Bombshell Genius
Since the originally-planned venue, Stalgasin Memorial Stadium, was a dark-sided nexus, it was out of the question to train the Confederacy's supply of Jedi there. Also, because of the scarcity of Force-sensitives among Geonosians, Jessica knew that she had to build the Confederate Jedi Temple where the Force-sensitives were. On Hypori, where she knew its residents were much more likely to supply Force-sensitives than was the case on Geonosis. The odds of Geonosians being Force-sensitives were roughly 10 million to one at best: they seem to pop up once in a blue moon (in the astronomical sense, it means two full moons in one standard month). Plus she trusted her first Padawan to design the new Confederate Jedi Temple because Ringovinda StarYards is on the hook for all the Jedi in CIS territory; were it a state-funded project there would be this whole circus of bids for architects and general contractors and construction wouldn't even start. Sure Summer would place the Order's bid, Two apprentices were quite a lot, and she knew it. The second apprentice, one [member="Kairn Vol"], would hopefully prove to not be an arrogant fool. She liked Summer because she wasn't arrogant, and there were few things she hated more than training arrogant padawans or otherwise unprepared padawans. But, for the time being, she is willing to give Kairn a chance.
"Welcome, new padawan. I trust the flight to Hypori hasn't been too rough, nor too expensive?"
"Welcome, new padawan. I trust the flight to Hypori hasn't been too rough, nor too expensive?"