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Is there a way to successfully oppose a Dominion?

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This is something i have asked before, and i think if in the Dominion thread there is Stiff and durable opposition that can keep the objectives from being reached, i think it should be able to be Halted.

For example: If a group of Jedi can stop a Sith Invasion and Capture of a Military Barracks, (obj 1)
Then armies can stop their attacks on supply lines (obj 2)
Their Political Corruption of the Planet people is halted and turned against them (Obj 3)
And the other objectives can be deterred.

I think it would be fair to say the dominion was a defeat.
For it to be passed to the Other side, there would need to be a Dominion for the other side, for example let's say that the Dominion of the Primeval was defeated by a resistance of The Jedi order. (crazy examples ftw)
For the planet to become Jedi Territory and conquered by the Jedi, there would need to be a Dominion.
What the Jedi did was Stop the Dominion, not make their own the planet as [member="Sage Bane"] put it, would remain in the territory before Primeval invaded, if it was Neutral then it would remain in the neutral control, if was owned by say The Omega well it would stay Omega territory.
Darth Azurea said:
The only other example I can think of besides an invasion is a counter-dominion. But both factions have to be in the right proximity to the planet.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
And if finished within 10 min. of each other then they must battle for it, which the rules seem heavily in favor of a major faction doing that. I personally don't feel a group should be successful in stoping a Dom. There is already waaaaay to much OOC drama around invasions. While I get your idea Corey, I don't think it serves the community well.

Then again, Coren's band has proved to be a good rival for the Sith. Perhaps the best solution is a thread which is a planned Sith failure. If the story is well advertised and thought out, the writers which are here for story would jump on board quickly.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Sage Bane said:
Not necessarily. In an invasion, a planet would be won by one side or another. In Animus' idea, the planet would remain neutral.

It's an interesting idea.
Interesting concept. It'd be worth re-visitng the current rule that [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] posted. If there's enough interest and the board owner and judges wouldn't mind, maybe we could test pilot this out for a time period and reevaluate.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Animus Malgus said:
What the Jedi did was Stop the Dominion, not make their own the planet as [member="Sage Bane"] put it, would remain in the territory before Primeval invaded, if it was Neutral then it would remain in the neutral control, if was owned by say The Omega well it would stay Omega territory.
Just to clarify if the planet were owned by another faction it would have to be invaded per the board invasion rules. Only neutral planets can be dommed.
It's already been stated that other factions may not interrupt a factions dominion. The reality is that posting in the dominion at all would only lend to the post count of the faction organizing said dominion bringing them closer to absorbing the planet into their cloud of influence. That said if you're looking to cause a stir there's no rule stating you can't participate in acts of terrorism on that planet.

Anything done in the dom would still be considered canon and ideally might serve as a chink that faction will have to deal with on world at a later date. It could also be an interesting way to create some stories.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Spark Finn said:
Interesting concept. It'd be worth re-visitng the current rule that Darth Pyrrhus posted. If there's enough interest and the board owner and judges wouldn't mind, maybe we could test pilot this out for a time period and reevaluate.
I think this is a really interesting idea, however, I'm worried it would be very time-consuming for the admins. Especially considering the amount of dominions acitve at any one time, and the pace at which some factions finish them. This means that more than check post count, and if necessary confirm that none of the posts before no.100 were from one writer going above 20, each dominion will have to be read through and the overall story evaluated.
It is pretty infeasible for a minor faction to completely oppose a major faction's dominion of a planet without a counter-invasion force present.. Which would basically result in an invasion....

Which minor factions cannot participate as a faction in.
Braith said:
It is pretty infeasible for a minor faction to completely oppose a major faction's dominion of a planet without a counter-invasion force present..
Actually I don't think that's true. Histroy is full examples of underdogs criing major empires. Revolutionary War, War of 1812. Both were won by an inferior military, and boom we have the USA which has had the best military on the planet for 200 plus years.

Now to the RP issue.

Some minor factions have more activity than major ones. This would suggest that given an objective that would make the Dom unsuccessful it could easily happen. I still think it would make it too similar to an invasion though, and all the nasty drama those cause would ensue. Which is why I feel it is not in the best interest of the community.
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