Silence had come from my lips. It had been what felt forever since I had seen the plate armor of the guards of the Iron Lords, and the Iron Empire. Walking down the halls of the palace, I made my way past various guards. Some had turned their attention to me as though I was just a late comer. Others moved towards me as though I were a pest that was trying to interrupt the proceedings of the Iron Empire, and the Silver Sanctum. Contrary to that thought, I was here for myself. Following behind me was my apprentice Thalia. Both of us were Hellyni. A race of humanoids from the planet of Hora close to the two factions in question.
I was here to represent those people who refused to be here. I came to ratify the idea of the Hellyni people to come under one banner, and join in these proceedings. I hated playing diplomat for people who I could care less for. However, I stood for my people. They were my blood, my kin, and my legacy. If I had to, I would kill, and die for them.
As I got closer to the doors, I had four guards stop me. One was an Iron Lord. The other three were soldiers. I stopped in front of them. As they came to question me, The Iron Lord seemed to squint at me through his helmet. I could see in the clear visor his green eyes. Standing there, I reached into my pocket. In that instant, their weapons were drawn. I continued on and showed a single coin. One that had the twin wolf heads emblazoned upon the face. Tossing it to the Iron Lord, I spoke in a very simple tone.
"I am Atheus. I lead our troops upon the battle of Ilum, and fought for our cities when the Omega Sith attacked our kindred. I come to speak at these talks."
The Iron Lord knew immediately who I was. Having had my own arm cut off by my own hand in the fight to protect them, I sacrificed much for them. He bowed his head slightly and let me pass. Motioning the guards to let their weapons drop. With a motion of his left hand at the doors, they opened wide enough to let two to three people pass.
Entering, I could hear my Emperor and Lord [member="Isamu Baelor"]. Raising up his voice to quell all thoughts of argument, and to bring the attention upon himself.
I smiled under the half mask covering my nose, cheeks and jawline. Speaking through it to everyone in the room, My voice seemed to echo slightly as I walked towards the many before me.
"I begrudgingly speak to say that not all Mandalorians are animals, My lord."
I had to show that I was here for a reason. Taking a second to tilt my head at the man, as well as turning to his daughter and bowing my head, Thalia followed suit.
"I have trained under a few for some time. However, that is not important."
Bringing out a holocommunicator, I sat it on the table an turned it on. Showing a planet that I had been birthed upon.
"I come to speak for my people, as well as advocate for the Iron Empire, and the Silver Sanctum to form a bond. I ask for permission to proceed."
It was rare for me to ask. Even more so for me to be a diplomat. The Baelor Family knew this from their time in working with me. They also knew I was one to not share my ideas or voice anything other than for some credits and gear to compensate for my working relationship with them.
Now, I offered everything to them. I put my neck on the chopping block. All I could hope for was one chance to make my stand.
[member="Aster Rose Baelor"], [member="Isamu Baelor"], [member="Sorel Crieff"], [member="Zeradias Mant"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"], @Thuron Heavenshield,