Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign It Will Burn | TB Campaign of SJC held Dandoran, Nar Chunna, Nar Kreeta, Kintan & Klantooine

All Things With Love
Location: Outskirts [Bryn Crash Site]
Equipment: Astrea Robes | Heart of Aceso | Heaven's Wish | Heaven's Embrace | Sol & Astra
Allies: SJC
Enemy: Bryn
Tag: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Kar'dak Kar'dak [RIP Bruh, good work!]
Objective: Made it to the Crash-Site...Investigating


Her lungs burned.

As much as she could she enhanced herself with the Force so that she could run up the hillside it was still rough terrain. Her steps slid in the sand, pulling her back, making her feel as if she were slipping and sinking at the same time. Hair like fire whipped away from her face in the arid breeze and jade eyes remained focused on some distant point that only she could see. She couldn’t perceive the outcome.

Just the violence. Guttural screams with blood-stained howls. Every inch of this world felt like it was starting to vibrate with the effects of so many, many people, dying gruesome, painful deaths, all at once. The Force didn’t differentiate between Concord or Bryn’adûl. They were all living beings. The dire echoes had started in the Western Reaches of the galaxy where the Bryn’adûl first rose from the pits and muck of creation. It was here, now. Growing stronger.

It was indescribable. Ineffable.

The sight of black smoke ahead led her onward. Ominous. Like a storm cloud. What Gianna found when she crested the next hill was a red and black ship that had crashed into a defense tower. The impact had left a crater, deep, and edged with black scorch marks. She wanted to call out to see if anyone survived but her voice felt stuck in her throat. Something told her to be silent. It wasn’t safe. She fumbled with the small satchel at her side to pull out the life-form detector when her eyes suddenly adjusted to the truth of what she was seeing. The scorch marks had been caused by fire, explosions, but among the wreckage lay charred remains. She could feel vestiges of life still fading. Flickering out.

Becoming part of that hungry dark, gaping maw, that she could only describe as a wound.

“…No…”, she whispered, so quiet, that she might have imagined it. She had no other words. It was reminiscent of when medical frigates crashed down on Tanaab after being shot out of the sky. When ash fell like snow from the top-most Sky Towers of Coruscant. So many had died here. The smell that hit her when the wind changed caused her hand to snap over her mouth and pulled her from a grim stupor. The mangled forms of those who had manned the tower were in pieces. There were larger bodies. More intact—But far less near-human than she was used to. Bryn’adûl.

Of course. It was a Bryn’adûl ship.

On that same wind carried voices from further within the crash. No, not voices. The same grunts and throaty growls that she had witnessed through the Force along the way. She heard them in the back of her mind. Angry voices; Filled with hate. That seemed to translate through any language, any species, regardless of what world they called home. The power of it was devastating.

Titan. Father. Failure.


Whether it was the Force translating for her or the abilities built into her robes; she couldn’t tell. Either way—She could understand the creatures in the crater below as easily as if they were speaking basic. Her feet started moving of their own accord. Eventually, she caught up and began to make her way deeper into the wreckage. Oddly, with the ship split open so violently it almost reminded her of a mouth. Was this her purpose, here? To be swallowed whole?

Her determination settled slowly while she climbed down the remains of the transport and used the broken pieces of interior walls to hide. She pressed her Force Signature as low as she could out of habit. It was rumored that the Bryn’adûl didn’t have many among their ranks that were sensitive, but she didn’t want to take the chance. There were so many other ways to be found. Smell. Sound. Even if she moved through the area like a church mouse…There was just no telling what might give her position away. Careful, a disembodied voice whispered in the back of her mind.


She crept along the edges of a disaster zone that had swiftly become an arena in which several monster-like creatures were intent on tearing each other apart. She saw an axe cleave into the waist of a large Draelvasier and her jaw tightened. Was this what their culture was like? Black liquid spewed from the wound on the larger opponent and it took her a moment to realize that he was bleeding heavily. Injured. It didn’t seem to matter though. He barreled through the others like a light-rail at full speed with no brakes. Tore them apart. Piece by piece.


Jade eyes fixated on a still-switching arm that lay on the floor. She remained low, crouched, while waiting to see what was going on. It seemed that only Bryn’adûl had survived the crash. Her focus returned to the warring giants. This was where it came from. The indecision. The fear. The soul torn in twain from choosing between what they believed to be right, the only way, salvation—And their Father. The only paternal figure they had ever known.

Gianna didn’t see what the Titan intended.

She didn’t know.

When a sharp crack rang through the air, deafening, and endless—Her heart seized.

The Jedi Knight wanted to look away. Wanted to. Needed to.

She couldn’t.

The red-haired human lost air. Couldn’t breathe. His head was gone. Completely. Her form tucked into the back of the halved interior wall and her shoulder rest against still cooling metal while she made herself small. Invisible. Most people would never understand the wailing, burning, world-destroying grief that others endured. Even from misfortune they had brought upon themselves. They could sympathize, but they would never know. For one brief moment. Just one, confusing moment that spanned the length of a heartbeat—She knew. Pushing aside the obvious differences, horror, and the shock of what she had just witnessed, the absolute wrongness—She knew. The gnawing ache of having done something unforgivable. Loss, rage, and sorrow.

She knew it all too well.

As the red-skinned Titan screamed into the nothing, full of unmeasurable things, she brought her hands up over her ears to block the sound. It spoke of so much. The hate of a youngling. The hate of a father. The soul-crushing duty of a leader. The intent, the guilt, the bloodlust of a murderer. It permeated the area and the ground soaked it up like a sponge. Just like it took in the oily, black blood, that pooled from Bryn’adûl bodies that would never breathe again.

Just like those above; so were these below. Lifeless. Still.

This was the savagery of the Bryn’adûl.

Gianna had thought that she understood. As her stomach turned itself inside out—She could only admit that she had not. She had not understood these creatures at all.

Now, she did.

Gianna finds the crash site. It sucks. There are bodies of people and drael all over the place and some dude-bros fighting in the pit. She goes to investigate, also sucks, and watches Tathra clap the head off of one of his peeps. Now hiding trying to remember how to breathe.
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She had not been fast enough.

The cry of pain from Starlin Rand Starlin Rand sent a shock through Syd.

He was down...he was down on her watch.

She refused to let it freeze her. Instead, she found herself unconsciously drawing from Laertia's immense physical strength and command of telekinesis as she burned and slashed through the risen, her fists powerful enough to cave in one of their skulls. Two Baedurin engaged her and she frowned as her flame attacks had no effect. But a sharp piece of durasteel pipe flung at one of their skulls with as much Force as she could ripped the head clean off on one of them. She flew at the second one her Laertia-derived strength allowing her to handily go one on one with it, sneering at its command of the Force. It rated barely a level twenty with all the perks in Two Handed and Armoring.

She blocked its vicious slashes and attempts to enhance its speed were slowed by Syd with The Force. They were deficient in telekinesis.

Syd wasted no time gutting him and then fighting through the mass of risen, dodging their molten bullets, sabers whipping through limbs and heads, even using their weapons against them, pulling one of their heavy chainguns and using telekinesis to fire it at a group of risen and Baedurin attacking her allies as she at last made it to where Starlin was. Oh gods, his Mother would never forgive Syd when she learned what had happened. Syd would probably never forgive herself either, but such injuries were inevitable in this business. At least she had the sense to haul ass here when he was on his way to his first true war zone.

Syd viciously gutted the 007 Risen about to attack Starlin, and immediately showed herself. She forced the stricken look of horror on her face away as she knealt down. She had to do this fast.

She telekinetically pulled out any remaining shrapnel out, careful to not nick a vein as she did, opened her mouth and a pink light left her throat as she shined it on the wound, pushing herself via Laertia's mental strength past her limits to seal up the wounds quickly, flesh wriggling unpleasantly as it did.

"You stick close to me..." she said. She realized in that moment one of her flaws as a Jedi. She had been so set on fighting the enemy she had had her back turned at the wrong time when it came to looking out for her still inexperienced student.

That would NEVER happen again, she vowed. The Force had seen fit to give them only a warning on the dangers of inattentiveness. That said, its idea of a warning had nearly cost Starlin everything.

She wouldn't let him die. Couldn't. Not just because he represented all Syd's hope that some genuine, unblemished good could come of her legacy through teaching him to use his powers responsibly and help others...

...but because, as twisted as it sounds...Starlin was like a son to her, or something close to it. The closest an abomination like her could get to having one, anyway.

Syd, satisfied Starlin would not bleed, bought more time for her allies by conjuring a large twister of flame that crashed into Risen and drones. The Baedurins were unharmed but everything in its range that could burn was roasted, allowing other Jedi to hurl massive pieces of debris at the drones as well as the heads of the juggernauts as hard as they could. One of the Jedi even went full Harvey Dent and managed to toss a vial of acid at a Baedurin's face.

Syd waited until Starlin could stand before leaving. She would need to be much more careful with him here.

"Baby steps, Padawan..." she advised, prepared in case some Baedurin like Gordrak Gordrak hadn't seen enough

Keldothera Keldothera

Osam Osam
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Location: Marketplace

Objective: B

Equipment: Verikast Armor / Assault Carbine / Glaive

Allies: Keldothera Keldothera / Osam Osam / Sethrak Sethrak

Enemies: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr / Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran / Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

"Gordrak. Reinforcements incoming, get ready to move on my signal."

The General had given the order. Gordrak slammed a new magazine into his carbine and shouted to the handful of Juggernauts pushed up with him. " You heard the general. Prepare yourselves. " The time for carnage was nigh, and Gordrak wouldn't disappoint.

Blaster bolts and Bryn munitions traded back and forth as Gordrak and his fellow Juggernauts opened up. Where they had been somewhat more reserved in target selection earlier, they now opened up on whatever targets they could acquire. Though they engaged more targets, Gordrak did his best to keep their fire discipline in check. As he fired, Gordrak felt his bloodlust rise. There was a fire in his veins that yearned to be sated. Thankfully, the opportunity to do so arrived quickly. A shadow leapt over his cover as Gordrak knelt to reload. It soared over top of him and landed behind him, a blue light igniting from seemingly nowhere. Gordrak dropped his carbine and drew his Glaive immediately.

Jedi. The Jedi, a middle-aged man by the looks of it, held his saber two-handed. The other Juggernauts simply left the two to their devices while they fired at incoming enemies. The Jedi said something to himself quietly before he began his attack. Gordrak was surprised by the sudden attack. For some reason, he assumed the Jedi would have waited for him to make the first move. Even so, Gordrak moved to intercept with his glaive. Seeing as he had reach, he delivered a thrust that forced the Jedi to maneuver to the left in order to avoid being skewered. Having avoided the thrust, the Jedi dashed forward whilst raising his saber. He brought the saber down as Gordrak stepped back though not quite quick enough. The weapon struck against the chest plating and scored it slightly as Gordrak continued backward. With a small gap created now, Gordrak hurled himself forward in a bid to turn the fights momentum in his favor.

As the duel betwen Gordrak and the Jedi began in earnest, his fellow Juggernauts continued with their attempts at thinning what enemy numbers they could. The hellish 457.2mm rounds peppered the landscape in search of vulnerable or exposed targets. That said, a new type of enemy was making things difficult for the forward Juggernauts. An enemy whos armor assisted their mobility and made them difficult to lockdown. Additionally, there were more Jedi sweeping through other isolated pockets of Drael. Some were burned while others appeared to meet messier ends. Gordrak and the Juggernauts with him could hold for now but things were only going to get worse the longer it took for reinforcements.

The Jedi backed away from Gordrak slowly, his left armed disabled and bleeding. He had tried to parry a blow and nearly lost his arm as a result. The jedi now relied on speed to counter the blows. He would do his best to avoid blows and assuming he did, he'd counter before the towering Drael could recover. The two continued onward in this fashion, Gordraks armor receiving minor strikes whilst the Jedi deftly avoided any reprisal. Unfortunately, Blood-loss was getting to the Jedi and his focus was beginning to abandon him. He had to end this immediately. As Gordrak came at him again, the Jedi dug deep and summoned what he could, his one functioning arm pulling backward whilst his saber turned off. As the Drael came within striking distance, the Jedi thrust his arm forward and Gordrak felt weightless surprisingly. Gordrak slammed into the pile of rubble he had been using for cover, his senses rattled and his guard opened momentarilly. The push had done its job and the Jedi wasted no time in attempting to finish things. He activated his saber and leapt, intending to bring the weapon down upon his enemy. It was only after the Jedi went airborne that he felt the first pangs of danger. A warning.

Gordraks glaive lanced its way through the Jedi's gut, arresting the entirety of his movement. Gordrak stood as the Jedi's weapon fell from his hand and clattered on the ground beside him. That move he had pulled, the one that sent Gordrak flying had been unexpected. He got lucky with the blow that disabled his opponents arm and that got the better of him. He let his guard down when he saw the enemy struggling afterward. The blow or blast itself wasn't very damaging but things could have turned out badly had Gordrak not recovered in time. Gordrak withdrew the blade and let his target fall to the ground unceremoniously. As Gordrak went to pick up his carbine however, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. The Jedi was still alive. Gordrak walked over to the Jedi after picking up his carbine and flipped him onto his back with his foot. Gordrak looked down at his foe and said nothing for the briefest of moments before lifting his foot into the air and bringing it back down upon his enemies skull.

A sickening crunch echoed outward as Gordrak turned back toward the battle.
Reidun Amersis
The Little Girl, Zealot minor
Location: Nar Kreeta, Outside the City
Equipment: 2x Barad kukri | The Bryn’adûl Pulverizer | Barad Special Operations Armour
Tag(s): Amaru Vusa

The young drealvasier received a much more pleasant temperature in the cave system than it was outside. True, the coolness was accompanied by some steam, in addition to the dry heat outside. Since she was trained for it, she was able to roughly measure where to pack the explosives so that it could all be blown up later. Reidun was completely alone in much of her task, meeting no one. She followed that no one would even be here because the whole place could be completely deserted.

However, she was wrong.

As she turned to one of the last parts where she should have placed the last dose of explosives when she suddenly saw someone. The drealvasier could hear that a man, based on his tone, was talking to her, but she didn't understand what the other wanted. Reidun did not speak or understand any language other than her own. However, there was no need for words here either, because the other immediately activated his lightsaber as well.

So far, she had not seen such a weapon in person, so she stopped and tilted her head to the side and looked at the man. The Jedi was wearing armour and a glowing stick in his hand. She had heard of – the lightsabers – it and knew that her armour was only moderately resistant to its attack, but her weapons were. She took the two melee weapons in her hands and took an offensive stand. However, she hadn't moved yet, just watching the other one. Her job was important enough so she didn’t want others to hold her up.

She growled and snarled at the Jedi, hoping it would be enough for the man to back off and for her to complete her mission.

Objective: Marketplace

Verikast Drone Armor
Assault Carbine
Pulverizer Sidearm

Syd Celsius Syd Celsius (Acknowledged Fire)
Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr (Squad took sniper shot, retaliated explosively.)
Starlin Rand Starlin Rand (Longed for your death. Currently peering... menacingly.)

The hybrid watched in satisfaction as the target of his assault was not merely stricken with the dangerous rounds of his Carbine, but seemingly crippled in the process. Of course, the impact of the heavy projectiles against the plasma blade of the enemy had caused them to be launched backward in a way that meant they'd avoided the remainder of the barrage, but their current helplessness made it clear that they'd be mulched by whatever he decided to launch at them next.

Of course, the rage of the battle meant that the opportunity to pounce on his prey might never come to fruition. There was a grunt from one of the Risen behind him, a hint of vocalization, and then a sudden shriek of agony as they were dropped by a hostile foe that none of them had ever seen. Osam didn't need to shriek at the Risen to drop to the ground and take cover behind the low walls of the rooftop; they were quick enough on the draw to recognize that their position had been compromised by an enemy sniper.

"Did anyone see where it came from?" He spoke, leaning onto his side in order to make the most of the meager cover provided by the walls. If only the architecture here had been designed for the Draelvasier in mind, he might've been able to sit up on his feet. Regardless, they would endure whatever they were given. There was a hushed silence as the remaining 10 Risen - he made 11 - offered whatever information they were able about the sniper's position. They spoke of how they'd seen the bolt fly from this direction or that, and that the body had fallen this way, and that there might be a glint here or there. Ultimately, the truth came out that none of them were entirely certain, but that there were a couple of buildings that seemed to be the likeliest candidates.

"Focus all fire on the bright-structure, the one on the left. I shall deal with the dull duracrete one." He spoke, jabbing a finger in the rough direction of the target his kindred were to fire upon. They were still unaware of the sniper's position, of course, but if they poured enough fire into the structure, there was a reasonable chance that they'd blow apart whatever sniper had stationed themselves there. In the meantime, Osam had a more direct way of dealing with the same problem. His hand retracted from his hip, wielding the Pulverizer sidearm he'd managed to bring along for the conflict. Its ownership was a matter of pride for the First -- typically these were reserved for somewhat higher-ranking officers.

"Go!" He shrieked, lifting himself simultaneously with his companions, and directing the barrel of the sidearm towards the duracrete building's corner. He held it with both hands, aware that the recoil would be utterly massive... breaking his hand would not lead to a fruitful operation. With the pull of a trigger, a shell was launched from the firearm towards the duracrete structure. Compared to many bullets, it was relatively slow, but it made its impact nevertheless into the corner of the structure with an immense detonation.

There was a loud shriek as the duracrete was blown apart, and the metal guts of the structure were bent and contorted, their supporting corner annihilated in the detonation. With an almost unnatural gentleness, the entire building began to sway to its side, leaning as though lethargic from its long-standing position, and then, with great adieu and a horrific groan that must've been heard from blocks away, it collapsed, shattering down until it was only a facsimile of its once proud self.

The Risen spared a glance over the edge of the structure, giving a glance at his prey as they received some degree of medical attention. He itched for the blood of the Jedi, but he didn't enjoy his chances against the twister-throwing woman. She'd thrown across so many of the pyromantic creations that he felt certain she would wear down soon, and then, like a bloodhound, he would clamp down on her throat, and rattle around her pup until he was nothing more than meat in his maw.

Location: The skies above the battle.
Squadrons: Talyc Squadron (8 GF-2Bs), 2x GF-2B Super TwinTail squadrons (24), 2x 8-R Toscan squadrons (24), 3x HA-2 Pike squadrons (12)
Tags: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Cadere Cadere Argaloth

Vaux smiled as her fliers busted through the cloud layer. She could already hear the Banshee Squadron's Toscans filling the air with their engines' screaming. She looked down at the field. They seemed to have the advantage for now, but her aim was keep it that way. She'd earned her callsign, Concord Terror, for a reason. Now it was time to prove it. The pilot would soon hear the transmission of one of the Padawans on the ground. She had coordinates to strike now. She cut on her comms as she began to sway her wings four times.

"I read you jetii'ika (padawan). We're coming in." She then switched to another comm channel. "Signets five through eight, follow us in! Everyone else.... Listen for people who need assistance and make it rain." Vaux knew the stakes if they lost. She heard the stories from her bother about their tactics. Their callousness. The coldness they had. She closed her eyes for a second, realizing that this was an enemy worse than the Sith. Sith you could attempt to reason with. They at least had some sentient consideration about them. The Bryn.... The tactics they used.... Vaux's eyes opened again, hidden by her visor, before calling out. Again.

"You better be ready Blitz, cause we're going in!" The red painted TwinTails lead the way as four Pikes followed. Vaux took point, looking out at the iced river. She smirked, getting the idea pretty quickly. She brought the big boys for a reason, and now was that reason. As the fighters and gunships rolled in, Vaux and her TwinTails would fire with their particle cannons before unleashing two volleys of proton torpedoes. Soon would follow the Pike, the bomb bays of their bomb modules opened to allow them to drop multiple of their remaining Thunder bombs, hoping that they would provide an effective show for their allies on the ground. Vaux looked back, taking a breath. She couldn't let them win.
Post: 3
Objective: Endure the assault on the marketplace building.
Tags: Osam Osam Keldothera Keldothera Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Syd Celsius Syd Celsius Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

As blasts continued to pellet the building, the Drael descended. This was far worse than Sethrak had anticipated. Blast after blast hit the building. Any time the Drael passed a window, it would be shot out by an onslaught of lasers. They were just a floor away from the bottom now, but something made the Warlock itch to turn back. A feeling, like he was being watched, a warning almost. Quickly he recognized the feeling. The Force.

He spun around as a machine lunged at him. He barely saw what the machine was before it struck him in the leg with something. Whatever it was, it pierced the leg deeply, and pinned Sethrak to the ground. Unable to get up, he took his spear horizontally, pushing the droid off of him. Now he could see what it was. It had six legs and some sort of gun. Behind it, several more were charging in to battle.

The Warlock needed to act quickly. The other Drael were already in the lower levels, too busy with the battle at hand to hear Sethrak's own struggle. He was alone, and outnumbered.

The only way to beat multiple foes was one at a time. He thrust his spear at the eye of the first droid, a solid hit as the thing jumped back in a blind fury. As it backed down, another took its' place. The second one fired a few blasts at Sethrak, who dodged in response. Already low from the dodging, he sprung upwards, using the momentum to thrust his spear through the body of the next droid.

Again, as one went down, another took its' place. This one swung two legs at Sethrak. He dropped down, avoiding the legs. Now the creature's gun glowed slightly. It was about to fire. He got up, stumbling as his muscles grew tired, and prepared to block the shot. It released a large blast, which Sethrak met with his spear. It didn't hit him, but his spear flew out of his hands as the powerful shot forced him to let go.

Now weaponless, he still faced two droids plus the blinded one. Not good.

One leg thrust towards the Warlock, who caught it like a ball. Holding the leg, he pulled it towards him, ripping it out of the socket. Now he had a weapon. He swung it down like a whip, slicing deep into the droid. It wasn't quite deep enough as a burst of shots emitted from the machine. One hit Sethrak in the chest, sending him flying down the steps with a sore spot where the blast had landed.

He got up, even slower than last time, as the droids relentlessly pursued. He pulled the leg-whip back, hitting harder than before this time. Success. The droid was sliced in half, leaving one more that was a threat.

Sethrak ran toward the droid, using the leg-whip to block as the droid attempted to thrust its' own leg at him. He wrapped up the droid's leg with the detached leg, jumping over the droid and wrapping it up in the makeshift weapon. With the legs wrapped up, Sethrak pulled as hard as he could, slicing and crushing the entangled legs like snakes.

Finally, with the droid immobile, Sethrak stomped through its head, reminding himself that his leg had been punctured as pain shot through his entire leg.

Cursing himself for his foolish move, he limped back down the steps, grabbing his spear and rejoining the battle below.

It hadn't gotten any better. Dead Drael and jedi forces littered the ground. Stones, metal, glass, and other debris were scattered everywhere. Blast after blast hit the building which, frankly, shouldn't have been standing anymore. This was no mere trial of endurance. This was a test of survival.

"You, drone. There's a droid upstairs. Finish it."

The warlock groaned as his leg again throbbed.

With his order dispatched and his breath restored, he walked toward the giant melee, ready to face whatever was thrown at him.

Caedyn Arenais


Inventory: Lightsaber, CS.38 Tactical Side-Arm & Knight-Errant Armor
NPC's: Antarian Spec-Ops Unit "Lykos"
Allies: Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran , Starlin Rand Starlin Rand , Syd Celsius Syd Celsius , AMCO AMCO , @Vaer, Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr , Yula Perl Yula Perl , Auteme Auteme , Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei
Opposition: Osam Osam , Sethrak Sethrak , Gordrak Gordrak


"Lykos, this is Raven team, looks like we're only a couple of minutes apart.
I see Paladin and other elements are on the scene. Let's link up and check in with them to plug any holes.
It is critical that we hold Sector G. See you in a few. Out."

The Market Place had quickly become a warzone by the time Caedyn and Squad Lykos had managed to reach Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran 's position. It had only taken a matter of minutes and yet the shear numbers of the Bryn'adul Horde were practically bred for war, arriving in droves, far taller and stronger than the average soldier. Morale was hard fought to be maintained among the men and women who risked it all to protect all who would be at risk should they fail to halt the threat here and now. These drones that were rushing into battle seemed almost void of fear, intimidating to look upon, let alone to seek to overcome in close quarters; Such was the courage and strength of will that carried the Silver Forces and their Allies, the will to fight so that others did not have to.

"Raven!" Captain Harris called from behind the cover of the street corner, "Hold fire, we're coming to you!" he shouted once more, informing Jyoti and those with her that they had arrived. Giving a quick moment for certainty, Caedyn Arenais soon stepped out ahead of the others, Lightsaber in hand though the weapon remaining inactive until fired upon. With the Force at his side, he put himself first in the case that they were to take fire from the opposition. Lykos Squad were special forces, exceptionally trained and yet the Jedi Knight sought to protect them still.

Moving to take to the wall alongside Jyoti Nooran, Caedyn glanced back and signaled to the Squad so that they would soon follow in tow. "Good to see a friendly face" Caedyn said as he turned back to look to the Jedi Master, offering a brief smile in greeting despite the situation unfolding around them. "You mentioned we had people nearby?" Caedyn asked while looking ahead of them, seeking any sign of hostiles that might deter them from catching up to the rest of their people; "I'm ready when you are then. On you" he acknowledged, giving Jyoti the lead while he and his Squad would cover their rear.

It had been so long since he and Jyoti had last seen one another, the Jedi Master seeming familiar to Caedyn however unable to place her name with all the ensuing chaos and passions of war encircling them. In most normal circumstance, he would've sought to catch up on old times and reintroduce himself, however there were no such mercies present when they both knew time was against them. They couldn't spare a second without running the risk of others losing their lives when they could have been saved with the arrival of reinforcements.

Voridus Kerwa

Location: Walls of Kreeta City
Objective: Get Bryn reinforcements to the battle
Tags: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma

The battle was underway. The Bryn reinforcements had been hit hard by Artillery and multiple units have tried to slow us, but we will not stop. The Bryn reinforcements struck hard against the SJC units. Explosions went off within the ranks of his vrothers and sisters, debris fell like rain. Voridus ripped through an unfortunate soilder that got in between him and the wall. Brothers and sisters, we will annihilate this scum! We will survive.

Voridus continued to push through the enemy, twice he was shot, he shook it of by ramming the shooter. Shattering his rib cage. He then took out a blade a ran through the ranks of SJC soilders, cutting them all to shreds. Is this all you can conjure? Is this the true wweakness of the galaxy? He then gave a deep growl and continued barreling through enemy ranks.

Amaru Vusa

Location: Outskirts
Objective: Protect the City
Allies: SJO
Enemies: Brynadul, Engaging: Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir
Equipment: Jedi Battle Armour - Single Lightsaber - Light-Shield (right forearm)

To see a member of the invasion force not take the true offensive and engage him right away momentarily brought pause to the Jedi Knight.

Was it studying me? Looking for a weakness?

The thoughts came to a quick end and he inhaled deeply before he started forwards. Slowly.

Vusa was an avid practitioner of the Juyo form and its Vaapad counterpart in the mental aspect. He held the innate ability to gather his emotions, negative and positive and use them to his benefit in combat. Lurching forwards, step after step he drew closer, running, and those final steps were closed with a small leap, right hand jerking forwards at Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir to send a blast of the Force to hopefully surprise or knock them off balance before he used that momentum from his charge to slash across the midsection of the Brynadul invader and cleave them in two.

Theme - Fatal


Beltran's comlink buzzed with reports coming in from all sides.

"Paladin 3-3 to Command," Said a voice of one of third platoon's snipers. "We're being lit up. My spotter is down. Moving positions now, will try to re-acquire target." Though Beltran didn't know it, that was the sniper position that had fired upon Osam Osam 's observation post. Through his battlefield command HUD, he could see the transponder of the trooper as it moved from one room to another in the building only to wink out a second later as a hail of enemy fire literally tore the duracrete structure apart.

"Raven to Command. Do you have any air assets to spare? I'm about to hit the Sector G with Lykos and the area is already swarming with the Buggers." This came from one of the senior Jedi on site, Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran . Beltran had never spoken with her in person, but he knew her by reputation as an able and deadly warrior.

"Wyvern Squadron, can you get anyone to them?" Beltran called out to the Arch-Angel Dropship squadron operating in the area. Sector G was proving to be linchpin for the entire defense. It could not be lost.

"Roger that, Paladin actual. Wyvern-2-0 en route. Engaging now."

Overhead, one of the heavily armed dropships circled over the area designated Sector G and let loose with a series of heavy concussion missiles which lit up the entire area with explosion and flames. Holding a hover, the ship waited just long enough for some of the dust to settle before letting loose with it's heavy rotary blaster cannon. For a brief moment, the Bryn'adul advance in this area seemed to stall, but then a torrent of enemy fire responded in kind. A lucky shot hit it's port engine and the ship began to trail black smoke. Pulling off, it wavered uncertainly.

"Port engine is hit, stabilizers are going down." The pilot called out over the comnet, her voice completely calm-as if she was simply discussing the weather. "I'm pulling out, sorry guys! That was the best I could do."

From Beltran's position, he was unable to see whether the dropship would make it clear of the battlezone. He hoped it would, but he could not spare any further thought to the pilot or her plight. She would live or die by the hand of fate and her own skills. All around him, enemy fire peppered the street. The surviving members of first squad were beginning to slow as the sheer amount of the Bryn'adul fire forced them to take cover.

"Sir," Said his squad Sergeant. "We're not going to be able to move any further unless we get some kind of covering fire."

Beltran nodded and looked down the street. A single, wayward, Jedi leapt from one of the alleyways and engaged what appeared to be a Bryn'adul officer of some kind. ( Gordrak Gordrak ). It was a short fight, and one that ended with no tangible benefit. "Stupid..." Beltran muttered bitterly. He briefly considered transmitting a reminder to all Jedi on scene to stay in formation but disregarded it. Jedi did what Jedi wanted to do and nothing a soldier like him would say could change that.

"Lieutenant Mrawr," Beltran commed his second in command. "I need some support from second platoon to my position. We need suppressing fire so that we can continue to advance."

"Acknowledged," Came back the Lieutenant. "Sending a pair of fire teams to your location."

Seconds ticked by, feeling more like hours before two four-man fire teams arrived on scene. Taking cover, they opened up with their Predator Assault Rifles, firing fully automatic incendiary projectiles down the street. Explosions erupted in several places as the molten hot rounds cooked off too close to a speeder's power core.

Using the distraction, Beltran and his squad were once again up and moving, advancing rapidly on the position where the lone Jedi had died.
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Location: Outskirts of Nar Kreeta City
Troops: 2 Ravager Brute, 3 Juggernaut Corps, consisting of 40 units each with various types of Juggernaut units, such as Captain, Major, Minor, Grenadier and Heavy, Drones within each company and a batch of 10 Drael Skags beast mounts.
Hostile tag: Cadere Cadere and Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion


Filling the open barren and desert covered area, the rest of the Bryn forces charged and started to cross the river at all the choke-points. Looking up at the sky, many of the Bryn warriors saw incoming fighters diving directly at their position. Snarling at the fighter and bombers, the whole area was lit up in a ball of fire, completely decimating most of the Bryn soldiers. Even a Ravager, who was standing right where the bombs dropped, was mortally wounded from the bombing run. Laying in a pool of his own black blood, half of a body blown to pieces and over half of the remaining Juggernaut corp filled the river, recolouring the once blue water to tar black.

Watching the squadron fly higher and higher into the sky, Argaloth was furious at their cheap tricks, using air support to make up for their weak, pathetic evolution of survival. However, the Endless Behemoth's six eyes managed to lock eyes on to Cas on the top of the hill, joining the fighting. it caused him to release a growl, rumbling deep down as he crossed the river and charged the hill.

Meanwhile, the soldiers would know a new meaning of terror as the Skag slaughtered their way through anything their eyes caught. Despite the cryoban revolver fire from the men, it took a lot of fire to actually kill the last two, not to mention, they were both fast and never ran a straight line. The first of the two Skags Cas landed on, howled a sickening cry of pain when his blade cut across of it and swatted its massive claws at him.

Locked on to Cas, it ignored everyone else and pounced at him.

Out of sheer dumb luck, he tripped off the second Skag and managed to get under it, the moment the first Skag pounced him, wrestling the other Skag away. Confused and seeing the attack as a threat, the other one pounced the first one and end up wrestling away from Cas, attacking each other. However, lady luck seemed not to help him out completely as he felt the heavy armour-covered tail slam into him from both Skags fighting right beside him.

Infighting and not paying any attention to the enemy around them was their undoing and one of the Skags died from too much cryoban damage. The last Skag, however, did manage to dodge incoming fire and went right back to killing anything there weren't Bryn forces. Further down the line the Ravager that made the tree-bridges had finally gotten through the defensive frontline by completely shattering the rock formation the soldiers hid behind.

The rest of the Bryn forces started to slowly get up the hill, by blasting the ice-filled hill into pieces, while it was an impractically way of doing it, they nevertheless managed to do it. More and more Juggernaut forces started to show their faces and opened fire on the Mechanised Kastolar Platoons, some even bayonet charged the soldiers, overwhelming them.

Cas would immediately see groups and groups of Bryn forces tip over the hill's top, like water tipping over. A heavy Juggernaut, carrying a too big a mace for anyone but a Bryn warrior, swinging it in a big arc over his head, aiming to crush Cas' head into pieces.

Argaloth finally shows himself, by darkening out the sun for a group of Mechanised Kastolar Platoons soldiers, fighting a desperate fight to stay alive, only to be crushed under Argaloth's massive form. <"SLAUGHTER THEM ALL, RID THIS WORLD OF THESE PATHETIC MONGRELS!"> Roared Argaloth in his native language, grabbing a massive boulder and threw it through the air at another group of Kastolar soldiers.
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Location/Objective: Marketplace
Allies: Gordrak Gordrak | Sethrak Sethrak | Osam Osam |
Enemies: Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Syd Celsius Syd Celsius | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Yula Perl Yula Perl
Equipped: Kukri | Glaive | Kraker | Splitter |
Forces: Two hundred Juggernauts alongside fifty Grenadiers and sixty Heavies | Twelve

The plan was working, Gordrak and their forntline forces in the marketplace were drawing the enemy in to advance. At the same time, Keldothera's three-hundred and ten Juggernauts laid in wait as the special forces and defending forces focused in on the particular street that Gordrak was on. Their defences were heavy, but that was why Kelda secured extra fire-power. Twelve Rhivaks were ready at their explosion sites, ready to flank with the Juggernauts and catch the Concord soldiers off guard whilst they focused in on Gordrak.

"Three. Two. One!" All across the lines of the defenders sides, explosions would erupt from buildings revealing dozens of small holdouts of Juggernaut forces, opening fire at the Jedi as well on their flanks.

The General moved out with three Rhivaks and twelve heavies at her back; concentrating fire on the most aggressively advancing forces. Though, Kelda's target was the Jedi and Commanders.

"Push now Gordrak! We will catch them in our midsts here and now! Risen, through everything you've got at them now!" Kelda spoke with pride and adrenaline-filled energy as her Kraker opened fire, the massive bolts ramming into defenders and blowing them to pieces on the spot as it punctured their bodies.

The front-line had endured, and now together they would take this marketplace as Tathra had ordained. Their loyalty created union, and their unity brought forth the strength to tear apart their enemies.

Kelda's forces create new defendable areas on the flank of Syd Celsius Syd Celsius / Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr ect's forces within the marketplace, attempting to pinch them.
Harbinger of Your Destruction

Objective: A
Location: Kreeta City
Allies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Galak Galak | Keldothera Keldothera |The Bryn’adul
Enemies: SJC
Equipment: Two Crusher War Maces
Post: 2

Through cracking bones and tearing flesh, Kelmor roared, maces spinning in a chaotic dance. He had managed to kill at least a dozen SJC soldiers, and was hoping to increase that number tenfold by the end of the battle. Over his comms, he heard his commanders barking orders. The sounds of battle almost drowned out their words, but Kelmor managed to pick out the key details.

"Galak, I am heading towards you" He grunted, before moving in the direction of Galak's position. He had heard his name amongst the ranks, and knew that if he wanted to make himself known as a powerful and useful tool, proving that to someone like Galak was a good step.

As he closed in on the rendezvous, a collection of SJC soldiers rounded the corner. Like a cornered animal, Kelmor pounced at the group, ripping into two of them before the rest were cut down by defensive fire. He'd made it. Now the real work would begin.
Life Weaver of Ashaka




Location: Quadrant 1, School Courtyard
Objective: Endure, Discover, Unleash. Win the City!
Forces: Army of Ashaka Ik'Straktors | Scattered Drones | x5 Personally Assigned Juggernauts | x3 Ashaka Battlemasters (Ignore the Necromancy, Not a Thing.)
Model A - Verikast Drone Armor | Barricas Oil | Superior Restoration Mutagen | Barad Kukri | x4 Barad Impact Grenades |
Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Galak Galak | Sethrak Sethrak | Keldothera Keldothera | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Osam Osam | Krarolk T'manu | Kar'dak Kar'dak |

Enemies: The Monster The Monster & Troops.


The Ik'straktors scattered outwards as they hunted the unworthy Jedi. The large mass of creatures found few, but the one's they did were shredded and torn apart with grace. Blood staining the walls and streets with a dark red reminder, the Draelvasier were here. The city was well protected and with traps allowing more and more of their forces to be decimated, Sylok and the Juggernauts that accompanied him waited it out. It would be stupid to push further in without making necessary sacrifices. So, he gave the order.

"Forward you feast my servants!" Sylok commanded, each of the Ik'straktors pouring further and further into the inner city walls.

He knew as much as the Juggernauts did too, many would be blown apart, viscera to be left with the markings of sinew muscle and mutated limbs. Still, these Ik'straktors were once Drones, Aeravalin and Beadurin. They willingly allowed this, to be used as pawns so that their children could continue to press forward among the stars through victory at any cost. It was their sacrifice today, that would allow Sylok and the rest of the forces flowing in, a chance at breaking down the Jedi. Breaking their will, breaking their ideals and breaking their trust in a false system. Sylok knew they were different, the delicate strands of woven thread presenting itself once more to him. The shimmer of a cold blue warping itself to the confines of each Jedi that held their defense.

It was this difference that had to be dealt with. If it remained, it posed a threat to them. The Jedi proved this at Yurb, a battle that otherwise could have been avoided, if the superiors heeded the Ashaka's insight. It mattered not, not now. What mattered was that Sylok could feel it, the difference in their fragile bonds. He observed as padawan after padawan tried to fight against the scourge that was the Ik'straktors. The way they fought, it bared no resemblance of their primal instinctive ways of the Draelvasier. In war, hesitation and denial would get you killed. Strength was found through many different ways, but these Jedi denounced it, denounced power. Instead, they cradled it with contempt, but yet they commanded the force with ease. Sylok grinned, the rigid teeth shifted as he did. This wasn't a sign of strength, it was weakness.

Sylok felt the tremors before he could hear the explosion set off, screeching sounds from his own forces expunged as they continued forth without care. The pressure point of the explosive sent shock waves through the stone interior. Crack after crack the stone bridge above buckled, cascading down onto more Ik'straktors. Spillage of blood sacs squashed as Sylok's eyes continued to watch, they were almost there. His eyes narrowed and as the pocket of light escape through the smokey rubble, Sylok snapped into action. He studied the area around him, ignoring if the personal unit of Juggernauts followed. Survivors from the first wave held ground as the School Courtyard made itself apparent.

Sylok ran, shifting his weight before leaping forward and sliding into cover next to the Ashaka Battlemasters. He peeked over the cover, the courtyard filled with a mix between Jedi, Drones, Juggernauts, Ik'straktors and hundreds of exploded structures. They were in the thick of it. It was truly a firing frenzy of hell. Both forces refusing to give. It was impressive and the threads of blue that continued to reveal themselves remained strong. He looked over the first Battlemaster and placed his hand on his shoulder. The words spilling out naturally.

"The other two, they'll bolster our forces. Any word-" Sylok's words were cut off. A high pitched whistle crackled from the sky. Metal pods violently descended, cutting through the blue threads of woven force. The streams tapering out as the pods slipped through them before slamming into the ground. Sylok found his answer, reinforcements on the opposing side had arrived. The thunderous sound of each timed pod quaked through the entire area, some eliminating his creations in a flash. He turned to find the Juggernauts ready for war. Sudden power yanked the metal doors from the pods that entered and what emerged were armored warriors. Sylok didn't have time to give the order before fire sprayed across the field of battle.

The deafening sounds of the Draelvasier munitions rang outward, spikes of super heated rounds trying to puncture through the armored whelps. Sylok observed, they had come prepared, more than the last time. He stood, his eyes narrowing down the one that took flight. He wouldn't allow such cowardice to continue. His mouth clamped tighter in frustration, the sharp ends of his teeth interlocking as he watched. Sylok couldn't rush in, they outnumbered them. First thing was first, he had to let the others know. If they got deeper, or to other parts of the city, they could fall right into the traps laid out around them. His arm reached back as he ducked behind cover avoiding a beam of green light. Sparks burning the wall behind him. Sylok's fingers reached to the sides of his waist before a small Draelvasier Stone clutched tightly in his hands. He let out a sigh and made it known.

"To all Draelvasier forces." Another shot whizzed by as the Juggernauts returned in kind. "This is-" Sylok's words were caught off by another explosion. Stone shards ricocheting against his own stone cover. More pods landed. He continued with annoyance catching his words. "This is Sylok'Vanari, Life Weaver of the Ashaka! I've penetrated far enough into the city to reach Quadrant 1! Our forces are outnumbered, but we are managing. To all in or outside the city, they have traps...Explosives everywhere! Heed my words brothers and sisters, We will ENDURE!" Sylok's voice boomed through the communication device, the small shard reminding him of home, Draemidus Prime. They had to take it, take it all. The Jedi couldn't remain a victor against them. They had to crumble beneath them, struggle to endure and fail to rise from it. Now, there was no turning back for them.

Sylok shifted his gaze back over to the struggling Juggernauts, he wasn't sure why Mavtrek wanted to be part of his personal guard. Given their differences, but it reassured him as the menacing war face of Mavtrek and his subordinates screamed with fervor. The Weaver moved, quickly as he banked against the cover and waited, before he jumped out and felt the surge of power trickle through him. What were once blue threads of living force, slowly turned to a bright orange, the color the force had given Draelvasier. It was clear to Sylok, blue threads didn't belong in their world. With a risen hand a congealed burst of force erupted from his palm, knocking everything in its path violently backwards, he would finally become the...


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Ostak Cl'mana


LOCATION: Nar Kreeta, Outskirts
ALLIES: The Bryn'adul | Krarolk T'manu | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
ENEMIES: The SJC | Armored column under Vaux Gred Vaux Gred
EQUIPMENT: Shaman robes, Cleaver Battle Axe, Spitter Utility Bow (1x grappling hook)

  • 2x Shaman Beast Masters
  • 6x Obalisc Destroyers (1 Obalisc severely wounded, 5 Obaliscs at full strength | Stationed on hills overlooking the city walls | Targeting pink armored columns)
  • 1x Brumak (Full strength | In reserve)
  • 3x Quilxyn Protectors (46%/52%/92% shielding | Deployed)
  • 3x Drael Skags (Full strength | personal mounts)
  • 40x Draeyde Bats (40/40 | In reserve)
"They're still coming!" cried the third Beast Master, unaware of the struggle between the other two.

The armored vehicles grew even closer, the Protectors approaching their limit. Soon, they would be in a desperate position. Still, the Obaliscs had to keep firing. They stepped out of their Protectors to fire a third barrage, before stepping back in and loading a fourth salvo.

"Beast Master Ostak, we need to release the Brumak!"

Still unaware of the Beast Masters quarreling behind her, the third Master simply yelled behind her to where the assumed the other two were.

Behind her, Ostak tucked his legs backwards into his chest and thrust outwards, his feet hurling the other Beast Master off him and knocking him several meters away. He withdrew his Spitter Utility Bow, intending to use its grappling hook to impale the heretic and draw him in before delivering a killing blow. Fueled by wrath against his disobedient inferior and his duty as a member of the Tachael-Vemnak, Ostak aimed the hook directly at the fellow Master's exposed head.

However, before he could fire, the Beast Master rose and turned to face Ostak and spoke.

"If you kill me here, Shaman Ostak, then you will lose control of half of our beasts." pleaded the other Shaman. "Even if you took over the Obaliscs in my stead, it would still leave them vulnerable to the enemy advance for almost an entire minute. I'll take punishment later, but please reconsider ending my life right now."

As hesitant as he was to admit it, Ostak realized the wisdom of the other Beast Master. A swift execution would be detrimental to the current operation, even if it let a heretic remained unchecked.

For now, the Shaman-Overseer would have to wait.

"Release the Brumak."
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if they're watching anyways

There were places the Force wanted her, and there were places where it had abandoned. Every step on Nar Kreeta felt heavy; the streets were empty, with no energy, no people. Until, of course, there were. The Bryn'adûl crashed onto the planet with their usual grace and Auteme was reminded of how light she was. The silence broke with the roar of artillery fire, the screaming of starfighters, the cries of soldiers on both sides.

Everything told her she shouldn't have been there. She'd never been a fighter -- and so, the onslaught of the Draelvasier had always been a difficult subject for her. Pacifism was an easy stance to take for a human, but what of the races that knew nothing of peace? The Chieftain had made his intentions clear; he hoped to wipe out the 'weak'. Standard enough genocidal fare. But what was Auteme to do? She'd never condone the deaths of sentients but on Nar Kreeta everyone was set to kill.

It felt wrong to be there, but for some reason she was. Keeping an eye on Yula Perl -- without a doubt a grown and experienced woman -- was odd. The Concord had mustered in every Jedi and ally they could spare, and as it happened Auteme was spare. So there she was, watching this poor Zeltron fixated on the placement of explosives in the marketplace. Another dilemma; she was there to help, but if helping meant destruction, was it right?

Nope. Auteme didn't help.

Instead she spent her time keeping a watchful eye on her surroundings and pondering these philosophical questions. She wasn't bothered when Yula saw something and decided to move; Auteme wasn't anywhere close to answers. Still, a new question presented itself soon enough -- what was Adrian Vandiir doing here? A much easier thing to answer than the morality of fighting a genocidal race. She assumed he was hoping to collect more samples. Any morality Adrian had was a deception, as much as she looked for the best in people.

Yula, despite initiating with a good right hook, decided that there were more pressing matters. Fighting the Bryn'adûl was the priority and Auteme nodded when the woman waved for them to follow. Before she went, Auteme turned, pausing to look at Vandiir.

"I'm going to bring you in today." It'd weigh on her conscience if she didn't make her intentions clear.

She followed Yula, staying back to ensure a few moments of safety if they were ambushed.
Laertia savaged through the drones, flicks of her wrist flinging flaming wreckage and debris at Big Bryn and Little Bryn. Chaos dominated her fighting style now. Her Katana fought through furious mad demons even as the munitions that rang down around them, killing many on her side in the wake of the declaration made by Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari . Even Laertia felt the sting of molten rounds her armor barely withstood. But still she fought, Syd's power like a furnace in her blood cells, refusing to let her muscles tire, and her weapons kept moving, alien blood splashing on her ornate, but dented and scorched armor.

With a shock, she realized she had picked up Syd's Jar'Kai...

It lasted half a second. Then she saw a number of snarly things with pulsating blood sacs rushing their position. It hit one group of people on her side and exploded in boiling acid. This horribly melted and killed their soldiers.

Simple. Brutal. Inhumane. Viciously effective.

Laertia lifted every piece of sharp debris with her mind, flinging theminto the acid beasts to shred them or make them go off early, directing artillery strikes very close to her position to kill not just the acid bags but what she had come to recognize as Brutes.

Big Bastards. Well trained. Strong too.

She flung shrapnel at both the acid beasts and brutes, dodging their spikers barely, the soldiers behind her and all the Jedi that hadn't been cut down pressing forward, advancing on the enemy's position. The Force screamed Death all around her. Laertia had been annointed in Death since she was a baby and didn't really notice, while other Jedi struggled to hear the Force through the despair and chaos. There was only the fight. Only the Attrition. Only the Fate of Nar Kreeta mattered.

Laertia would purge these heretics and put them all to the sword, drown them in the blood of their own if it meant Nar Kreeta did not fall.

"Master Jedi!" One of the soldiers yelled, running up to her as they got behind cover. This defensive line was holding. Barely but it was holding.

"Wutz izzit, Soljuh?" Laertia asked.

"Disaster! The inner walls are breached! They request reinforcements immediately! Some of them requested 'you'."

She called out to a Jedi Master. "Cannz yoo holdd duh linez!?"

"Yeah! For a while!"

"Fytez tooz duh bittuh enndz! Gyvz dhem nuthinz. Taykez frum dhem evrytingz..." She ordered, unused to being so commanding. Her will was Beskar in the Force and the Jedi Master surrender was to be entertained. Not with dishonorable vermin.

Her and 007Jedi Weapon Masters and many more Knights and shadows took a shuttle landing hot towards them, Her scorched armor making her live up to her moniker as it flew to the friendly position close to the courtyard. Many were dead already. Padawans, a lot of them.

"Inn dhis yoonaverrse, dhere iz ownlee wun abbsolootz..." Laertia growled as she drew her Cryo Pistol, after disembarking with the other Jedi. She used it to freeze solid a drone about to decapitate an injured Padawan, allowing a few soldiers to drag the horribly injured boy to safety.

"Evrytingz fweezez..."

Brutes charged their position. Rounds fired from mortars on her side slammed into drones and acid bags, while her blades came into contact, the Jedi around her emulating her deadly pattern as they seemed to murder Brutes as though they were a school of piranhas, shredding them from all sides with their lightsabers, telekinetic pushes and assault blasters keeping the sprinters that exploded at bay. Almost within position to attack. Laertia froze heads and shattered them, punches caving in drone faces, her grip snapping neck as she fought, armor more dented and scratched, but the Force and Syd's power were like a massive charge in her body that refused to run out. Almost there.

His wave of Force energy was brutal, flinging multiple warriors and Jedi backward. All except Laertia, who used her Force Resistance to avoid being flung backward, instead only being slid back significantly backward by the wave of power.

Laertia immediately began moving forward, a Brute captain trying to engage her at close range, only to be brutally decapitated, his head telekinetically flung into the head of another Brute, which also decapitated that Brute and caused the first head to turn into a pulpy mess, then straight up Sub-Zeroed the next dumb motherfether that got too close, pulling his screaming head and spine from his body in front of Sylok'Vanari and his forces about thirty meters away before she charged, deflecting or slowing their shots and beheading brutes with scissor motions of her blades, grabbing a Brute, breaking his neck and using telekinesis to hurl his lifeless corpse at the Shaman. Then she started lifting other corpses that had fallen, some of whom were her own side (It should be noted she was in full confidence they would have wanted it this way, being used to the very last to defend Nar Kreeta) some of whom were on fire and began hurling them at lethal speeds at The Bryn'adul even as she closed the distance.

Due to her desire to stress how seriously fethed the Bryn'adul were, and how much they were going to suffer and die for their crimes aganst the peace loving peoples of the SJC, her next words were not spoken aloud but shouted at him telepathically, channeling the will and determination of every Jedi still alive and fighting for freedom against these monsters, in the hopes, the sheer strength of the psychic shout would momentarily stun him, even as she moved to try and cut his head off as dead flaming bodies violently impacted into still living ones amongst the Bryn around him:


Galak Galak

Osam Osam

Caedyn Arenais

Yula Perl Yula Perl
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Location: Crashsite
Objective: C | Outskirts
Equipment: Axe | Shield | Armour
Allies: Galak Galak | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Keldothera Keldothera | Osam Osam | Krarolk T'manu | Ostak Cl'mana | Sethrak Sethrak | Kelmor Kelmor |
Vicinity: Gianna Aegis Gianna Aegis |

With no air left in his lungs, he relented from his outburst. His arms fell at his sides as his shoulders sloped inward, silence overtaking as the distance sounds of battle crept in. Duty urged his legs to move but all he could think of was the ache. Pain of old bones and flesh grappled with new and tedious wounds. He didn't want to think of it, even staring at the corpse and the pool of blood adjacent to it - his mind had no room for the questions that lingered in the back of it. He stared for what felt like an endless torture into the random sprays of blood and debris, his mind almost entirely blank, damp eye sockets holding emotionless and cold opaque eyes.

This was the price of strength. The price asked of him to ensure that his Bryn'adûl survived.

A price he decided he'd be willing to pay a hundred times over. He consciously fixed his posture, walking back toward the bodies, he could've done it cleaner. Ten years ago they wouldn't have lasted that long. Getting old was disappointing, but it brought perspective.

He tore the Axe from the flesh of the fallen Grenadier. The heat of the molten vapour exuding from the blade boiled the blood from his hands clean into steam. The smell of it filled his nostrils, he could taste it on his tongue. It was a reminder of what he had done, what his mistakes of the past had lead to. But if it meant anything, it meant Nar Kreeta and the four other systems under attack by them could not be the same. It could not, would not; go the way of Yurb.

He placed the Axe on his back, climbing out from the wreckage. As he came to a plateau he saw the battlefield. The Bryn'adûl were fighting in and outside of Kreeta City. But something was wrong, like spiders crawling over his eyes. He didn't understand - casting a gaze back at the wreckage and the harrowing burial site it had become, he buried his pain with the dead.

Now, his only concern was to return to the battlefield. Guilt trickled through him as his thoughts leaned toward the cost of his absence. More had likely died because he had been delayed. He would lead his kind to victory, one way or another it was his privilege and duty to fight for them.

Tathra started making his way toward the outskirts.

Location: Just dropping out of hyperspace aboard Hope
Objective: Search and Destroy
Tags: Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari
Forces: 43 TGC Commandos, 43 TCD-2Ds
Sergei saw the oncoming horde as his radar tracked multiple vectors of approaching enemies, his other soldiers and droids' sensors also feeding into this network as their Wind Talker Communicators began to paint a very clear picture of what was going on around them. As soldiers pushed out of the Drop Zone, they would immediately encounter resistance from the smaller drones. Drones which alone, stood no chance to Sergei's men. But in numbers, which they were, were a problem indeed. Sergei's men would immediately rocket up to the roof tops and begin dropping satchel charges onto larger clusters of the enemy. Meanwhile the droids on the ground began going cyclic into the oncoming enemies, as they worked to try and save what few Jedi that remained in this zone. The second wave would be on the way soon, with more of Sergei's heavy droids and even more commandos. As Sergei was flying he saw the warnings on his HUD, and immediately rolled to the right, feeling a few rounds bounce off of his Phrik-A plating, and another few miss him.

So they were in range.

Sergei's own team of three commandos would raise their rifles and return fire with Anti-Armor rounds at the Bryn invaders, deciding from their last experience that standard 'ball' ammunition was useless against them. Sergei meanwhile landed on the rooftop and raised his own rifle as he fired a controlled burst at the enemy forces. He sent a command through his own comms to the droids that were currently working relatively below the four of them. Through the relatively weak stone walls they would crash through as they moved for a bold flanking maneuver to the enemy's right. These were smarter than the average Bryn Sergei was seeing here, and judging by the guard he-

His thoughts were interrupted by the massive wave of force projected at him and his squad mates, destroying Sergei's concealment and stalling the other three's flight as they were violently shaken, but the Ashaka ( Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari ) would notice that his own power didn't actually touch them. In fact, he would notice that each of these soldiers before him would present almost a void in the force entirely. Sergei's men would recover as they once again raised their weapons, this time landing across the rooftops in a semi-circle from Sergei's position, firing rapidly. Their intent wasn't to hit or kill the Bryn on the position, though if they did they would accept the result, but to pin them down. Sergei himself would pick himself up and press forward with his rifle raised, firing rapidly at the Bryn as he assaulted forward. He'd never seen a space wizard bug before, and he was not only genuinely curious, but also very much convinced this was the leader of this force. And as the old saying went-

Cut off the head, and the snake will die.

Sergei was only mildly annoyed he hadn't found the giant from Yurb. He had a score to settle with that one. Blood of his brothers were on that thing's talons, and Sergei wished for nothing more than to make him pay for every drop. He had to make every second count here. There was no telling where that bloody brute was. And when Sergei found him, he'd take his head, tear it clean off his shoulders, and shove it where the sun would never shine. But for now he'd settle for this foe before him.

Meanwhile around them, TCD-1Ds with HARM rifles were rushing to reinforce Jedi that were rapidly being overrun by these Ik'Straktors, their superior strength and firepower making them an absolute menace as they literally tore some of the beasts to pieces that weren't gunned down immediately. A few would be lost to sheer overwhelming numbers, but with Commandos raining down hot metal and satchel charges onto these enemies and TCD-1Ds cleaning up what remained, Sergei worried not as more pods rained in on the initial drop zone. This time his commandos alongside TCD-2Ds would now take the field, with even more heavy weapons to bring to bear against the Bryn forces. This coupled with F-4 Dragons making strafing runs with their weapons and War Hounds firing their autocannons at anything that looked remotely hostile, and this was set to be an all out counter offensive. Meanwhile above it all, Hope sat, its main cannons ready and waiting for targets. Waiting to heed the call of the ground forces for orbital fire support that would come down by the metaphorical megaton.

The Silver Jedi Concord and their forces had been the anvil, Sergei's forces were now being set to become the hammer. Where Yurb had been a slaughter for The Dire Wolves, now it was time for them to repay them.

The stage had been set, the Wolf now circled the monster. Fangs were bared, it was time for it to be a knock down, drag out, winner takes all fight.

Sergei hoped his current foe didn't disappoint him.

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