Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi Flight School (Open to Jedi)

Roman felt a surge of anticipation as they approached the landing zone of the Shadow Temple. It had been an exhilarating day, weaving through the clouds and testing the limits of their piloting skills under Master Caltin's watchful eye. As the ship dipped gently towards the landing pads, he tightened his grip on the controls, excitement bubbling within him alongside the lingering adrenaline from their flight.

When the ship thudded down with a satisfying bump, Roman immediately felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him. He unclipped his headset and swung open the canopy, the cool air rushing in and invigorating him. Climbing out, he glanced across at his fellow students, their faces reflecting a mix of joy and relief.

Caltin's voice broke through the din of engines and laughter. Roman listened intently, a grin spreading across his face as he heard the praise in the Master's words. They had come far, he thought, each maneuver honed through diligence and teamwork.

As Caltin mentioned the intricacies of atmospheric versus space flight, Roman couldn't help but feel a thrill at the prospect of learning more.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jonyna Si Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina

The flight was looking better and better as she observed the read out... communication from Master Caltin was coming in as the western wolf had more of a look on her face when they were set to bring it in. "{Understood."{ She said it when checking over everything and finding the place she would be able to land and brought it in. Exited the craft and tapping the side of her glasses as she looked over the ship with a nod and then there were the others who were there. THen caltin was talking about what they could also do it examples of whaat one would do... "How common are aquatic fighters? We worked to have Atrisian vessels able to go from space to underwater where needed to fight when Mythos came after us."
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 8
TAG (ALLIES) : @Ryana mina | @Roman Vossari | @Susanoo Tsukuyomi |

Oh, you mean those? He responded to Susanoo’s questions, looking over at the Mantas.

They are capable of atmospheric and submersible flight, but the company is said to be still working on space travel. He made sure to keep eye contact as he spoke about them.

They are more than capable, but there needs to be more sealed compartments, especially around the hyperdrive, without giving way to other efficiencies, I guess. He wasn’t really giving a lot of information, to be fair, but Vanagor had little to nothing to do with the design. Then he looked at each of them.

Any other questions? He asked, giving each a chance to ask anything they wanted before looking back at the X-wings.

The last thing I can really teach you is best done in an X-Wing. Up for it? Or happy with what you have learned? It was really up to them.


Padawan Roman leaned forward, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he listened to Caltin's words. He felt a thrill at the mention of the sleek, agile X-wings, their iconic shapes vivid in his imagination. Glancing over at Susanoo and the others, he couldn't help but sense the shared enthusiasm in the room.

When Master Caltin asked if they had any other questions, Roman raised his hand briefly, but he was too eager to wait. With a bright smile, he exclaimed, "I'd love to fly in an X-wing!" His heart raced at the thought of soaring through the skies, the controls under his hands, and the stars glimmering just beyond.

"Let's do it!" he said, his voice enthusiastic. Roman's passion for flight and the thrill of adventure radiated from him, his spirit alight with the possibility of the impending experience.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina

She gave a nod to that... the aquatic element of fighters wasn't massive or its use... really it was just part of the general all in one engagement scenarios that their military commanders worked on. She had no other major questions in this case and piloting an x-wing or model of them... as she had seen nearly everygroup in the galaxy developed a model of x-wing... so it went a long way and she was going to learn the differences in the variable designs. "No further questions." She said it while listening to the others and there was a good amount of interaction that would come from the ones who were there and the few who had left or seemed to go off on their own.
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 8
TAG (ALLIES) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi |

Alright, let’s do it. He said, turning and walking towards the latest iteration of the iconic starfighter. Alright, since each of you have become adept in flying so quickly, let’s consider this to be your final test for this class. He said, getting in and putting the flight helmet on.

[Follow me out and to the coordinates I am sending you. With that he started up the ship’s systems and lifted off before the canopy even fully closed. In moments, he was off and out of the starport. If they did not follow, that was alright, this was sort of sudden, but if they did, then that would move on to the next part of the test.

Screaming up into the heavens and through the stratosphere, eventually reaching, and leaving orbit, he shut down the sublight engines and waited for each of them to get there. [Alright, next is jumping to and traveling in lightspeed, you cannot do this without a functioning navcomputer, as you will see lighting on your panels… now…] He then entered coordinates that he sent to everyone else and started up the sequence.

Just like the basic controls, you enter the coordinates I sent you and then take control of the throttle and you are off. With that, he had jumped to lightspeed quickly and was 5 sectors away when their sensors would pick him up. Once all of them followed and pulled up to a formation with him, he spoke up again.

[Alright, last part. Meet me at the Starport. No hints, no help. You get back completely on what I have shown you. If you cannot, don’t worry, the astromechs with you are prepared to fly you back. No shame. We can try again tomorrow.] Without another word, he jumped to lightspeed again and was picked up dropping out of lightspeed over Kashyyyk and entering the atmosphere.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina

Listening and getting into the cockpit she had a look. THe droid preparing and interfacing with her glasses so that it could relay information when she listened. The coordinates coming to her and she set a recall beacon in case it was needed with her own fighter. So in case anything happened she would be able to have it come and get her as it moved in patrol mode and waited there off to the side. The astromech beeping and whooping for her as she moved into the cockpit and looked it over. "Kind of small and tight." She said it to the droid as she secured herself into the seat and began the take off procedures.

Making sure it was clear for take off and the others in the class weren't nearby. Then they were off as her hands were on the controls and the droid was speaking with her. "Yes, my fighter isn't that much larger structurally but it is made to act like a mobile home in case of incident or if you are traveling... and it can shhift to a walker mode." She said it pulling back on the throttle and bringing up the hyperdrive coordinates that they would be able to jump from and Kashyyyk looked like a green gemstone for a moment before the spun the ship around and gunned it to clear the gravity. "Engaging hyperdrive."

Her voice said it and the droid beeped. "Yes." The starlines appeared... the feeling in the stomach was there and it was still going as she sat in the seat. The droid sending more questions and things across her screen as the internal computer of her interface visor was answering just as quickly most of them but a few slipped through. "Yes the Western Wolves.... we are the class at the western atrisian military academy and the ones who usually go to Lotus wing for the military." She was thinking about it for a moment and brought her hands up to make sure her hair was properly set and not coming out of place. "Come now we have a little time to travel."

Roman tightened the straps of his flight harness as he settled into the cockpit of the X-wing. The familiar hum of the ship's systems awakened an excitement within him, amplifying the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He observed Master Caltin as he expertly maneuvered the starfighter, lifting off with a grace that Roman aspired to emulate.

"Alright," Roman whispered to himself, drawing in a deep breath, "time to show what I've learned."

With a flick of his wrist, he powered on the engines and felt the thrusters respond beneath him. The roar of the reactors ignited his determination. He glanced at the displays, aligning the coordinates that flashed across his screen, feeling the heaviness of the test looming ahead.

As Caltin ascended beyond the starport, Roman followed, his heart racing in rhythm with the pulsations of the engines. The view outside transformed from the starkness of the hangar to the vastness of the sky, and Roman marveled at the streaking clouds and the glinting stars beyond. He focused, his hands steadying against the controls, guiding the X-wing with newfound confidence.

"Just like in training," he reminded himself, recalling the countless simulations they had practiced. "You've got this."

Reaching space, he settled into the navigation sequence with care, entering the coordinates Caltin had sent. The cockpit lit up with a cascade of lights, signaling success. As the sublight engines powered down, he prepared for the jump.

The shimmer of the stars shifted into ethereal streaks as Roman engaged the hyperdrive, mirroring Caltin's move. In an instant, he was propelled through the cosmos, exhilaration flooding him anew.

"No hints, no help," he recalled Caltin saying, an echo of challenge hanging in the air. Glancing at the other students nearby, their faces reflected a mix of determination and uncertainty.

Roman grinned, feeling the challenge course through him. He traced their flight paths on his display, then set his sights on the bustling starport that awaited them below. Breathing in deeply, he took control, turning the X-wing towards the vibrant green world, ready to weave through the towering trees and glistening water landscapes that made up the beautiful planet.

"This is it," he thought, fueled by the spirit of competition. "Time to bring it home." With a final push of the throttle, Roman engaged his flight maneuvers, feeling the intuitive connection to the ship as they sliced through the atmosphere, carving a path to the starport that awaited.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Ryana was happy to be here and learning to fly and when caltin was offering to teach space travel and lightspeed she was game as she jumped into her x-wing. She was prepping take off procedures when she felt a familiar presence scuttling around her ship making her chuckle as she levitated the small racyon into her lap as the cockpit closed. "Be good no mischief" she said giving pip a headscratch before fastening pip into her safety harness as she prepared to take off pip being unusually calm and tame.

As she jumped to lightspeed with the coordinates caltin sent pip enjoyed the view and seemed to revel in the speed the x-wing provided and so did Ryana she chuckled as pip purred and yelped with joy. As they made jumped after jump to get to where caltin was 5 sectors away from kashyyk as she and pip dropped out of lightspeed she looked at her fellow students as pip became wrestless on her lap "we'll be jumping in a second calm yourself" she said giving pip headscratches as they looked at each other.

As ryana began began punching the coordinates for lightspeed pip wiggled out and maxed out the throttle sending them to lightspeed prematurely. As the small racyon purred and yipped in joy throughout the time of hyperspace ryana was in panic right as they came out in kashyyks atmosphere. In it's forest as she quickly took the helm dodging trees and winding through trees as her astromech droid screamed. And pip held on for dear life still enjoying the flight for what felt like eternity until they got back to the landing pad and landed "you almost got us killed" she yelled at pip the small racyon could feel her genuine anger at him. Through their force bond "you where supposed to stay with connel and buster" she yelled again as she grabbed the small racyon and opened the canopy to her x-wing and climbed out holding pip. She set him onto the ground and the small racyon stayed next to her she was angry with him but could feel his heart break and how sad he was as she walked up to caltin her features softened but pip was still saddened.
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 9
TAG (ALLIES) : @Ryana mina | @Roman Vossari | @Susanoo Tsukuyomi |

As they all flew in and landed somewhat safely, Caltin leaned against his X-wing and nodded.

Congratulations one and all. You made it. The ship you choose… is to be your own. My people will just need a couple of days to customize it to fit your exact needs. He said this, paying full attention to Ryana and the little scared Racyon. Pip was sad to have angered her. He took the moment to crouch down and pull a couple of grapes out of his pocket. Pip was at first not sure whether to take them, but he nodded. It’s okay little man, I’m not as mean as I look. He offered a smile.

You look like you’re pretty afraid to fly… so while it’s your “momma”’s choice of ship she wants, we’ll make sure that it is more than comfortable for you. We’re also going to make sure that it’s “Pip” proof… The last bit cough Pip’s attention with a look as if to say “Wha?”

Caltin nodded. Oh yeah, I’ve heard all about you… you little crazy boy… The ship your “momma” chooses will have extra things added that even you can’t get into. Standing up full, he winked. Connel could be seen on the other end of the Landing Bay holding a wiggling Buster and yelling “Pip! You little crazy! Where are you?”

Again, congratulations everyone. Enjoy your ships and bring them back here for maintenance.


As Roman brought his X-wing gently down onto the landing pad, a surge of relief washed over him. The roar of the engines faded, and he unstrapped himself with a smile forming on his face. He had always admired the way Master Caltin led them through their training--through every twist and turn in the skies.

Exiting the cockpit, he caught sight of Caltin leaning against his own ship, a look of satisfaction on his face as he welcomed the newly trained pilots. Roman stepped forward, the excitement bubbling inside him, and, with a respectful nod, he approached the master.

"Thank you, Master Caltin," he said, his voice steady but laced with genuine gratitude. "Your teachings kept us all steady, especially when the pressure was highest. I never knew flying could feel so… alive."

Roman nodded, feeling a sense of duty and purpose settle within him. As he walked away, heart soaring, he felt ready for whatever lay ahead--the vastness of the galaxy no longer felt daunting, only filled with endless possibilities.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina

The flight back in hyperspace was different and arriving she breathed in and out. Her sensors on her interface with a beacon allowing her to find it back while the astromech droid was bringing her back towards the world perfectly. "Good work." She said it and the ship was heading down as the voice came over the comlink and she gave a nod.. bringing it in as the fight was over for now... the fighter that she had brought getting a signal as the walker moved up and was at the ready for whatever she would need to do.
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Ryana had already felt herself softening towards pip before caltin started speaking she couldn't stay mad at the small racyon even if she wanted to the force bond between them didn't help either. She felt how sorry pip felt and it broke the lethans heart as she listened to caltin talk to pip she saw the grapes and so did pip who immediately perked up. The little racyon happily took the couple of grapes and munched down on them as he and ryana listened to caltin speak.

"His problem is that he's a little gremlin and he loves flying even if it gets him and I killed" she said teasingly as pip stuck his tongue out at ryana. She motioned with her hand a pair of scissors and pips tongue shot into his mouth. As he and ryana listened to caltin speak again she laughed a little bit at the thought "it would be nice not to have some privacy without having to scold pip all over again" she said. She saw buster and connel and pip heard connel speak "go get them" she said as pip scurried over to connel and buster.

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