Taeli Raaf

Image Source: http://s50.photobucket.com/user/SirVesuvius(library is private, but creator of the image) Image pulled from Google Images link http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f307/SirVesuvius/novus_aeterno___verunas_fortress_class_by_phoenix_06-d4q5llt_zps4a68f42e.jpg
Affiliation: One Sith and their allies
Manufacturer: Krayt Industries
Model: Invidia-class Cannon Cruiser
Modularity: None
Production: Minor-production
Material: Durasteel, transparisteel
Classification: Assault Cruiser
Length: 900 meters
Width: 300 meters
Height: 280 meters
3 Heavy Long-range Hypervelocity Cannons
30 Flak Guns
40 Point Defense lasers
Hangar: None
Special Features:
Standard ship systems (navi-computer, com and sensor arrays, life-support system)
Three Heavy Long-range Hypervelocity cannons
Heavy armor
One extra shield generator
Power Generator: anti-matter
Maneuverability Rating: 17
Speed Rating: 16
Hyperdrive Class: Class 2
Three hyper-velocity cannons allow long-range bombardment of slow enemy targets and defenses
Heavily armored and shielded to give the ship some survivablility in an engagement
Can bypass a ship's shields because of the nature of hyper-velocity shots
No other offensive weaponry
No hanger to make room for the cannons
Slow because most power is devoted to the cannons
Will eventually run out of ammunition
Description: As a continuation of the Sin series of ships by Krayt Industries, the Invidia-class Cannon Cruiser is designed to fill a rather unique role within the One Sith fleet. The Invidia is heavily armored and shielded, but is lacking offensive weaponry for one simple reason and the main feature of the ship.
Sporting three heavy long-range hypervelocity cannons, the Invidia's primary role is not to engage an enemy's fleet directly, but is instead ordered to focus on long-range bombardment of an enemy's orbital defenses and slower moving capital ships, as it does take some time for the ship to gain a firing solution as it turns slowly to face an enemy. The Invidia is not designed to face either nimble and faster ships, because of the nature of the forward facing hyper-velocity cannons, or ships that get in close because of the nature of its weaponry, so it is advised to keep these ships to the rear of the fleet to fire away for maximum affect. The ship is also equipped with thirty flak guns and forty point defense lasers to stop some enemy small craft attacks.
The ship has no hanger for itself, as it was eliminated to make room for the cannons, so it must rely on other friendly fighter support. The Invidia also is rather slow because the majority of power is diverted to the cannons mounted on it, instead of towards the engines so it does take some time for it to get into position. But when it does, it can unleash a heavy amount of destruction on the enemy.
Development Thread: If necessary
Intent: To create a long-range bombardment cruiser for the One Sith fleet
Who Can Use This: One Sith and their allies
Primary Source: