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Greetings. I am Grey Lunara. I am a former Jedi, an ex. Sith, and a Temple Returnee. While my eyes may still be yellowed from my acts of darkness that I had committed, I am walking the path of redemption. I currently have two students, that I took up not too long ago. I believe that the best way to make a change in yourself is to push yourself to great strides. I believe that all deserve a chance to redeem themselves, no matter how bad they have messed up.
i dont have much of a background nor do i have many abilities due to my character still being in its adolescence years as a wyrwolve but i do want to get him up to being a codru-ji jedi but for now he is just a realy smart force sensitive 6 legged dog
also if anyone is willing to train me in the force that would be great