Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Negotiation Removed

Do take into account: negotiations aren't mandatory, but you can still engage in them, and I think most of us will continue that practice. I certainly don't plan to open up on another faction without first extending them the courtesy of preparing, and being involved in shaping what that invasion is going to look like. We're usually all civilised beings, so no reason why that trend can't continue. Just means we're not required to do so.
Ignus said:
Yeah, see this trout with his trolly #DomBastion rank bar. *points at Rainer Altman*

Ashin Karrde said:
it'll be a wonderful break from 'here's our 2,000 word counterproposal.'
^ is the sad truth if you're a Faction Admin trying to get an Invasion started, whether you're defending or attacking.

Even if all you want is to basically start a Skirmish with a bit of the map changing at the end, the other Faction normally wants its own unique ballgame and will fight tooth and nail for it.

EDIT: In addition, most of the extra rules added via negotiations are STIFLING MY KREATIVITAY!

EDIT 2.0: The rule change also still fixes the reason why the original rule was added. Before:
Before an Invasion begins, Faction Leaders must convene to discuss how the Invasion will be handled by both sides to account for fairness and balance.
Became a rule, an Invasion was started and the defenders failed to get their members to join because they were never informed about the Invasion. The problem was: how do we get the attackers to tell the defenders that their faction will be Invaded?

The new rule fixed that problem, yet went beyond and created the "Every pre-Invasion discussion ends up going to an RPJ because we all have different ideals of fairness (and sometimes, Factions just wanted to have an unfair advantage given to them by an RPJ)"-meta.

This rule change dials things back and fixes specifically the problem of properly notifying defending factions.
I will also remind people that factions being unreasonable in their methods might win some more duels or objectives – but those don’t count for invasion victory.

If a faction is being a jerk and trying to stampede or swarm you that will cost them heavily in the judgement by the RPJ.

So the rules are a self-regulating process because the incentive to play fair is there.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] plus, if people with smaller fleets manage to actually win via STRATEGY( ever heard of Admiral Yi? He often faced much much lower odds than what has been pointed out, and usually won.) that'd get more favor on the judgment would it not?
Personally, I am of the opinion that any rule change that codifies less dialogue between writers and not more is a troubling one, but I can also understand how some people are hopeful that this represents a positive step towards redressing the issues some people have had lately with accusations of meta gaming.

Honestly, I believe that people will be just as likely to find new and creative ways to use this rule to be jerks to other people OOC as the old one, the scenario Tefka brought up being just one potential example, so I don't view this change so much as a good or a bad one, just different. I look forward to seeing what effect it has on the meta of the mapgame.

Macharius Solaire

You know. There's no rule stating you can't not negotiate terms. Just that you don't have to anymore. Just throwing my two cents into the bottomless pit of chaos here. Unless an Admin wants to toss me into the pit with it and tell me I'm wrong for clarification.
Darth Metus said:

You remind me of those dudes with the wild hair screaming "The End is Near!"

Mark my words, people starting as Knight won't end well.

By God, negotiations that painstakingly set up every facet of the Invasion are needed! Without them...this won't end well...

The end is nigh. I advise you log out and build a bomb shelter before those darn Stampeders ruin your day. :p
It's like when people started doomsaying when they removed dev threads from the factory.

But now the factory is better than ever. :p

[member="Darth Metus"]
If you're not trying to write to be competitive but actually for the story, then you'll have fun. I like this change.

Makes a quicker strategic initiative for sides to duke it out. More stories, more action, more fun!


Active Member
[member="Tefka"] already several invasiosn and skirmishes have been planned for times of opportunity. Holidays and faction admin changes. I honestly woudl want such antics to be automatic losses and demotion of faction status for such. They are now rampant. This will encourage it. I;ve basically sworn off invasions to me their no fun under nay circumstances due to hwo they often get run. The last two battles the Silver jedi had occured during both holidays and leadership transitions. The fact is until these things are penalized heavily the map game is broken and should be scrapped in my imo. But hey justm y 2 cents.

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