Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Introduce Yourself!

Rosa Gunn

So Rosa is now away from the Sith and I'm looking to pull her back towards being a Jedi. I'm not one for a snap change of alignment so I was hoping some of you here would be willing to help her. Not really a training thing, because Rosa is pretty solid in her abilities, more of a rehabilitation.

I joined the site today and have been spending the last 6 hours or so combing it for information, looking at character sheets and just getting a general feel for it.

I look forward to having my Padawan learn and grow with all of you!
Hello, I'm a merc who's force-sensitive and wants to be good stuff.

ICly, I don't even know I'm a FU, but that can be worked out in due time.

Glad to now be a part of the faction!

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
NAME: Carona Totsari.
RANK: Padawan.
PARTICULAR JEDI FACTION: Silver Jedi/ Levantine Sanctum.
STRONG SPOT: force abilities.

Hello! This is Elvira... again.. and again... hi, again. trying again. Again.

Checking in now [strike]again[/strike]! :)


Looking for freedom...
Hello! I play Sha'do, a former slave, and she's just been brought to the Academy on Ossus. I'm looking for Jedi to teach Sha'do how to control her abilities. Only casually looking for a Master at this point, I really want the opportunity for Sha'do to get to know someone before committing to be someone's Padawan.

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