Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jetii delenda est OOC

Hey there guys and gals. I would like to get in the thread, but I'll admit it's the first public thread I ever do, so, does any of you have an idea where I should come in/with who, etc?

PS: Alkor, that was just beast.
[member="Darth Carnifex"] - DO YOU KNOW HOW BLOODY EXPENSIVE THAT GRAPPLING HOOK WAS?! Also, your lightning blew my MP3 player up. It was a Zune. I am disappoint.

I'm all about a good brawl, so we'll see what happens soon with [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]..
[member="Jhiaga Shiwr"]

Ain't a whole lot going on groundwise unless you want to coordinate with some of the other Mandos and establish some kind of foothold proper.

You're also free to play pilot, or do whatever comes naturally.
Extreme attention, Jedi:

Those in the area around the Temple, I am going to commence airstrike in my next post. Please take note of this.

If you don't want to get hit, you might feel the Force warning you that something's about to go down, or see the X-wing about to strafe the surrounding area.

Mandos, you're about to get a warning IC.
@Anyone in the Temple, or close too.

Thing just got toasty XD

You're welcome.



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