[member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Keira Ticon"] Suddenly it all makes sense. :P
Thurion Heavenshield The Lion King Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #101 [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Keira Ticon"] Suddenly it all makes sense.
Darth Carnifex Eternal Father Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #102 Incite the Violence Incite the ViolenceIncite the ViolenceIncite the ViolenceIncite the Violence
Keira Priest The Iron Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #103 Hey, [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], Keira doesn't like either side equally. You're both just as fundamentally useless in her eyes, don't worry.
Hey, [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], Keira doesn't like either side equally. You're both just as fundamentally useless in her eyes, don't worry.
Dariak Talesa Active Member Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #107 Kana Truden said: [member="Grim Vizsla"] Fascist* Click to expand... [member="Kana Truden"]
Kana Truden Wandering Healer Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #108 [member="Dariak Talesa"] I love you for catching it. <3 Best movie ever.
Thurion Heavenshield The Lion King Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #110 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uigHV-gOHxs [member="Ijaat Mereel"] And yes, this is the worst thing your eyes have ever seen.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uigHV-gOHxs [member="Ijaat Mereel"] And yes, this is the worst thing your eyes have ever seen.
Julius Sedaire Keepin Corellia Weird Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #111 [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] What.... What did I just watch? Even at work that thing there takes the cake.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] What.... What did I just watch? Even at work that thing there takes the cake.
Mr. OOC News They Don't Want Heard M Dec 9, 2016 #112 *pew pews everyone, even the other Sith* Problem solved.
Darth Carnifex Eternal Father Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #113 *Shot misses [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]* Que!? [member="Ijaat Mereel"]
Julius Sedaire Keepin Corellia Weird Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #114 [member="Darth Carnifex"] It seemed like the thing to do.
Julius Sedaire Keepin Corellia Weird Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #116 I seriously go through cybernetics like a kid through candy... [member="Irajah Ven"] will be so angry.
I seriously go through cybernetics like a kid through candy... [member="Irajah Ven"] will be so angry.
Arage Bao The Admiralty Codex Judge Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #117 My friends. We have reached a hundred posts. I am proud of all of us!
Kuzo Two-Bit Con Artist Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #118 [member="Ijaat Mereel"] Damn it, we haven't even finished patching you up from last time
Jost Garr Young Knight Character Bio Dec 9, 2016 #119 Anybody wanna create a story with a Jedi Padawan with literally no experience?
D'vok Windroamer Active Member Character Bio Dec 10, 2016 #120 Anyone mind if I join? I'll try and be neutral but will probably end up being with SJO