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I've Gotta Take A Byss [One Sith]

Would look at this new device that was given to him by [member="Cylus Jest"], Echelon would scratch his metallic chin still learning about limited time analyzing it like a predator to his prey. He would shrug entering the tiny space, a single seat and a computer just for him.
"I guess I just buckle up and uhh... See how it goes"
Echelon would soon sit down getting adjusted to the small seat snuggling in. He would look at the computer screen clicking on the "Drop"
button clicking on it rapidly. In 5 seconds the dropship would detach Echelon grabbing onto the handles intently.

Cylus Jest

Servant of the Inquisition
The dropship holding onto Cylus and the Undying platoon was nearing it's target location when suddenly the pilot stopped. Apparently, another of the dropships nearby had stopped and the pilot was assuming that something had gone bad with the plan. Perhaps the planet had surrendered itself already? That would be a grand and quite rapid victory for a small army to win without having any opportunities for loss, in other words a decisive victory.

Or maybe something else had happened, he pushed himself up to the cockpit, nudging the pilot's arm. "Tune in with Command, something is wrong." he commanded as the pilot began to flicker through to the capital ship's com. A message was relayed to their vessel and Cylus was positive that he saw a couple of the Undying flinch, as though they had realized a grave error in the plans.

An error was apparent, Cylus had been under the impression that they were removing already faulty Imperial rulers from this planet, taking away a weak link which had already been condemned. However this message made it apparent that in fact this mission had been undertaken by the authority of only Captain [member="Hans Vaiden"]. They were accomplices to this scheme, an unsanctioned scheme. He could only wonder how much Commander [member="Tmoxin Temi"] had known and in what way he might make reparation.

If worst came to worst, Cylus was unsure of which side he would assist, on the one hand stood what was effectively a greedy Captain. And on the other the reek of hatred that was the Sith. Looks like some tough decisions were in order.

[member="Sylvanan Tal'verda"] | [member="Cyrene Miles"] | [member="Detritus"] | [member="Darth Carach"] | [member="Shai"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Lucullus Lacar"]
Oh, we've stopped? Huh. Maybe them on the planet reckoned they'd best get their own house in order and tossed them not doin' their jobs out on their ears rather'n deal with th'consequences. 'S what I'd do.

Rifle, having been thoroughly inspected and greased was reassembled. The stormtrooper, usually a model for standing like her back was a durasteel pole, settled in for a wait. Leaning back in her seat, legs splayed, her eyes closed beneath her helmet and she took this time to catch a few minutes sleep.

Soldiers and heavy labourers. Both could and would sleep anywhere given the opportunity. Eventually the brass would sort out whatever was going on and she could get on with doing her job.

Least I get paid either way.

Connor Harrison

Kyle felt the gentle movement of the ship stop suddenly; their transport was banking and coming to a halt. Looking around the bay, other troops were doing exactly the same as he. Watching and waiting. But something wasn't right - what would force Imperial drop ships to stop. He knew high command were doing what they had been born to do, and everything was running like clockwork.

So why suddenly halt?

Kyle removed his helmet and leant forward in his seat looking up at the other faceless Stormtroopers in their armor.

"Something's wrong, what reason have we to suddenly stop? There's a problem."

Listening for any clue as to what was happening, all he heard was the circuitry and low hum of the engines beneath them.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

[member="Darth Carach"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member=Shai] | [member="Cyrene Miles"] | [member=Detritus] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Hans Vaiden"] | [member="Sylvanan Tal'verda"] | [member="Cylus Jest"] | [member="Sage Bane"]
Oh Hans knew that there was a fleet incoming. You couldn't just drop an Immortal along with an entire battlegroup into one of the most heavily defended systems around - and the Captain absolutely didn't expect they'd roll over for his little Star Destroyer. However, there had been something amiss about the Byss system as of late. It was rather peculiar why the One Sith hadn't acted upon it until one such Imperial officer chose to do so. Nothing had went into the system and nothing came out. Of course supply lines and messages weren't instantaneous, but you'd assume that such things happened with a quickness.

Yet Byss had gone dark recently. That was when Hans stepped in to the field to check things out. There was no telling what happened with the Talith family, nothing at all. Heck, he'd even expected to be obliterated by the time he even got close to the system. The radar system installed generations ago was still working properly - which probably signaled to these Sith gents about their arrival - but it was otherwise stark cold.

Voices resounded within his ears, blood furiously pumped across his body, and his breathing was even. Sylvanan made some good points about these things and that incoming message from [member="Vrag"] was, well... interesting to say the least. They were the invaders? They were enacting aggressive tactics. If he remembered, not a single shot had been fired and not a single life had been lost on either side.

"Thank you, Mister Tal'Verda, but I know what to do. Apparently acting within Imperial Standard Operating Procedures is considered to be a treasonous act." Hans sighed. The Lambda-class shuttle had already taken off and the little white dove of a starship was just slowly puttering around the Scourge's bristling weaponry. Of course the vessel outclassed many other warships still to this day, but he was in no position to take on a fleet. Losing about forty thousand lives in an instant wasn't his style - at all.

"Patch me through to their commander, I assume they're hailing me as well."

The communications officer replied, "Aye, sir, they are. I'll just re-route the signal through the Scourge's broadband antennae."

Hans nodded, smoothing out his uniform before he rose before the on-board Hologram projector. On the Immortal's end, a tall, lean-built Imperial officer of the Captain's designation would materialize before them. Short, crisply cut brown hair accented piercing green eyes, all topped off with a mildly innocent look upon his visage.

"This is Captain Hans Vaiden of the ISD Scourge. I understand that my actions have been considered aggressive. If that's the case, ma'am, I can assure you that nothing out of the ordinary has happened or is happening." That Sith emblem upon his lapel gleamed proudly. "With all due respect, have there been any reports from the Byss sector as of late? In conjunction with fleet command, this popped up as an anomaly and the Scourge swiftly responded - as it was the closest vessel in the vicinity."

He was being entirely truthful. Not once had he mentioned the claim for power in all his life, though his thoughts told otherwise. That deep, brooding desire for more power and wealth beyond comprehension lingered within the back of his mind like an old memory. But otherwise, he kept those thoughts suppressed and out-of-line with his Imperial service.

Service, Fealty, Fidelity. They were the traits he lived by, the traits he'd die by.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Sylvanan Tal'verda"], [member="Darth Carach"], [member="Cyrene Miles"], [member="Detritus"], [member="Lucullus Lacar"], [member="Cylus Jest"], [member="Kyle Amedis"]
Eyes cracked open as a voice was heard.

Oh aye, someone's actually gonna say somethin', I was startin' t'wonder about this outfit. Soldiers jaw, 's what they do. Ain't natural sittin' around in grim silence less'n y'can't make a peep fer covert reasonin's.

Sitting up, she slid her own helmet off, setting it on her knee.

"I don't reckon there's a problem. Stoppin's only a problem if'n folks are shootin' at y'and y'ain't movin' or shootin' back. This is meant t'be one of our worlds. Maybe them below finally pulled their thumbs out."

She shrugged. As much as she'd been looking forward to combat, to getting that perfect shot and all the highs that came with it.. Well.. It was an Imperial world. Better if they fell into line and saved the bolts and slugs for proper enemies.

[member="Kyle Amedis"]

Connor Harrison

Following the voice to see a female trooper, Kyle was on edge as she spoke, just waiting for something to happen. Good or bad, he didn't care, just something was better than nothing.

He looked and narrowed an eye at her.

"If this is meant to be one of our worlds then a planned move down planet side should be as normal as breathing. The fact we've stopped means there's a barrier - something that's now thrown where we are into jeopardy, as in someone is making a choice that affects everyone on this dropshop and it could be good or bad."

Kyle nodded his head to her.

"That's a unique accent soldier, where abouts do you hail from?"

May as well find out more about the ones he was trapped up here with while he waited for more information.

[member="Cyrene Miles"]
Good, bad, it was in the hands of the CO and the Pilot. Wasn't anything she could do about it, so why bother fussing over it. Besides, if it was a case of the citizens and everyday troops taking back control for the Empire, it wouldn't hurt their morale or loyalty any to let them get on with it rather than dumping a load of Stormtroopers in their midst like they couldn't handle it themselves.

She didn't bother debating this though, since he'd already switched topics. She grinned ruefully when he mentioned the accent. She'd certainly noticed she wasn't as polished as most, but since they didn't pay her to talk pretty last she'd checked..

"Taanab. I'd give y'the town name, only there weren't really one. Just land holdin's. You? Cyrene Miles, by the by."

[member="Kyle Amedis"]
[member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Shai"] | [member="Cyrene Miles"] | [member="Detritus"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Hans Vaiden"] | [member="Sylvanan Tal'verda"] | [member="Cylus Jest"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Kyle Amedis"] | [member="Vrag"]

The basic assumption that a world that had a population of eighteen billion sentients and a separate government from the sovereign monarchy would go dark simply because the King and Queen had gone missing recently was bewildering to say the least. It was much akin to saying that just because the Prakith System currently wasn’t being directly governed by a Sith Lord, or other person with authority, that it would simply vanish off the map.

Byss was working exactly as it had worked a day ago, exactly as it had worked a week ago and exactly as it had worked since Sven and [member="Silva Talith"] had came into their kingdom. The fleet was functional, steady reports were sent up the chain of command and all had been well.

Until the captain had arrived with his men, of course.

The fact of the matter was that the One Sith was not a democracy, in many ways it wasn’t even an Imperial Empire- nevermind how many people would like such a thing, because in the end the nation was controlled by one man.

The Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord and his faithful servants, the Voices and Hands. With Sith being what they were, because nobody would claim them to be anything else besides Sith, there was only one simple reason why a man would arrive unannounced, without proper authorization and most importantly away from his post, to a world that recently lost its monarchs.


Sith Lords only thought of power and ambition, and it was through this that they would never understand or even accept any other explanation for this arrival.

Yes, Captain Vaiden.’ the Voice of the Dark Lord responded, because it was in his nature to talk, be reasonable perhaps. Whilst it was in the nature of his companion, the Hand, to dish out justice. ‘Reports have been sent.’

A mirthless smile appeared.

And I can assure you that the Byss Sector is in a fine state, but I must commend you for your fast approach. Though I think it would be best now if you returned to your post, no?

It wasn’t a question.
It was a bewildering assumption, to say the least, in the event that a single man and his crew of thirty eight thousand would manage to subdue and conquer an entire world of eighteen billion beings while under scrutiny of a Dark Lord and all of his various, living extremities. In reality, Hans was just here to secure space superiority for the One Sith and ensure the deployment of ground forces. Nothing more, nothing less.To the naked eye, or probably the Dark Lord's Eye, it would seem very suspicious and peculiar as well. But this man replying to the Captain's words was neither the Sith Lord he had addressed nor was he someone within his chain of command.

Hans was part of the Imperial Fleet, not the Sith Order. If some great, gloriously moustached man believed he could order around a man untouched with the Force, then he was sorely mistaken. In the given situation, Hans lent his respect and servant-like mannerisms over to Lord @Vrag. The Voices weren't his concern and typically dealt with politics. Hands, however, were military commanders.

That was like a senator telling a military officer what to do. Unnatural.

However, Hans wasn't in the mood to be fried to a crisp with wicked tendrils of the Force nor did he desire to have his entire career ruined by a minor splotch of a miscalculation. Those emotions and deep voices within his mind hushed their cascading tones as Hans put on his best apologetic smile. He was very good at that - being exactly what his superiors wanted him to be. He was their servant ever since his first steps, and his last steps would be likewise.

"Lord Carach," Hans cleared his throat. "As my orders dictate, this is my new post until I'm relieved. Fleet Command and its subdepartments are responsible for these such orders." The Captain smiled politely, his crisp, grey uniform starkly contrasting with the white interior of the shuttle. "I am hereby under the command of Lord Vrag, sir. Should she desire me to reside and continue my mission, then I shall. If not, I'll be returning to the Anaxes sector."

He realized that [member="Sylvanan Tal'verda"] and [member="Detritus"] were still in the shuttle, along with their little crew of clones. At least he could breathe easy enough to know that nothing but the truth escaped from his mouth.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Sylvanan Tal'verda"], [member="Darth Carach"], [member="Cyrene Miles"], [member="Detritus"], [member="Lucullus Lacar"], [member="Cylus Jest"], [member="Kyle Amedis"]

It was a quiet, shaking fit of mirth that overtook Sylvanan. He was forced to cut off his helmet's external speakers as the wave of unabated amusement shook his very bones. So great was his laughter, that the Arkanian stumbled back into his chair, and was forced to grab desperately at the bulkhead for support. The heaving chuckles slowly subsided into quiet little heaves. This was far more than he had expected out of Hans.

It seemed the Captain was an even better pick that Sylvanan had previously imagined.

The man had some gett'se talking to a Sith Lord like that, the kind of guts that they might all need one day. Sylvanan's fit of laughter finally subsided as Hans spoke his desire to speak with @Vrag. It made sense, at the very least, to speak with a military element rather than a glorified politician.

He waited until Hans finished speaking, and the audio cut out for the ship to receive the Sith's reply.

"Lovely work Hans." The Arkanian applauded. "I think you've shaken them well enough." He waited a moment to catch his breath. "Time to seal the deal. You have this."

He clapped his friend on the shoulder, and settled back down into his seat. There he would fall silent, so that the Captain might finish his work.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Cyrene Miles"], [member="Detritus"], [member="Lucullus Lacar"], [member="Cylus Jest"], [member="Kyle Amedis"]
"Any news from Captain Vaiden?" asked Sgt. Major Ulysses looking at the officer who manned the command console. He solemnly shook his head. No news yet. No orders to land. Nothing.

Tmoxin took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes. Her anger was bubbling up now and needed to be vented. She took off her helmet, which she had been holding under her arm this entire time, and threw it with all of her might against the ship hull and it landed with a bang, startling a couple of the less aware troopers who had been nodding off. But even this token of her rage seemed fruitless. Truthfully she was worried about Captain Vaiden, especially in light of the recent Admiral executions that had happened not too long ago. Hans had only exhibited traits of cunning and resolute bravery so far, but she admitted only to herself that they were in over their heads.

"Commander, please," said Ulysses, used to Commander Temi's meltdowns and predicting another one was imminent.

"I'm going back with the soldiers for awhile," she huffed and went into the back of the ships where the hundreds of stormtroopers sat tense and awaiting instructions.

"This operation... is on hold until we hear back from Captain Vaiden," she said addressing the troops. "I know that this was not planned but I felt I needed to come back here and tell you all personally. And commend you for the patience you have exhibited during these unsual circumstances."

[member="Sylvanan Tal'verda"] [member="Hans Vaiden"] [member="Cylus Jest"] [member="Cyrene Miles"] [member="Detritus"] [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Shai"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Lucullus Lacar"]


The Second Seal, broken.

A blue eye twitched.

Her personal feelings about Darth Carach aside, Vrag knew the man was more than capable of single-handedly razing metropoleis without breaking much of a sweat. To hear such insolence coming from the mouth of a Captain, and towards a Sith Lord who could turn him into a remorseful pile of ash before the imperial ever finished the sentence… it didn't exactly sit well with the Hand of the Dark Lord.

The One Sith was a creature of hierarchy, a well-oiled war machine that ran so very smoothly because of the premise that all of its cogs knew their place and ticked the way they were supposed to. If a cog stopped doing what it should, people noticed. Other cogs in its surroundings were affected, and the whole beast soon felt the effects of that singular rogue… cog.

"You will note, Captain Vaiden, that ignorance and reckless thought do not make you exempt from due consequences."

She picked up where the Voice of the Dark Lord had left off, her voice cold and impassive as it passed through the rebreather of her helmet. Carach had pointed out most of the… issues with the Imperial's presumptions, but the Captain was having none of it. Such a pity. Immediately after the man had identified himself as Hans Vaiden, the firrerreo had his records pulled up, her brow furrowing ever further as the officer in question continued tarnishing that pristine personnel file each time he opened his mouth. Such a pity indeed.

"The Voice of the Dark Lord speaks for the Dark Lord himself," the armor-clad Sith continued after the brief lull in speech, the dead red eyes of her skull fixated on the Scourge.

"And you wouldn't want to disobey the words of the Dark Lord… would you?"

In all honesty, the collective forces that had taken it upon themselves to seize Byss — or whatever it was that they were officially doing here — could count themselves lucky that Vrag was a patient individual with generous reserves of self-restraint, because believe it or not, the extremities of the Dark Lord weren't particularly enthused about listening to some uppity officer spew sass over a transceiver.

Or maybe they had Darell Irani to thank for doing his job on his knees earlier that day.

Either way, the one thing she didn't have patience for were words, and Force help the man if he pissed off the Sith Lord who did. Because when Carach got angry… well, suffice to say that the Captain and his accomplices would be praying to all the Gods, dead or alive, that it had been Vrag who had gotten angry first.

[member="Sylvanan Tal'verda"] | [member="Hans Vaiden"] | [member="Cylus Jest"] | [member="Cyrene Miles"] | [member="Detritus"] | [member="Darth Carach"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Shai"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Lucullus Lacar"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Kyle Amedis"]
The transceiver message was still going, with a twin pair of yellow and red eyes fixated upon some uppity officer. It was as if a child had been set before a pair of demi-gods and their forces of the heavens above. Hans's smile was still in place, standing fast for both his own pride and the gut-wrenching fear that had been in his system ever since the Scourge lurched out of hyperspace. He indeed was not a man to blatantly express his fear but rather he became one with it, accepting the feelings of despair.

"Not at all, ma'am." Hans said, matter of factly. There was no more room for his quick-witted arrogance and tongue. He'd done what was already needed and it was best to not jab a lion in its side after you'd already awakened it. "I'll take my leave immediately. I'm sure you know how to get a hold of me should any other issues arise from this."

Captain Vaiden snapped a salute that Drill Sergeants would revere, before quickly dropping it. "Captain Hans Vaiden, over and out."

With that done, the communications officer aboard the shuttle silenced the signal before either party could utter another word. Hans heaved a sigh before jumping back onto the young Lieutenant.

"Patch me through to the rest of the forces. Summon all deployed ground forces and attack craft to return to the Scourge. Our mission is done here."

The Lieutenant sent him a rather confused look. "Sir?"

"Don't question my orders, Lieutenant. Get on with it."

"Yes, sir."

[member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Sylvanan Tal'verda"], [member="Darth Carach"], [member="Cyrene Miles"], [member="Detritus"], [member="Lucullus Lacar"], [member="Cylus Jest"], [member="Kyle Amedis"], [member="Vrag"]

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