to chase the enemy off her back. It was meant to be a gesture of solidarity from the NSLR fighters, but they were getting in Cammy's way. Vaar, hearing his partner's frustration in his mind, linked to her, commed his mother. "Mom, tell them to keep away from Cammy!"

On the surface, Arla put the pieces together in an instant. Vaar's voice. Cammy. He was up there! The good boy who always did as he was told and never took silly risks was flying in a battle! Multiple swears and curses on her lips, Arla cut to the chase. A tiny quiet voice exulted that she had called her Mom. She'd enjoy that later, when she remembered. In the middle of battle, everything, even that, got put to one side. "Understood. You and I are going to talk about this later." She said, by way of surrendering to the inevitable. She quickly flicked the comm link switch across to the command circuit.

"Nostril, instruct fighters to keep several klicks distance from Rodarch One." Cammy's friend or foe designation of Rodarch One had been a compliment from Arla to show the exuberant and sometimes bashful Mesen'lora that she was one of them for true and forever. "Arla, this is Command" Hades's voice. "Confirmed. We are monitoring your situation, hold onto your hats."

"Vaar, you are clear. Shoot straight." Speaking the words as she switched back to the family circuit cost Arla a gut wrench of fear for the boy's safety, but he was there, and she couldn't protect him forever. There were more unsafe places to be than with Cammy, after all. The two hundred meters of beskar, circuitry and angry space beast were as much a Mando'ad as the rest of them. She'd protect her own with her life too.

With the space around her quickly and safely clear of friendlies, who had plenty of other problems to deal with, Cammy was free to unleash her potential. She had her own style, too. Able to generate singularities with her own dovin basals, and with her precise control, she began to make speed runs. When she was burning at full speed, she would slingshot around one of her own temporary gravity wells, creating a huge pressure shockwave. Each time she did this, ten or twenty enemy fighters were shattered to death or knocked from the sky. Each also made an extremely satisfying booming sound which Arla and Arch could easily hear from the ground. The Mesen'lora was clearly showing off.

With comms beginning to pick up as more Mandalorians entered the battlefield, Arla was glad she'd put Hades in control of the operation. The ground battle was already getting more than she could easily manage on her own from her position, especially with her being in the thick of the combat. Several enemy starfighters smashed into the ground nearby, exploding into the Graug horde, and giving the reinforced square of Arla's forces a brief respite. With the friendly support forces about to enter the battle with their considerable fire power, she needed to get the word out to her friends to watch out. Hades' warning to hold onto their hats meant that a bombardment was imminent.

"Vaux, Ordo, anyone else on the ground, move on this position or be prepared to dodge fire support." She took the time to comm out a warning to friendly forces.

Arla and Arch's position was a double infantry square of troopers firing constantly into the horde around them, supported by light melee infantry and battle droids for crowd control and fire support. Arch and Arla commanded from the center, but still had to engage the odd Graug or several that managed to break through temporarily. Arch's axe ran with blood and had several new notches from Graug beskar. Arla's beskargam was coated in blood and ash and sand, all sticking together. Her visor was smeared, and she'd had to wipe it clear more than once. She was breathing heavily, and knew the older Archimedes had to be suffering even worse than her, not that he'd show it if he could help himself. They couldn't keep this frantic and intense pace up forever.

Above the battle, the flagship Defender and her four escorts, dispatched by Grand Admiral Hades, were moving down into a low orbital position for precise bombardment. Defender's weapons would still be fairly indiscriminate, being designed for space combat, but her escorts were different. Their weapons were anti starfighter in nature. When they came into range, the numbers of enemy craft would drop precipitously.

Elsewhere, unknown to Arch and Arla, the comm exchange had been overheard by another pair of ears. Her brother was in battle? Her parents too? She was not going to miss out! Turning easily in the swirling sands, Tuur brought her Trinitaur around on a new heading, and encouraged the beast to go fast...

The Mand'alor calls. But confliction arises.​

Away from the battle, a star system away...

"This is not our fight, Treoff," a hologram projection spoke. Treoff was aboard a Marauder-class Corvette, attending a meeting with the Captains of other ships; effectively, the officers of his company - his family, or how he saw them - StarGuard Dynamics. "We understand you've been adopted by the Lord mand'alor himself, and you can go fight for him as you please, but he is no one to us. We will follow you when you make the call. But not when a stranger calls. This is insulting you even dar-" The officer was interrupted by an officer who lead the Ghost, an upgraded and modified VT-49 Decimator, "you bite your damned tongue, Corsic." Captain Chris Gradsy of the Ghost was probably Treoffs closest friend, perhaps a father figure. The best friend of Treoffs late father, "you say your piece, Corsic, I admire your honestly, and I won't call you wrong, but it's disgusting the way you speak to Treoff. Like he is some scum offspring of the underworld." "Chris, we all know who his father w-" Corscis demeanor and attitude changed when Chris spoke down to him, but Chris wasn't finished, "That is irrelevant, and the fact you invoke his name wounds me, Corsic. Treoff isn't here demanding we support him, he is literally asking us to deliberate. You treat this more like a debate to win and insult Treoff, rather than what it's for; for us to deliberate and discuss. Treoff is not part of the discussion." Tensions were high, but Treoff kept silent. For the most part, he had been merely a witness to the deliberation, not a participant. This was outside of his power, and he would not try to force his hand.

"Treoff," one of the other officers who had been quiet until now, addressed him, "could you please tell us why you are heeding the call of you Lord Mand'alor?" The others saw this as relevant and somewhat important, so as the others looked to the officer, they looked to Treoff for his response. Treoff had been patiently waiting, standing at attention.


The most foolish, the most stupid, the most painful question to ever exist. Treoff took a breath and shook his head, "as I've always said, it's not why one does something, it's why not. Corsic is not wrong, this isn't our fight. But do you know what else isn't our fight?" Treoff abandoned his straight posture to be more relaxed, preparing himself, "this galaxy, is not our fight. All these forces fighting, whether it's religion, or past crimes, petty disputes, maybe revenge. It wasn't my fathers fight to combat corruption or mafia crimes in the Coruscant Underworld, and so he didn't. It wasn't even my fathers business to care how troubled the galaxy was becoming, again. Time and time again, people die, people are robbed, broken, destroyed, or abandoned. I went out because I was tired of it. Whether the trouble was at my door, or lightyears away, it wasn't right. And you know what Corsic?" He looked over at the loud officer from before, pointing a finger at him, "it wasn't your fight when we were on that mission last week, it wasn't your fight to stick around in. You could have left. Maybe you should have, when you thought I died." He put his hand down, the hand he used to point at Corsic was in fact a biomechanical hand, his new left hand, which he lost in the battle. [color]aqua]"But you stayed. No, better yet, you pressed the attack. You took the order from Chris, yes you did, but your only dog in that fight was me. You only went there as a job for StarGuard Dynamics. Why did you continue to fight? Why did you push your Carrack deeper into the attack, knowing you would risk life and limb, possibly getting destroyed like my Marauder almost did? The question isn't why, it's why not."[/color]

Treoff sighed painfully, crossing his arms, reaching up with his left hand to pinch at the bridge of his nose before realizing the fingers that used to sooth him, were, in fact, gone. He seemed distant for a moment as he pulled the fingers away, staring at his metal hand. The silence quickly left as Treoff gave up soothing himself, putting his hands to his side. "Corsic, you pressed that attack because it was the right thing. You weren't going to let me die in vein," he took a deep breath, "the Mand'alor has called me for war, and not just for any fight or battle, but one against the Sith. Maybe even the most powerful of Sith. And while this battle isn't at your door, right now, threatening your family, the Sith don't care where you are, who you are, whatever predicament you are in. They will find you, they will break you, and they will destroy everyone you love. It is by sheer fething miracle, the amount of times the Sith have used, abused, and dismantled the Mandalorians, that the Mandalorians haven't just ceased to exist in the first place. Is that what you want? You want to wait until the Sith are knocking on your door, acting pretty, speaking niceties, with the undertone of: 'I'm here to kill you and everyone you love, if you don't bow to me'? Because that's what they do. If this galaxy for once in its life decided to say No, not anymore! we wouldn't have to deal with this why question every time. The Sith would be gone, generations wouldn't be lost. That's why..." Treoff began to choke up, thinking of his past, "that's WHY I ... left my father, WHY I went out to fight, WHY I went to protect others, instead of building a friendship with my father, before he died. Because he wasn't going to do it. And if he didn't, who would? Nobody. And that's why we're faced with this damned question again; why."

Treoff held the tears in his eyes, speaking about his failures with his late father were one of his greatest weaknesses, but his emotions for his dad were irrelevant. The task at hand was to rally his forces, those who chose to fight alongside him, anyway. "I think we've heard enough," Chris spoke, looking to the other officers. "If you support Treoff and his endeavors, raise your hand now." This wasn't to be an abandonment of Treoff, they would still be here should he survive, but those who did not vote to stay with him, simply would not support this fight.... for now. Chris was among the first to raise his hand. Two more swiftly came up afterward, showing some sense of loyalty to Chris. Another hologram raised their hand, and a moment later, the Captain of the Marauder, standing behind Treoff where he stood, raised his hand. Five of the Nine officers chose to side with Treoff, and for Treoff, that was good enough.

"Thank you for your loyalties, officers. As for the rest of you, thank you for taking your time to deliberate. I hold no ill will of you, you are within your right to stay behind. This is why I asked, I did not order. As for the rest of you, prepare for a fight. We're going in just a little blind, it's a good day to die," he stated as the holograms begun to terminate from view. Treoff put on his new Mandalorian helmet, hoping he would grow into it. It was certainly foreign to him, but it meant a lot to him. He would do his best not to dishonor it. The Mandalorians would not recieve their reinforcements just yet, but once the prep work was done, the fleet would get into formation, and activate their hyperdrives. Treoff just hoped they wouldn't be jumping into Star Destroyers.


Location: Mandalore
Objective: Kill all who stand before her
Tags: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch


@Arla Susni might have planned on this moment for a breather, a short break in the seamingly unending waves of the Graug, but whe was in for quite the suprise. The Graug that lay closest to her began to twitch and convulsed with an eerie green light withing their eyes. The smallest most intact arose first, requiring the smallest amount of ichor, but then large brutish warriors would begin to rise, lifting back up their tainted beskar weapons. their expressions showed nothing but pain and desire to inflict pain on others. What must the Rodarch think.

Had Arla been not been an abomination in the force, she might have sensed the dark woman approaching her from the area of scorced earth were her blood magic fuelled teleportation had brought her. She was flanked by most of her Revenant warriors but also by other women clearly of dathomiri heritage. Both of them made strange movements as they channelled everything they had into rebirthing the fallen graug horde, hundred and hundreds of dark skinned killing machines.

"Arla Susni, as I live and breathe, your life has taken a turn.

My dear wife Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus and our daughter Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus are, of course not ready for a battle of this scale.

She's quite taken with you you know, take care of her, she's not a shrinking violet but she doesn't deserve to be hurt.

Sorry... i'm rambling.

On behalf of the wives House Solus, I offer you this gift of support, may I?"

She lifted and and opened her hand and as one the horde of undead Graug turned on their heels and descended back towards their bretheren, bellowing shouts of war as they tore into their once brothers, all the rage of a graug with the wonderful gifts of undeath. The scene would be one of absolute carnage. The mandalorians might not like working with the undeath, there would likely be fall out that she must bare, but a seven hundred year old dathomiri had likely had to deal with worse than being an awkward ally.

It was a shame that due to the suprise attack, more of House Solus could not be on the ground but ships were in route from Vanquo and elements already at mandalore had engaged in battle already.

She came closer and rapped her fingernails on the forehead plate of her associate from the federation. "Its quite a shame that Mairéad got inside that armour first, tradition dictates that you are off the menu for me now... perhaps." she gave a grin which was half lustful, half murderous and pulled out both of her Katars. "First one to a hundred buys drinks?" she turned, running and short teleporting to catch up with her Revenant and joining battle near a set of beleaguered defenders.
Iuuna's thoughts reverberated with the history of the Mandalorians' ruthless onslaught on her homeworld. When news reached her through the Sith Order that Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and his cohorts were en route to Moridinae, she perceived an unmissable opportunity. It was a chance for retribution owed to Eshan, a debt engraved in blood against her nation. Despite the absence of the Bryn'adul, Iuuna resolved to claim the restitution her people deserved.

The Daughter of Tellu Talon chose subtlety over grandeur, arriving quietly with the invasion force. Her singular focus was the task at hand, a specialized collection for the Mandalorians' long-standing crimes against the Echani. In the heart of the city, near what appeared to be a central command center, Iuuna identified her target. Channeling the Force, she hurled bolts of lightning with precision, directing them towards Mia Monroe Mia Monroe . As the dust of the wasteland billowed around her, Iuuna advanced steadily, clad in Echani Combat Armor tailored for battle. This day marked only the inception of her determined pursuit—a relentless journey to extract the blood owed to her people, where each drop demanded its due in kind.



The death of the slaves mattered little, there were always more to replace them. A shimmering field of scintillating energy separated the Dark Lord of the sole Mandalorian, her charric bolts detonating against it's surface. Mandalorians and their gadgets, relying so heavily upon technology, and only able to scrape by with nary a fraction of the power invested in the Force. Their arrogance eclipsed even that of the Jedi, but they were all little more than mindless animals rooting around in the dirt.

"Brave of you, kyr'ad'ika." His pronunciation of her language was crude and without refinement, displaying only a surface understanding. But the language of beasts was not something to be given much thought, except when to be put to an advantage. Disruptor bolts then struck the barrier, but it held; buoyed by the power of the Dark Lord of the Sith. "But you should have fled with your pack mates. You'd have lived longer."

A spear of shimmering energy, the same composition as the raised barrier, shot out from within it. It missed the Mandalorian only by a hair, lodging itself into the platform as though it were a physical object, only to dissipate a few moments later. More spears were launched, all aimed at the Mandalorian. All the while, the Dark Lord hadn't moved an inch; His towering presence looming large over the platform's relatively small circumference. The only spot of refuge on the platform was the throne, which was wide enough for someone of the Mandalorian's stature to hide behind without difficulty.

"Not that it would have mattered. Your dying race is on borrowed time."


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