Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Time?

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Personally I believe it makes more IC sense to hit Togoria for an invasion, considering it recently just happened. As you say the Sith have given us plenty of IC reasons to go after them, so it would not look like we are doing anything removed from our philosophy or code or whatever you want to call it. They have all but destroyed the Republic, moved forward toward SSC space, we have Dominion Boz Pity in order to draw them out. Yes?

So why wait?
I posted 'Other' because I like our Doms and would love to see us take over the Wheel. Closes up some gaps and our dominions are always more like fun faction threads rather than some boring land grab type thread.

However I also like the idea of doing an Invasion. Questions remain such as does this conflict with our general faction 'statement' and overall feel. Would the SSC attack first? Would they do it under the guise of helping the Pubs or extinguishing Sith from the 'verse? Or is [member="Coci Heavenshield"] a blood thirsty warlord that has rigged votes in this poll to get her way? :p

If we do an Invasion, we're going to have to in with the mindset of "Winning would be great, but we can't become whiny sore losers that sap the fun out of everything"

aka 80% of Invasions :p
I voted for the dominions. I do enjoy most PvP with those I choose, and those few Invasions I've been a part of have been fun. That said they either die out or get boring quick if everyone focuses on a single objective to the exclusion of all others. PvE in a PvP thread is no fun. On the flip side, having the ability to engage in PvP while in PvE/objective/story threads gives the availability of both sides.

Besides, unless we do a hit-and-hype on Togoria, we're dangerously extending ourselves. Better to solidify than reach.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Well for my serious point of view in this, I think sooner or later we'll be involved with the invasions anyway.

I say we take the offensive this time and hit the weaker faction, take their territory which endangers us the most under our control, then focus our forces on the stronger one. If we wait, they team up and beat us stronger, and we don't want that at all.

Connor Harrison

A good compromise to account for all votes it seems is to take 'The Wheel' Hex and then hit Togoria just to push the OS back, away from the Republic and away from the SSC and show them their creeping out ends there. If they want to strike back, let them.

We can show strength without launching all out invasions after the other.

Personally, with the new invasion rules, I think we'd kill it - we've got a great team, a great sense of story development and great overall coverage of entertaining characters.

Connor Harrison

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] Oh no, of course I wasn't suggesting that was implied - I just see factions doing numerous invasions after they win one and it's like...slow down, think - pace yourself...!
I don't think anyone suggested doing invasion after invasion. I certainly am not because a wave of invasions is terribly tiring. Not to mention dull. Some factions are all about invasions and PvP, and they have very little going for them outside of that. But I'd like being proactive.

I don't believe attacking first conflicts with our 'mandate'. Sith are evil, they're in the neighbourhood doing evil things (Togoria is facing round two of Kaine's exterminatus) and sooner or later SSC will be involved in an invasion anyway. If you want peace, prepare for war. Besides, plenty of doms do feature SSC attacking first. :p

SSC/LS/Silvers were able to stay aloof and sometimes send allies to invasions because, with the exception of Primeval, hostile factions were far away (and Primeval imploded from internal difficulties, which is a bit of a shame because going on a 'Reconquista' would've been fun). Never mind the fact that until Togoria SSC couldn't reach OS anyway.
Yay, thanks!

Food for thought: The GR/OS invasion at Togoria was bloody close. Far as I recall, it all came down to one duel. Which OS won because a couple folk swarmed one Pub NFU.

And, well, I guess we can say without sounding arrogant that GR is a far weaker faction than SSC (I'm not even sure whether GR has any full-time, dedicated masters left since TJO disassociated itself from them and Mantic left the board). OS is a space-filling empire that eats up map space, but it's not the juggernaut it used to be.

The new invasion rules aren't a panacea and how they'll work out in practice is another question, but due to them invasions are no longer supposed come down to who wins the most 1x1 duels. And causing ooc drama is supposed to incur penalties.

Allies are restricted because now it's a max of 5 instead of 10, but I don't see that as a bad thing in this case.

Just treat it the same as a skirmish. Or a dominion with opposition (which is what a tier 3 dom will probably turn into anyway).
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

* rubs her amulet of space magic handwavium that gives her a +5 charisma boost *


Connor Harrison

I'm sure [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] is the mastermind behind the SSC now pulling the strings, like Palpatine to the Republic. But female. And not as old.

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