At Feena's snap at Cyril the droid raised his hand to signal it was alright before speaking,
[member="Graxin Rade"],
"It was not the will of Protectorate to lead our vessels to Druckenwell, but its Protector, we are not the Jedi, we are not the Republic, we are soldiers, we do what needs to be done to survive in this world and create a society where those whom we serve can be happy and safe. Although our leaders can make mistakes, can go into war to protect our citizens, we still follow orders even if we disagree with them, for through discipline and chain of command we will carve out order in Chaos."
The droid made his point with OOC pun,
"And if the Confederacy is so weak then they will be willing to conduct a joint investigation as to what really happened on Druckenwell, for I was there, on the Shipyard ring when it begun to fell, saving the predecessors of your Dreadguard by bringing to them dropships and shuttles. And I can tell you this much."
The machine would lean in,
"It was not Protectorate guns that brought the ring down and condemned thousands of civilians to death, although we came there with force we offered them the way out, their planetary guns fired on the ring and broke it, and then it was our ships that rescued the troops and civilians on the planet, as much as we could, no matter which side they belonged to."
HK would fold his arms then,
"I made a promise before the survivors of Druckenwell that day, I promised to conduct terminatus totales on the beings who ordered for that ring to be brought down and thousands of lives to perish, and I will keep to my word, I will find the bastards who gave these orders and I will launch them out of an airlock in Druckenwell's orbit, let the planet's gravity bring them down and guide them into death just like they guided through it the shipyard to terminate so many innocent."
Apparently the machine still had its taste for poetic justice since he spoke about it to [member="Kaida Taldir"] on Hoth,
"I have infiltrated the Confederacy when they started out, I have witnessed them signing their articles, I lead them in a disguise through carving out their initial territory, I wanted to mold them into a faction which can prosper while helping the Greater Good of the Galaxy."
He would shake his head,
"Sith had the same idea and they won, unfortunately, they poisoned their leading council, they took over and I delivered the reports to Protector that they were lost, corrupted and carrying the taint of Sith in their leadership. They say they changed, that it was past."
HK would imitate a scoff,
"If that is true then let them prove it in actions, for their words have weight of helium. And we can conduct the negotiations ourselves. A Protector has started this mess to rid of the Sith in Confederacy, another Protector will see it through and clean it up."
After that he would look to [member="Feena Mason"] to continue,
"Let him speak, I am a soldier still and one of the common folk, Force knows that nothing was handed to me and I had to either work hard or fight to get where I am. If your son lays claim on an armor of a lord then I hope he can back it up with a claim on wisdom and respect from his kin and soldiers that go with him into battle. Otherwise it will be as empty claim as me flirting with a lass."
The machine quipped while [member="Lilicky"] was raiding a kitchen somewhere in the Towers,
"I can get you what you are asking for but it will not be instantaneous, this is a management of resources which are not infinite. If I command your border to be strengthened right away then another border gets weaker and I have to go through this all over again, even in central provinces like Yag'Dhul, if the Fringe's attack on Eriadu has showed us anything it is that not only border provinces can be targeted but planets within our territory as well, Yag'Dhul, Eriadu, Fondor, Kaeshana, they deserve as much protection from me as Naboo does. And while I can grant you better protection with expansions and investitures, I cannot give you better protection if it means another planet will be more vulnerable because we had to transfer soldiers and ships from them. As to your wage and insurance, it will be worthy of an Exarch, it is nothing you should worry about."
The droid would look to [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] when she stepped in,
"Better prepared now than to be sorry later, Siobhan."
HK would look to Feena then,
"I know from personal experience that Siobhan's planetary defense methods are very effective, and indeed she has resources to start upgrading your planetary and border defenses right away. If you two work out a plan together I can send a grant to make paying off the expansion easier."