Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion of Alderaan -- Masters Only

Well guys and girls. It begins again.​
The Republic has decided to take back Alderaan, or try to anyway. This invasion will also be PVP but will be split into two threads -- This is the OOC planning for Master Characters.​
This is to keep the duels from getting cluttered and we think it will help with the confusion Invasions sometimes bring. This one will most likely start on Friday.​
It should be made clear, everyone can participate in both Invasions ( Mando and Republic) , There are no restrictions.​
[background=#232323]We'll be operating under the standard SWRP Chaos [/background]Invasion Rules[background=#232323] and we will have allies as determined by the SWRP Chaos [/background]Requesting Aid Rules[background=#232323].[/background]

This is the location for Masters:

Location 2: The Ruins of Aldera. The full might of the Republic returns to claim what is rightfully there's, but realizes that Aldera has been infested by the technology of the Yuuzhan Vong and that the One Sith are attempting to Vongform the planet. Aldera is fortified and the main standing army of the One Sith remains there. MASTERS AND NFUS

NFUs are not restricted to where they can go, but please keep in mind you may bite off more than you can chew so please be careful.

Revy Khai

Hion the Herglic said:
Would it be ok if I use my Jedi Knight in the Masters invasion?

Unfortunately, this is only a masters vs masters thread for this part of the invasion.
Yeah, if there are masters you know that will be fighting from the Jedi, now is a great time to save some fights if you like -- Make it fun!

I'd love to see some Darth Maul vs Qui Gon or Yoda vs Count Dooku moments! ^_^

Once we have more information, we'll post it here! But for now, start thinking on what you'll want to do!
[member="Darth Isolda"] well Saki is going to be there fighting, the republic doesn't like attempts to organize and prepare so we'll see. I am going to fight well really only Saki and Kiskla I am expecting to show up. Alderaan Sardun and Talon were there but did nothing really.


Well-Known Member
Zhaera Shai said:
As soon as they post it.

Once that is done, I'll be posting a list in the opening post here to show what Jedi masters have joined.
and when they dead, in tin of spam

can we help the knights out?

Ratih Lah

sabrina said:
what happens if they win one thread, and we win the other?

The Faction Admins will discuss things from there. :)

[member="Darth Mierin"] [member="Darth Junra"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Darth Isolda"].

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