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Jedi Militant, Order of the White Flame [idea brainstorm]

"We are the hammer, The tip of the spear, The edge of its sword,
We are the Burning Light, here to banish the Night."
~Militant Jedi Oath~​

Hello all [HissHiss here], I have been lurking around old threads and came across my old Jedi Knight character. Now at this point I was trying to think how to kick start her story and well she's in a bad spot gents and ladies. Her old master (Boloon Murr) is gone, lost and her home within core lost she is in the pits of despair. However, she probably wont fall. She has a strange attachment to the Light Side (especially fanatically to Ashla).

But by now she's probably too jaded and disillusioned with how the Republic Jedi Order or the Silver Jedi Order are doing things (by the way, this is not a personal stab at them, they are great factions and with great Jedi characters, but I'm after a different flavour.) This is where I got the idea to see if we cannot gather all the unaffiliated/renegade Jedi together and form a militant Jedi group, one that sees that the Light Side should be used as a righteous hammer to purify the galaxy of darkness and to instil Order and Control.

Here is the important bit, this is NOT a Jedi Order and although it will be a (hopefully) a Minor Faction I have no interest in making it a Major one. This will be an informal and actually quite heretical gathering of renegades and radicals who wish the Jedi to be more strict and militant. They are a renegade Army of the Light. And while not hostile to the Silver Jedi and Republic Jedi, I would assume the prior would find them at fault and be suspicious to associate themselves with them.

They are known as the - Order of the White Flame. It is a legion of militant Jedi, lost soldiers without a cause, those looking for a cause to fight for and not be restrained by ceremony or flawed tradition. It is not a religious order also. And like their namesake, they seek to burn the darkness in this world, whether they appear draconian or not.

So with that in mind any unaffiliated Jedi or renegades or radicals who want to build the IC foundations of this idea? Or have anything to add?
[member="Jeela Tillian"]
Au'Rus used to be a pacifist-ish kinda character. Much she will undergo a rather "fanatical" conversion.

[member="Ceska Starshield"]
Thanks! Although keep in mind this is a heavily Light Sided faction. Don't know what kinda Dark Jedi you are trying to RP :). But more than welcome to join.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
You were always one of the cool ones Siobhan. And lol I see what you did there with that Kingdom of Heaven quote.

[member="Vivienne Zambrano"]
Oh you! Don't worry. This one is gonna be a slow cooker. Much IC founding to be done.
[member="Ric Ardellian"]
The White Flame always welcomes righteous warriors. Whether NFU or FU. I shall keep you posted when I start a IC founding thread.

[member="Duncan McShale"]
You are more than welcome to join when you feel ready. Personally, I think you should explore your character's own story seeing you are early on in the the character's development. But there is always an open spot when you are confident.
I'd totally be up for this if I had the right character for it or if I could afford to make a new one.
Alas, I can't at this point. I'll simply watch from afar and offer up my art skills. As in my signature/banner/avatar/stuff ones, seeing as you're better at drawing then I am (of course, our styles are quite different and comparing the two might seem strange to some people).
Au'Rus Rhaeyns said:
So with that in mind any unaffiliated Jedi or renegades or radicals who want to build the IC foundations of this idea? Or have anything to add?

How radical are we talking here? As in Radical 40k Inquisitors?

On a slightly more serious level, is this intended to be a purely light-siders group? Does it desire to purge all darksiders and apostates, or is it focused on the Sith? Just asking out of curiosity. And is there a chance they might have Jedi Lords? I like Jedi Lords!

@Au'Rus Rhaeyns
[member="Kei Amadis"]
Thanks. I do remember the AoL era back in the day. I very much enjoyed the idea.

The White Flame will be less zealous and less religious, it is plainly a band of brothers- heretics and renegades. But I will do my research. Thank you :)

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Lol, saw your message a bit late. Yah not 40k HAIL THE EMPORAH levels of Light Side. They would primarily be focused on the Sith incursion in the Core, maybe the Primeval. Idk, it's rather awkward when I am also Darth Hauntruss and heavily invested in her Imperial Inquisition. xD.

But yes, I too enjoy Jedi Lords. The group would function a lot like the Teutonic Order but with my own brand of Jedi twist and less religious zealot-ey.

And yes this is to be a group dominated by Light Siders, Grey Jedi and the like are welcomed, but all swear an Oath to purify the galaxy of darkness. Actually the Oath I wrote up there is it.
[member="Ceska Starshield"]
Sure! Don't have to compromise your character just to fit btw.

[member="Tomas Raynor"]
Definitely will.

IN general, seeing I am getting a lot of attention here is how I would play this out. I first would have to write up Au'Rus' schism thread. This is pretty much where she breaks from her old Jedi friends and with a small band ventures out to found this Order with other willing Masters/Knights/Padawans.

This is gonna a be a slow project seeing we will have to go off of our own resources to get more people and equipment. We will be outnumbered, a lot, we will be outmatched by the Sith- but hell - that just makes it fun.

Jeela Tillian

Jeela is like radically pacifist though and that to resort to violence is a sign of utmost failure. Not really possible to convert her from that, I think. Certainly an interesting idea though.

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