Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jetii delenda est OOC

[member="Marcus Lok"] Hey you really cannot take out a full platoon of AI that are being directly controlled by a player without allowing them a chance to defend themselves. The moment that gun started firing on friendlies it would have been disabled by either the droids with their cannons or the other defenders with rockets or ion weapons. Plus I'm pretty certain it's against the rules not just basic logic.
D’in Ss’ikoo said:
[member="Marcus Lok"] Hey you really cannot take out a full platoon of AI that are being directly controlled by a player without allowing them a chance to defend themselves. The moment that gun started firing on friendlies it would have been disabled by either the droids with their cannons or the other defenders with rockets or ion weapons. Plus I'm pretty certain it's against the rules not just basic logic.
He's right. You can fire AT them but he decides if they take the hit. If like he completely bullshits it then yeah, take it from there but you gotta let him do this thing [member="Marcus Lok"]
[member="D’in Ss’ikoo"]
[member="Dariak Talesa"]

Yup, sorry about that, bad choice of wording on my part, an edit shouldn't be too much of a problem in the sense of how much damage they do deal to your units of course. As far as taking out the turrets with the main armament of your droids so quickly, It would be pushing it a bit to have them mince the thing before it could get five shots off.

Accounting for the confusion that might come from the defender's own emplacement beginning to fire upon friendly targets, again, five shots would probably be ALL I would be willing to write in in that situation. The response of the general infantryman wouldn't be right on the dime if you get my meaning.
I'll probably run with the damage since I can have more droids on scene in a minute or to. Just try to avoid doing something like this again in the future. As for confusion that's the nice thing about battle droids. If they see something shooting at them they will probably mark it up as an enemy and try to destroy it.
Dariak Talesa said:
Travot Ravenna Keep your hands off my commandos and what they're doing I decide what they're shooting at. Bad Travot!
I was actually referencing the people that [member="Marcus Lok"] wrote as accompanying him, not sure if they're the same people or not, but I can edit if you'd prefer.
[member="D’in Ss’ikoo"]

Post's already been edited to accommodate whatever damage you deem necessary or otherwise. And don't worry, this doesn't happen often at all. Almost as often as T-21's knock out Turbolaser Towers.


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