Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Negotiation Removed

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Then Admiral Ackbar and Admiral Piett each brought precisely twenty thousand metres of capital ship to Endor, having accounted for fairness and balance exhaustively. They shot at each other until the thread ended. Each lost one cruiser and conceded no tactical disadvantages at any point."

Random imbalances are all part of the fun.


Well-Known Member
Ignus said:
[member="Darth Metus"]
Yes, and fair story writing makes it enjoyable. If I join a thread with a 5km fleet and then someone else joins with a 20km fleet, in all honesty, I'm probably just going to back out, cuz that's not fun. But there's no rule against them joining with that. And if I choose to ignore them, it looks bad on my side. In other words, I'd be forced to endure something I don't want to endure, just because there was no negotiation beforehand and nobody made a rule on fleet size.

Just an example here, but a good set of invasion rules encourages good story.
Absolutely nothing is stopping you from writing a polite PM to that 20 km fleet dude and asking him to arrive at some sort of compromise that'd suit you both.
You do not only have the options to either: a.) endure it with gnashing teeth and bloody sweat b.) drop the thread

There's always a spectrum between both extremes. Meet the other dude halfway.
[member="Ashin Karrde"]
That's not a random imbalance, Jon and you know it. :p

Irregardless, we play this game to have fun. I don't mind losing in a relatively even matched fight, even if they're slightly larger than me. But if I'm the only fleet there and they roll in with three or four times my fleet length? Welp, I'm out.

Ahh, so now all the RPers have to negotiate the terms, rather than having faction admins talk it out first. That's SO MUCH better. *sarcasm*

Of course, never mind the fact that people shouldn't jump in with a fleet 4 times larger anyway, as that's poor play.


Well-Known Member

It is. Because only the people who actually encounter a need for negotiation will engage in it. And they'll only be negotiating for each other.
Pre-invasion negotiations were a pain because they took a very long time, and because you had three people on each side trying to decide how thirty people on each side would have to play.

This way, only the folks who run into disagreements will have to sink their time and patience into negotiations without bogging down the rest of the participants with limitations, rules, and a general waste of time.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Captain Larraq said:
It makes me shake my head and sign at the impending spamming of absurd NPC and Starship swarms that will be ignored by 90% of the writers in the thread anyway.
And they should be ignored, so I don't see the problem.

On the other hand, it will prevent factions using the negotiating period to stall, during which time they can use that OOC knowledge of the invasion to shore up their territories to prevent cloudbreaking, negating the invading faction's effort and strategic momentum using knowledge they don't have ICly (to pick an example completely at random). 7 days will still allow for that, but people who don't want to see a problem will have a much harder time handwaving away a spur of activity starting exactly 7 days before an invasion than a spur of activity over several weeks achieving the same thing.
[member="Ashin Karrde"]
I can deal with two times. That's logical. Anything more than that is a clear attempt to steamroll.

Netherworld said:
and because you had three people on each side trying to decide how thirty people on each side would have to play.
Welcome to reality, where people who have the top tier roles do the negotiations.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Netherworld said:
Absolutely nothing is stopping you from writing a polite PM to that 20 km fleet dude and asking him to arrive at some sort of compromise that'd suit you both.
You do not only have the options to either: a.) endure it with gnashing teeth and bloody sweat b.) drop the thread

There's always a spectrum between both extremes. Meet the other dude halfway.
And absolutely nothing is stopping the other guy from telling him to go fuck himself, which isn't, you know, completely outside the realm of the probable.


Well-Known Member

It's not like this is a roleplaying board, and we don't actually have thousands of people that would require representatives to speak in their stead. Relax.
As of right now, the people who 'have the top tier roles' send the 7 day notice, and that's about it.

I've done enough of negotiations – toxic, stalling, headache-inducing negotiations – to seriously appreciate this change in rules.

[member="Natasi Fortan"]

Yeah. And you'll always have people telling you to go kark yourself. Even with three-page rules for invasions, you'd have people breaking them. It's unavoidable.

Travis Caalgen


Just because you so absolutely need negotiations doesn't mean that everyone else needs them, not everyone invades just to play the mapgame; some actually do it for story too.

Balance/Fairness ICily? Sci-Fi Invasions mixed with Reality? Psh!

Welcome to Star Wars RP: Chaos.
I'm not for or against this, but I'm positively curious to see how it goes.

Ashin Karrde said:
"Then Admiral Ackbar and Admiral Piett each brought precisely twenty thousand metres of capital ship to Endor, having accounted for fairness and balance exhaustively. They shot at each other until the thread ended. Each lost one cruiser and conceded no tactical disadvantages at any point."


Well-Known Member
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command

Depends on how you choose to interpret the opportunity. Maybe bring in a reserve fleet. Alternatively, write the whole thing as a desperate rear guard action from which survival cannot be expected.

I'm with [member="Ashin Karrde"] on this, the potential for imbalance can make for vastly more interesting stories.
Staff voted overwhelmingly for this.

The only reason I am hesitant on this ruling is because I do not wish to see Factions lining up Invasions to take advantage of times when players would not be available. That sort of tactic ostracizes writers in this community, and people who plan with this in mind are cowards who will invite harsh retribution from Staff.

Faction Owners, Admins.

Be leaders.

We are passing this ruling to help, not to punish.
Let me first off say I am for this, but can I add a suggestion? What if we allowed holidays and vacations. What I mean by this is have invasion free weeks / months and factions can take vacation time when they know membership is away or they need a brake from an invasion cycle. Just spit balling here so discuss this or crush it under the sole of a steel toed boot. Up to you all.

You remind me of those dudes with the wild hair screaming "The End is Near!"

Mark my words, people starting as Knight won't end well.

By God, negotiations that painstakingly set up every facet of the Invasion are needed! Without them...this won't end well...

The end is nigh. I advise you log out and build a bomb shelter before those darn Stampeders ruin your day. :p

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