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Jedi Flight School (Open to Jedi)

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 1
TAG (ALLIES) : @Ryana mina | @Aiden Porte | @Roman Vossari | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser |Open to up to 6 more

As the sun was coming up over the Horizon of Kashyyyk, it was going to be a beautiful day. It had been a while since he had taught a group class, and that was because he was beginning to abhor them, but Caltin wanted to get this Temple going, and get the name out. It was ironic considering the name of it was “The Shadow Temple” but…

Anyone coming had either arrived the previous afternoon, or are arriving as we speak. So he made sure (as he always did) to have plenty of refreshments as well as the supplies and reference material. This would be a proper class, not “Throw them in and watch what they do”... or at least that is the way everything looked to be. He was in the middle of filling his travel mug with some iced caff as some of the ground crew approached him with some questions and directives needed.

The class was set up in the landing bay (Click here and look for the landing bay to see what ships are available ) simple comfortable chairs in a circle around an open center with various types of ships they could use and learn on surrounding them. It could be considered “Distracting” but it also showed just how real this was.

He was going over in his head what they would do on the first day when the first Jedi had shown…

(OOC Note- I will post here once a day to keep the class going and show progression. That does not mean that YOU have to. If you want to, PLEASE DO, you are more than welcome. Please post at your own comfort and pace and react however you wish. This is a class and you will get your choice of ship from it if you wish one, but do not feel the need to keep up with me if you don’t feel comfortable.)


"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)
The late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay,
Sanctuary Island
'The Western Wolves are being sent to Kashyyyk... well at least one of you. Bring what knowledge is gained back for the other pilots.'

THe order had been given and the Western Wolves were Atrisian elite in some cases... one of the few flying units in that space that operated with force users. THeir Wukong Jedi and Susanoo was more then happy to show what they could do as she piloted the Silver Shield Class Jedi Starfighter to the world. It was an upgraded jedi model of their normal fighters. It moved quickly bypassing the security and interdiction network the Commonwealth had set up before going through the silk gate into the core worlds and then setting the course for Kashyyyk. The fighter feeding her information as she sat there in her jumpsuit with readouts coming. The biot brain feeding information before they jumped to hyperspace.

Then they were out a few moments later, the advanced drives and hyperdrive designed to make travel faster when the coordinates to the new temple came. The silver haired atrisian was sitting there for a moment as she looked over the information and coordinates bringing the ship in. Her hands on the controls when it moved to land and she adjusted it. The cockpit shifting with her as the fighter went into its walker and patrol mode as it landed allowing her to slip out and it could take up less space. She stood as tall as the average Atrisian could and slid her glasses up.. less for correcting vision then acting with her interface and optical overlay.


Padawan Roman stepped cautiously into the expansive landing bay of the Shadow Temple, his wide eyes drinking in the sight around him. It was still early, with the sun barely peeking over the high treetops of Kashyyyk, casting long shadows that danced across the cold, metal floor. He could hear the unique wilderness sounds of the planet, the distant calls of Wookiees, the rustling of leaves, and the faint hum of machines preparing for the day, and all of it made his heart race with excitement.

He had arrived just before dusk the previous evening, fatigue hanging heavy on his shoulders after the long journey, but the energy of this place had reinvigorated him. Now, here he stood, a Padawan on the verge of something great, and the thrill of anticipation surged through him as he took his first steps into the bay.

His gaze was immediately drawn to the centerpiece of the bay: a striking "Jedi Defender" Class Light Corvette, sleek and majestic, its metallic structure glimmering in the soft morning light. Roman felt his breath catch in his throat as he approached it. This vessel was more than just a starship; it embodied the ideals of the Jedi, strength, protection, and grace. It was a beautiful weapon meant for peacekeeping rather than conflict.

He circled the ship, awed by its streamlined design. The dark hull of the Corvette contrasted sharply with the lush greens of the Kashyyyk landscape outside the bay. He noticed the intricate details that adorned its exterior, the engravings etched into the metal, the way the sunlight sparkled off the vessel's surface, and the powerful engines that lay dormant, promising untold adventures and journeys among the stars.

Taking a deep breath, Roman stepped away from the ship and took a seat among his fellow students. He could hardly shake his excitement and nerves, the anticipation brimming within him. He had traveled far to be here, to learn, to grow, and to uncover the true meaning of being a Jedi.

With hope in his heart, Roman settled into his chair, ready for whatever lessons awaited him in this hallowed temple. The "Shadow Temple" may have been a name steeped in enigma, but he felt certain that the day ahead would illuminate new paths in his journey. Today, he would step forward, lighting his own star.




TAG: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi

Jonyna had arrived in the same ship she had long allowed Dice to fly for her.

The Skytiger, a custom painted Saber Class X-wing, one she had gotten as part of the NJO. Kashyyyk was always a bittersweet planet for her, home of her Ex, and where she had fought Domina Prime Domina Prime to a standstill.

But she needed this kinda training eventually. Flying had always been her weakest skill, despite Zash's attempts in the past to fix that. She could fly straight, land, and even maneuver, but she was never....good at it. But she wanted to be. She was a jedi master now after all, she needed to live up to the legacy of the Skywalkers of the world.

Looking to the other students, she felt a little out of place walking into a class like this as a master. But, as her mother had told her, there was always more to learn. Always more to hone. Always more to master.

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 2
TAG (ALLIES) : @Ryana mina | @Aiden Porte | @Roman Vossari | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | @Susanoo Tsukuyomi

As more and more Jedi walked in, Caltin made a point to greet each of them personally, from Roman Vossari Roman Vossari being the first one in, to a council member of the New Jedi Order (and his offer of belated congratulations) Jonyna Si Jonyna Si . A few of the young Knights who had moved into residency at the Shadow Temple and then he came across a woman who looked to be a tall Atrisian woman (@Susanoo Tsukuyomi). This observation was made because she had the proportionate look of one who came from the planet, except she was tall. Nothing prejudicial, or judgmental, though he was surprised to see the spectacles.

You must be here at the behest of Master Ike. He said offering a respectful greeting. Master Vanagor at your service. Letting her gather herself and walk around, or take a seat, or whatever she really wished, he stepped into the center of the room.

Alright, we are going to be starting in a few moments, I want to let those running behind to have the time to get here. You’re going to fly every ship you see here at least once before this class is over, don’t worry, they all have similar control sets. It did not matter what they chose, they would be flying none of them today, today was all about theory and application. They would go up in each ship to learn its idiosyncrasies but also the individuality. Not to mention the imbuing of the Force on each.



"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)
The late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay,
Sanctuary Island
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi

Ryana arrived day early mainly so she could get the lay of the land for the temple and make sure there was nothing to terrible for pip her racyon to get into while she was at this class. She left him with buster and connel but knowing how buster and pip get when they're together she wanted to make sure the temple would be as intact as possible when she left. She trusted connel would keep the two of them in line but it was a new place.

As she ran through the halls she knew she was late it was unavoidable well mostly unavoidable as she ran through the halls and down the ramp. She made it to caltin "I'm sorry for being late master vanagor" she said as she bowed before taking her place among the other students. She had previous experience in piloting well mostly mild crashing but they where basically the same thing just for a very short time before she was forced to stop. That's why she signed up for this class to attempt to learn a new skill.
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina

SHe looked at the large jedi master and gave a half nod... "Princess Ike but she was asked by Master Ike." She said it more so the line of command was clear. The princess and royal family sent them where to go not the jedi... though the prince and princess were technically jedi so... she was lost at times but that didn't mean much as others were coming and she gave a bow. THe others were just as much an assortment as the jedi master leading the class spoke and the chance to pilot so many of the different vessels would be something to bring back to the other wolves at least to inform them of what could be gleamed and learned. "Understood." She said it and took a seat as she was remaining there with a small tight lipped smile... it was fun to see what they could get up to.
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 3
TAG (ALLIES) : @Ryana mina |

As Susanoo walked away and made herself comfortable, and after he made his short announcement, Caltin was happy to see the next Learner come into the landing bay. It was Mina, she was worried about nothing as he offered a welcoming smile and a pat on her shoulder.

Nothing to apologize for, kiddo. This place can be confusing when you’re here for the first time, I get it. By the way, I hear congratulations are in order. He did not say anything else about that but was indeed talking about her becoming Connel’s Padawan. Either way, glad you’re here. With a wink, he nodded towards the refreshment cart and the inordinately large amount of grapes. Mouthing the words “I heard.”



Roman sat in the sturdy chair situated in the landing bay, his eyes dancing over the array of fellow Jedi filing in. The metallic aroma of the bay mingled with the tang of energy pulses from the ships parked neatly in their designated spaces. Fleets of starfighters, transports, and shuttles, all gleaming under the overhead lights, stood poised for their turn in the spotlight of today's lessons.

He absently munched on a handful of refreshments, the mildly sweet puffs of fried dough were a cherished treat he enjoyed. It was a small comfort amid the flutter of excitement and nerves that filled the bay as more and more students arrived. The anticipation hung thick like hot air in the summer, a tangible reminder of the knowledge they all sought.

Roman watched as Master Caltin moved with practiced ease, greeting each Jedi with a warm sense of camaraderie. His smile radiated from his large frame, and Roman couldn't help but admire the way he engaged everyone with genuine interest. Roman knew that no one left that moment without feeling a little more uplifted. Caltin's way of fostering community among the Jedi reminded him of the bond they all shared, each unique but connected through their shared purpose.

Among the arrivals, Roman spotted a council member of the New Jedi Order. It was rare to see such integral figures taking time away from their responsibilities to learn alongside the other Jedi. Roman felt a flicker of pride swell in his chest, recognizing that the Jedi way was not just about hierarchy, but also about humility and the endless pursuit of growth. It was this ethos that maintained the strength and unity of their order, nurturing the next generation while challenging the existing members.

As Master Caltin's voice rang clear above the chatter, announcing that they would begin in a few moments, Roman settled back in his chair, focusing on the eager expressions of his fellow Jedi. Roman felt a tingle of excitement at that. The prospect of getting hands-on experience with the various starships was thrilling, yet he recognized the importance of understanding each vessel's unique attributes. It was the thrill of the chase intertwined with the discipline of knowledge. He was eager to soak it all in, the synergy of theory and practice dancing in his mind like stars in orbit around a distant planet.

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 3
TAG (ALLIES) : @Ryana mina | @Aiden Porte | @Roman Vossari | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | @Susanoo Tsukuyomi |

Alright, everyone that was going to be here, well, they were here. So it was time to get to work and as the floor in the center of the “class area” opened up, a holoviewer rose up to be seen. It was a standard viewer, nothing special other than the fact that it rose from the ground. Suddenly what looked to be lines and lines of “legalease” text filled the humming blue screen.

Welcome to Fllight Theory 101, this is the training course to be trained one training for tra…. The smirk on his face was too hard to hold back, Caltin shook his head and switched the viewer off and then back on. Different views of the ships available, even various angles of cameras in and around the class itself. Patting Roman on the shoulder, he continued his walk.Only kidding. This will be nowhere near that level of formalcy. Everyone thinks that it comes naturally for a Jedi to be able to fly one of these things, to come up with that “lucky shot” that can end Imperial Tyranny, or at least stall it. Well, that is not the case. The Force can do a lot of things, but it cannot do things for you, it can only assist. So here we are.

With a smirk, he looked at a still overwhelmed Morellian Padawan. That made sense, right? No, well then… Walking away from the viewer and around each individual, he made sure to make eye contact. One of the most poignant things my Master told me as a Padawan, it stuck with me to this day is that “I will not be teaching you anything. Every skill you have and need are already locked inside you. We will merely be unlocking them. The hardest part was coming to class this morning. That is over with. Now the rest is… well… “insert your own metaphor”.

Taking a sip from his travel mug, he made eye contact with Jonyna and a nod. He would not point out who she was, based on the different sections of the galaxy that were represented here, She deserved her privacy when and where it was available.

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple
| OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 4
TAG (ALLIES) : Ryana mina Ryana mina ] | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi

Alright, to Mustafar with this boredom… let’s go flying. Follow me. With a wave, the big man went walking towards a specific ship. It was a “Jedi Defender” Corvette. Alright, this puppy here is a redesign to an OLD “Old Republic” design. Originally built as a mobile platform, training center, and base of operations for Jedi out in the field. The Corvette was equipped with powerful deflector shields, a hyperdrive, and a complement of turbolasers. It was also capable of carrying a small squadron of starfighters. It was a formidable craft, capable of withstanding even the wrath of a Sith Lord. Stepping onto the loading ramp and walking up he waved for everyone to follow.

The company that graciously designed, built, and donated them… … leaving out that he was a silent partner in said company… Took the general design and went a few steps further. For example, each model is equipped with a pilot and an operational droid brain as well as slots for up to four astromechs, allowing for a single Jedi to travel without issue. Various systems and sections of the ship are more often than not imbued with the Force, enhancing healing, and awareness.

Taking a sip from his travel mug, as he made way to the top of the ramp, he extended his hands outward. This is more of a “trainer”, as you can see. He said, walking to the cockpit area and pointing out the individual “pilot seats”.

Alright, I will be sitting in the main chair for this first trip, each “seat” is set up with matching systems all “slaved” to mine, so you will see what I do as you hear me tell you about it. Now, these systems were designed to be easy to learn, but please do pay attention. Are there any questions so far?

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina

She listened to the plan and then they were going to a ship and looking at it she felt semi confident... The vessel looked like the standard Saotome Defender class the Atrisians used. The talk about it though was showing it was a vastly different model as she went into it and towards sthe seats they would be able to watch and learn. She sat there as the kirano interface was overlaying and learning with her glasses. "This doesn't look like the Sasori model rebuild or their jedi variant. Who made it?" She said it as the internal AI for the interface was registering and overlaying the schematics. Her eyes flicking in small movements to navigate the information that was coming over it as she took a seat.
"Oh dear."

"Oh dear."

Aiden voiced as he was sprinting throughout the Shadow Temple to catch up with the rest of the class.

Why am I even doing this....? Aiden thought as he finally made his way to the rest of the group. Oh yea! The muffins. Aiden remembered as he was promised there would be muffins here. However when he thought back to the class a few days ago, he was indeed duped there. It's possible it could happen once more.

Addison was the flier, he was not. However he knew that he had to learn and essentially get over this hump in his Jedi journey.

"Forgive my lateness Master Vanagor!" Aiden said with small bow. "I got lost."

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Ryana mina Ryana mina Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 4
TAG (ALLIES) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi |

A comparatively small contracting company by the name of “Guardian Authority Ltd.” They are more about outreach and vacation destinations, so… The answer was simple, and as honest as it was vague. He was not hiding anything, but it was not his desire to broadcast anything about himself in this regard. As for the differences between this, and the Sasori model, this one has a third sublight and hyperdrive engine. Not to the level of Sasori… but functional to say the least. It wasn’t a competition, Sasori was a juggernaut in well… everything… GAL had its niche…

The late Padawan made his presence known and brought out the much maligned and long forgotten perked eyebrow from the big man. It was Aiden Porte, his father Kahne was one of the four that he worked out the nooks of “Saber Kata” with. So while he was not impressed at the lack of punctuality, this was not a class he provided a high level of expectations on(It’s a beginner’s/basic class).
How’s your dad? Nodding toward the open seat, he took another sip from his mug. I had in designing the layout of the place, and I still get lost here and there, don’t worry about it. Don't forget refreshments from the cart. The muffins are good.

Looking around. More questions?

Last edited:

Padawan Roman walked quietly behind Master Caltin, his eyes scanning the sleek lines of the Jedi Defender Corvette with a mix of awe and excitement. He had always found the ship designs mesmerizing, but this one felt different, almost alive with potential.

As they approached the cockpit, Roman noticed Aiden had tagged along, trying to mask his enthusiasm with a casual demeanor. Roman smiled to himself, he could sense Aiden's nerves, the same thrill coursing through him. "I hope they let us pilot too." he whispered under his breath, glancing sideways at his friend. The anticipation of the journey ahead ignited something in him, the thrill of exploring beyond the familiar confines of their training grounds.

He focused his thoughts on the ship's systems, wondering which part of the controls would respond to the Force, and what new lessons awaited them.

Tag Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi

Ryana listened intentently as caltin spoke following him into the ship and not distracted by anything for this lesson. Atleast she hoped not as she sat down at one of the displays ready to learn ryana didn't have any questions at the moment. As she watched and waited anticipating the lesson listening to everyone else speak as she soaked it all in gratefully as anyone with her troubled history would. The lethan twilek watched people watched them interact she felt joy and happiness probably due to her connection with pip and he was enjoying playing with buster.

Plus he might be getting spoiled by connel She was glad pip made a friend in buster as she sat there listening and watching as she did so. She liked the idea of flying on her own not relying on droids or others to fly her the biggest thing was completely getting her freedom.
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Teaching a Piloting Class | POST #: 5
TAG (ALLIES) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi |

He gave it another couple of moments, answered a question about the speed capabilities of the ship and that was that.

Alright, everyone take a seat. You’ll notice specific button lights flash, when they do, that is because I am pressing mine. Each system is interconnected, so you will see what I do without having to look over my shoulder. So, sit back, relax and get a grip in the stick. With that, he called for clearance, and they were off. The slowly increasing hum of the engines, the rumble of the repulsorlift and they were floating out of the launch bay.

Alright, once we are clear, we will be… and there we go. The “kick” of the sunlight engines brought the ship up to speed quickly. They were rapidly climbing in and between the trees until there was open sky.

Sublight flight is the most involved as you are involved in altitude control, aerial power and… well there is this big stick. Little did any of them know, he was randomly switching “control” between each student. He was truthful when he said that all “cockpits” were interconnected, but only he had control to delegate who would actually control the ship. The big man held the controls himself the entire time in case of any issues that would need their attention, but they were getting a “sink or swim” method of learning without even knowing it. When he finally switched it back to himself after giving everyone a few moments of “unknown flight”, he spoke up again… Alright, let’s show you what this baby can do.

Pushing forward on the stick and opening up the throttle, they dove into a canyon and were speeding through it at three-quarters sublight.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Susanoo Tsukuyomi Susanoo Tsukuyomi Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Ryana watched what caltin did from her seat as she watched her console she held onto the control stick ready for anything to happen as she watched the controls being pressed. As she absorbed the information to the best of her ability she felt the ship jerk as her control stick jerked in her hands as she flew the ship herself it felt invigorating and she felt Alive not doing anything too crazy to keep everyone safe. Free even she felt a smile cross her face before caltin moved the controls to someone else causing her smile to slowly fade as she whent back to learning how to fly.

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