Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi Flight School (Open to Jedi)

Padawan Roman sat in the cockpit, his heart racing as the ship surged forward. The thrill of speed coursed through him, the hum of the engines vibrating in his bones. He watched intently as the landscape transformed below. He could feel the energy in the cabin, his fellow classmates were wide-eyed and gripping their sticks with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

As the instructor manipulated the controls seamlessly, Roman caught fleeting moments of control being handed off to each student. It was a brilliant method of teaching, he thought. The anticipation in the air was palpable, he could sense that they were all caught in the same web of uncertainty and adventure, each wondering when their turn would come to steer.

Master Caltin's voice echoed through the cockpit, guiding them along. Roman shifted in his seat, eager for the moment he'd grasp the stick firmly in his own hands. With each twist and turn, he felt a rush of exhilaration and the weight of responsibility looming in the back of his mind. Would he be ready when the time came?

As they barreled around, he couldn't help but steal glances at the instructor, hoping to glean more of his expertise. Every move, every flick of the wrist, every adjustment of the throttle felt like a lesson in bravery and skill.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina

She moved to the seat and was abler to watch the controls. The others seemed just as interested when the ship began to take off and it would be able to go about it. The small confirmation from the interface as she was observing it for the controls and how she would need to be positioning her hands or controls for the best results. "None for now." She said it with a small nod of her head taking in what he was doing as the ship flew around as well as the others who were there in the ship with her.. they were an interesting collection of people to have and they would be a benefit for learning different perspectives which only would add to the learning analytics of the Atrisian academies.
How’s your dad?

"He's doing well sir. He's been busy keeping those as grounded as possible on Naboo." Aiden nodded with a smile as he was directed towards a seat, while not forgetting to take the refreshments that were offered. That definitely made things so much better and the fact that Master Vanagor wasn't too upset about him running behind.

That was a big relief.

He quickly took his seat and took a deep breath as he glanced around at the others, giving a small smile and nod to those he knew and a friendly introduction to those that he didn't. He rubbed his hands together a bit as he listened carefully to Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Aiden took a grip of the controls as they moved at the behest of Master Vanagor. Aiden did his best to hide his nervousness, even though this was simply training. He had to learn all he could now, because he knew eventually he could be needed and called upon in the skies.

It didn't feel so bad at this moment, however he was being guided. Aiden did his best to memorize every word and advice that was offered and given to him. As well as feeling the movements and hoping they would stay with him.

Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Ryana mina Ryana mina
Be careful what you wish for.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 5
TAG (ALLIES) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi |
(OOC Note - Apologies for missing yesterday, was watching a movie and fell asleep on the bed)

Canyon after canyon at breakneck speed, the corvette was showing what it could do but inside it was as comfortable as a night at the holomovies. That was no accident, but Caltin would not get into detail about that just yet, he was still switching control to each student without their knowing (until they could feel the added “tug” of the stick.) When they finally regained altitude and were back in open sky, following another corvette, he hit a switch and stood up. @Ryana would recognize the other ship in two ways, both visually and through a Force Bond.

”Sometimes you have to walk before you can crawl…”, Master Jinn once told me when I was a youngling learning how to Force Jump. Anyway, as you may have guessed, I gave you a taste of the fun of flying. Holding his middle and index fingers in close proximity to each other as he spoke.

You have to pay attention though, the engines, the systems, there are a lot of moving parts here. I know that seems like a “that goes without saying” comment, but you would be surprised at what can go wrong. I mean, each of these ships come with a steward droid that was somehow reprogrammed into singing “Opera” recently… anyway... He met eyes with Susanoo.

I am sure you have figured out a major difference by now to the Sasori model, or maybe it is the same, I do not know the specifics, but for those who do not know. Have you wondered why you might be feeling so comfortable right now? Have you noticed how you can sense the other pilot in the other corvette… even the guest? He looked around to everyone, dropping a quick knowing wink to Ryana. Every ship available to you in this class is imbued with various Force abilities. For example the sensors are imbued with Force Awareness, the controls with farsight, and the entire cockpit with healing. Flying can be stressful. He shrugged with a smirk.

Why not take that out of the equation, right? Also, each model is built specifically to your measurements, always have been, always will be.

Looking around the room again.

Alright, anyone have a question? A remark?

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina

She felt the controls and the question taking a moment to collect the thoughts to herself as she spoke and was using them with practiced motions. "It is different but similar enough, Sasori's jedi models are grown from a sapling and imbued with force reactive fluid giving it a consciouness and life itself. Making the ship as much a part of you are anything else. So it can react to defend itself and adjust where you might fall short or miss something. Same with the small in built AI's that were developed to maintain within the ship the highest levels of performance. This moves smoothly and has a calming sensation... in combat it would be harder to get flustered or angry compared to others which could cause a mistake." SHe said it and it wasn't a knock just the observation of the differences while she turned her head. "There is also not a choushin biot standing over your shoulder observing aand judging you silently... they can be unnerving."

Padawan Roman sat in the cockpit, eyes wide with wonder as the corvette soared through the sky, maneuvering effortlessly through the canyons. The exhilarating rush of speed coursed through his veins, a mix of fear and excitement that made him feel more alive than ever. He tightened his grip on the controls, keenly aware of the dual presence in the cockpit.

Master Caltin's words echoed in his mind as he absorbed the intricacies of flying--every twitch, every pulse of energy felt like a symphony waiting to be directed. The comfort of the ship enveloped him, the Force weaving through the structure like an invisible safety net, heightening his senses. Roman dared to glance at his fellow students, stealing a glance at Ryana, who was focused intently on her controls, her brow furrowed in concentration.

When Master Caltin mentioned the uniqueness of the ships' design, a spark ignited within Roman. "Imbued with Force abilities." he whispered to himself, a smile creeping onto his face. He could feel the vibrancy of the ship, the life thrumming beneath him, and the encouragement of the Force guiding him forward.

As Caltin encouraged questions, Roman hesitated for just a moment before raising his hand, eagerness bubbling to the surface. "Master Caltin." he asked, his voice steady, "How do we connect more deeply with the ship? I can feel the energy, but I want to understand how to use it better while piloting."

Be careful what you wish for.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 6
TAG (ALLIES) : @Ryana mina | @Aiden Porte | @Roman Vossari | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | @Susanoo Tsukuyomi |

It’s not a competition, if it was, your people won long ago…

While Vanagor was listening intently, and nodding to each point, he couldn’t help but wonder if the Atrisian pilot was taking his comments personally. Did he not already concede that GAL neither had the resources, reach or influence that Sasori did? Nor were they trying to? Then again, maybe that is just the way of their people. It was not always that way, then again the last time he had visited the planet was to learn Jar’Kai over eight hundred years ago. He was not mad, or insulted or anything, just surprised at the details being mulled over.

Impressive set up. I have visited several facilities that show just how incredible Sasori and their R&D capabilities really are. Nodding as he thought about bringing up more, but letting it go, that would be counter-productive.

I know that they are involved in AI and combat AI and unmanned craft and so on with “Guardian” but that is all I know. There is nothing wrong with what is done with Sasori, I guess it just depends on your tastes.

Then he had heard the incoming question but almost let it fly over his head thanks to two words… “Master Caltin”...

… yeah…

… Vanagor fought back the irritation of the address, but fought it off. He could see that the Padawan was not used to being around him and did not know of his ridiculous adherence to the “old ways” in addressing a Master. He would let that slide as well, but the Roman’s question brought up some questions that Vanagor could not answer.

You do not truly “Connect with the ship” in the manner you would with a Sasori version, at least that is what I am understanding of their version. He looked around to everyone. Well… It would be better if I showed you. FOllow me.
Walking out of the cockpit and into the common/training area, he opened up the hollow viewer and brought up the blueprints of the ship. This is what you would be able to read and see once you take ownership of a unit.

The Cockpit materials imbued with Force Healing (When the Jedi sits in the cockpit, the leather begins to heat and pulse, soothing pulled muscles, healing non-life-threatening cuts, and massaging tired skin, much like a massage chair.)
Standard Comms-system package (Imbued with Force telepathy) (while a you reach great distances when reaching out to others, this comms package can extend the abilities of the Jedi enabling them to project an image, or speak to another from further away.)
Eagle Eye Sensor Suite (imbued with Force Sense - The user can extend their own ability to sense other Force Users in the area. Much like a sensor array could pick up other ships,

So, I guess you could say that if you wanted a specialized, upgraded version, you would go with Sasori, it sounds like a great ship. “Guardian’s” model is one that I had a hand in designing and it relies more on the pilot, but gives some help where needed.

He shrugged, looking around for more questions.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina

She gave a nod of acknowledgement and it wans't a competition as she continued to work at the controls and monitor it. Listenign to the others and feeding information across her interface visor on the inside of her glasses. She listened as he explained the connection one could have with the force itself. SHe followed as he was showing it and guiding them with more answers to the questikons. Her hands in front of herself and she bowed her head as her questions were answered and she was seeing more what they could do.. she was interested in the other things they would fly as this was impressive to start so she looked forward to it.
Be careful what you wish for.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 6
TAG (ALLIES) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi |

Satisfied that all of the questions were answered for now, but knew more were coming, he turned back towards the cockpit..

Don’t hesitate with the questions, for now we’re going to take a meal break as we get back into the landing bay. Then we’ll fly something else fun. Sitting back down in the cockpit, he flipped the switch from “auto” back to “manual” and began the descent back into the landing bay itself.

Pay close attention to this as landing is not easy. It’s not a matter of pushing forward in the stick and putting down landing gear, you’re paying attention to the controls, the repulsors, all of it. Now these setups are very “user friendly” so once the system recognizes a landing approach, lights will blink on for the next system you have to either pay attention to or work..

Caltin was very much a “Master” Pilot, not that he ever really lauded over it, this and engineering always came natural to the big guy, as natural as combat. So normally he would come barreling in and land quickly, as it was as simple as walking. However, here, he took his time to make sure that each student saw the lights and the controls being used. Once the ship was settled and systems were shutting down, the big man stood with an eager look.

Let’s eat! The dining hall was not huge, as this was not the largest of Enclaves, but another thing Caltin loves to do is cook, so he had a hand in what was served. So there were chef stations everywhere, as if this was some high priced, highly influential conference. It could make one wonder if it was that way every day(it was). Various Knights and Masters were strewn about, eating and discussing the day's events. Caltin was sitting with Padawans and staff, answering questions and generally conversing to make all feel comfortable. Of course there were empty seats at the table for anyone that wanted to sit there, if not that's okay too.

When everyone was done with their meal, no rush or set time, all involved were to meet back at the launch bay where the big man was in the middle of a group of "Big Grumpy" Starfighters with his arms folded. Welcome back. Hopefully all of you ate well.)

(OOC- If your character has any questions, feel free and ask them. I moved things a little bit, but don’t let that stop you.)

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi

Ryana watched the lesson and listened to caltin give his lesson with unmatched focus and intensity. Partially because she didn't have pip to look after but mainly because she wanted to learn and she was doing so she didn't have any questions at the moment absorbing the information like a sponge. As she followed caltin around listening to him speak she was here partially because her new master told her about the class but also because she wanted to learn everything she could.

As they broke for food ryana got a quick bite and was one of the first back to the launch bay. As she stood there looking at the fighters as she waited for the others to arrive.

Padawan Roman settled into his seat at the dining hall, a plate full of vibrant vegetables and savory roasted meat before him. It wasn't just the delicious food drawing him in, it was the anticipation of learning from Master Caltin, whose reputation as both a pilot and a cook preceded him. The aroma wafting from the chef stations made the hall feel alive with energy and camaraderie. A few empty seats surrounded him, yet he found comfort in the company of fellow Padawans and staff, all engaged in lively discussions.

As he listened intently to everyone share stories of past missions, Roman's enthusiasm bubbled over. He felt a thrill each time Caltin imparted bits of wisdom about flying and combat. The master's passion was infectious, and Roman found himself hanging on every word, imagining the day he would master the controls like Caltin did.

When the meal came to a leisurely end, Roman could hardly contain his excitement at the prospect of boarding the starfighter again. He had questions brimming in his mind, most of them related to maneuvers and the in-depth mechanics of the ship. After all, he wanted to grasp not just the "how" but the "why" of everything Caltin demonstrated.

As he joined the other Padawans in making their way to the launch bay, the sight of Caltin standing confidently among the imposing "Big Grumpy" Starfighters brought a smile to Roman's face. The master's presence instilled a sense of safety and inspiration.


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