Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 Invasion Relief Months

Should 'Invasion Relief' Be A Thing?

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Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris

Alright on topic then. Looking at the votes so far it's either no, or as a mandate. But I mean this suggestion isn't the best option out of all the ones that have come up in the past week

Ellie Mors Ellie Mors , Despoiler Carnifex , and Ronan Vizsla Ronan Vizsla , and many others on the board have all brought up good points about the map game and making things more dynamic. Most of these ideas being a great way to make the map game more fun while being less serious.

Your partial map wipe idea was hitting on something. Just right. This one just feels like it will make things stagnate even more.

Ezra D. Tavlar

mandatory secondary page claim


all i'm saying is, I'd prefer a much more cohesive, long-term solution over immediate 'fixes'. Soooo..yeah. great ideas though, so whichever way this swings..we'll see how it goes~!


Disney's Princess

I'm currently of the opinion that burnout is caused mostly by bad pacing and negative perceptions against the other team. As, burnout happens solely for me because of the "reply every 24 hours or we'll pass you" rule. So, if I can find a chill partner who allows me a 96 hour leeway? Man, then I can usually Invasion forever and ever, all year round. :p
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Ryv Ryv

It's no one's right on Chaos to force others to believe or act as they do, regardless of how strongly they feel about something. Giving them the derogative title of "Old Guard" doesn't invalidate their beliefs any more than it does make the ones pointing the fingers look bad for being so antagonistic.

Regardless of whether we agree or disagree, bullying others because they don't share your views is wrong and has no place in this Community.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Ryv Ryv

It's no one's right on Chaos to force others to believe or act as they do, regardless of how strongly they feel about something. Giving them the derogative title of "Old Guard" doesn't invalidate their beliefs any more than it does make the ones pointing the fingers look bad for being so antagonistic.

Regardless of whether we agree or disagree, bullying others because they don't share your views is wrong and has no place in this Community.

You've gotta be out your goddamn mind if you think having a dated mentality pointed out is bullying.

I don't consider you telling me I'm wrong bullying. People who feel "hurt" because the "Old Guard" label are finding an excuse to blame, rather than themselves. I've been labeled an Old Guard for my much harder opinions on things, and I've never felt bullied or "forced out" of the community. If anything, it made me reevaluate my point of view, which resulted in me changing my opinion on the old promotion system we no longer use. If at any point someone is hurt cause they were told they have a dated mentality, they need to step away and figure out what's actually eating at them. More likely than not, it's not a stranger on the internet telling them they're wrong.

Calling "Old Guard" derogatory is like saying calling someone a "Karen" is derogatory. Gimme a break, man.

There is a big difference between being inclusive, and coddling people.
Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris

I understand that completely, Val. My response was to the topic/label "Old Guard" as raised in this post. The intent was to point out that undermining the views of others does not do anything for the discussion over possible changes, and devalues both sides of the 'argument' so to speak. I however failed to refresh before seeing your request to keep things on topic so that's my bad.

Ryv Ryv

Without derailing things further, I'll just say that we clearly share different opinions on the subject. All I want during times like these is for people to show others mutual respect and consideration, regardless of their differences. Treating each other fairly, and considerately.
I can see where making invasions a much more high risk high reward ordeal could help.

Seems like everyone's activating their traps cards (invasions). I didn't even know December was invasion free, but I think the first month of the year, January, should also be a free month. Lots of stuff changes and it's always a busy month where as December is always a busy month and people spending much needed family time.

But I do also agree, making invasions more important is a step forward in this discussion.
I'm going to make the controversial opinion and say invasion fatigue isn't even a real issue, it isn't a problem. People stop taking part in subsequent invasions because they have other interests they want to pursue and the amount of invasions seen in a short period of time result in a devaluing of them which causes them to place importance on things that matter more to them personally than as a faction.

And you know what? That's okay.

The toxic invasion fatigue that people act like is a big deal, that someone/a faction feel like they're being pressured by factions that have an out-of-character agenda to take away their cookies and replace them with minor faction status salt is something that is largely fabricated by people who can't get behind the idea that individuals prioritize other threads over invasion #4 because they want to do something different for a little bit and not because they're hurting deep down because of another faction.

Do people like that exist, that actually feel like they're being overwhelmed? Sure. Is that a majority of the people who stop posting to invasions after the third consecutive one? No.

Are either of those problems that this will solve? lol, no. 4 invasions in 30 days, do you really think a major faction isn't going to see someone with this mandate or month or whatever going on and just wait to pile all of their invasions on them the moment they know they're in the clear to do so? If there's anything this will do, it's exacerbate the issue that a small group of people who currently are worn out from invasions in the feel-bad-camp and validate their point of view when this happens.

You're going to put a spotlight on factions that work around this and add scrutiny to the situation, and it's going to just get worse, not better. Yay, one month out of the year where a faction can't get invaded, or I guess 60 days for a mandate, and then we go back to our now condensed scheduled invasion season programming because now everyone who couldn't invade them will do it at the same time. Relentlessly.

Why? Because you put their stories on hold while you put your invasions on hold, making them resent you for your choice in hiding away from invasions, and then causing you to resent them for invading you right out of the gate (or whatever period of time later). We are already split into fake factions, let's not turn this into a "they're out to get us" split. I already lived through the One Sith vs Galactic Republic era of invasions, and I don't want to see people literally hating each other because they're getting invaded again.

Invasions are like dominions, once you've done 3 you've done them all. Some people gravitate towards invasions, some people towards dominions and other non-PVP threads, and there's even more in the middle. When you get overexposure to either you want to drift away towards the other end of the spectrum, it isn't a problem it is a reality. It is never going away.

Edit: that was a long-winded rant with no clear point, besides invasion fatigue being as inevitable as "dominion fatigue", so here's the tl;dr
  • You won't get rid of invasion fatigue with this, even if implemented for every other month. Everyone will invade the moment they can. The less time you have to declare invasions, the closer together they will be spaced. You are making it worse by doing this.
  • Doing this will influence those who already want to get away from invasions into actively disliking the writers who operate in factions invading them. If you want to divide people into us vs them, "they're trying to kill our faction and ruin our fun", this is both the perfect time and the perfect way to do so.
  • People will notice invasions happening more often, and changes (if made) like this will lead people to believe that many invasions = bad; and seeing more invasions in shorter spans because of period where invasions can't even be held will cause people to see that as an issue, and one that requires additional changes (possibly suggestions for more moratoriums on invasions?) to fix rather than realizing that this is what introduces/exacerbates that issue.
  • Invasion fatigue isn't bad. Factions and writers that act like it is bad are bad. No, I'm not sorry, but the idea that it's a bad thing to want to do something other than write a dominion/invasion/etc for the 7th time isn't a good thing, and it leads to this mentality that it's the invasion's fault and the only way to resolve it is by restricting them rather than telling that writer that it's fine and they should go and do something else since they probably aren't going to have that big of an impact on the invasion anyways if they aren't actually in the mood or headspace to want to take part in one anyway.
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I have been looking at this suggestion and marinating on it. And I can't help, but think that-

I don't get this suggestion. And I am seeing people casually discuss it in this thread, seemingly ignoring that this would wreck the way Major Factions (in theory at least) keep each other honest.

What is the main trait of every Major Faction and what separates them from Minor Factions? Their ability to influence the map. From dominions to invasions, they are nation-builders and nation-smashers. The entire concept revolves around conflicts and interactions between all these various diverse groups on the map.

I am trying to imagine what Chaos would have looked like, if this suggestion was implemented back in the day.

The Galactic Republic caught wind the One Sith is planning on invading Coruscant? Uno reverse card. Sorry, One Sith, your entire narrative is aborted for a month and let's hope that your hype will carry on until the next one.

The Sith Empire caught wind that the Silver Jedi Order is planning a surprise invasion of Mirial? Uno reverse card. Sorry, Silvers, you will just have to wait your turn and maybe check back to see how we feel in a month.

Stories are stalled, narratives are frozen, hype dies.

There has always been a singular understanding in this community. It is that when you become a Major Faction, you put yourself out there and make yourself vulnerable in a way that a Minor Faction never is. That is the one of the few disadvantages a Major Faction has. But now (and honestly maybe it has always been the case) there are people in this community who believe that they own these hexes. That because they did a bunch of dominions, made some subs, wrote some characters, that these planets, these hexes that contain them are their personal property. And that when anyone dares to come after them, it's bullying, it's aggressive behavior, it's simple harassment.

Yes, a Major Faction controls hexes, but in a far more real sense these worlds belong to all of us. And this possessive mentality is not doing anyone any favors.

I loathe the mentality of 'hey, if you can't play, step off the plate'. But what I am also not a fan of is people forcing their invasion fatigue onto the entire community, instead of looking at themselves first. If you are a Major Faction staffer and you are looking at this suggestion, nodding to yourself? You should consider stepping down.

If you are a Major Faction Owner supporting this initiative? You should consider stepping down.

Because if you are exhausted, tired, burned-out by the simple understanding that any Major Faction can be invaded at any time, then maybe it's not the Major Faction that needs a break.

Maybe it's you.
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I probably will spend 90% of my time playing a Halo Infinite beta when it comes out.

But I'm still gonna invade. Burnout only exists if people don't enjoy it, and not enjoying it is usually linked to the strange value held on hexes.

More invasion with more map persuasion.
Ronan Vizsla Ronan Vizsla

Ronan has summed up by opinion on this matter. I don't believe in safe spaces and opt out cards just because faction X or Y doesn't like being invaded. Besides, there's already the space Christmas truce. Plus mandates to protect you from simultaneous invasions or allow you to go nomad. lol

I find this suggestion very poorly-thought out. It is particularly amusing since similar proposals as this one were previously mocked for the exact same reasons.
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