Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Suggestion

Down with soy.

Had to say it.

However, I do agree completely with this whole idea, though could be swayed toward other approaches already stated. While I have not been in an invasion in over a year now (bad experience had with a GodModder), I enjoy reading some of them from time to time (legitimately beginning to end). I can say whole heartedly that, yes, it seems mostly now that combat between opposing factions seems null. There is some, but I don't feel it enough to be considered "invasion worthy".

Mind you don't infer that an invasion needs to be all over the combat aspect. Just, in logic, there should be more than has been evident of late. I like adding the idea that interaction be a prerequisite. Not combat itself, though we know that this would very likely be the end result.

So I back this.

I've seen a marked increase in the behaviour of writers avoiding working with the other side in invasions. People sticking with their favourite writing partners and doing their best to avoid anything that derails what they had in mind.

But my perception is that at the same time I've seen a change in attitudes outside of invasions. I see people sticking to private threads with the same groups. I see less of people throwing their characters into group threads and rolling with what happens.

Interested to see more views on the subject, especially from outside the circles of Major Faction Administrators too.
Beyond what is already stated, including interactions between factions within existing criteria would help smaller factions defend against larger ones, especially since I see avoidance of interactions with the enemy as common for the larger faction when a much larger faction is in an invasion against a smaller faction.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Whether this goes into a new criteria or gets tacked onto an existing one, I'm all for it.

In a way, avoiding interaction has become part of the meta game. It's annoying, so I wouldn't mind seeing it killed to death.


Well-Known Member
[member="Alric Kuhn"] I think it does already under two, the story and ooc drama.
So if anyone does things really wrong in story that might be negative to drama

i.e running through landmines with writing about the mines, the other write would have to ask for an edit, and they say no they cost their side.

Connor Harrison

I'll support this. At times, invasions now just look like bigger doms with more creativity allowed but reasons for groups of writers just to write together at the expense of others on their side or even the enemy.

It's pre-planned and then some which leaves little room for interaction with the enemy. It does happen, I agree, but not always and it's just one interaction that spans a whole invasion.

As you say [member="Raziel"] I see the same thing across private and invasion threads which almost doesn't make anything any different. Hard to shake it up I guess as it's writers prerogative, but it's certainly noticeable that some invasions certainly feel very divided both between the Factions and even people on the same side. It's a very big safety net at the minute and doesn't feel like there's big consequenes or risks taken.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

We've had about a page and a half of discussion and general agreement on this(with a few people dissenting)

Will staff be taking a closer look at this issue?

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