Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jetii delenda est OOC


Disney's Princess
Fleeting eh? Tsk tsk. That's not polite.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Connor Harrison"] , hey Silvers. If you want I'd be happy to grab a 10,000,000 meter portion of your Fleet assets and totally annihilate [member="Darth Ignus"] and [member="Causstik Rahn"] 's little toy ships there. Teach them a lesson about not screwing around with such pitiful ship numbers inside another Major Faction's airspace.

Let me know yeah. :)


Rahn is:

1 Scorekeeper Heavy Cruiser
2 MC40 a Light Cruisers
18 Havoc starfighters

Ignus is:

Ignus Black Corporate Fleet
1 Sadow-class Star Destroyer Mirial Accord
1 Dalek-class Frigate Respite
2 Ignis II-class Frigates
2 Deimos-class Gunships
48 Guardian-class Starfighters
16 Acturus Imperial Gunboats

Connor Harrison

[member="Jay Scott Clark"] I'll sign without conferring. Got to shake things up a little. I'm there just to push buttons and cause enough chaos to make my move. :)

*ahem* :p


Disney's Princess
Connor Harrison said:
[member="Jay Scott Clark"] I'll sign without conferring. Got to shake things up a little. I'm there just to push buttons and cause enough chaos to make my move. :)

*ahem* :p

Coci Heavenshield said:
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

I shall leave that up to you. It is an open thread so anyone can join. :)

[member="Darth Ignus"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] . How do you want it boys? :)


Disney's Princess
Causstik Rahn said:
Preferably dry and rough. My ships are not leaving orbit until you force them out sugar. [member="Jay Scott Clark"]
Well. I'm no Kerrigan, but I can make that happen. :p :D

[member="Darth Ignus"] . How bout you?

*edit: I'll give Ignus till tomorrow to reply here. Cheers peeps.


News They Don't Want Heard
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
Fair. That's how I want it. Strictly speaking, unless the fleet is in Ossus space or very close by, it wouldn't be able to reach the world for the battle. So if you're bringing in an ungodly amount of ships, I'll be a bit peeved.

Edit: I brought the fleet size I did for two reasons.

1. Because it's the size fleet a Tier II corporation can field.
2. Because I wanted some fair and fun fleeting.


Disney's Princess
Darth Ignus said:
Strictly speaking, unless the fleet is in Ossus space or very close by, it wouldn't be able to reach the world for the battle. So if you're bringing in an ungodly amount of ships, I'll be a bit peeved.
Awesome. Let's talk *fair* then.

  • There are at least 6 allied star systems within the same Hex as Ossus. That doesn't even pull from border worlds near the Mandos. That's six defense fleets (- colonials & the local Ossus Fleet) that can respond to this raid.
  • My ships will all be equipped with Type2 Hyperdrives by Factory Design. So again. I can have hundreds of ships in-system in a matter of minutes.

So then. You tell me. Why should I bring less than 15,300 meters into this raid? :p


News They Don't Want Heard
Minutes? No. Sorry. Distance does matter. Ossus is not on a trade route, and while those worlds are still in the same hex, they are realistically speaking, still very far apart. It's going to take more than minutes to A) mobilize for departure, B) plot the course, C) do the actual jump. So you might have ships from Kulthis and Nespiss III make it to the planet in time to be a part of the battle, but the rest I really doubt it. Planets may look close together, but consider the size of the galaxy (the Milky Way is 100,000 light years across, as an example).

Not every planet will have a defense force of massive size, or one at all. Be realistic. It's extremely expensive and highly improbable. Ossus having one would make sense, but since no one has posted it I'd say it should be considered as not having one or else your commanders should be fired.

Considering class II is slower than class I, your minutes are going up just by using that alone.

Final reason: Because it's no fun? I mean, waltzing in with a flotilla of 15km worth of ships and steamrolling ([member="Causstik Rahn"] you aren't going to get to use that gun to vape a destroyer in one shot, sorry) is quite lame.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
[member="Darth Ignus"]

No. I'm going to use all six of those guns to destroy one ship in a single volley. It's in the lore. Says they destroyed a Star destroyer in one shot. I think 6 will be enough for yours... Besides I offered you a way out. Join the blockade with me and we might stand a chance against her

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]


Disney's Princess
[member="Darth Ignus"]

Realistic? Nah.

See. You dropped a Corporate Fleet into a ground raid at post 43. That's naughty. Nobody else was Fleeting. Even the Mandos were nice enough to avoid that in their opening post. (Which was awesome. +1 to the Mandos for style.) But I'm a nice guy so I'll make you deal. Pull your Fleet out in your next two posts or I'm dropping huge meterage on you. Open Thread is Open. That's just how it goes. :p

Balls in your court.
Oh my gosh please stop all three of you. This is daft. Ignus, major factions are within their rights to stomp your little fleet. Jay, plz to cool it. Causstik, your ship was stamped by mistake with those uberguns and is being reviewed by factory as a mini-superweapon.

Please, guys, this is a good thread. Let's not.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

if you want you can use the standardized defense fleet we crafted for voss, ossus, rhen var and several other worlds. Since no one asked the faction admin in the silvers who is in charge of that information.

now back to preparing my post


Disney's Princess
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

All right. I'll back off.

But I still see a Sith Corporate Fleet loitering in a Mando vs Silver Raid and a Heavy Cruiser with 6 superweapons on it? What do you want me to do? :)
I find it ridiculous Sith can summon massive in lore force storms to destroy entire fleets. Ahem Artisia. But I cant have in lore guns on my ship. Alas I have said my piece and I am done

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]


News They Don't Want Heard
You don't know it's a corporate fleet, Jay. It's not registered as such.

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
Never said they couldnt. Just said it wouldn't be sporting. Hard to have fun while getting blasted to smithereens by overwhelming force.

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