Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi Militant, Order of the White Flame [idea brainstorm]

Darth Veles said:
If I may, I'd advice against taking in Dark Siders; it is one of the problems I have with almost all Jedi factions. They all claim to follow the Light Side and use the necessity of fighting against the DS as an argument of fighting against the OS, yet they allow Dark Side users among their own. To me, it seems silly and kills the identity of a faction imho. If a "Light Side" Jedi faction has members that are fallen/Dark Jedi, then the argument of fighting against the darkness falls flat to me.

Please do not take it as a critique of your idea; it is just an advice of making the faction more unique that the other Jedi groups that are filled with Dark Side users.

[member="Au'Rus Rhaeyns"]

I can definitely understand your reasoning. However, while one may wear the Dark Jedi title, how would one be able to tell that one is a true dark side user versus someone like Mace Windu who is simply a much more naturally aggressive Jedi?
[member="Darth Veles"]
No I totally agree on that point. This is very much a Light Side/One-Force kinda faction. DS wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.

[member="Tomas Raynor"]
It all depends on how that character RPs. Seeing my other character is Darth Hauntruss, I know most DS RPers on this site, so at least I can spot a DS one I RP with one xD.
[member="Au'Rus Rhaeyns"]
I might join this with my Padawan then. She sees herself as a devoted servant of the LS, so it'd make sense for her to join such movement that is free from the senate and follows only the will of the LS :)
[member="Kian Karr"]
GO for it!

[member="Tomas Raynor"] [member="Jeela Tillian"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Ceska Starshield"]
I am unfortunately pretty busy this weekend but I will be posting come Monday.

I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN YOU GUYS! >_<...Just have IRL troubles.
This looks interesting. However, Ren is a Kro Varian and that means he's aligned to the dark side. And a shaper probably wouldn't be like a Jedi so... anyways, I wish you good luck with this group as it looks incredible and unique.

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