Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ao Xian

Everyone Forgets the Tail Flick
[member="Darth Sarez"] The splash page for TSE has a list of currently open faction role plays, such as the Burning of Thyferra and our Dominion, amoung others. There is also a mission board full of story prompts that are geared toward smaller numbers of people (2-5) that can be used to start threads. You can also post a looking for group thread in the forum here if you have a specific way you'd like to have your character get involved (I see you are epicanthix, so you have sort of an auto in since the Dark Lord is as well, but you may have other desires!).

Connor Harrison

What is this my...2nd time back here? Well I'm determined to make it work this time.

Hello all - Connor Harrison (aka Stephanie Swail / Dalton Kenway) refreshed and raring to make some noise.

Would love to write with any and all for some great stories and dark dealings.



[ Message Received ]
Forgot to do the introduction page cause...well I forgot :p
I'm happy to be here and can't wait to further myself here! Also, what are some of the major sith threads around that I could join? Been meaning to get Furor involved with more sith lately.

Inara Vys

Let the Force set you free of your shackles
Greetings from a new character. My main character is Sefain Gatholil if it means anything to anyone. I figured it was about time I made a Sith ;)

I look forward to many roleplays to come with all of you!

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