Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Judas Zambrano


[SIZE=9pt]NAME:[/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]Judas Zambrano
SPECIES: Epicanthix / Garhoon Hybrid
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
[SIZE=9pt]WEIGHT:[/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]230
[SIZE=9pt]HAIR:[/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]Brown

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+Epicanthix: He has a resistance to mental influence, though he is not completely immune. A skilled enough telepath could eventually breakthrough[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Garhoon: Has most of the attributes of a Garhoon such as strength, and speed but not so much that a athlete at their peak[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] couldn't go toe to toe with him. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+Reflexes: Judas has faster reflexes than most.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Crossbred: Due to being neither full blooded Epicanthix nor Garhoon he only has half their abilities[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Zambrano: He’s a Zambrano… Need I say anything else?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Blood: He must still survive off blood like other Garhoons.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Blood Addiction: Judas is a complete addict to blood so much so that he can’t only take a small sip but instead over indulges on it going through as many victims as he can get his hands on, and for Force sake please don’t let him see blood. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Rage: His rage is uncontrollable and when enraged he loses all sense of rational thinking. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Sadistic: Judas has a sadistic streak where he enjoys torturing others or watching others be humiliated.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Untrustworthy: Did anyone really think I was going to name a character Judas without making him untrustworthy?


Due to being neither a full blood Garhoon or Epicanthix, Judas has acquired traits from both of the species. Such as his short cut brown hair and his blue eyes. His hair is always cut neat in a buissness like manner and he presents himself in a similar way always wearing fine suits or at least a decent button up. His face is chiseled like one would expect from a sculpture yet it is ruined by the scar that crosses his eye and the one that crosses his lip. He isn’t the tallest person nor shortest nor is he heavily muscular but more lean. [/SIZE]
It wasn’t too obvious that Judas wasn’t a full blooded Garhoon at birth and his mother was able to hide it. Judas’ mother had one wild fling with some Epicanthix that led to Judas’ birth. Yet Judas’ stepfather loved the boy for the first few years of his life till it came to light that Judas lacked the full strength of a Garhoon and looked nothing like his brothers or father. It was a disgrace to the family. Their name was on the way to ruin and instead of keeping the family name Judas was given the last name of his father who his mother remembered oh so fondly. The lie his stepfather came up with was that Judas had been found abandoned on their doorstep and that they had so generously took him in and were going to raise him as their own. Many suspected some sort of cover up but none dare speak due to the nobility of Judas’ family.

For most of his life though he was never around the family instead being shipped off to schools that kept him away and out of the spotlight. No one truly loved the bastard as he got no holo transmissions or even a simple message from anyone. Judas began to act out in school getting into fights with the other students and sometimes even the faculty. He was trying to ruin his family’s name the best he could, but every incident he caused was covered up by his stepfather. Finally when he graduated from school Judas returned home a elegant and refined man though it was all an act. His hatred for his family had grew to an insufferable amount to where he wanted nothing more than to torture them for their neglect and spitefulness towards him. He murdered each one in turn first poisoning them with some amphistaff venom that he had gotten his hands on. Then he took his time for up to four hours he tortured each member of his family enjoying their pain before finally letting them die in a fire. That night only one person left the burning household and that was Judas. He had burned his bridges to his past and was looking forward to a new life, but one of the first things on the list was finding his father.

AT-360 Light Freighter



Just the Two of Us: Judas receives training from Salvor Arnex.
Meeting a King: Judas joins the Shadow Dynasty
Mini Game of Thrones: Judas participates in the Dominion of Dubrillion
A Hord of trouble: Judas and Salvor go on an adventure to collect a Sith Artifact.
The bond between captives: Judas gets captured by some Vagaari and must escape.
False Peace in the Shadows: Judas participated in the Dominion of Morellia.
Meeting a Malevolent Gen'Dai: Judas meets Kezeroth and undergoes training.
Right Hand...Women: Judas interviews Breanna Volsh for a position in the Shadow Agents.
Casting the Pall: Iscariot Industries and Inari Shugnate come to an accord
Buissness Dealings: Iscariot Industries and Krayt Industries how a business discussion.
Feel the Darkside Calling: Judas and Kezeroth go on a field trip.
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

£€#% YOU!!! I'm tired of waking up each and every god damn morning to find out

"Hey son guess what you have another brother or sister that I'm gonna neglect emotionally and not bother to be a dad to!! Anyway death metal hail satan!!"

AND YOU!! [member="Invicta Zambrano"] If it's not a god damn plant popping lady it's a ****ing vampire or some other weird ****!!! NO NIET NEIN UH UH NOPE!! Why can't it just go back to being Elani, spoiler alert is now dead! And I! What did I do?!


*puts hands in pockets and scowls walking away whilst grumbling*

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
Slade Zambrano said:
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

Just because I agree with you, doesn't mean I think you should insult your father

Though this is very true...

That would never work. We would all betray each other.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]

It's simple dear father. I will just force you to care... Or I'll pester you till you give me 21 years worth of child support. That'll be about 3 billion credits please. Will it be in cash or check?

Invicta Zambrano

Judas Zambrano said:
*Bows to Invicta*

The honor is mine... Mother. Hopefully you don't despise me for my father's... Activities.
Certainly not,my dear...I could hardly blame you for that.

Slade Zambrano said:
AND YOU!! [member="Invicta Zambrano"] If it's not a god damn plant popping lady it's a ****ing vampire or some other weird ****!!! NO NIET NEIN UH UH NOPE!! Why can't it just go back to being Elani, spoiler alert is now dead! And I! What did I do?!
My dear boy, I'm dead. When I do return, it will be in an Epicanthix body, so please do take that into consideration when you prepare your next rant.

Judas Zambrano said:
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

*Loosens tie*

You know I'm really going to enjoy ripping your throat out and draining your blood father.
I may not object to watching this, Judas. After was the fate he consigned me to at the hands of a Jedi. Although I did have the added indignation of a lightsaber through the head.

Although, if you are to do least wait until he's brought me back.

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