Au'Rus Rhaeyns
"We are the hammer, The tip of the spear, The edge of its sword,
We are the Burning Light, here to banish the Night."
~Militant Jedi Oath~
Hello all [HissHiss here], I have been lurking around old threads and came across my old Jedi Knight character. Now at this point I was trying to think how to kick start her story and well she's in a bad spot gents and ladies. Her old master (Boloon Murr) is gone, lost and her home within core lost she is in the pits of despair. However, she probably wont fall. She has a strange attachment to the Light Side (especially fanatically to Ashla).
But by now she's probably too jaded and disillusioned with how the Republic Jedi Order or the Silver Jedi Order are doing things (by the way, this is not a personal stab at them, they are great factions and with great Jedi characters, but I'm after a different flavour.) This is where I got the idea to see if we cannot gather all the unaffiliated/renegade Jedi together and form a militant Jedi group, one that sees that the Light Side should be used as a righteous hammer to purify the galaxy of darkness and to instil Order and Control.
Here is the important bit, this is NOT a Jedi Order and although it will be a (hopefully) a Minor Faction I have no interest in making it a Major one. This will be an informal and actually quite heretical gathering of renegades and radicals who wish the Jedi to be more strict and militant. They are a renegade Army of the Light. And while not hostile to the Silver Jedi and Republic Jedi, I would assume the prior would find them at fault and be suspicious to associate themselves with them.
They are known as the - Order of the White Flame. It is a legion of militant Jedi, lost soldiers without a cause, those looking for a cause to fight for and not be restrained by ceremony or flawed tradition. It is not a religious order also. And like their namesake, they seek to burn the darkness in this world, whether they appear draconian or not.
So with that in mind any unaffiliated Jedi or renegades or radicals who want to build the IC foundations of this idea? Or have anything to add?