Well-Known Member
Darth Veles said:If I may, I'd advice against taking in Dark Siders; it is one of the problems I have with almost all Jedi factions. They all claim to follow the Light Side and use the necessity of fighting against the DS as an argument of fighting against the OS, yet they allow Dark Side users among their own. To me, it seems silly and kills the identity of a faction imho. If a "Light Side" Jedi faction has members that are fallen/Dark Jedi, then the argument of fighting against the darkness falls flat to me.
Please do not take it as a critique of your idea; it is just an advice of making the faction more unique that the other Jedi groups that are filled with Dark Side users.
[member="Au'Rus Rhaeyns"]
I can definitely understand your reasoning. However, while one may wear the Dark Jedi title, how would one be able to tell that one is a true dark side user versus someone like Mace Windu who is simply a much more naturally aggressive Jedi?