Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How long had it been since Rhen Var? And they were calling Jedi out for their involvement of that, now? Leave it to the Senate to gum up the works. It was why he and Jacen Voidstalker Jacen Voidstalker had sided with the likes of Nemo Ven, Omai Ren, and Caita Xen, the Chief of State who allowed the prior two to operate as they pleased under a leash of keeping civilians safe and removing the Sith threat from the Core. Coren was the type of Jedi who was a warrior, or had been.

Now he was retired from that life. Settled in to his life with Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel and the kids. His older children were out of the ship as it were, off on their own.The Twins were learning their way, through pilot training and the Force to be better for the galaxy. He did not enforce a strict Jedi doctrine, instead leaning on the holocrons of the High Republic to lead them in a direction that allows them to operate without the Order, and certain dogma.

The airspeeder car that was dropping him off pulled up to the court house and as he stepped out, in Jedi dress robes, gold, white, and navy blue, the Jedi Master saw the collected news reporters. They saw who he was, not an unknown, a very well known Jedi and descended.

“Master Starchaser, is it true that you are here in defense of the war crimes?”

“Master Starchaser, how do you feel that your testimony will affect you should the accused be charged?”

“Master Starchaser…”

The questions were coming rapid fire, and at the screen above, Romi Jade was being questioned.

Drew us into a brief period of dating…”

Oh Feth did the reporters take to that.

“Master Starchaser! Are you here to defend Romi Jade in an effort to keep your relationship under wraps?”

“Master Starchaser, Bright Star Entertainment, would you and Romi sign on for a holo vid series?”

“Master Starchaser, are you going to leave Master Rigel for Master Jade?”

Coren pulled his hood up and stepped into the court house.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Listening to Romi speak and some of the questions was revealing and interesting to say for some of it. She was unsure what Coren and hers personal life would do or how it factored in but well one could look. The reflections and images being displayed as she continued to move and there was the chance she could be found innocent.. or guilty and a month later be pardoned cause someone wanted to learn an ability she knew... Je'gan had not been happy about that. Sill though she was hoping for some information or a revelation, sith poison depending on how it was made could do different things after all and it was harder to break out of somes influences then others or survive in some cases.
Wearing: Cultist Catsuit

Armed With: Herself

Goal: Observe Trial/Make it worse.

Aboard the Colossus of Shadows , outer rim

Ordinarily, The Parliament would not have bothered watching the trial of a Jedi.

She had been judge, jury, and executioner over many Jedi she had captured. Some of them had been actual trials. Rigged. Unfair. The verdict decided before she had even entered the court. So watching an actual, supposedly impartial trial take place for a Jedi held little appeal.

Except in this case it was for who was being tried.

It was gratifying beyond words for her to see Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser being dragged through the coals by the media like she had wanted to do to him for years, still hating him for things that happened over a decade prior. Coren had changed, gotten older. Tired. Slower.

But whatever was left of Laertia was perfectly preserved. Kept the same by The Dark Side now.

She smiled at the projector as she watched him get battered with embarrassing questions. The Parliament, her childish pettiness making even her own master, The Amalgam, a noted psychopath, look like the very picture of impartiality, had sent him everything from random corpses with his name on it, to the corpses of Jedi she had captured and tortured to death, to a cake that had a badly decomposed rat at the center of it, to just simple, outright hate mail to his friends and family over the years, still holding him responsible for the Bryn'adul's nearly unhindered rampage, and vowing to never rest until he and all he fought to defend had finally suffered as much as she and her own civilization had.

It was what had led her to cook up a scheme. She had agitators in the crowd. Agitators just waiting to get the go ahead and turn it into chitshow for the Order to deal with.

The Battalion The Battalion sat next to her on the couch, in a red hooded ritual gown, eating a bowl of popcorn which she passed to the Parliament.

"So what's the scheme, darling?" The Battalion inquired.

"Oh, a little song, a little dance..." The Parliament replied to her wife with a sadistic grin before turning back to face the projection.

" Romi Jade Romi Jade 's head, on a lance..." (Where does he get those wonderful toys?!: 7000 XP)

The point was not to target Coren per se.

The point was to target everything and everyone around him...

In the crowd, paid agitators, waited until Coren had entered the court before they began to rail loudly against the Jedi Order. Some started taunting the guards, jeering at them. Not enough to get arrested, just enough to distract them while other bad actors began their own assignment to get closer to the building...

House Io had gone too long without causing real trouble for Jedi in the last few months.

All of that was soon to change...
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Lake Country

Citrine eyes would pan up to meet the void of Sarge Potteiger Sarge Potteiger . He could tell without asking that it wasn't just the trial bothering her. There was something more.

A dark familiarity.

A slow nod of that auburn and silver head, "Yes. Jedi Master Romi Jade is the defendant in the Galactic Court of Justice," she explained, returning her attention towards the holofeed.

"Pantora is bringing charges against her for war crimes on the subjugation of Rhen Var and Pantora as a former Sith Shadowhand." there was a subtle tightening of her fingers over the fabric of the armrest where it lay before she went reaching for the holoarray's control.

With the deft slide and arch of fingertips, she rewound the broadcast to the point that would make it clear why Cira was paying so much attention to such a televised trial.

"I acknowledge that my mental state during that time was not one of my own choosing. I was subjected to a series of torturous experiences, manipulated into perceiving events and circumstances differently than they had occurred. The constant state of anger and irritation that I experienced was not a natural manifestation of my character but a deliberate manipulation intended to keep me malleable, to keep me useful to those who sought to control me."

"I want the court to understand that I was a victim of a scheme, a web of deceit and manipulation designed to exploit vulnerabilities within me. The intent was to cloud my judgment, to make me a pawn in a larger game. The external factors that influenced my decision-making were carefully crafted to serve the interests of those who sought to subjugate not only me but the very principles I stood on as a Jedi."

"I was not in control of my emotions or perceptions during that time. The constant state of anger and irritation was a byproduct of the psychological manipulation I endured. It is crucial to recognize the distinction between the Romi Jade who seemingly willingly embraced the dark side and the Romi Jade who was coerced into a false reality, her sense of self distorted for the benefit of others."

"I was not acting of my own volition but under the influence of external forces that sought to exploit and manipulate my very essence."

As the recording progressed, Cira's thoughts drifted, haunted by the past she thought she had left behind. She had struggled with guilt, with the burden of her actions, and had spent years trying to make amends. The trial, however, unearthed old wounds, forcing her to confront the painful parallels between her past and the accusations against the Jedi Master. The Hrosha-Gul, aligned with the One Sith, had captured the former Lady Protector, manipulating her mind under torture, using her unique genetic abilities to vongshape her into the Hydra Queen, the Vessel of Yun Harla.

So many worlds, innocents, her soldiers, the men, women, and children she had sworn to protect had died and suffered at her hands, used as a tool for the Hrosha-Gul and the One Sith as they subjugated world after world.

Cira couldn't shake the feeling of resonance-- the understanding of how easily one could fall prey to manipulation, the anger, the pain, the gnawing guilt of being manipulated herself and turned into a complete monster, the antithesis to what she stood for. Her heart once again ached with the weight of responsibility for how she had fought those visions, reliving the unspeakable deeds things she personally did. The constant fear that something dark inside with sickening familiarity could arise anytime.
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The last thing that evil wants...


Location: Courtroom

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
On Stand: Romi Jade Romi Jade
Audience: @Cordelia “Cori” Eldoris (-w- Master Adelio Casspian) Tilon Quill Tilon Quill / Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser / Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl / Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

”Keep your head up because one day one person will fight like hell for you, the same as you would for them, and it will be a deep love. So keep your head up.

" - Carlos Salinasl​

Caltin was relieved to see at least a few Jedi in the audience. There was Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , absolutely no surprise they had history. He was glad to see Master Casspian as well, they did not know each other all that well, but had fought side by side on Tython, a great Jedi and mentor. The one with him, that mus… yes… it was “Cori”, they had met maybe once, but Casspian always spoke highly of her. Even poking fun that she and the massive Jedi Master must be related, they had similar personalities. He saw others in here, like a young one to whom he did not know, but was clearly here to support Master Jade. It wasn’t enough, but good to see the amount of Jedi here to support her. Jedi need support every now and then…

… everyone does.

What bothered him as he listened to much of the black and white presented evidence. It was almost as if the prosecution, the entire court had already passed judgment on her. Might as well have Laertia Io Laertia Io as Judge.

Make no mistake, a Jedi’s life is about “sacrifice” and never acting “above” others, it is a small part of what separated them from the Sith. That being said, there is context that must be allowed to be considered for each and every situation that has been presented. The context does not necessarily (or should) excuse behaviors or actions, but it can provide a better understanding of what happened and why. That is why he was here, to hope and see if that was the case. He was not going to judge Romi for anything, if she was guilty, then she was guilty, but due process had to play out.

Too bad in the chase for ratings, the news crews that are here, and probably the court itself are only interested in bringing unnecessary drama to the forefront. It’s bad enough that Romi, or any Jedi for that matter, have to live with the consequences of their actions, both good and bad, to be tried like this was asinine. This was not the first time that the potential for a disaster was brought to this planet, and the Jedi… not only historically but fairly recently. Or have people forgotten the Jedi being confined to the Temple by the Senate leading up to a Sith invasion?


Caltin was not a lawyer, or an expert witness by any means, but it was becoming clear what the prosecution was basing their case on, it was fear. It was a fear that Jedi were no different from the Sith, even Jedi Masters are not “all powerful”, even “The Chosen One” who was prophesied to bring balance to the Force erred many times. His thoughts must be betraying him, or he is having “that look” as his wife took his arm in hers as well as his hand, rubbing his knuckles with her thumb. It was an effective distraction as Caltin went back over this training of Padawans in his mind. The training focused around “commitment” and “focus”. Make no mistake, the big man was not about to jump up and attack someone, but this was getting irritating.

A Jedi’s life is about sacrifice, but there is a line there. They are expected to be “better” this is true, and they should always strive to be, but unless better education is offered, trials like this will always be “tilted”. Was she indeed guilty? Maybe, but we truly will not know as there is a lack of understanding in the very case being made against her. Her actions had consequences suffered by others, but unless it is completely understood on all sides what happened, and it wasn’t looking like it was going to be, the consequences will be suffered by those around her.

What about them? Do they not matter?

Not Jedi… her family… her husband.

Why do they need to suffer?

... is my undivided attention.

An ache settled in his heart. His life was snared in the fossilizing amber of her gaze, and, pinned in place by her side, he would remain forevermore. Pain. Pain he knew, intimately and completely. Sorely wishing for a drink to help his abruptly arid mouth, he eased himself onto the seat by her side. This was assuredly not about Coren Starchaser.

This had cut to the core like the One Sith sacking Coruscant. It was related to the One Sith sacking Coruscant in ways he couldn't even begin to understand.

Listening dimly, her voice a mumble at the edge of the pool in which he swam, he was taken back to a smoking, flaming dropship careening recklessly through the spires of Galactic City. Moaning engines shrieked as they red lined and the white knuckles of the pilot told him they wouldn't make it in time.

Staring blankly through the screen in front of them both, it was the sound of voices restarted that thrust a hand into the brine and, abruptly, yanked him back out. A sentence, maybe two.

As it had always been between them. He understood.

So it was his hand, nearly shy, reached over to take hers. She was a wounded animal, likely to retreat into it's den for fear of pain, and so it was a gentle movement, easily missed like a single strand of spider's silk in the eaves.

"Her position must be weak," he began slowly, "or they are using her to get to others. It would explain the interest in Coren."

Then, quietly, like a midnight most dreary, he whispered, "But that's not why you're watching."

He had little hope she would answer. If anything, his answer was likely only to be the howl and bluster of wind beyond the windows. But when she was ready to talk, or shut things off, he would be there at her side with his hand around hers, the stoic golem he'd been raised to be, both companion and protector.

Tonight, the danger came from within. Gates barred, with firewood dwindling, he'd need to find a way to rekindle warmth in her bones. Simple black caf wouldn't cut it.

Cira Cira


Cortana sat slouched in the courtroom bench, her features etched with a mixture of of them being frustration, and the other determination. Her piercing gaze remained fixed on her mother as she testified. The air in the courtroom was tense, and Cortana's clenched fists betrayed her inner turmoil.

It was a weird feeling, she'd grown up on the stories mostly, but she still seemed to be discovering things about her parents and the company they kept. Coren? Like uncle Coren? She leaned forward, wrapping her arm around the splat in front of her, using it as a chin-rest. Anxiously, her leg bounced the whole time.

Her thoughts raced as she observed the proceedings. The weight of her mother's legacy, the sacrifices made for the Jedi Order, and her contributions to and battles fought for the galaxy echoed in her mind. Cortana couldn't shake the feeling that her mother deserved better than be publicly embarrassed...and where were all of her friends? Her students? Associates? Those who knew her best, why weren't they willing to vouch for her...speak to her who she was? The frustration within her only deepened as she witnessed Romi just...responding to the rather aggressive questions, her voice measured but carrying a weight of burden....

Fight back -- That's all she played back in her mind, over and over.

CJ couldn't comprehend why her mother seemed to accept the trial with such calmness. It clashed with the image of the indomitable Romi Jade she knew, the one who had faced adversity head-on throughout her life. Gritting her teeth after each question and response, she only wished her mom would actually fight harder against the allegations, not allowing the Order or the public to witness this perceived moment of weakness.

As the questions continued, CJ’s irritation grew, and she found herself silently wishing for the assertive Romi she had always known. She had inherited her mother's strong-willed nature, and the desire for justice burned fiercely within her. The Padawan's inner conflict intensified — torn between respecting her mother's choices and yearning for a more spirited defense.

Despite her frustration, Cortana remained resolute, silently vowing to support her mother through this and to uphold the family's legacy. The courtroom might witness a version of Romi Jade facing the legal ramifications of her past, but Cortana, was determined to stand by her side.

If you knew'd know this was insane.

But she had a feeling Romi had already come to terms with everything...she was just awaiting judgement at this point.


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Nathan was going over the testimony via a court datapad with up to date recordings by the Droid Stenographer.

Romi Jade Romi Jade had a decent enough excuse, he supposed. Mind altering substances like Sith Poison affected judgement at all levels.

His own daughter had no such excuse. She did it all willingly. She did it out of pure contempt and disgust with and towards the Jedi.

His styled, handlebar mustache twitched again as he sensed Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser enter the building.

Nathan had never confronted Coren, nor asked him about his perspective of the events towards his daughter's downfall and damnation. Not just because such questions would have exposed Nathan to the scrutiny of the entire Jedi Order, but because he wasn't sure whether or not he was trying to convince himself he wasn't exactly like her.

Nathan didn't like the thought of there being no appreciable difference. Especially considering Nathan's own worst moments had also come from within, not imposed by some Poison.

Nathan wondered what he would do if he was the Judge. Would he let Romi go?

Pragmatism would have dictated her release more than idealism or forgiveness if it was him deciding her fate. Put her in prison and all you got was a satisfied public--each of which probably would have acted about the same, if not worse, if they had been hit with Sith Poison and therefore was mostly undeserving of consideration or respect when it came to these matters, flat out.

Put her in prison and she's useless to anyone except as an example, and people rarely pay attention to those in any era. Hundreds, thousands of examples of what happened when you let the anger get the better of you, and Nathan himself had still sold out Elaine Tear in a fit of rage his training couldn't suppress.

Put her in prison, or exile her, and you just create the potential for resentment in her. Worse, in the latter, you lose track of her. Then you could end up right back where you started with her, and then absolutely no one wins. If you're so worried, put her on dangerous assignments until natural selection inevitably plays out or she takes the hint and goes for a Jedi Council desk job. Cynical? You bet. But better to burn her out in the field and then keep her close then to remove a functional piece from the machine before it's moment of obsolescence. He knew this because that was sorta how it had gone for him.

She seemed very calm. Nathan knew a raw deal when he read the testimony playback.

Still...bad chit all'd think she would emphasize it. If she wanted to win the crowd she had to play 'em a little. Or someone had to play it for her.

Nathan started to wonder if the Jedi Order didn't need it's own caste dedicated solely to representing them properly in court. Even if they felt the need to fall on their sword.

Or in spite of their need to fall on their sword.

Nathan's thoughts turned once more to Kytrand for a few seconds as he continued to listen. He was almost glad he had grown up in the plague...less red tape to marrying Lysandra...these days it was a scandal. This culture still mystified him.
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She Left Behind A Legacy



"Master Jade, you've provided the court with a detailed account of your relationship with Coren Starchaser during the tumultuous times of war. However, could it be posited that your feelings of insecurity or doubt, feelings you mentioned struggling with and in turn feelings warned against by Jedi Codes, were not merely the result of external circumstances but rather rooted in interpersonal issues within your relationship with Master Starchaser? In other words, is it not possible that your descent down the dark path was, in part, a response to the emotional challenges you faced as a scorned lover? How do you reconcile the notion that personal matters between you and Master Starchaser played a pivotal role in your fall to the dark side?"

Her face scrunched up, "I appreciate the opportunity to address this…insinuation. The notion that my feelings of insecurity and doubt were solely the byproduct of issues within my relationship with Coren is a gross oversimplification of a complex matter. Allow me to clarify...

Long before I met Starchaser, during my formative years as a Jedi Padawan, I grappled with these internal struggles. The rigorous training and the weight of responsibility imposed on me at the time...fostered a breeding ground for such doubts that happened to follow me. It wasn't a matter of personal relationships but rather an inherent challenge I faced as part of my journey in becoming a Jedi."

She was thinking back to the time she ascended to the Jedi Council as only a Knight and was later appointed to the role of was a lot at the time; she resigned from both positions soon after.

"Coren, as brash and silly as he can be sometimes, also can be wise and compassionate as well. He played a crucial role in helping me confront and navigate those internal conflicts. His support was instrumental in my growth and eventual redemption. To attribute the root cause of my struggles to the dissolution of an extremely brief relationship that came later oversimplifies it all.

Our separation was not one of acrimony but rather a mutual understanding that our paths were bigger than us, and better walked as friends rather than romantic partners. The notion that I was some sort of scorned lover is inaccurate and it also undermines the genuine friendship and camaraderie that continues between Coren and I.

His role in my life was one of friendship, and redemption, not the catalyst for my descent. I stand here as a Jedi who has faced her demons and emerged stronger, something that many many Jedi fail to do…it's no easy feat.

Let me re-clarify, any suggestion that my journey down the dark path was rooted in personal matters with Coren Starchaser is a mischaracterization of the complexities involved. The truth lies in the broader context of my struggles as a Jedi, redemption, and the strength derived from overcoming internal conflicts."

How do you respond to the claim that your alleged exposure to Sith poison was a contributing factor to the destruction of cultural heritage sites on Rhen Var, as outlined in the charges against you?

Romi Jade, maintaining her composure, responds to the prosecution's question. "I acknowledge the gravity of the charges against me, particularly regarding the destruction of cultural heritage sites, artifacts, and the works on Rhen Var. I do not dispute that Sith poison influenced my thoughts and actions during that period, nor do I dispute my presence.

The intensified negative emotions brought about by the Sith poison created a volatile state of mind, making me more susceptible to manipulation and coercion, yes, however, I want the court to recognize that artifact theft, damage to cultural sites, torture, environmental damage, and general mayhem was not, if at all, a conscious decision on my part, nor was it anything I recall participating in directly."

"I was coerced into actions that went against the very principles I had sworn to uphold as a Jedi. However, these charges are a consequence of an invasion that I had no part in planning or the proper thought process or resources to carry out on my own, there was no deliberate choice on my part."

Clarify whether you disclosed your potential exposure to Sith poison to the Jedi Order upon your return and redemption. If not, what led to your decision to withhold this information?

She responds to the prosecution's question with sincerity. "Upon my return and redemption, I did disclose my exposure to Sith poison to the Jedi Order. Recognizing the severity of the situation, I sought out treatment with the Silver Jedi Order. The decision to disclose my illness was driven by a commitment to address the consequences of my past actions and to undergo the necessary healing process."

"The healing sessions were a crucial part of my journey to rid my body of the poison and address the damage it had done. The Silver Jedi Order provided a supportive environment where I could undergo intensive treatment. However, it is important for the court to understand that the damage inflicted by the Sith poison was extensive, impacting not only my physical well-being but also my ability to effectively create a family of my own…these are scars I'll always have.

The healing process was arduous, I spent an extended period under the care of the healers at the Silver Rest Temple, undergoing extensive treatments to cleanse my body of the poison and mitigate any lingering effects. The toll it took on my body is a lasting consequence.

The journey to redemption involved not only a return to the path of the Jedi but also a recommitment to rectify the consequences of my past actions. The time I spent with the Silvers, and the work I did for them is all public record…and well documented."

Given the potential influence of Sith poison on your actions, do you believe you should be held accountable for decisions made under its alleged effects?

Jade responds to the prosecution's question with a thoughtful consideration. "The potential influence of Sith poison on my actions is a complex aspect of this situation, and I believe it introduces nuanced considerations into the question of accountability. However, I'm not trying to avoid all accountability. I acknowledge the role that Sith poison played in shaping my thoughts and actions during the events on Rhen Var, I also acknowledge that it doesn't absolve me of all possible blame. Though, I do not believe that I should be solely held responsible for the consequences that unfolded...or anything beyond what I actually did."

"The situation is just..fraught with complexities and external influences that manipulated and had a hand in everything. However, it would be disingenuous for me to absolve myself completely of any type of responsibility. Because again, despite being under the influence of external forces, I was still an active participant in the battle that transpired. The damage caused, both to individuals and cultural heritage, bears an overall imprint, and for any piece that includes mine specifically...well for that I do believe I must be held accountable."

"As we continue to navigate through this trial, I just want the court to recognize the delicate balance between external manipulation and personal responsibility. I understand that the chances of me being entirely exonerated from the consequences are slim, I don't want to be, but...should I bear the blame for the actions of an entire empire of which I was tortured and indentured to myself? That I spent years fighting before and after...

Though, I am prepared to face the consequences of my actions, but shouldn't the court consider the multifaceted nature of this situation as well?"

No further questions. We rest. For now.

The holographic form of a Pantoran Assembly member stepped forward, his voice resonating through the chamber. "Ladies and gentlemen, the court is now in recess. We will resume shortly after this break. Thank you for your patience."


The transition from the public spectacle of the courtroom to the hushed privacy of the smaller chamber was abrupt. The dimmed lights cast shadows across the walls, and the low hum of distant conversations in the courthouse corridor filtered through the closed door.

Inside, Taryn Kyrel immediately delved into reviewing legal documents, his eyes scanning the details of the charges against Romi, and marking the questions that had already been asked. Dukat Johannes stood beside his wife, the crease of worry etched on his forehead, while Romi, with an absent gaze, stared out of the window at the sea of media personnel gathered outside. The muted hum of the soft shuffle of papers filled the room, and her thoughts seemed to wander beyond much beyond the immediate surroundings.

Taryn breaks the tension first, "Romi, we need to address any vulnerabilities they might exploit in your testimony. The prosecution seems relentless in trying to tarnish your reputation...with regards to your personal relationship with Master Starchaser. Luckily, he's agreed to testify..."

Romi, her voice distant, as if speaking more to herself than the others. "This feels different. It's not just about the charges. There's something more, something elusive. I can't pinpoint it..."

As the conversation unfolded, Romi's attention drifted to the window overlooking the courtyard. Beyond the panes of glass, the media circus had taken on a life of its own. Reporters jockeyed for position, cameras flashed, and microphones were thrust forward eagerly. Romi felt the weight of their collective scrutiny, their prying eyes dissecting her past and present, and for what?

She'd been no stranger to the media, but this sudden twist and so quickly is abnormal.

Johannes, with a frown, addresses the attorney "Do you think this media frenzy is part of the prosecution's strategy? Are they trying to manipulate public perception? Skew a narrative?"

Jade muses to herself, lost in thought "It feels like there's more at play. This trial, these charges—there's a bigger game in motion. I can sense it, but it's elusive, something is beyond this...tied to the prophecy perhaps? No, that wouldn't make sense. What then?" It was a pit in her stomach...deep rooted. Just beyond her perception was something.

Taryn Kyrel sat down his legal pad, his expression thoughtful. The room fell into a brief silence, each person lost in their contemplation of the trial's complexities.

"We can't let them dictate the narrative. We need to stay one step ahead. Let's focus on discrediting their specific claims and then dig into any hidden motives they might be harboring."

His worry etched across his face, the Dukat addresses his wife "Romi, I can't help but feel like you're letting them have too much. You're practically handing yourself over. Is this really the right approach?"

"Johannes, I need to be transparent. If I fight too hard, it might seem like I have something to hide. But I can't shake this feeling that I have."

As the trio prepared to return to the courtroom, Romi couldn't shake the feeling that her past had been meticulously unraveled, every thread picked at with precision...and then twisted all up again. The media's insistent presence intensified her discomfort, as if the weight of public opinion now rested squarely on her shoulders -- least that's what it felt like.

Despite the composed exterior she presented to the world around her, Romi's senses tingled with an otherworldly awareness. It was as if the Force itself whispered of deeper currents, secrets concealed beneath the surface of the trial. The uncertainty lingered as they left the side conference room, a subtle undercurrent echoing in the chambers of Romi's mind....but it was eluding her.

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Sacorria, Jasper's Home
Tags: Closed Reaction


"Well?" Pyf began with a curious whirring. "What are your thoughts?"

Jasper sighed, taking a sip of his tea as he listened to the proceedings on the holonet. It was... troubling. Romi Jade was a big name that he had heard as a boy, a mythical figure in his mind. One of those far off Jedi of the old generation who had supposedly done great things. Now all of that was murky.

"Jedi can't be above the law," he stated bluntly, leaning on the open window of his elevated home. "Poisoning of the mind or not, the actions that she comitted are real. People suffered because of that. Any regular person in her shoes would be thrown in the slammer a thousand times over. If I was in her shoes, I would lambast every last Jedi that showed up to defend those actions. You can't dodge accountability forever."

"She has done a lot of good," the droid noted. "Isn't that worth something?"

The knight paused for a moment, taking another sip of his tea. Did doing good make peace with those harmed in her past? It was hard to say. Somewhere inside Jasper wanted to be charitable, but the law so rarily supported the little guy. Community service was not justice.

"People were enslaved on Rhen Var," he muttered. "The price of taking someone else's freedom should be ten-fold."

"And if that was your friend up there?" Pyf asked.

"I-" Jasper began again, but immediately paused. Those who arrived in defense of Master Jade had surely been her life long colleagues... "I can't protect my friends from everything," he sighed. "Actions have consiquences. We only delay the inevitable by hiding from them."

The droid hovered silently for a moment, his photoreceptor eye shifting as he analyzed his organic companion's face.

"Cold, but fair enough," the droid relented. "I just wonder what your fellow councilmembers would think."

And the droid was off, leaving Jasper alone at his window with the holonet in the background. Everything always seemed so complicated. He couldn't help but think to the first time he ever met Corin Trenor Corin Trenor at the temple on Coruscant. A Silver Jedi was teaching a class on... something. It had been so long now. He had been quick to criticize making peace with the Sith and negotiating with the Hutts. Jasper saw it as thoughtless aggression back then. He was of the New Jedi Order after all. He didn't know their history. But now?

Maybe there was a monster the rest of the Galaxy saw in the Jedi for a reason.

Location: Pantora
Objective: To observe the trial with her former master
Tags: Main: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Nearby: Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Mother Askani Mother Askani

Cori listened quietly to Romi Jade Romi Jade 's testimony. Her silence was broken, however, the moment the Jedi on trial mentioned and explained how a substance called Sith poison was used to control her. The Ersansyr turned to her master, her eyes full of hope.

"Master, do you think-"

"No." Master Casspian cut her off.

"You didn't let me finish!" Cori protested.

"I know what you were going to ask. And the answer is no. Siyo Raveena fell to the dark side of her own accord. She chose that path herself, and I think that deep down, you know that."

Cori looked away. Her former master was correct, of course. But hearing about the Sith poison had fanned the flames of hope in her heart, the hopes that maybe, just maybe, her old best friend fell to the dark side against her will. They had grown up beside each other, after all, and even though her friend had fallen to the dark side when they were in their teens, she still prayed that she would come back to the light side. She missed her, after all. So, throughout Romi Jade's talk of poison, Cori found herself longing to hear something that would confirm her friend was infected. However, no definitive answer was given, and the court called for a recess. Shuffling out of the court, Cori saw Master Casspian's eyes light up at the sight of another Jedi Master, a tall individual who looked strong enough to carry the whole galaxy on his shoulders. From his sad expression, it almost looked like he was. Something about him seemed familiar to Cori...had she met him before?

"Ah! I see Master Vanagor is here," Master Casspian said to her, pointing him out. "Come, let us go and greet him. He and Master Jade were close, I think we ought to show him some support."

With a nod from his former padawan, the duo wove their way through the crowd until they reached the man and his wife. They bowed respectfully to them both, the standard Jedi greeting.

"Master Vanagor. It is so good to see you again, it's been such a long time...since Tython, I believe," Adelio began, giving the other Jedi master a smile that was, despite being made up of rows and rows of sharp Karkarodon teeth, warm and sympathetic. "I only wish we were meeting each other again under better circumstances. I know you and Master Jade are close."

"We're behind her all the way," Cori added. "We're both hoping things turn out ok for her."

"Ah, yes," Master Casspian looped his arm around the Ersansyr's shoulders. "You remember my padawan, Cori? I believe she was only eleven when you first met. And now she is all grown up, and leading missions as a Jedi knight. Time really does fly, but I'm sure she remembers you. Right, Cori?"

A sudden wave of memories came back to the Jedi knight. She remembered being introduced to many different masters when she was chosen to be Master Casspian's padawan. Out of all of them, Master Vanagor was one of the kindest. Intimidating at first, especially for a little girl, but she remembered that he had made her laugh. That had meant a lot to her, back then.

"Yes, of course I do," Cori smiled. "It's hard to forget someone who cares so much for others. That's why you are here, isn't it? Because of how much you care about Master Jade?"
Decades ago, thousands of Protectorate soldiers died, the earth of Alderaan soaked in their blood. Not for her freedom. Not for her liberty. But for a single woman. Sarge Potteiger Sarge Potteiger had weathered perpetual hell and sacrificed countless lives to bring back their Lady, the vongshaped and brainwashed to be the Vessel of Yun-Harla, back from the grasp of the Hrosha-Gul.

Sith sorcery, alchemy, and Yuuzhan Vong shaping used Cira's unique Shi'ido racial abilities to catalyze full integration. For a woman so well used to fracturing herself into more than a dozen aliases, playing different roles and different lives, the mantel of Zhaera Shai, The Hydra Queen, had been quickly picked up and slipped on like a change of clothes.

Even now, decades later, within the secluded haven Sarge had carefully crafted for her here in Lake Country, Cira constantly navigated the delicate balance between fear and hope, recognizing that healing was a gradual, nonlinear process.

While the physical wounds healed and the vongshaped dreadlocks no longer remained, the scars etched upon Cira's soul had seemed irrevocable. Despite the passing years, the memories of the atrocities committed had lingered like a relentless specter, an uninvited guest that would rear its head in the most unexpected of moments. With it came the weight of guilt boring down upon Cira's shoulders, a burden too heavy to shed, latching her to that realm of perpetual torment.

Several years passed before Cira would no longer wake up drenched in sweat each night, visions of her past deeds flashing before her golden eyes like a relentless nightmare. Brandon's quiet but constant presence was the only tether of what bit of sanity and reality she had left.

Brandon wasn't wrong. Coran Starchaser and his relationship with Romi, or what that signified to the case, wasn't why Cira had been reviewing the coverage. Even now, guilt still weighed heavily upon her shoulders; the faces of those she'd inadvertently harmed had haunted her waking moments, their silent accusations piercing through her conscience. The fear of the dormant darkness lurking deep within, waiting for an opportune moment to resurface, kept Cira perpetually on edge, like a wounded animal wary of the slightest touch.

Trusting others felt akin to inviting disaster, for fear that the monster within might emerge and wreak havoc again, converting the introverted and socially anxious former Lady Protector into even more of a hermit. Even then, no amount of therapy or kind words could silence the relentless critic within her, feeling unworthy of forgiveness or redemption. She had spent hours poring over the details of her actions, trying to decipher if there was any way she could have resisted the manipulation, the vongshaping, the brainwashing, any way to have prevented the devastation she caused.

Attempts at connection outside of Brandon were met with a crippling fear of inadvertently causing harm once more. Even then, he had fought a heartwrenching but silent fight of constantly allowing her to choose his presence and strength rather than remain alone. Aware at that point that for Cira to stay meant inviting her in with the risk she could decide to leave.

Yet she remained.

Warmth drew over Cira's hand, drawing her from the mire. The heavy, comforting weight of Brandon's hand becoming, once again, the tether of a binary star. His gravity providing enough strength to maintain her orbit, but not insistent enough to cause her to degrade and be consumed. It drew her from fathoms where she sunk into the past again, the buoy that allowed her to swim up and break the surface—inhaling air deep into her lungs and breathing again.

"Nu este." Came Cira's quiet admission, her voice slightly unsteady, reverting the language they'd used to speak their most vulnerable of truths in the past. Those wide, golden eyes slowly turned towards him while her hand carefully rotated in his grasp until it rested mated palm to palm. Fingers quietly interlocked. There was no other action than this, but the subtle, quiet gesture was an admission of gratitude and an invitation to say it was okay to continue and ask. Their love story, after all, wasn't one of grand gestures but of subtle shifts. Their once-annoying encounters had transformed into a sanctuary, a safe haven where their shattered souls found a version of restoration.

"Vechile obiceiuri mor greu, mai ales atunci când marinați în amintiri și fantome." she added, returning her attention once more towards the broadcast. Swallowing hard, she took a deep, steadying breath, her shoulders and chest rising.

"Sunt un lacom de pedepse." In the rear of her mind, she knew, no, understood, that continuing the broadcast may only serve to harm rather than help her. What came about as a result between Jedi Master Romi Jade and the judgment of the Galactic Judicial System for the charges against her did not hold as much importance to the Lady as the man who sat beside her. Funny that. They weathered storms that tore at the seams of their souls, battling internal demons that threatened to consume them. In the darkness, they became each other's guiding light, offering silent comfort and unwavering support. So, in moments of looming despair, they found strength in the other's vulnerabilities, stitching their broken pieces together.
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The last thing that evil wants...

Location: Courtroom

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
On Stand: Romi Jade Romi Jade
Audience: @Cordelia “Cori” Eldoris (-w- Master Adelio Casspian) Tilon Quill Tilon Quill / Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser / Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl / Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

”Keep your head up because one day one person will fight like hell for you, the same as you would for them, and it will be a deep love. So keep your head up.

" - Carlos Salinasl​

The greeting was unexpected, but welcome as Caltin bowed to the both of them. Master Casspian, it is good to see you as well. Cori? Look at you, a Jedi Knight, you should feel accomplished.This is my wife, Chrysa Vanagor Chrysa Vanagor .

She gave each of them a hug and a smile.Tython could have been a dark day for the galaxy, but thank the Force it worked out.

Cori seemed to recall who he was and that very day that the little precocious kid was on her way to becoming the Knight standing in front of him. I think that it’s important that we show support to each other when they need it. If Master Jade is guilty, then she is guilty, but she deserves a fair trial. I just fear that she is not getting it.

As if on cue, Romi’s lawyer Taryn approached and whispered in Caltin’s ear, he nodded.I see, I’ll be right there. I’m sorry to cut this short, but apparently I am needed.

... is my undivided attention.

"I know."

That language. Her language. The cant of the broken soul, the weary warrior and more besides, was enough to tell him where she was at. She never needed to say it, of course, as he had, perhaps, an unspoken level of empathic awareness quite at odds with his violent and gruff reputation. Pain had hardened him; experience sharpened him; she'd, somehow, softened him.

And so he'd responded in Basic, not wanting to push her further into the darkness encroaching on her like invaders from below the galactic plane. Ravenous, their claws and fangs were spread wide to feed and she was there as the lone morsel of worth to their hungering jaws. It was a feeling and a woman he knew intimately.

How many years standing in that office as a piece of armored furniture? Five? Six? They had been filled with daydreams and doldrums, the bonding of occupying the same small space week by week, year by year. Eventually he'd known who'd written the particular report she was reading by the arch of an eyebrow, and which department it would be directed to by the flare of nostrils or tightening at the edge of an eye.

Those rounded, citrine eyes.

His heart collapsed like the servos of armor blown out by lightning and he closed his eyes as he let out a shallow breath through his nostrils.

Always fond of the huskiness of her voice, it was nevertheless to hear her struggle through explaining her feelings. The explanation was a molehill of a mountain but he accepted it for what it was. Thousands had died for just the chance of emotional intimacy between them.

Yes, she'd been their head of state. But no one was fool enough to believe the man at the head of the charge was thinking with anything more than his heart and, perhaps, a sense of immature longing for something that had never been and would never be. And so he squeezed the hand that held his, gentle and kind, thankful for every opportunity they had.

"Sunt un lacom de pedepse."

A pause and a closure of his eyelids again. Slow, steadying breath and then an exhalation timed to the lifting of those same lids again.

"As I've always been with you."

His smile was one of understanding though it didn't reach his eyes. Within their depthless void lay both compassion and mourning, though her attention was elsewhere again. To the screen, and to the past. One neither of them would truly outrun.

"Știi că ar trebui să-l oprești."

More than willing to do it for her, he knew a mistake when it was set in front of him, even if it was in the shape of a remote and whispering the promise of a better evening with his wife were he to just use the thing himself.

Cira Cira
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Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
In the crowd, paid agitators, waited until Coren had entered the court before they began to rail loudly against the Jedi Order. Some started taunting the guards, jeering at them. Not enough to get arrested, just enough to distract them while other bad actors began their own assignment to get closer to the building...

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr // Delila Castillon Delila Castillon

"Oh come on, J." The worn voice of one Amea Virou spoke with a warm chuckle. "We both know this trial is a sham and that this so-called 'justice system' only applies to the likes of you and me who do most of the heavy lifting in society."

"Put me up for twenty on 'Magma Cells' and fifteen on 'Pleading Oopsie-Daisy', please."

What with the crowd getting fussy, it took Jerec way too long to clue in that his old shipmate Amea Virou Amea Virou was not just getting his attention but placing a bet. He accepted Amea's thirty-five gravely.

"Well we don't all know, heh heh, or there'd be nothing to be on," he said for the benefit of those in earshot. "Totally up in the air! Anything could happen!"

The mood, though, was souring in non-lucrative ways. Jerec checked the odds on SECURITY RIOT and blanched at the potential cost if things went that bad. But then again, if they did, nobody could reasonably expect him to stick around and pay out, right?

", say, the redoubtable Amea Virou Amea Virou appearing out of nowhere in Jedi country, no less. You want to catch a drink after this all goes to hell? I still owe this one." He indicated Delila Castillon Delila Castillon with his thumb.
She Left Behind A Legacy



The courtroom on Coruscant fell into a hushed silence as the recess came to an end. The grandeur of the Coruscant judicial chamber was only accentuated by the anticipation that hung in the air. The polished marble columns and towering statues of long-forgotten statesmen created a dignified backdrop for the legal proceedings. The murmurs of the crowd died down, and all eyes turned toward the central podium.

Romi Jade, strode back to the witness stand. Despite the composed exterior she presented, her senses tingled with an far-flung, otherworldly awareness. The defense counsel, an advocate known for his meticulous approach, rose from his seat, ready to cross-examine the Jedi Master.

The lead defense counsel, Taryn Kyrel, one with a reputation for his shrewd legal tactics, adjusted his robes as he approached the center of the courtroom. The gravity of the trial, coupled with the high-profile nature of the case, intensified the aura of anticipation. The hum of the crowd was replaced by a solemn stillness as the defense prepared to challenge the narrative presented thus far.

The defense counsel addressed the court with a commanding presence. "Your Honors, esteemed members of the Pantora Assembly," -- who were holoe'd in for this portion of the trial, "We are here to continue the pursuit of truth. Our examination will delve into the nuances of Jedi Master Romi Jade's actions, seeking to uncover a comprehensive understanding of the circumstances surrounding the events on Rhen Var. We aim to provide a clearer picture of the complexities that led to the subjugation of Pantora."

As Romi Jade took her place on the witness stand once again, the defense counsel's demeanor hinted at a strategic and calculated approach. The questions that followed were poised to unravel the layers of the Jedi Master's involvement, shedding light on the broader context that may influence the court's perception of her actions.

The defense proceeds...

"Jedi Master Jade, let's begin by clarifying your overall involvement in Sith-Imperial campaigns. How many campaigns, excluding the events on Rhen Var, were you actively engaged in during your time with them?"

Romi Jade took a moment, her eyes reflecting the weight of her memories as she considered the question. "Councilor," she began, her voice measured and clear, "I want to make it unequivocally clear that my direct involvement in Sith-Imperial campaigns was limited. I participated in only one campaign as an active member of the Sith forces. The events on Rhen Var."

She continued, a sense of gravity underlying her words. "Prior to that, my engagements were as a Jedi, fighting against the Sith on multiple fronts. The Subjugation of Rhen Var was, unfortunately, the turning point where I found myself on the other side of the conflict."

Romi's gaze shifted to a mixture of regret and conviction, emphasizing the significance of that singular campaign in her otherwise adversarial history with the Sith Empire.

"In the campaign you participated in, did you personally engage in actions that directly led to the aggression or harm towards local populations, either civilian or military, or anything that could be considered tangible culture such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, archive materials, books, works of art, and artifacts?"

Romi Jade met the question with a solemn expression, her gaze unwavering. "No." she responded, her voice carrying a mixture of conviction and regret. "During the campaign on Rhen Var, my personal engagement was focused on a singular goal—reaching Coren Starchaser. Our confrontation took place in the underground ice caverns. My actions were driven by a desire to confront him and only him, not to inflict harm on local populations or cultural artifacts."

She continued, providing context to her actions. "It's important to note that at the time, Rhen Var was under Sith Empire control. The conflict was initiated by the Outer Rim Coalition's raid on the planet, not by any actions I took. My involvement was within the context of the ongoing conflict between the Sith Empire and the ORC."

Romi's response aimed to clarify her role in the campaign and underscore the circumstances that surrounded the events on Rhen Var.

"Let's focus on the period leading up to the subjugation of Rhen Var. Were there any specific Sith Empire orders or intentions that you were aware of, suggesting an imminent invasion of Pantora or other Outer Rim Coalition territories?"

Romi Jade, her expression reflecting a sense of honesty and transparency, responded to the question. "Councilor," she began, her voice steady, "during the period leading up to the subjugation of Rhen Var, I want to clarify that my knowledge was limited. I was not privy to any specific Sith Empire orders or intentions indicating an imminent invasion of Pantora or other Outer Rim Coalition territories."

She continued, providing further context. "My awareness was confined to my participation in engagements with the Outer Rim Coalition and against them after I joined the Sith Empire on Rhen Var. Any information I had was related to the immediate conflicts and skirmishes within the scope of those events."

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr / Delila Castillon Delila Castillon
Well now, she hadn't expected that much of a reaction. Although it had certainly been a while. That was just part of the job, really. Some days you're stuck on some backwaters planet negotiating for what would actually be a fair price for your haul, and other days you're just drifting around and wasting time.

That was to say, seeing Jerec had been a welcome surprise and she gave him a nod.

"Sounds like a plan." She said and let her eyes wander to Delila and then back to the screen. The words 'driven by a desire' were spoken and the crowd collectively gasped and held their breath before sounding off in a disappointed groan when they were followed by 'to confront him.'

"Been hearing all sorts of rumors about you running this scheme around most Jedi-related activities lately, you know." She flashed a knowing smile. A fixer and keeper of information never truly retired. "Twenty on a mention of the Outer Rim Co-"

And there Romi went and mentioned it. Damn. A single voice cheered in the back before clearing their throat in embarrassment.

"I'd bet on there being some stupid outburst in the courtroom given the tension, buuuut I also like it when the odds aren't 1-for-1."
Sarge Potteiger Sarge Potteiger was right. It was an observation Cira had already made on her own once he managed to bring her back out of her cloud of miasma.

"I know." She replied, returning to basic. To him. With a graceful motion, the former Lady Protector lent forward, taking the remote in hand. Slender fingers curled around it, and this time, unlike other times, she turned off the array without hesitation. With each tentative step toward healing, Cira discovered the courage to confront the inner darkness to acknowledge its existence without letting it dictate the future.

Cira leaned back and gave a heavy exhale. A release. Returning her attention to the one who held her hand with reassuring reverence, she shone a ghost of a smile. In the hushed stillness of the void of his gaze, there lay an ocean of unspoken tales. His eyes, weathered by time's passage, held a quiet fortitude, a resilient tenderness that echoed the unyielding strength of ancient oaks. With every glance, there was a steadying force, a silent assurance that spoke volumes, nurturing Cira's spirit without uttering a word.

In his touch, there's a reverence akin to a sacred ritual, each brush of his fingertips an ode to the years intertwined, a melody composed of shared moments and unspoken understanding. The lines etched upon his face, like chapters of a story, narrate the bloody and bittersweet-filled journey they've traveled together—triumphs, trials, and the seamless blend of joy and sorrow.

Yet, amidst the silent eloquence, there's an unmistakable love that emanates from his every gesture. It's the love that withstands the test of time, growing deeper with each passing year, a love that transcends words and finds solace in the language of shared glances and gentle embraces. It's a love woven into the fabric of their existence, a tapestry of devotion, resilience, and an unwavering promise to stand by her side through every dawn and dusk yet to come.

"How about we take a trip?" She offered a rare and surprising proposition. Yet she did so with the encouraging squeeze of her hand as if to confirm she meant it.
She Left Behind A Legacy



Regarding the Outer Rim Coalition's actions, can you elaborate on any provocations or hostilities initiated by them that contributed to the escalation of the conflict and the subsequent invasion of Pantora?

Romi Jade took a deep breath before responding to the question. "Councilor," she began, her voice carrying a weight of past struggles, "following the fall of the Galactic Alliance, many operatives and surviving Jedi found themselves forming rebel cells, operating in exile within the Outer Rim Coalition. These individuals, myself included, sought to resist the Sith Empire's dominance and, in doing so, engaged in conflicts against Imperial forces."

She continued, recounting the circumstances that led to heightened tensions. "This period saw a series of ongoing conflicts and heavy tensions between the Sith Empire and the Outer Rim Coalition. Rebel cells within the ORC, comprised of former Galactic Alliance members and Jedi, operated with the aim of opposing the Sith's oppressive rule. It was within this context that the ORC initiated hostilities, raiding Rhen Var and subsequently targeting Pantora."

Romi emphasized the broader context of the conflict, acknowledging the provocations initiated by rebel cells within the ORC but also highlighting the overarching resistance against the Sith Empire that motivated these actions.

"Let's pivot to the period right after the subjugation of Rhen Var. First, Master Jade, can you explain why the Jedi Order should dismiss concerns that your actions on Rhen Var were not indicative of a broader pattern of recklessness and potential danger to the Order?"

Jade listened intently to the question, her eyes focused on the defense counsel as he presented his inquiry. The courtroom, though filled with spectators and legal authorities, seemed to fade away as she gathered her thoughts to respond.

"I appreciate the gravity of your question," Romi began, her voice carrying a composed yet earnest tone. "I understand the concerns that may arise from the events on Rhen Var. However, it's crucial to emphasize the unique circumstances of that specific engagement. My actions were a response to an unforeseen situation orchestrated by external forces."

She continued, "Throughout my service to the Jedi Order, I have upheld its principles and codes. My record reflects a commitment to the preservation and well-being of the galaxy. The subjugation of Rhen Var was an anomaly in my otherwise dedicated service. I believe the Jedi Council should evaluate my actions in the broader context of my extensive service and contributions to the Order, taking into account the complex and challenging nature of the conflicts we faced."

Romi's response aimed to emphasize the exceptional nature of the Rhen Var incident, portraying it as an isolated occurrence rather than a representation of a broader pattern of recklessness. Her defense sought to assure the council that her overall record and commitment to Jedi principles were unwavering.

Master Jade, could you elaborate on some of the notable contributions and achievements you've made during your tenure as a Jedi, beyond the context of the events on Rhen Var?

She took a moment to reflect on the vast array of contributions she had made throughout her lengthy tenure as a Jedi. Her gaze remained steady, and her response resonated with a sense of dedication and pride.

"Beyond the battles I've fought..I-" she began, "My service to the Jedi Order extends into various realms I suppose, each rooted in our principles of course. One notable chapter of my journey involved serving as the watchman of the Hapes Cluster. There, I led efforts to root out and repel the encroachment of the Sith, ensuring the safety and security of that star system."

Her voice carried a measured assurance as she continued, "I…took the initiative to establish my own Jedi enclave, where I personally oversaw the guidance of the next generation of Jedi. And, not just to only build skilled warriors but fostering a new era of Jedi committed to the values of peace and justice…and capable of avoiding what happened to me." She paused.

Romi shifted her focus to broader galactic matters, stating, "Moreover, I played a role in galactic diplomacy at times. By bringing together the collective powers of various organizations and corporations, I advocated for a treaty that formed a coalition dedicated to aiding in the cultural progress and restoration of ecosystems across worlds in Wild Space in the aftermath of the Bryn'adul assault."

Her eyes gleamed with sincerity as she continued, "On a more personal note, I've been deeply committed to philanthropy. Helping raise funds for the Survivors & Orphans Fund has been a cause close to my heart, particularly for the widows, widowers, and orphans of security force officers on my homeworld, Corellia.

And I've done all of this at my own volition, not at the behest of any council…just my commitment to the betterment of our galaxy."

Romi's response aimed to underscore the breadth of her contributions, showcasing a multifaceted commitment to the Jedi Order and the galaxy at large.

In the defense of Pantora, you fought alongside the Outer Rim Coalition, yet your past actions directly contributed to the Sith Empire's attack on the planet. How do you reconcile your betrayal with your subsequent defense of the very worlds you endangered?

She faced the question with a composed demeanor, aware of the gravity that this line of inquiry held. Her response carried an unwavering conviction as she addressed the apparent contradiction in her actions.

"I understand the concern that my past actions might be perceived as a betrayal, especially considering the subsequent Sith Empire's attack on Pantora," Romi began, her tone measured and resolute. "However, I don't believe my specific actions alone were the sole provocation for the Empire's invasion. The galaxy is a complex web of conflicts, and often, our choices are entangled in a broader context."

She looked directly at the defense counsel, her eyes reflecting a sense of resolve. "In the defense of Pantora and alongside the Outer Rim Coalition, I fought against the Sith Empire. It was a testament to my commitment to justice and my refusal to stand idly by while tyranny prevailed. It may seem paradoxical, but to me, it was not a betrayal—it was the right thing to do."

Romi's response aimed to emphasize her unwavering commitment to principles of justice and her readiness to defend those in need, even if it meant confronting the consequences of her past actions.

Your involvement in the defense of Pantora was a direct consequence of the Sith Empire's retaliation against the Outer Rim Coalition. How do you respond to accusations that you played a role in escalating the conflict and putting more lives at risk?

She maintained her composed demeanor, ready to address the concerns raised by the defense counsel. She responded with a sense of acknowledgment and a commitment to confront the complexities of her past actions.

"While I understand the perspective that my involvement in the defense of Pantora was a consequence of the Sith Empire's retaliation against the Outer Rim Coalition, I want to emphasize the broader context of the situation," Romi began, her voice steady. "The galaxy is often a tumultuous place, and individual actions are only one part of a larger, intricate tapestry of events."

She looked directly at the defense counsel, her expression conveying sincerity. "I don't believe my actions alone escalated the conflict to the extent of provoking an entire invasion. However, I acknowledge that my participation, however unintended, may have played a role. I am remorseful for any part I may have had in putting lives at risk, and I am prepared to address and answer for those specific concerns."

Romi's response aimed to convey a nuanced understanding of the situation, acknowledging her role within the broader complexities of galactic conflicts and expressing a genuine sense of remorse for any unintended consequences that may have arisen from her actions.

The courtroom took on a brief pause, and the defense counsel, after Romi's last response, taking a moment to reflect on the intricate dance of words that had transpired. The atmosphere was tense, with the weight of the trial hanging in the air.

Romi's measured and nuanced answers seemed to have given the defense counsel pause. They exchanged a subtle glance with their co-counsel, a silent communication passing between them. It was a moment of contemplation, an internal debate on their next move.

After a moment of shared consideration, the lead defense counsel nodded slightly, indicating a decision. They straightened in their seat, a gesture of resolution, and addressed the court.

"Your Honor, we would like to express our gratitude for Master Jade's cooperation and her willingness to address the questions raised. At this time, the defense rests."

The words hung in the courtroom, signaling a temporary cessation in the legal sparring. The judge acknowledged the decision, and with that, the trial moved into a new phase. The anticipation in the room lingered, awaiting the next turn of events in this high-stakes legal drama.

As the defense counsel concluded their statement, a member of the Pantoran Assembly rose from their seat, capturing the attention of the courtroom. Their authoritative voice echoed through the hallowed halls of justice.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the court, I appreciate the efforts of the defense. However, we shall continue with the second half of Master Romi Jade's testimony on Pantora," the assembly member declared, their tone firm and decisive.

The pronouncement hung in the air, redirecting the proceedings to the upcoming phase of the trial. The judge nodded in acknowledgment, and the courtroom buzzed with a renewed sense of anticipation. The transition from Coruscant to Pantora for the continuation of the trial added another layer of complexity, and all eyes turned to the upcoming chapter in this legal saga.


OOC: I'm starting to wrap the testimony part of this up to prep to move into the next phase of this story. I just wanna say a huge thank you to all of you who helped add to this thread from reactions to support, etc any and everything made this an extremely fun read for me. Thank you all for helping me write this.

Feel free to keep adding to this if you want, it will all be used later!

The Parliament scoffed at the testimony Romi gave.

"She needs to get them numbers up. Those are rookie numbers." The Parliament said scornfully.

"Their society is much too soft. Jade's a lightweight." The Battalion The Battalion muttered as the popcorn was passed to her. "Every little landmark gets destroyed and it's like you dumped toxic waste in their cereal."

"She didn't even do the really fun war crimes!" The Parliament complained. "I helped destroy the surfaces of three different planets! I'm actively genocidal towards surviving Bryn'adul! I conducted illegal research that helped kill millions! And they try and skin this woman over being drugged when she did her dirt? These motherfethers, they got their priorities ALL fethin' twisted."

"If I didn't know better, Honey, I'd say you wanted to be on trial..." The Battalion mused.

The Parliament threw her hands up.

"At least the bastards would have some serious crimes to talk about!" The Matriarch of House Io complained. "None of this milquetoast crap. 'Oh, Romi! Why were you so mean and angry?!' Gimme a break..."

The Parliament went to the ship wide intercom panel.


"You think your little scheme is gonna work?" The Battalion asked.

"Dunno." The Parliament shrugged.

"Depends on how long we can keep people in the courtroom..."


While the cops outside had been distracted, one group had managed to get close enough to the building to release a small, small droid from their person. One designed after much larger crab droids used by the ancient CIS.

At this point, Laertia's agitators grew more aggressive in the crowd, and the crowd outside degenerated into a frenzy, until it seemed like protestors could genuinely storm the building. Laertia's agents had made sure to stuff Pantoran Immigrants in the crowd who had lost family to the Sith. The Police had to start fighting them back.

The Micro crab droid however, crawled up the walls, and through vents, slowly, patiently reaching a vent above where the defendant was positioned. It had taken virtually the whole testimony to reach that area.

But once it was above Romi Jade Romi Jade a small nozzle in it's belly opened.

The gas that escaped it was tasteless, odorless...


Sith Poison.

And it began to fall invisibly over Romi...

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