Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Inyri's Loot Cave (Workshop)


  • Manufacturer: Grey Jedi Knight Inyri Takan
  • Model: N/A
  • Affiliation: Inyri
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel, lightsaber parts, damping emitter
  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light

  • Laser Sword: The iconic blade of this weapon can cleave through a wide variety of materials and organisms with ease.
  • And A Taser Sword: Inyri constructed her shoto with a damping emitter installed, allowing her to, at the flick of a switch, switch the lightsaber to a low-powered stun-mode in the event she needs to incapacitate targets as opposed to killing them.
  • Sensitivity: However, like all lightsabers, Inyri’s new blade is prone to water damage, cortosis, and other lightsaber-resistant materials, and is unable to deflect anything other than blaster bolts.
  • Shortstuff: Seeing as this lightsaber's blade is only half the size of a standard-sized one, it's not particularly effective for offensive, lacking the reach of others.


  • Planet Name: Orenda
  • Demonym: Orendian
  • Region: Wild Space
  • System Name: Chrysos
  • System Features: Orenda is the only planet of the Chrysos system if you don't count the planet's small moon of Aeoni. A yellow dwarf star is central to the system, and Orenda orbits it with a comparatively rapid orbit to other planets, travelling at 28.94 k/m around their star.
  • Coordinates: 35-AH
  • Major Imports: Durasteel, Osmium, most technology is imported
  • Major Exports: Uranium
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Tundra
  • Primary Terrain: Tundra, Forested

  • Major Locations:

    The Meraki Plains: The largest stretch of inhabitable land on Orenda, the Meraki Plains are home to the most dominant clans on the planet. They're some of the only stretches of land suitable to forage, and their relative flatness is ideal for temporary cities to appear and disappear.

  • Native Species: Saorsa, Other Stuff???
  • Immigrated Species: Humans, Twi'leks, Togruta, various other races (Employed in the corporation mines)
  • Population: Sparsely Populated
  • Demographics: 90% of the planet is occupied by Saorsa, with the remaining 10% serving as alien species who migrated to Orenda either to work or to attempt to join a clan.
  • Primary Languages: Basic
  • Culture:
    The Blood Of The Covenant
    The Saorsa live in migrating towns known as clans, swearing fealty to a dynasty of families who lead each group. Once a clan has exhausted the natural resources of their settled area they will move, often leading to wars for dominance over fertile land or resource-rich territory. Generally, however, a clan will hold a 'province' under their influence and will operate within it, not crossing borders into other's territories unless seeking to antagonize another clan. While one family directs and guides a clan which often are made up of smaller, minor families, each is violently loyal to others despite actual relations and treat each other as one massive familiar unit. Clans are named for the houses that lead them and are thousands of years old; The largest of them, the Sarang, command what could be a horde of more than a thousand Saorsa in their clan alone.
  • Let Our Fathers Guide Us, And Our Mothers Love Us
    The Saorsa are predominantly patrilineal, with the eldest male figure leading their clans. The eldest female serves as healers and emotional leaders to their flock, but on occasion, a female is forced to take control of her clan, and a male is subjugated by the more powerful partner to serve the role of a clan-wide 'parent'. This often only happens and is acceptable if the female is a direct blood relative to the clan's leading family, however.
  • My, Your Spirit Shines Bright, Child
    With the Netherworld event leading to a dramatic spike in Force Sensitives, the Saorsa were affected like the rest of the galaxy. Those who exhibit sensitivity to what they call The Life-Force (As opposed to simply just 'The Force') are hailed as spiritual leaders and are often forced into celibate covens by their fellows, where they serve as oracles, prophets and midwives. This practice is viewed as a tradition by many, but with the obvious advent of the space-faring age and open galactic communications, only a few clans follow these old ways and terminology and rarely use coercion to keep FS Saorsa within the organization. The majority of groups now offer this cabal as an option instead of a mandatory service to Force-sensitives to receive training and guidance. All clans have at least 3 or 4 members of this elite group, and while their role has diminished as their importance lessened due to widespread education, most members are still revered and still continue their oldest duties.
  • Your Name Is Not Your Own
    All infants born into a clan are not named by their parents but are named by the Force-sensitive shamans of their clan instead. It's believed this practice is respected because of the Saorsa viewpoint; as a part of the Living Force, your life is not your own, and neither is your name. Your name is simply a title granted to you by the Force, which is channelled by the monks, making them (in the eyes of the Saorsa) the fittest to determine your mortal identity. Many names carry deep meanings that are believed to offer insight into the future that the oracles see for you on your birthday.
  • Earn Your Right To Bleed For Us
    Outsiders who desert their clan to join another (or Aliens seeking the clan life, for any number of reasons) are forced through rigorous trials to earn their place and membership. Those who marry into a family under a clan or the clan's main family are given more leniency if their match is determined to be genuine (Usually by the shamans, who officiate every union, and they are not afraid to call out a scam if they sense one) yet all trials set forth to would-be members involve proving yourself a strong warrior or a skilled tradesperson. Exiles, who are branded, are not welcome in any clan's territory or family period, and those who associate with them are ostracized.
  • Savages, Savages!
    During the age of the old Galactic Empire, Orenda was annexed by them and their naturally-occurring uranium was mined for starship fuel. Due to the planet's immediate closeness to Eadu, it very well might have contributed to the Death Star project & the study of kyber crystals, but this is conjecture and has no basis in history at the moment. It was during this time that the old Imperials set up small strongholds that dot the planet to this day, usually around mining complexes to keep them protected from the locals and the hostile fauna. Surprisingly, so long as the Saorsa remained away from these facilities, they were left relatively untouched by Imp forces except for a few skirmishes. Due to the century-old hostilities between those they viewed as oppressors and thieves, the modern Saorsa would not dare to stay in or around these old facilities, which are today happily occupied by galactic mining corporations; safe in the fact the locals will not tread on them. But this is often how a stray Saorsa finds their way off-world, by being brave enough to approach the 'outsiders' and striking deals to leave Orenda via a transport. On occasion, outreach programs are held by the corporations who attempt to entice to the locals into working in the uranium mines by trading labour for technology, but these have yet to last longer than a year or two. Most local workers escape the facilities after such a period, returning to their tribes.
  • What's Yours Is Now Mine
    Several galactic mining corporations have had subsidiaries set up in the ruins of the old Empire mining fortresses, rebuilding them and resuming the uranium mining. Due to Orenda's lack of planetary government, they are not burdened by laws except those enforced on them by factions. But as the planet currently is not being held by anyone, they are beholden to no-one, and ruthlessly mine the planet for her riches. Prisoners are shipped in from Kessel and various other locations across the galaxy for labour, and a few even resort to slave labour to keep costs low. Workers are housed in resorted barracks, usually under armed guard. The native population has learned to stay away from the facilities lest they are tempted into joining the workforce through promises of security, technology and wealth. Mostly empty promises, of course, but the crooked overseers of these facilities give them just enough to ensure the ignorant Saorsa believe their pretty little lies. Those who are led into the facilities through their programs are often mistreated heavily, exposed to terrifying new species and experiences, and overworked to death. The main source of 'aliens' joining clans is often when a group of them escape with a Saorsa back to their own family and are welcomed as honoured survivors. Not all of these subsidiaries are malicious, however; Some are quite amenable, and with bribes or wits they are happy to ship someone offworld if they so desire.

  • Government: Tribalism
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Wealth: Medium -
  • Stability: Medium - As there is not one firm leading force behind the individuals on this planet, stability changes wherever you go. Many of the larger clans have the foundations of history spanning a thousand years to remain dominant forces in the territory they control
  • Freedom & Oppression: Laws are different between clans, but many share similar rules; Murder, robbery, and other traditionally 'criminal' acts are outlawed and those who break them are often put to death or exiled. The corporations, however, are not ruled by any planet-wide laws, and thus do as they please.


  • Military: When united for a cause, the clans of the Saorsa can be an impressive fighting force. However, they hold absolutely no ships or navy, and even if you wanted to, there is too much bad blood between clans to be able to get them to agree to anything. Meanwhile, the mining corporations present on Orenda are well-equipped... Even if it's to protect their profits.
  • Technology: Left mostly untouched until the old age of the Empire, during the initial annexation of the planet the Saorsa were subjected to a technological boon thanks to the leftover Imp technology. While that is nowadays ancient, it provided the Saorsa with their first access to relatively futuristic gear, and it's not uncommon to see a warrior of a clan wield a vibroblade or a blaster, or a healer using bacta. For the most part, however, the Saorsa remain in a state of low-tech. Modern-day, some bartering occurs between the mining corporations and the Saorsa, just enough to keep them in the loop -- But not enough to get them anywhere near the level of other races.

The history of Orenda and her people is one of blood.

The Saorsa, native populace of Orenda, evolved to be a dominant and predatory race. They quickly overtook any potential competitors in the wild, banding into the clans that exist to this day.

  • Intent: [State why you are making this submission. Is the character there to assist with faction roleplays, to help train your character, or provide an antagonist for dominions or something else entirely?]
  • Image Credit: Dragon Age
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: Orenda
  • Name: Saorsa
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Orenda
  • Language: Basic
  • Average Lifespan: Some Saorsa can live up to 200 years, and they reach physical maturity at 30.
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: Upon first glance, a Saorsa native appears rather, well, primitive -- As they do not have much modern technology except what they find or what they are given, they wear clothing they make themselves and wield weapons made of local metals and materials. Many Saorsa also sport coloured ropes wound around their arms, representing the clan they owe allegiance to depending on the colour. Red is the colour of the Sarang, the largest clan, for example.
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average height of adults: [In meters]
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Saorsa range in skin colour anywhere from a lighter grey to a sooty black, and on occasion have red undertones.
  • Hair color: Their hair ranges from white to grey to black, and has no tonal shift outside of that spectrum.
  • Distinctions: Noticeably, the Saorsa sport horns - Males have larger ones that connect to the browbone, while females have smaller ones that are set farther back on the skull. The horns function similar to fingernails, and if it is minorly damaged it will grow back and heal over time. However, if it is severed in a violent manner, it will be amputated and unable to regenerate. A Saorsa who lose one or both of their horns holds great respect, as the general consensus is that they lost it in an epic battle.
  • Races: [Not subspecies, distinct cultural or physical races (aka, just like human races).]
  • Strengths: [2 minimum]
  • Weaknesses: [2 minimum]
  • Diet: The Saorsa are obligate carnivorous, and are unable to pass plant matter in any capacity. As consuming plants makes them violently ill, they are restricted to eating only meats (It's common practice for healers to use plants as a vomiting inducer, in the event it's necessary). As this dramatically cuts out many vitamins necessary for survival, the Saorsa are known to eat every part of an animal they kill, such as the hooves and skin, which they prepare in a way that makes it palatable. They also eat eggs and milk products from domesticated creatures or scavenged from wild nests and beasts.
  • Communication: The Saorsa used to speak an ancient language that has been lost over hundreds of years, but were very quick to pick up on Basic, which is now the predominant language among them.
  • Technology level: Medium --
  • Religion/Beliefs: [If this species has a prominent religion or set of beliefs, describe them here.]
  • General behavior: [Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]
[Describe an abridged history. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate.]
  • Intent: To sub for The Sovereignty's Senatory Hall, a place where politically-minded characters may gather.
  • Image Credit:
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: The Sovereignty Senate
  • Structure Name: The Senatory Hall
  • Classification: Government Building
  • Location: Eadu
  • Affiliation: The Sovereignty
  • Accessibility: The Senatory Hall is located on a haphazardous range of cliffs, perching atop a surprisingly flat plateau that is a far cry from the spires that inhabit Eadu's landscape. The building itself is on the fringes of the Sovereignty's capital city of Irenic, but remains a central landmark to the city proper, with guided tours held often and visitors welcome to idle and enjoy the atriums and halls of the building. However, those without proper clearance are not permitted deeper into the building; in locations such as the Senate Office wing where Senators maintain their offices, the Senate Hall itself, Senate Archives which detail and hold laws and amendments dictated by the Senate, and private rooms belonging to the Archon, security is dramatically heightened and in some cases, a mild military presence may be stationed should they be deemed necessary.
  • Security: As the Senatory Hall is effectively the litigious heart of the Sovereignty, security is high in all areas Especially in areas where the safety of Senators could be jeopardized, such as the Office Wing or the Senate Hall.
  • Description: [Provide a short paragraph that describes this structure at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest.]

[Describe areas of significance within the structure here.]

[Please include at least one paragraph on the structure's history. Detail how it came to be created and why. Talk about the people involved in this structure's history and what role it played and still plays. For historical structures, if you so desire, you can include historical events such as the Gulag Plague, the 400 years of darkness, and the Netherworld event where appropriate.]

  • Intent: To sub for the Sovereignty's capital city of Irenic; to provide people a proper city locale to RP in on Eadu as no such place is currently listed in Canon/Legends works.
  • Image Credit: Dan Blomberg, (Linked to where I found the image; seemingly has archived the thread this was posted on & it's no longer viewable)
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: The Sovereignty, Eadu
  • City Name: Irenic
  • Classification: Metropolis
  • Location: Eadu
  • Affiliation: The Sovereignty
  • Demographics: Irenic is open to all species and races, as is the Sovereignty -- So long as you are willing to serve the state loyally, you may find shelter behind Irenic's walls. As the city was pre-existing before the Sovereignty took it over as their capital, Irenic has a long-standing predominantly Human population due to its origins as an Imperial colony. Lately, with the rise of the Sovereignty, the city's seen an influx of alien species that have served to balance the population.
  • Wealth: Medium - There are rich and there are poor in Irenic, but the majority of the population is strictly middle-class.
  • Stability: High - With the Sovereignty in power, the city has been transformed into a beacon of stability. The power is consolidated here, and with the military's seat also present in the city there is always a presence of peacekeepers afoot; so criminals beware.
  • Description: Irenic is what many would call 'an old soul' city. As opposed to durasteel and transparisteel skyscrapers, Irenic is full of sturdy stone structures that were constructed centuries ago, that have been adopted to fit and feature modern technology. Buildings have been reinforced to meet the standards expected in cities these days, but it retains that old and cultured appearance. Trains are the main mode of public transportation, although shuttles and ships are welcome in the city's ports for trading and the like. As Irenic is nestled among the mountains of Eadu, it has an awkward sprawling layout that often yields to nature; contractors and constructors are forced to work around the mountain spires when seeking to expand the city. Recently, the trend has been to start digging buildings into the mountains themselves for hangers, malls and other public locations. Whilst Irenic is not built above Eadu's snow line, on particularly cold days the city will receive flurries instead of raindrops due to its relatively high altitude. This is only notable during the autumn and winter seasons, as spring and summer is almost exclusively rainfall. Snow is often welcome in Irenic, however, as it means that more sunlight than usual is able to get through.
  • The Senatory Hall
    A place of law and justice, Irenic's newest addition was constructed by the Sovereignty to house their Senate. It is noticeably newer-looking than other buildings, built more in the style one might see on Coruscant or Alderaan, and is build to perch off the cliffside of the mountain. It features tall transparisteel windows that allow Senator and visitor alike to bask in the natural, awesome power of Eadu's storms. Whilst not entirely isolated from the rest of the city and still within the walls, it's far out enough that many commute via train or hovercar. Senators from worlds under Sovereignty control often maintain secondary housing nearby to the Hall or will appear by holocommunicator to their peers.
  • 'SWORD'
    The Sovereignty Wartime Operations, Research & Defense facility (Shortened to just SWORD) is an expansive military installation built into the side of the Eadu mountain (If you refer to the picture above, it is the building to the upper-left-hand corner). Serving as the Sovereignty's military high command, SWORD is central and any and all military operations and is also a top-secret research facility where the majority of military R&D is conducted. AECO (Atmospheric Entry Covert Operators) are also garrisoned within and are often deployed directly from SWORD hangers, built into the side of the mountain. It's easily considered one of the most-defended spots on Eadu, perhaps other than the Citadel, and the majority of the Sovereignty's armaments are stored within deep vaults that have been carved into the protective rock of the mountain.
  • The Districts
    Irenic is divided into three distinct 'districts' or sectors, noticeably divided mostly among income lines. Districts are represented by Senators in the Sovereign Senate and have elected governors who run them day-to-day. The Senators representing the districts & their governers work closely with them to ensure that the needs and wishes of their district's population are being adequately met and represented in the broader government of the Sovereignty.
    The Elysian Districts
    Home to the wealthier residents of Irenic, the Elysian Districts are occupied by political figures, manufacturing moguls, and military leaders. The buildings here are generally more ornate and classical, retaining the 'old' feel of the city above all else. Elysian is the smallest neighbourhood within Irenic, mainly consisting of apartments and extreme luxury shops, so many of the residents travel out to Paralian for more standard amenities offered. Political embassies & accommodations for visiting foreign dignitaries are also located within Elysian.
  • The Paralian Districts
    Commonly considered to be the 'middle-class' district, Paralian is also the biggest -- the majority of the shopping, state services, military & industrial facilities, and trading ports are located within. Whilst it's second to Jayus in terms of population per square mile, Paralian is a popular choice for residential living and most state/military employees reside within it. The district sees the most traffic as well, as the ports are often visited by intergalactic traders and tourism is surprisingly high.
  • The Jayus Districts
    The oldest part of Irenic is undisputably the Jayus Districts, who have a long and bloody history within the city. Jayus mainly house the war refugees that the Sovereignty has brought in, but also serves as a good lower-class option for those with fewer credits to spend. Not necessarily a 'poor' place, the conditions are also not the greatest due to the sheer volume of inhabitants within that grows every day. This is generally where the so-called 'criminals' find their hangout spots as well, and it was also used centuries ago as a quarantine zone for the Gulag plague. Notably, Jayus is also the district that has opted to revamp the old aesthetics of Irenic, featuring newer durasteel buildings that look startlingly out of place.

Irenic has its roots in centuries-old history. Originally beginning as an old Imperial colony to house researchers, the city expanded after the fall of the first Empire to become something much more. It was constructed in styles reminiscent of structures found in Naboo's Theed or other traditionally 'fantasy' planets like Hapes, to remind the colonists of the worlds they came from. This architectural choice echoed throughout the centuries as Irenic expanded into a veritable metropolis, continuing the themes of the resident's ancestors and often special contractors were trusted to continue building in Irenic's signature style as to not compromise the history of the city.

As Eadu was predominantly a Wild Space planet, Irenic was left in relative peace for the next hundred or so years, serving as an independently-governed planet free of any Imperial or Alliance control. This changed with the Gulag plague, which ravaged the city and managed to reduce it to a dystopia warzone for survival as the planetary government collapsed. With infected residents forced into the Jayus district and all-out street conflicts breaking out for resources and land, Irenic was destabilized and would remain that way for hundreds of years. This is also what caused Irenic's alien population to 'drop off a cliff', as old, dormant Imperial racism had a boon during the crisis of the Gulag plague. Many Humans considered alien species to be the carriers due to general misinformation and prejudice, and as a result, they were forced in with the infected population.

It was only recently that Irenic regained any sense of order. The residents of the city had, like many others, begun to genetically build a resistance to the plague's effects that allowed them to survive and, indeed, thrive following the aftermath. Though Irenic still bears and probably will bear the scars of the Gulag plague's toll on the city, as many of the old and austere buildings now sport marks of battle that have yet to fade. Managing to pull together a relatively stable government once the four-hundred-year darkness passed, a few decades after pulling together, Eadu and Irenic were soon approached by the Sovereignty, a fledgeling government created by Imperial defectors.

This went hand-in-hand with Irenic's own origins as a colony, leading to friendly relations. Much like an all-consuming wave, Irenic, and the majority of Eadu's planetary governing was swallowed up by the Sovereignty's own government as they settled in. The city now stands proudly as a rebuilt bastion of order in the chaos of Wild Space, serving as the proud capital to the Sovereignty. The pre-existing disheartened population was eager to latch onto any cause-- fanatical or otherwise --that they could believe in and besides, any dissenters to the Sovereignty takeover of the city were never heard from again.

  • Structure Name: The Royal Palace of Kessel
  • Classification: Castle
  • Location: Kessel, Southern Hemisphere
  • Affiliation: The Kessel Royal Family (Formerly), The Sovereignty (Currently)
  • Accessibility: The castle is nestled among the almost oasis-like locale of the southern provinces of Kessel, built into and around a valley's sheer cliffs. As a result, it's easily defended and hard to reach without proper clearance or knowledge. Closed to the public, it's only open to members of the Royal Family & their associates.
  • Security: Defended by a privately-funded sect of the Kessel military, the castle houses what amounts to a private military company within its walls, who are sworn-- and, paid handsomely --to protect the Royal Family and their riches at all cost. The castle itself doesn't have anything as improper as gun emplacements or AA weapons, but the constant garrison is enough to ensure that security is extremely tight.
  • Description: One of the most striking features of the Royal Palace is that it relies heavily on the landscape around it and that it uses water liberally as a decoration. Not naturally occurring water, mind you -- The Royals can afford to pump vast amounts of it into their valley to make beautiful artificial waterfalls that come from valves built into the walls. One should expect to receive a fine misting whenever you are invited to attend the palace, and one should wear especially grippy shoes. The stonework and tiles are always somewhat damp from the water overflow, which can lead to slippery conditions. Built of stone and reinforced with a durasteel 'skeleton', the original architects of the palace used things like transparisteel windows and lead-lined doors to provide as much protection as possible against attack for both residents and potentially inflammatory visitors.
  • The Throne Room: Located in the centre of the palace, Kessel's throne room is a combination of tropical paradise and lap of luxury. The throne was constructed to mimic a peacock, which is an invasive species to Kessel. The windows offer spectacular views of the terraformed, lush valley that surrounds the palace. Flanking the throne are stylized statues of two Diathim, who were said to be lovers of an old Kesselian king, speculated to be King Keldor, who first used the palace officially. The statues are considered to be out of taste these days especially due to the connotations they bring, but they harbour a secret that secures their safety; within the statues themselves (Which are hollow and lined with neuranium) are two large caches of impervium hoarded by the Royal Family over generations, moved there following the addition of the statues. The cache extends a few miles underground, and it would take serious excavation to remove it all. It's quite the nest egg for those clever enough to find it...
  • Sunward Landing Pad: Built into the top of the castle, near where the valley meets the stonework, is a rather secret landing pad used exclusively by the Royal Family. Hangers are carved directly into the rock and store spice laundered through the Royals alongside swift transports in the event evacuation from the palace is required. It also offers stunning views of the valley, for those not interested in the criminal side of things.
  • The Vault: The name of this particular wing of the palace is wholly misleading, as the Vault is, in fact, a library. It's said to harbour many secrets in the form of actual books instead of data caches or servers, dating through Kessel's history on topics covering information some scholars would kill to know. This is also where records of all the Royal Family's spice dealings are kept, recorded on paper instead of on files as to ensure that they are impossible to hack.

Originally, the Kessel Royal Family turned a blind eye to slavery. They didn't endorse it, but neither did they condemn it. And this blind apathy continued throughout the reign of the Galactic Empire and the New Republic and into whatever bleakness followed these ancient empires.

During the 400 year darkness, things changed.

Kessel had been ravaged by the Gulag plague and had only begun to barely recover as the planet quarantined itself and stockpiled resources. Once it was determined safe to reopen borders, trade and communication in 726ABY, the spice mines resumed their terrible toil, and this time the family capitalized on the wealth it brought. For they had known the hardships and poverty that the darkness had brought to their way of life and had a fierce desire to stay as far away from that as possible. History would not repeat itself on Kessel.

This is how the palace came to be. It was born out of blind passion to escape any semblance of an impoverished living, to wipe away the state of decay that the plague birthed onto Kessel. This began what some might consider a golden age, and what others might call the Netherworld incarnate. With the mines working overtime to produce the valuable spice, The Royal Palace of Kessel was constructed by Queen Hana Kess, with the building commencing in 727ABY directly after Kessel's government officially reopened. It required extensive overhauls to the landscape in order to accommodate the Queen's desires for a fantastical atmosphere of decadence and vice.

Built on the backs of slaves and financed by the spice they brought, the palace took over 10 years to finish construction to the Queen's liking. By that time her son was preparing to take power, having come to the age where Kesselian princes and princesses become regents. King-Regent Keldor Kess was crowned in the throne room of the Royal Palace in 737ABY, marking the usage of the palace as an official place of state affairs.

Over a hundred years later and the Royal Family is still going strong and their palace is as well, having embraced their role as slavers and miners wholeheartedly and enjoying all the riches such trades brought. Unfortunately for these degenerates, a wrench was thrown into things -- The Sovereignty approached the family seeking to make an agreement for control of the planet in exchange for protection. One of the clauses in this agreement was the immediate end to any and all slaving being conducted planetside, which was egregiously unacceptable to the current monarch. It was eventually decided that such decisions could be made without the Royal Family in the picture, and the Sovereignty staged a coup; taking the Palace for themselves, and all the riches within. With the former-ruling family of Kess scattered to the wind and a new monarch to be named to Kessel as a ruler of the new Sovereign vassal, the palace sits empty, awaiting new residences to grace it's hallowed and gilded halls.


  • Structure Name: Apricity Manor (Surrounded by the small town of Apricity)
  • Classification: Manor
  • Location: Kessel
  • Affiliation: The Winner! / The Sovereignty
  • Accessibility: Apricity Manor and the support settlement of the same name is located atop one of Kessel's highest peaks, built to be a citadel originally to store spice. Now it's been transformed into a remote haven for the new owner following Sovereignty rule of Kessel. Both the settlement and manor are accessible by speeder via transport tunnels carved into the mountain, but you'd have better luck arriving by shuttle and using the town's landing pad. Primarily, those tunnels are used for supply shipments.
  • Security: The town of Apricity is defended by a paid police force, financed for by the government. They man minor gun emplacements based on the mountain that mainly serve as anti-aircraft defenses, as they can shoot down any enemy fighters approaching the fortress. Anything larger than starfighters will probably outgun the manor easily.
  • Description: Apricity Manor, from an exterior glance, appears to be an ancient, frigid and cold citadel. However, one shouldn't judge based on exterior looks, as within the stone walls is a haven of luxury and warmth for the master of the house and his guests. 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, an office, a state of the art wine cellar, two distinct living and dining rooms, a kitchen the size of a small apartment and a greenhouse are some of the new accommodations built into the Manor. The Manor runs right into a small settlement that takes the name of the house, mostly home to servants and workers who keep the Manor in tip-top shape, and the worker's settlement is often indistinguishable from the Manor structure proper.

  • Apricity Manor
    Master's Bedroom: The head of the household in Apricity Manor sleeps in the lap of luxury. The largest of the private chambers located within their private wing is the master bedroom, featuring state of the art relaxation technology and done in the stylized Kesselian style.

  • The Transport Tunnels: These tunnels were created that snake from the base of the mountain right to the summit where Apricity Manor is located, and are utilized with speeders to transport supplies to and from the manor.

[Please include at least one paragraph on the structure's history. Detail how it came to be created and why. Talk about the people involved in this structure's history and what role it played and still plays. For historical structures, if you so desire, you can include historical events such as the Gulag Plague, the 400 years of darkness, and the Netherworld event where appropriate.]

  • Intent: To help flesh out the dreadfully underdeveloped world of Quarzite by populating it with a prey animal that fits with the location.
  • Image Credit: Crystal Deer Sticker, Crystal Fawns
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: Quarzite, Crystalized Lotus

  • Name: Cervidae Vitreus, colloquially known as the Sekiei Deer
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Homeworld: Quarzite
  • Language: Body language, they are able to produce classic deer noises for vocal 'communication' but obviously they cannot speak.
  • Average Lifespan: 15-20 Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: Many, at first, mistake Sekiei Deer for statues. They have that quality and gravitas to them that suggests an artificial origin, though theirs is quite natural. It doesn't help that they have large colonies of natural crystal growing from their backs, fetlocks, and cheeks, helpful for camouflage in Quartzite's vast crystal caverns. Their cloven hooves and, when exhibited in the males, antlers, are also made of a similar material. The crystals are theorized to be from the Deer consuming vast quantities of Crystallized Amaryillis in their evolutionary stages, similar to the Vulptex of Crait. They help the deer escape their natural prey, Milodons, and also from an array of predators that make Quarzite caverns their home. By blending into the natural crystal walls of the planet's subterranean surface, they remain unseen like ghosts.


  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average height of adults: 0.75 - 1 Meters
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin color:
    Females -- Pink, Yellow, Blue, Purple (Most Common), White (Rarest)
  • Males -- Navy Blue, Purple, Gold, Red, Black, White (Rarest)

[*]Hair color: See above, Sekiei grow pelts that correspond.

[*]Distinctions: Noticeably the Sekiei grow crystals on key points of their bodies, which are a more vibrant shade than that of their skin and pelts, though often remaining in the same range. These crystals never stop 'growing' throughout a deer's lifespan, eventually becoming so unwieldy for the creature to manage that it can slow them down when escaping predators, leading to their deaths. Alongside that, the deer are known for their overly-trusting and friendly nature, known to approach the native Kage species without fear in search of food or physical affection. However, if they sense danger, they are fleety and can climb like mountain goats to escape danger. Male Sekiei grow manes that are darker than their pelts and also tend to feature less bodily crystals, as they grow crystalline antlers instead. The crystals produce mild bioluminescence as well, though will no longer once cut from a Sekiei's pelt.

[*]Races: N/A

  • Not Quite Kyber: Sekei are naturally sensitive to the Force, connected to both the planet of Quarzite, each-other and their human handlers (If they have any) through it and can often form rudimentary but strong bonds. Sekiei particularly strong in the light side are born white and are considered sacred by the native Kage. If harvested correctly, any Sekiei crystal can be used in a lightsaber, though it is obviously not ideal for use in such a weapon. They are of less quality than a synthetic crystal, and therefore will produce a blade of reduced strength (Though of notably brilliant colour).
  • Flighty Little Chits: Much like an Ibex or a similar climbing mammal, a Sekiei is extremely good on their hooves. They are able to scale the sheer walls of the Quarzite caverns and the crystals with surprising ease, helping them escape predators and those seeking to capture them.

  • A Soft Heart: Sekiei are naturally trusting. If you give them no cause to distrust or fear you, they will happily allow you to come up to them and even touch them, as they love affection. This is normally a good thing, but a particularly crafty hunter could simply sit and wait for the Sekiei to come to them. They are very curious and, so long as you act right, it's very easy to lure them into traps.
  • Burdens We Bear: A Sekiei's crystals never stop growing. Eventually, they become too heavy for their frames to adequately support and they become less agile, more vulnerable to attack. Hunters often pick on the older Sekiei as a result, knowing that they are a hindrance to the overall herd.
  • Can You Feel Them?: Due to the Sekiei's natural connection to the Force, they are easily detectable and therefore huntable through it. Offworld hunters often bring Vornskr to Quarzite to help with the hunt for this exact reason, though many do it simply because Vornskr are good hunters and don't realize the connection. Sekiei never developed a natural defence to this outside attack, and are extremely vulnerable to exploitation as a result.

  • Diet: Sekiei have evolved to be more omnivorous than anything, often eating insects and worms over plants since those are easier to find. Though, a Sekiei will always snack on a Crystalline Lotus; it's their favourite treat. They will not eat meat, even when offered it in captivity, and also cannot pass most off-world fruits and vegetables due to their biology not being built to consume foreign foods like that,
  • Communication: Body language and the Force, to convey intent. Can produce 'deer noises', but possess no means of communicating directly with Humans or other highly intelligent species due to lack of anatomy required & intelligence needed.
  • Technology level: They're deer, so none.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Again, deer. They seem to hold some reverence for the Force at least, far more trusting to Force-sensitives and Force users, and they shy away from the dark side and often consider those shrouded in it to be predators.
  • General behavior: Sekiei travel in small herds, usually consisting of an alpha male who defends the young and the females. Other males are tolerated in the herd hierarchy, but if one challenges the alpha for control of the clan their contests can become deadly and they will be either killed or ostracized. Females are in charge of rearing the young that are whelped in the 'spring' of Quarzite, ensuring they are reared to know how to survive the cavernous lifestyle. They are extremely trusting of people most likely due to their domestic roots, particularly friendly to the native Kage and are often seen wandering about their temples and cities like stray pets. Possessing a strong sense of self-preservation, they flee if they feel even the slightest bit threatened.


Sekiei are thought to have had humble beginnings. Because Quarzite's surface is so pressurized it's unable to sustain life, life flourished below ground. It's speculated that Sekiei Deer were a transplanted species, brought to Quarzite by some ancient spacefaring precursor to the Kage to serve as livestock. They eventually went on to be a native species, evolving to match the challenges demanded of them by becoming faster, tougher, and more crystalline. Kage revered the white Sekiei in particular as they were stronger in the Force than a normal member of their species but also believed their general rarity to be divine. Seeing one is said to bring good luck.

Sekiei have grown little in notoriety with the advent of the spacefaring age, as hunters from off-world come seeing their crystals for trinkets and their tender meat for exotic dishes. But generally, their existence and the methods needed to hunt them are known to only a select few and the native Kage are terribly protective of the deer, which, coupled with Quarzite's generally harder-to-access life, makes for a species not widly known but still valued.

  • Intent: To help flesh out the underdeveloped planet Quarzite by giving it a unique flower that also helps build onto the sister submission of the Sekiei Deer.
  • Image Credit: WikiZero
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: Quarzite, Sekiei Deer
  • Name: Nucifera Thraecius, colloquially known as the Crystallized Lotus.
  • Homeworld: Quarzite
  • Other Locations: N/A
  • Classification: Flower
  • Average Growth Cycle: Seeds form into the basis of the plant when it finds an ideal position to take root, sprouting long crystalline tendrils that wrap around Quarzite crystal and stone alike to seek out the minerals and nutrients needed. A Crystallized Lotus' root structure can be up to a meter long for a single blossom. After time and enough exposure to the light provided by Quarzite's natural crystals, the seed will blossom into a white crystal flower, which it will maintain the appearance of even after the planet dies.
  • Viability: The Crystallized Lotus does not need any sunlight to grow, instead utilizing the light of Quarzite's luminous crystals as a substitute. Additionally, the planets thrive in an underground environment and will 'die' when taken out into direct sunlight. Die, as in it will no longer grow but remain in a petrified crystal formation that is popular with offworlders. The plant uses minerals in the surrounding rock to grow instead of water, though they can be watered to little effect. If under ideal conditions, a Crystalized Lotus can live for 20 years until it's growth cycle concludes and it essentially turns to true crystal, 'dying' much like it would in the direct UV light of the sun. Seeds appear like small grey pebbles, spread throughout the Quarzite caves by primarily Milodons as their trampling can lead to the spread of many seedlings after a flower is flattened.
  • Description: Much like Sekiei Deer, many assume the Crystallized Lotus to be a decorative art sculpture. In fact, it is a living plant and one of the only plants known to be native to Quarzite. With their long tendril-like roots and dangerous-but-deadly looks, the Crystallized Lotus is a wholly unique flower with wholly unique looks. They only ever bloom in a milky translucent white colour, their 'petals' jagged quartz formations.
  • Average height: 0.06 meters
  • Average length: 0.06 meters
  • Color: Translucent White
  • Nutritional Value: Whilst Sekiei Deer are able to eat the flowers easily, they are not consumable by Humans due to their glass-like texture and therefore don't have much nutritional value for humans; they provide essential minerals to the deer, though.
  • Distinctions: The entire structure of this flower is made of bio-organic crystals, sharing many visual similarities with actual crystals or rocks but having key differences in that these plants are somewhat living and will grow then die. Seeds actually sprout organic cores that the crystals grow from, but the crystals often grow so quickly to protect the core that many don't see them unless you manage to excavate it from a dead one.
  • Strengths:
    Ethereal Beauty: Especially in their natural habitat, the Crystallized Lotus is exceptionally pretty and is treasured for their looks.

  • Castle of Glass: Once the flowers bloom into their final life stage, they are quite fragile and prone to chipping and even being crushed under the weight of a Milodon or even a stray Human foot. Additionally, they are far too prone to shattering to be used in a lightsaber, limiting their usage.
  • Inedible: Besides Sekiei Deer, no other lifeform is able to safely consume this planet; They have the consistency of glass and will do similar things to your body if you chose to foolishly take a bite out of one.


Crystallized Lotuses were first discovered by Kage settlers in the early days of their settlement of the planet, marvelled at for their beauty and resilience despite frequent destruction due to life's struggles. They were harvested by the natives for their pleasing aesthetic, though their crystals were too delicate to be refined into anything other than raw chunks of easily-shatterable stone to be used as decoration or for religious purposes.

Soon, with more off-world presences coming to Quarzite, whole Lotuses were sold as tourist trinkets that would die in the sunlight and be preserved forever as delicate trophies, serving as morbid souvenirs to one's journey to the planet. It takes a lot of practice and essential ancient knowledge to tend to a garden of the flowers, which is why many Kage elders maintain them for their villages as a morale booster. Besides, they attract Sekiei Deer, which are always a welcome sight to the natives.

  • Intent: To continue my crusade to flesh out Quarzite's lore by giving it a capital city and to create a locale suitable for RP on said planet, and to also provide a city for my character to originate from.
  • Image Credit: ArtStation (Recoloured by myself)
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: Quarzite, Sekiei Deer, Crystallized Lotus
  • City Name: Karoshi
  • Classification: Metropolis
  • Location: Quarzite
  • Affiliation: Whilst the Galactic Alliance holds the hex containing Quarzite, the planet and by extension it's capital is fairly autonomous when it comes to local governance. Though it does have a Senator for representation and it respects and abides by Alliance law above all else, Karoshi is primarily affiliated with the Kage people and those who lead them personally.
  • Demographics: Primarily, Karoshi's population is made up of Kage, who originally built the city. A smaller section of the population is the Belugans, though not as many live in the city both due to racial tensions and due to the fact Belugans are meant to reside underwater. Even smaller than the Belugans is Humans and other alien races, barely making up 2% of the population. Many outsiders simply don't emigrate to Quarzite due to the difficulties of adjusting to a strictly underground life.
  • Wealth: Medium -- The Kage, unlike others, flourished and even thrived during the 400-year darkness. Being cut off from galactic life wasn't uncommon for them, though it did stunt things like trade and the economy, which is why Karoshi is relatively underdeveloped when it comes to the population's wealth. Some have more than others, some have less than others, but overall the city is relatively middle-class.
  • Stability: Karoshi is ruled by an elected circle of Elders, with their authority having been respected since time immemorial both as actual and spiritual leaders of the Kage people. This results in complete stability so long as you follow their law, and this was never clearer than during the 400-year darkness when everyone pulled together to survive. In the past, tensions boiled over when the Belugans managed to seize control of the planet--and, by extension, it's capital city --during the chaos of the Clone Wars, but following the rise of the first Empire the Kage managed to wrest back control but ever since, tensions between the two native species have been very high. Even still, the Kage trust in their Elders to lead them, and even the Belugans respect their wisdom.
  • Description: Karoshi is a unique city, constructed much more like a city carved into a quarry. Buildings were dug directly into the walls, and great gateway tunnels lead to stairs, turbolifts, and other 'neighbourhoods' in Karoshi, which is how one navigates. Neighbourhoods are what the large cylindrical caverns containing the majority of buildings and their residents are called, and all feature a large cluster of Quarzite crystals that simulates daylight. They are artificially influenced by Kage technology and keyed to Quarzite's sun cycle, brightening in the day and dimmed in the night.
  • The Western Skyhook: Connecting Karoshi to the atmosphere of the planet is 'The Western Skyhook', one of the biggest connecting Quarzite to the outside world. If it's not clear by the name, it's located in the western hemisphere of Quarzite. The Western Skyhook is not only used as a traditional Skyhook but is also used as a command hub for every other one present in Quarzite's orbit. The Western Skyhook is fairly infamous for the outbreak of Gulag plague aboard that occurred from infected merchants. That led to the skyhook being shut down and disabled for the entirety of the 400-year darkness, unintentionally also deactivating every other Skyhook it was connected to. As it was both the largest port available to Quarzite natives and a hub of communication, shutting it down effectively cut many off from the galaxy as a whole. It was only activated again in the last 70 or so years, with some of the older Kage still able to remember the times when they were unable to reach the sky. Now, much like before, it is a bustling hub of activity for commerce and tourism, and everyone who wishes to visit Karoshi must take the skyhook's turbolift down. The trip takes 10 minutes at the most, and there are multiple lift tubes due to the high volume of people the skyhook sees, including one large enough to accommodate cargo.
  • Urushibara Temple: Through one of the oldest passages of the massive caves making up Karoshi, is an ancient site dedicated to worship of ancient deities that barely survived time. Urushibara Temple has stood for an estimated two thousand years, tended to by a long lineage of monks and protected by a cabal of Kage Warriors, elite soldiers who are akin to traditional knights or samurai who rose during the Clone Wars to liberate their people. Following the end of conflict they would settle into the roles of protectors. Urushibara is where the Warriors are garrisoned and is where they train, and the temple is also famous for having Sekiei deer who wander across the grounds freely as gentle visitors. Whilst many of the Kage religious beliefs have been lost, especially during the 400-year darkness, it's thought that the Kage worshipped an old goddess at Urushibara who was the one who had turned the planet's surface to a barren wasteland in a fit of celestial rage. Offerings were and still are made to appease her in the hopes one day the surface may be healed by her divine providence.
  • Taiyo: The Taiyo neighbourhood is the largest within the cluster of caves making up Karoshi, home to the majority of the city's population as a result. Densely populated, the homes carved into the rock are small but quaint and can sustain a family of 4 at most. Taiyo is one of two neighbourhoods to have a subtram station for quick access, and it would take 6 hours to walk the circumference of the cavern, emphasizing the size.
  • Tsuki: Second largest of the Karoshi neighbourhoods, Tsuki is a commercial cavern home to cargo, merchants and the bigger, more central subtram station where many of the trains run from. Tsuki is the destination of many visitors to Quarzite, as it's also where the Western Skyhook's turbolift connects with Karoshi's cave system. The subtram that starts at Tsuki runs across the planet.
  • Hoshi: Third largest, Hoshi is an administrative neighbourhood home to the Elders and their families, and the buildings where they conduct their rule. The elected Senator of Quarzite resides here, alongside any other state-financed service or function. Political guests stay here too.

Karoshi was one of the first settlements constructed by the Kage. It began in Hoshi, expanding to Tsuki and Taiyo when it became necessary to accommodate the growing population. Structures weren't necessary to build except for religious purposes as workers simply could excavate rooms out of the stone, allowing for rapid expansion of the city into various caverns. They connecting them with hand-carved tunnels, to facilitate travel, and eventually, droids would be able to take over the excavation with surgical precision. With Skyhooks essential to the settlement of Quarzite, Tsuki became a popular hub of travel within Karoshi and led to the city's huge expansion. Foreign contractors saw an opportunity and were able to make tidy fortunes constructing homes for the locals, excavating and industrializing the city and the surrounding area. Prior to the beginning of the Clone Wars, Karoshi was a hub of activity. Trade flowed easily and freely and the Kage prospered.

But it's the nature of the galaxy to change. Quarzite was home to not one dominant species, but two. Belugans, aquatic natives of the planet's various underground springs, rose up. In collaboration with the Separatists and under the guidance of a brutal dictator, the Belugan people proceeded to subjugate the Kage, kill their leaders, capture their cities, and plunge the planet into chaos.

Karoshi fell in a matter of days, constructed for living and not for defending. And with no formal military of their own, any attempts at resistance were pitiful and pointless. With the Kage's capital seized, the people were scattered. Some submitted to Belugan rule, others left the planet entirely, a few fleeing to cities still holding out against attack. Some, however, rebelled. Karoshi's Urushibara Temple would be the site of resistance, with the Kage Warriors being founded by the children of the now-dead Elders with the ultimate goal of evicting the occupying forces from Kage land. Throughout the course of the Clone Wars they would be successful in this endeavor, eventually pushing back the Belugans with Republic support. Karoshi was recaptured at a pivotal battle of the same time, kickstarted by the Kage Warriors assassinating the tactical genius behind the Belugan war effort and crippling the enemy. At last back in Kage hands after years of exile, citizens returned to their homes, the Warriors put down their swords, and many would go on to form the new circle of Elders as they had earned the admiration of their people. The Belugans were forced back to their aquatic cities in disgrace, with relations never being the same, particularly with those who moved back to the city following de-escalation.

Throughout the rule of the first Empire and beyond Quarzite & Karoshi remained relatively untouched, thankfully. It was simply too hard for an outside force to invade Quarzite due to the bottleneck of Skyhooks needed to transport troops and supplies, seen as a waste of resources by Imperial command. Resources that could be spent elsewhere. This meant that the planet and it's government were allowed to operate and rebuild relatively peacefully, though many Kage Warriors would fight against the first Empire as rebels. Urushibara Temple would once again find use as a base of operations for the Warriors.

Karoshi would like this for hundreds of years following, guiding Quarzite into an age of prosperity. The Gulag plague was the beginning of the end. The Western Skyhook, linked directly to Karoshi, was ravaged by an outbreak of the virus and, in order to ensure that the capital remained uncontaminated, some either exceptionally clever or stupid soul aboard the Skyhook deactivated the entire station and every other Skyhook with no warning, sending all turbolifts to the surface and preventing them from being sent back up. Activation could not be done from the ground, with the terminal planetside only meant to be a receiving bay. Attempts to convince someone to activate the Western Skyhook failed due to the galaxy-wide collapse and breakdown of communication.

Surprisingly, this did not keep the Kage down, and Karoshi survived exceptionally well throughout the Darkness. The Elders led both the city and her people through the dark times, each new generation of leaders beginning to remember less and less of the wider galaxy, soon only surviving off of tales and stories of the beyond. The Kage Warriors became almost enshrined in myth as they were reformed once again at Karoshi's Urushibara Temple at the beginning of the Darkness to serve as a militia to keep the peace, doing so for the entire duration of 400 long years. A fateful day in 778 ABY would see explorers reactivate the Western Skyhook by accident when investigating it as a foreign space station, inadvertently reintroducing the Kage people back to the galactic limelight, but also starting Karoshi's revival into a bustling hub of trade. The city became very popular shortly after it's rediscovery, with tourism booming as curious travelers visited the planet and her capital.

The city has remained this way ever since, pockets still recovering from the 400 years of isolation whilst others eagerly embrace the interconnectivity once again granted to them. Karoshi thrives, as she always has.

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