Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It Starts with Curiosity


While Cathbodua was going over some last minute details on her datapad, Makari decided to go over some things on his own. Rhen Var wasn’t a place that he knew much about. He heard a little from strangers, but what they always spoke about was the cold. Colder than Hoth, some would say, but Makari wasn’t bothered by that. What he was interested in was the landmarks and the artifacts. What was there for him to find for his collection? What piece of history was there for him to uncover? He liked mysteries and the mystery surrounding Ross Mysliwiec was one of them.

As he searched the holonet, he was intrigued by the lack of information on this particular Jedi, and the Citadel was another thing that had caught his attention. While Cathbodua went back to the bay with a medical droid, Makari stared at holograms of the ancient structure and pondered its possible uses. He had heard grumblings of a fortress being planned on the planet, and maybe the Citadel had something to do with it?

He looked through a few more things and started to put together a list of things that he wanted to do while he was on Rhen Var. Just things for leisure whenever he had free time.

While Cathbodua was still busy somewhere, one of the pilots called him over for a chat, and two of them shared a few laughs over the Jedi knight Rugo, who the pilot was also acquainted with.

“So how does it feel?” the pilot asked him after a while. He nodded towards the silver robes that Makari was still wearing.

Makari scratched the back of his head. “I don’t know. Good I guess. I’m still trying to get used to the idea of being a padawan. I’ve never been good with sticking with things. I’m pretty fickle.”

The pilot let out a laugh, “Aren’t we all. Well, those robes look good on you. Not sure why you and that Jedi knight you’re with want to go to Rhen Var, but I hope you two find what you’re looking for.”

Makari nodded with a grin, “Thanks. I’m sure we will.”

He continued to chat with the pilot and as they spoke, Makari’s mind slowly drifted back to Rhen Var and what he hoped he would discover about himself there.
[member="Makari Valeal"]

She was letting him do as needed while the droids continued to work on her. The cream meant to sooth any pain she might have while standing there in the small outfit. THe droid finishing up as there were scars and left over burn marks showing where the skin had been damaged enough to become permanent. The jedi healer walked out over some of the things in the ship while the low lights changed over a few of the things. "Everything looking well for you?" She said it with a nod of her watching him. Her eyes were a little better thankfully when she was finished with the procedure so she could see better. Looking down at some of the stuff he was looking at. "The records of the improvements are not fully detailed so we'll be able to work on some of the things there."

When Cathbodua returned, there was a desire to ask her about what the medical droids were doing to her back there. Was it for her medical condition? He knew about it, but he tried not to ask her too many questions about it. Just in case she was sensitive about the subject.

She asked him was everything going well for him, and they were to a certain extent. After his little chat with the pilot, he had meditated for a while, and then he went back to his datapad to stare at more holograms of Rhen Var to get his mind prepared for the journey that was right around the corner. He was a person that liked to study and study before he did anything or went to any dangerous place. He was an explorer, sure, he went on many adventures, yeah, but he didn’t have a reckless personality. There was always caution in his movements and that was why Cathbodua seemed to be a good match for him. Rather than allowing him to be sluggish in his actions, she had given him training that forced him to think on his feet, and rely on his gut more. He was learning to find a balance between caution and confidence.

In response her to question, he nodded, “Everything’s going well. Just doing a bit of research and seeing what things I should be on the lookout for when we arrive. You know, things like artifacts and locations. Places like the Citadel.”

Cathbodua replied "The records of the improvements are not fully detailed so we'll be able to work on some of the things there."

Makari nodded at those words. He didn’t expect the holonet to have information that was a hundred percent accurate. He thought on his expedition on Dagobah, and how his expedition team was ill-prepared because of the inaccuracy of the reports and infopages on the holonet that had mislead them on a number of things.

There was a time when Makari toyed with the idea of starting his own website on the holonet, to give the explorers of the galaxy a detailed guide on how to traverse the many planets he had already been on. He was only eighteen, but he was well traveled. At least for his age at least, he thought.

He stared at Cathbodua for a while absentmindedly and then he asked a question that had been on his mind. “By the way I noticed the medical droids. I wasn’t going to say anything but……are you alright to go on this journey? Is your body alright?”
[member="Makari Valeal"]

"It is nothing more then usual, my body is sick compared to most. skin that blisters and will boil under the sun. Eyes that produce a membrane over it and will slowly eventually make me blind." She said it casually while they were still going and the jedi knight didn't need to look forward. "My condition makes it easier to understand compared to some the need for jedi healers and doctors. Most I have met seem to use their skills to supplement their egos over wanting to help people. One of the main reasons why I refused to join the Silver Sages." She leaned back a little sitting down while she stretched out her arms flexing a little with her legs crossed. "Few healers or doctors really understand the constant state of pain you can be in or why you need to at times push your body to keep it from becoming frail."

Makari felt something in the pit of his stomach as she spoke of her ailments. He had never had a weak stomach, but hearing her speak of boiling skin, and her eyes eventually going blind, made him bit his lip and squirm in his seat a little.

Was she serious? No, was her condition that serious? As she continued to speak, he wondered if she was speaking so casually of her sickness because she had resigned herself to her fate. Like had she given up? Had she accepted that her condition would never change? He wanted to ask her, but he thought it would be inappropriate, and instead he focused on her statement.

What she said about some of the Jedi were true. He knew of many who were straying away from the original ideas of the order and only seeking personal fame and glory. They were hungry for war. They were hungry to prove themself. But not many wanted to learn the force in the way that Cathbodua used it. To help people through healing.

He respected her for that, but once again, her words made him think of her condition.

It was when she said, “Few healers or doctors really understand the constant state of pain you can be in” when Makari decided he had to ask her.

“Have you tried to find a cure for your condition?" He asked. "There has to be some type of technology or medicine out there that can help? And if not, isn’t there some type of alchemy or magic could use? Or maybe the force?”

He didn’t know much about these things, but he thought it was a shame if there wasn’t a solution to Cathbodua’s sickness. And even if they weren't, he didn't think that his master should give up hope.
[member="Makari Valeal"]

A cure? She turned her head looking at him for a moment in the shadows and low light before she spoke. "I could, I could replace my eyes with cybernetics and find a way to replace my skin or just wear a bodysuit permanently. The force and darkside alchemy could likely cure me as well but there is a price for such things. The darkside is neither a path for a jedi nor can I demand someone or several pay the cost so I can purge my body of all sickness. The force if there was one skilled may be able to cure it but there are few with the patience or skill in art of the small who can really clean and repair every cell of my body so there isn't a trace of sickness." She remained watching more of the things there as she went back to looking at some of the screens.

Her answers were disheartening, but Makari saw a path of hope when she said that it was possible with the force. It would just take a bit of patience and skill, she said. Well at lot according to her.

Makari decided to leave the subject alone and then he did a variety of things to keep himself occupied. He wasn’t sure how long it would take to reach Rhen Var, but he had come equipped to deal with passing the time. He read a few holobooks first, and then he caught up with some of the latest mystery novels that were on the market. A story about a hidden Sith burial site had caught his attention particularly. It reminded him of that expedition that was forming up in Serenno in a few months. He still hadn’t told Koba and Jackson his decision, but he thought it was something to think on.

He did a few push-ups and sit-ups next, and then he watched a few holo-films off and on, while he responded to messages on the holonet.
After some time had passed, he sought out Cathbodua and asked her, “How much time do you think we have left before we arrive?”

He was eager for their journey to begin.
[member="Makari Valeal"]

"Soon enough." She was looking at many of the things while providing some of the attention for the different things. It was close but you wanted to be safe and clearing the scanners to make sure none of the orchid was on some of the worlds out here. It was a dangerous place before the reconstruction as they had cleared out a lot of the sith beasts on the planet when it came into view. The citadel coming on the screen with a look over some of the things. "We just need to clear through many of the things for scanners until we get into the hanger." She said it with a small nod of her head getting dressed again and sealing her suit when the citadel came into view showing the stone and metal shell with new defense guns they could use to protect themselves.

When she told him soon enough, Makari nodded and returned to his cabin. He started to pack up his things while some R&B was playing from his stereo. He was definitely ready for this journey to begin and see what Cathbodua had planned for his development. Although, he wasn’t too excited about the freezing cold and the snow, he was ready for the thrill of seeing a new place.

As he mounted his backpack and tightened the straps so that it was seated firmly on his back, Makari walked through the ship until he found Cathbodua staring at a screen.

"We just need to clear through many of the things for scanners until we get into the hanger."

She was speaking about the Citadel, and Makari was surprised that this was the first destination. While Cathbodua got dressed and suited up, Makari stared at the screen with curiosity for the place that would become his home for a while. Well he really wasn’t sure about that, because for all he knew, they were just landing here and moving on elsewhere, but Makari was already imaging himself exploring the place and taking a few pictures.

When Cathbodua returned with her suit fully sealed, Makari nodded towards the screen. “So what’s the plan when we land? Are we staying in the Citadel for a while or are we heading out for somewhere else?”

Either way, Makari was eager to get off the ship and get things started.
[member="Makari Valeal"]

"We'll be in the Citadel for a little while, there is some stuff there equipment wise we can transfer and work on." She had a few ideas and much like the guardian robes he had been given with temperature regulation on the robes there was a lot. There was new ideas that they were testing for the equipment when the ship came into the hanger. The Citadel was improved and beefed up, sections of it where they have worked on it to replace the damaged or ancient structures with new force enhanced and threaded metals, stone, materials that were infused with the lightside of the force. She was walking down the ramp looking at some of the things and getting her equipment pack so they could move around with some of the jedi there working, their bodies testing out other things like the silver meshes that functioned as the overcoats. Cathbodua was meeting with them as they presented the robed meshes that matched the guardian robes as it felt like a piece of the force when she touched it. "These are new from the tech division, for the robes you have." She was presenting it as the mesh was designed to go over nearly everywhere except the face, palms and feet. "Lightweight desh-terethium with the new synthetic wintrium aged to perfection to resist lightsabers and provide the new synthweaved effects. Wear it with the inner guardian robes and you will be able to last in the cold."

Makari was relieved to know they would be in the Citadel for a while. As soon as they were done with whatever she had planned for him, he was already plotting to sneak off and explore the corridors and hallways, and see if he could wander into any hidden rooms or passageways. When the transport ship landed in the hanger, Makari was the first off-board. As he walked down the ramp, he could see that a lot of construction was still being done here. There were a lot of people moving about and a few Jedi had caught his attention particularly.

They were around his age but they were more scarred and rough in appearance. He didn’t look so soft himself, but they had a certain aura around them. Like they were used to living in harsh conditions.

He started to wonder about what type of planet Rhen Var was when Cathbodua motioned for him to follow, and as she met with a few of the Jedi, she explained to him about what the people here were working on.

He was pleased that they would have robes that would help resist the cold. He had brought cold weather clothes himself just in case, but he was sure these robes would be of a higher quality. He took off his backpack and accepted the robes, wearing it over the robes he currently wore.

“Fits comfortably,” he remarked. He was a bit cold when he first stepped off the transport, but now he could feel himself getting warmer and warmer. The robes were definitely serving their purpose.

“You said before that we were here to work on some things. But before that, is there a place where I can put up my things? Just my rucksack” Makari said, referring to the rucksack he was still carrying on his back.
[member="Makari Valeal"]

She looked at him and gave a nod of her head as she was changing some of the things with a nod of her head. "Yes, the equipment you are wearing is what is being worked on and tested, it is highly protective, lightweight and with synthweaved for energies that will give you additional protection from energy and the force while you are wearing it." She was walking and moved over with a nod of her head showing where they were reconstructing and working on many of the things they had. New self sustaining and living modules that will allow them to live in the citadel and grow their own food as needed and create a surplus as she moved throughout the hallways. There were other workers as the citadel held the silver watch but before they had been brought here the jedi researchers were using it to make their things all around.

She hadn’t told him where he could set down his rucksack yet, but Makari forgot about it soon enough. The robes he were wearing seemed to be special. Well he knew they were special, but they seemed to be more valuable than he realized. As they walked through the hallways, he thought on her words and wondered if they were in capable hands. He wasn’t a warrior that could really put these to use. He started to ask her if being a Jedi meant conflict and battle was unavoidable, but when she pointed out the reconstruction efforts, he found a temporary distraction.

“How long have they have been working on this place?” he asked her. He was curious of how close to completion the Citadel was, and what kind of other things were going to be used to bulk up its defenses and increase the quality of life for the people who lived inside it. “I’m honestly surprised the Jedi could hire this many people,” Makari added. “With the cold weather and the climate, I wouldn’t think many workers would want to come out here.”

While he waited on her answer, he was curious as to where she was taking them.
[member="Makari Valeal"]

"The jedi don't really hire, the different corps for failed padawans serves a purpose and it has been since the jedi recovered Rhen Var that they have been working on restoring the Citadel." She was walking and leading the way as there was a room set up for them where she grabbed one of the pieces of equipment. She had a pack and a mesh much like what he was wear for herself when she started working on it and changing out the parts with the droids. Her new food radiating with the force same as the mesh before she spoke. "There are also a lot of droids the jedi here emply, it helps that one of the main artisan's created and emphasized self sustainability as a thing of the jedi. Less need to serve governments and have them pay for things when we can make it ourselves."

Makari had always wondered what happened to the failed padawans and now he supposed he had an answer. He had thought that those who couldn’t make the cut, might fall to resentment and wish to separate themselves from the Jedi, but the people here were of a stronger stock he guessed. He wasn’t sure what he would do if he became like them and became a padawan that couldn’t fit in with the Jedi Order. Already, he didn’t have the right mindset. His thoughts wandered too much, and he wasn’t really learning the force to help or protect people, he was just learning it for himself. He wasn’t sure if his master knew that yet, but if she did, he was grateful she didn’t nag him about it.

When they entered a room full of equipment, Cathbodua started to tinker with some things, and then she began to explain about the droids, and how they were also created and brought here to contribute to the citadel’s desire to be self-sustainable.

After a while, Makari nodded, while sitting on the edge of a table, “The more I hear about this place, the more anxious I am to get started. So tell me. What type of things will me and you be working on while we’re here?”
[member="Makari Valeal"]

"We will be working on using the mesh overlay for your robes that will serve as protection around the citadel. There are caves and places on this world where the darkside runs around and the leftover creatures from the sith empire are causing problems. We are bringing them out and containing them for the jedi order. Wiping them out if need be, that is why the mesh is being made to protect the others." She had a nod of her head though finishing it up and leading the way as she left most of the stuff taking only the needed equipment before she was moving a few parts of it all. Leading the way up towards the courtyard of the Citadel when she was looking up at the open sky.

Makari set down his rucksack in the equipment room while Cathbodua explained their purpose in coming to the Citadel. She told him that they would be testing his robes some more, but Makari was more surprised to hear about the creatures, and the areas of Rhen Var where the dark side was still running rampant.

There were questions he wanted to ask her, but he was silent as they left the room and headed for the courtyard. He wondered if he was really ready to put his training to use if he came across any Sith created creatures. He had fought creatures before of course. He had been on many expeditions and he knew how to use a blaster rifle, and he was decent enough with a knife, but he wasn’t an expert by any means.

How tough would these creatures be, he thought. He thought they would be a handful, or else Cathbodua wouldn’t have wanted to use them as a test for the robes he was wearing. Either way, there was no point in drowning in negativity and doubt. He wasn’t a negative person by nature, so the only thing he could do was keep going forward, and keep believing in the fact that he could handle himself, like he always handled himself.

When they entered the courtyard and Cathbodua looked up towards the sky, Makari followed her eyes. “So how exactly will we fight these creatures if we come across them?” he asked. “You have your whip, but I don’t really have a weapon yet? Is there a spare lightsaber around here somewhere or do you think I’m not ready to wield one yet?”
[member="Makari Valeal"]

She looked at him as he seemed to have a question about dueling with a nod of her head. "If we encounter them there are ways, my saber is here as well and there is anti sith forces on the planet. Most of the larger creatures are gone the ones left are human sized that can roam around the ruined tunnels and crypts to protect them from intruders upon the world. We have fought some of the lightside hunters by luring them out into the traps." She said it with some confidence leading the way up to the walls and looking out from the citadel as from the walls down into the valley and mountain passes on the other sides. They had cables and a new system for getting there with trams. The massive construction efforts are something to see before she grabbed one of the skyhooks to zip line across to the mountain. "They are constructing the transport cars still but the cables and methods are here. We can move into the mountains from here and there are tombs there we can continue to clear out and help. Your skills with dodging will come in handy."

From the way she spoke, it seemed that him needing a lightsaber wouldn’t be necessary. He supposed that he would get one with time, but he wasn’t complaining that all of the larger creatures had already been vanquished for the most part. Regular sized creatures were creatures that he weren’t afraid of. Even without a weapon, there were ways for him to hold his own. Fortunately, he always carried a vibroknife and although his blaster pistol was in his rucksack, with Cathbodua around, he doubted he would really need it.

They came to a wall and there was a scenic view of the valley and some mountain passes. There was a transportation system in place to leave the citadel from here but the tram system still seemed to be under construction.

When Cathbodua grabbed a skyhook, Makari blinked at the method they were getting ready to use to reach the mountains that was in the distance. He wasn’t afraid, but he was starting to become aware that his master was truly fearless when it came to everything.

“So we’re zip lining across?” Makari chuckled. “Seems risky, but I’m up for it. Clearing some tombs sounds like a bit of fun too. After you. I’ll grab a skyhook once you start moving.”

Once Cathbodua started to zip line down into the mountain, Makari would grab a skyhook and zip line behind her.
[member="Makari Valeal"]

She looked at him with the skyhook and gave a nod of her head giving him one and well it was safer then normal. SMall lines so you were safe as she spoke. "Yes we'll get across and handle it, this won't take long as it is able to transport us quickly across and we'll be able to be held up." Clearing out the tombs when she slid her pack over her shoudler and to her side ensuring it was secured while attaching the skyhook on it. The cables were made with the same material as the mesh and were designed to last forever or at least tens of thousands of years by which the wintrium within it would be so much stronger it might be able to withstand a supernova and not snap. The jedi knight lept as the cable remained sending her through the air towards the ountains and the other jedi there motioned for her padawan to follow with her.

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