Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just a Quick Mining Op, Nothing More (only open to opposition)

[member="Arkov Lyrandis"] [member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"] [member="Durza the Zealous"] [member="Ultimatum"]

'Accessing File: Personal Objectives [27 files]>
Files Opened

>Repair existing frames [5 lines & 3 attached files].

>Acquire beskar, phrik and cortosis for Type Delta [2 lines].

>Acquire beskar and cortosis for Type Gamma [3 lines].

>Acquire phrik, cortosis and shield generators for custom Type Sigma [31 lines & 12 attached files].

>Start assembly on-'

Brining himself out of his internal files, Drazav twitched very visibly as he sat in the pilots seat of his CXR-75 Heavy Dropship, now who saw the twitch would depend on what members of the group that the droid had gathered were currently in the cockpit, as at least one other person was needed to correctly pilot the dropship. Slowly bringing the CXR out of hyperspace, Drazav removed his hands from the controls, staring at them for a moment before clenching and unclenching the digits on each hand.

"Remember," Drazav's clearly robotic voice rung out while he replaced his hands, hoping whoever was in the seat behind him was listening "Don't touch any more of the controls unless I tell you to, as currently you are not fully needed." As the droid finished speaking he looked at a few of the consoles in front of him, confirming that they all displayed various maps of the system they were in or views from three cameras set up in the CXR, with one in the front of the cockpit facing the pilots seat, and two more in the hangar, displaying the droids' Urban Recon Walker in the middle of each shot. But as each camera was not concentrating on a specific part of the hangar, not everyone back there would be visible at all times.

Looking up from the screens and towards Echoy'la, or more specifically it's fourteenth moon, Drazav started impatiently tapped the digits of each hand on his controls, hoping to get this whole job done and over with very quickly and without any trouble from the Primeval, as getting on the bad side of them was something not much people were interested in doing, especially when those people were stealing beskar from them.
Shiv did not hear [member="Drazav"] , as he was spinning about in his swivel chair in an almost childish fashion. Normally he was self conscious about what he did, but at the moment he didn't care, he was happy and he would show it. Retrieving Beskar is like a sacrament to Mandalorians, add to that he might be able to kick the Primeval in the backside, and this would be a dang good day. One could also attribute his behavior to some of the alcoholic beverages he had ingested before the trip, but Shiv would counter that he could hold his ale.

Shiv cleared his throat as if to dismiss his little spectacle, then leaned on the back of Drazev's chair, looking thoughtfully at their destination. "With the passing of time, it will become ours again..." he whispered thoughtfully to himself.
Arkov kneeled inside of the ships hanger giving his equipment a pre mission checkup, he stopped fiddling with his helmets comm unit when he felt the ship exit hyperspace. He quickly replaced the panel on his helmet before setting it down and turning to the view-screen on his gauntlet, after keying in a few digits his exo started humming as it cycled up. He quickly loaded each of his weapons and fit them into their respective holsters before grabbing his helmet and making his way towards the cockpit, ducking past the walker that took up the center of the hanger.

The door to the cockpit opened with a hiss as Arkov stepped up to it, he leaned in and spoke up, "What's our ETA, I want this to be as quick as we can make it, once the Primeval learns about what we're doing our exit window will be pretty slim", he looked over towards Mel'sivlal and tilted his head towards him in acknowledgment as he waited for the droid to answer.

[member="Drazav"] [member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"] [member="Durza the Zealous"] [member="Ultimatum"]
Ultimatum also stood within the hangar, his attention was divided between his studies on Beskar and the walker that he stood before. He was currently looking through HoloNet files reading up on the abilities of Beskar, a organic had once told him that it was a very powerful metal. So far, his searches had concurred. He hadn't expected it but so far the information showed the metal to be very valuable, not that he cared for the specific value of any metal, after all only organics put a price tag on anything. He was more interested in the specific capabilities of the metal and it was definitely proving to be worth the effort and risk coming to this planet.

The walker on the other hand was more interest simply thanks to its design. Its bipedal movement made it attractive to Ultimatum, though he also noted that the balance would be more easily disturbed then. The walker had weaponry that would make it quite a problematic enemy. The one downside was that it was not controlled by computer. It was manually operated which meant that organics could be in control of it at just about any time. That reduced its glamor in Ultimatum's eyes and made him think more on computer controlled vehicles. They seemed quite rare, most vehicles that weren't directly controlled by organics were controlled by droids. The problem with that was that the droids could be removed and organics could assume control. Such problems...

[member="Arkov Lyrandis"]
[member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"]
[member="Durza the Zealous"]
Beskar. A substance that Durza wanted very badly. His last encounter with a lightsaber was grim and his hate for force users did not help at all. Walking in the hangar with a slight limp Durza held yet another Vibro Lance and used it to hold his weight. His Cybernetic limb was damaged and for now he was forced to deal with the annoyance till he repaired it. All that mattered was getting this karking metal.

Sitting on a metal crate in the Hangar of the dropship, DUrza proped his leg up and and began scanning it with his Cybernetic eyes. He paid no attention to those around him till he finally found the cause of his robotic issue. Finally nodding to them all the cyborg coughed and began to repair his leg.


[member="Arkov Lyrandis"]
[member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"]
Echoy'la was a well guarded world just as any within The Primeval. More importantly it was located on the Braxant Run just a relatively short distance from Bastion, one of the galaxy's most defensible worlds. Pirates were once commonly found within the sector but ever since the zealots took over these star systems the resistances, smuggling rings, and piracy operations have been all but eradicated. Besides; trade didn't flourish much out here. Besides the daring miners the only other people out here were the warships and soldiers of The Primeval's forces.

With their war with the Mandalorians brewing, Echoy'la is without a doubt their greatest target. So if these miners wouldn't think that The Primeval didn't actively fortify the world they were wrong. In fact as eerie as it was the Host Lord herself was aboard a warship that lead a task force heading for Dantooine.

"Your worship, we've detected unknown activity on our sensors." An officer relayed the information that was deciphered by a group of personnel on the bridge. Like any taskforce their picket ships actively scanned the region for potential ambushes or scouts. Two Bastion-class gunboats patrolled the outskirts of their formation. At the center of their formation was the Divergent , a single Maladi-class Strike Frigate and Anja's operational command ship.

It didn't take too long for the Host Lord to make a decision, "Bring us in. Alert all nearby parties to act swiftly." She gave the orders. Their task force diverted and changed course to intercept the unknown assailants and with confidence they sought to capture or eliminate them.

[member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Perla Pirjo"] | [member="Vheissu Ireles"]

[member="Drazav"] | [member="Durza the Zealous"] | [member="Ultimatum"] | [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] | [member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"]
Things were quiet in the Core, well as relative to quiet in the sense that there was a lull in the fighting against the Republic, and the towering Sith Lord did not enjoy such quietness. He was a man of action, a paragon of war, and he found himself most comfortable on the fields of battle splattered with the gore of his fallen enemies. So he journeyed from the Core to meet with his allies in the Primeval way far out in Wild Space, a tract of space he had not traversed since the falling days of the Old Empire. Specifically he had come to seek an audience with the resplendent [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], whom he had confided with during the initial meetings between the Sith and the zealots of the Primeval, and she was one of the few he revealed his ghostly form to when he escaped the confines of the Netherworld in the wake of Akala's destruction. However; their talks on Bastion did not last, and he joined Anja on the bridge of a Maladi-class Strike Frigate heading towards Dantooine.

"Milady, I remember a time when Dantooine was under the watchful control of the Empire, a time when our borders consumed all of Wild Space and the Tion Cluster... Oh, how things have changed since that fateful day..." The Sith Lord reflected on past experiences, speaking in a half-whisper as his brooding emerald eyes wafted over the darkness just beyond the transparisteel viewport of the frigate's bridge, his hands clasped behind his back as he stood proud next to the Host Lord. He was about to continue further when suddenly;

"Your worship, we've detected unknown activity on our sensors."
The Host Lord was quick to action, as she always was, and the Sith Lord's mouth curled into a smile as the taskforce redirected itself to investigate the report. The fingers on his right hand twitched in anticipation, and it took a small percentage of self-control to keep his hand from caressing the hilt of his lightsaber that hung so openly from his waist. "Miscreants and heathens? You will find that my blade thirsts for the blood of such infidels, Host Lord. Allow me to escort you on this venture, and I will show you what the trials and tribulations of the afterlife have granted me."
Perla Pirjo, Agent of the Bleeding Sun, had also accompanied the Host Lord in her task force to Dantooine, but she wasn’t striding around on the bridge with the Sith Lords or the God Empress, nor was she residing in any of the other more comfortable areas of the Maladi-class Strike Frigate.

She preferred to ride with her bull rancor, Xana in the actual cargo hold of the frigate, so she could keep the beast calm during the long space journey. Otherwise she would have to put her in chains so the creature didn't become scared and enraged and damage the ship’s hull. Their Force bond would keep the immense battle mount as docile as a twenty meter tall, female bull rancor could be in a warship.

As she sat at a small console in the hold, she heard that the ship was being diverted to Echoy'la. A diversion only meant one thing – they were either being boarded by pirates or they were about to defend the various assets of the Primeval. It was unlikely to be a diplomatic mission, knowing the God Empress as she did and knowing the witch initiate wasn’t normally needed during amicable negations.

She rose and strapped a large leather collar onto the rancor, chaining her down so she could prepare for battle. The chain wouldn’t keep her confined for long, but long enough that Perla was able to make her way from the cargo hold to the armory on the ship so she could change into the Primeval Battle Armor and retrieve her weapon, a long and menacing, Chain Sickle.

Armor | Mount | Weapon

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Vheissu Ireles"] [member="Drazav"] [member="Durza the Zealous"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] [member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Perla Pirjo"] | [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
The Keeper of the Flame was sitting silently in his own personal alcove aboard the Host Lord’s flagship, it was one of the few places where he could simply meditate and stare into the embers without being interrupted by the fools and minions of the Crusades, of which… there were many sad to say. But Ireles judged them by their strong and they numbered many, which was enough for the Shaman for now and perhaps the future.

Smoldering and burning the ashes foretold, mentioned and beckoned to him, it whispered of futures to come, but in the end?

There was only fire and that was how it would always be.

Ireles drew himself up and started attach separate portions of armor to himself, he never wore a full set of armor, instead opting to pieces here and there. The less he wore, the more manoeuvrable he was on the battlefield?

Well, that was a given.

Veissu breathed out and the air hummed with heat, today was going to be a day of blood, the embers had foretold and so it would be so.

[member="Drazav"] | [member="Durza the Zealous"] | [member="Ultimatum"] | [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] | [member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"]
[member="Drazav"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Durza the Zealous"] [member="Arkov Lyrandis"]

Shiv nodded back. He didn't know the people on this mission and he didn't care too much to. Sharing Beskar with outsiders was humiliating enough for him, he didn't want to dwell on it further by interacting with them. Maybe if they distinguished themselves on the battlefield, he'd be a bit warmer. But until then, Shiv would keep to himself.

An alarm sounded beside Shiv's ear, announcing Primeval's arrival. He went over to the bleeping console and tapped several buttons, bringing up a readout of their pursuer. "Prime's here! Looks like the boss lady herself by the ship." Shiv stood with a hand on the pilot's chair. "This ship can't take down a cruiser, we need to get down to the planet asap!"

This wasn't a suggestion Shiv made lightly. Part of him wanted to fight them with the ship even though they'd be pulverized immediately. These people had fought with his people and killed his clanfellows, and anything he could do to hurt them would be welcome. But he paced himself, there would be plenty more blood if they made it to the surface. There they set up a tactical position, something rather difficult to do in the vacuum.

There they'd have to fight on his terms.

[member="Vheissu Ireles"] [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
"ETA? About eight minutes.", said Drazav answering Arkov's question, the droid didn't even bother to turn around. He started flipping a few control switches inside of the cockpit before a alarm distracted him, as he looked up he saw it, a frigate near Echoy'la, escorted by two smaller ships, presumably gunships or a similar class "Arkov, Mel'sivlal, get into the hangar and prepare to be inserted on the ground with me." The droid actually turned around to look at Arkov as he spoke, but he only remained in this pose for a moment before he turned on the CXR's internal comms, hoping that the two weren't the kind of people to hesitate or ask questions "Durza and Ultimatum, you two get up here and take over for me, as we might need aerial support."

Glancing back up at the frigate, Drazav continued speaking "I'll explain the rest momentarily." Now turning off the comms, Drazav glanced at all of his consoles again, this time switching one to show the status of the gunships' weapons, as everyone onboard knew they would be needed.

[member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"] [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Durza the Zealous"]
--- --- --- --- ---
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Vheissu Ireles"]
Arkov only had a moment to hear the droids reply before a alarm went off in the cockpit, he already knew what it had to be, staring out of the viewport he saw the glint of light off of the frigates hull. Arkov swore as he tried coming up with a plan of action, before he could speak the droid interrupted him, ordering him and the Mandalorian to the hanger. He tapped his fist on the red armored mans shoulder before starting towards the hanger, "I hope your ready for this" he called over his shoulder as he activated the holographic skull display on his helmet and pulled it over his head.

The usual hiss of his mask creating a seal to the rest of his armor comforted him momentarily as he entered the open hanger, and jogged to the back of it. Reaching over his shoulder he removed his heavy slug thrower from its holster and flipped off the safety, while a little on the unwieldy side of the spectrum he has always favored weapons like it, he sighed as he prepared himself for what was to come.

[member="Drazav"] [member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Durza the Zealous"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Vheissu Ireles"]
Drazav Ultimatum Durza the Zealous Arkov Lyrandis

Shiv nodded, turned, and walked out of the cockpit. Words were neither needed or wanted in this situation, they would only serve to distract his comrades from their goals. He heard Arkov, but he was too busy thinking to reply just yet.

There's something about the moments before a battle, there's a mixture, (Which balance depends on the person) of anticipation and dread. Something about this feeling was comforting to Shiv, in fact, he relished it every time he felt it. But this feeling was nothing compared to the battle.

Shiv entered the hanger, passing by Durza and Ultimatum on his way. He took his place beside Arkov, wordlessly checking his blaster pistols. Once satisfied, he fired off his jet pack in a small burst. "I hate to seem cliche," he said while taking one of the ammo bandoliers that were hanging on his shoulder and loading it into his rifle causing it to let out an electronic hum, "But I was born ready."

Vheissu Ireles Perla Pirjo Darth Vornskr Anja Aj'Rou
Ultimatum didn't respond immediately, he had to pull out of the studies and back into the body. He stepped up quickly to the cockpit, and was immediately reminded of his lack of training in any sort of flight capabilities. The last time he had been on a ship it was a droid controlled and he had simply commanded the droid. Now he would have to pilot directly. All he could think was that this would not end well. He began bringing up imformation on this specific craft and general flight training. It was quite a lot of information, exhaustingly so.

He spoke a little as he prepared to take over, "I have a bad feeling about this, I hope that you have some practice in flying this thing." He spoke mainly to himself and [member="Durza the Zealous"]. If the two of them were flying then there would have to be at least some experience between the two of them, otherwise Ultimatum would have to take the extra time to actually learn the necessary skills and set his body to work. As it was time was pressing and he was uncertain as to the amount of time they would have.

[member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"] [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] [member="Drazav"]
Sparks winkled slightly as Durza finished with his leg and stood up to test it out. " Ah good as new!" he exclaimed and raised his head when he heard his name along with [member="Ultimatum"]'s, Eyeing the Droid Durza nodded as his own cybernetic eyes scanned him over with respect. The Necropsi people loved technology and this droid that stood in front of him was simply beautiful. Walking to the Cockpit Durza frowned as he learned was chosen to pilot, it was not that he couldn't fly it was he disliked taking control and flying for him self.

Apon hearing [member="Ultimatum"] statement the Cyborg chuckled slightly, his voice altered and robotic. " We will be fine... Denoch guides us." with that said Durza eyed the seats. " Shall we?" he said looking back at the droid who doubted his ability.

[member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"]
[member="Arkov Lyrandis"]
[member="Vheissu Ireles"]
[member="Perla Pirjo"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
The Divergent maintained its course towards the unknown starship. Scanners did not indicate much about it, and from first glance it seemed to be no bigger than a typical armed transport. Of course in a fight they would easily annihilate such a ship but at their distance it was clear the frigate would not keep pace given their attempt to escape. Orders came down from above and the first of two starfighter squadrons left the frigate's hangar. The twelve fighters swiftly navigated out of the hangar bay and the squadron split into two groups. Six went directly to intercept their ship whilst the other six headed towards their apparent trajectory, aiming to cut them off.

Back on the command deck, Anja listened to [member="Darth Vornskr"] as he spoke. She wished she had time to continue their historical discussions but the pressing matters of this task were at hand.

Speaking softly, "I would be pleased to have you at my side when dealing with this insurrection. I am indeed looking forward to see what you're capable of in your new form." She acknowledged his new found power that came with the changes. His tale would be one for another time but she could at least witness the results first hand.

Anja then turned her attention to the starship's captain. "Prepare my shuttle, we will descend on Echoy'la." It was a redundant request as the crew of the Divergent always had her shuttle ready for sudden delpoyment. The second squadron of fighters--more elite than the previous--would escort her. The Host Lord left the bridge and made her way into the hangar where her transport awaited her, the pilot and a small crew of guards were ready to leave at their behest. Boarding the ship with her companion, Anja gave the go and some time after the first wave of fighters left her shuttle navigated towards the world below, escorted by three elite fighters.

Meanwhile on the world below in the camp where the mines were, a small garrison was keeping watch on the miners and their families -- those allowed to stay and work for The Primeval. They may not have been strictly loyal, but through fear and hardship they knew not to betray their captors knowing well what harm would come as the consequence for doing so. Of the men most were wearing standard battle armour and equipped with their usual assault rifle. Within range of the mines were two Requiem Mobile Guns, anti-air and anti-tank walkers which were capable of targeting and destroying enemy fighters, bombers, and transports within a given range. Their main weakness as that the walkers could not position themselves easily.

It would take quite a punch to break through the defenses, the easiest way to land would be far out of reach of the mines but that would be a detour which could give The Primeval better time to prepare a defense or even set up an ambush given the opportunity. Unless they had enough weapons, manpower and machinery to mount a get-in-get-out guerrilla offensive the only viable method would be stealth and even then it was a long shot without a good distraction. At the very least Anja was curious to meet the bold crew and whomever had the audacity to think up such a plan. Was it brave or foolish? Time would tell.

The others were likely behind her and just as well on their way.

[member="Perla Pirjo"] | [member="Vheissu Ireles"] | [member=Darth Vornskr]

[member="Drazav"] | [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] | [member="Ultimatum"] | [member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"] | [member="Durza the Zealous"]
Ultimatum nodded an affirmative before pulling his large frame into the copilot seat. Because he did not have the complete knowledge of how to fly a ship, he was going to use a combination of watching [member="Durza the Zealous"] control the ship as well as the information on the HoloNet. That would, hopefully, give him more data with which he could more effectively learn and be quicker at being able to fly. His processing unit was working overtime to get the information and translate it into movements.

"Too bad this isn't one of the more common craft or I could get this much easier." He spoke aloud to himself. Another bad habit that had been placed in him thanks to the original scientist creators. He had so many small program upgrades that he would have to make to refine himself.

[member="Durza the Zealous"] [member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"] [member="Arkov Lyrandis"] [member="Drazav"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Vheissu Ireles"] [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Darth Vornskr"]
Standing from his seat, Drazav made the mistake of looking out of the viewport, spotting the two starfighter squadrons already on their way out of the frigates hangar. Moving past the co-pilots seat, the droid nodded at its current occupant before stepping around the cyborg, speaking when he stood just outside the cockpit "If either of you were wondering why I've gotten you to pilot this as opposed to me, it's because while I may be a better pilot with this dropship than both of you, this walker is going to help a lot."" Drazav paused for a moment, motioning with his head at the walker behind him "And I think I'm the only one that really knows how to operate that." Turning to the side, the droid looked towards his pile of weapons, along with a crate of thermal detonators, originally intended for mining, in the corner opposite to the ramp, speaking after staring at the items for a moment "So, as we've encountered opposition earlier than I expected, you two are going to have to take us down to the moon very quickly. And as I do not know what waits on it's surface, you'll have to try to use the CXR's sensors to spot anything before we get to it, which should hopefully give you enough time to react."

Stepping away from the entryway, Drazav called back as the cockpits hatch was about to close "Make sure you keep in touch with the rest of us though, as coordination will be essential... And the onboard weapons should be more than enough to take out those fighters" Walking over to his weapons and thermal detonators, the droid started placing each weapon in its correct place, pistol in his holster, slugthrower assault rifle slung over his back along with his sniper, and the rotary blaster cannon held under one arm. Walking over to the Urban Recon Walker , Drazav spoke to The two men standing nearby "You two might want to grab some of those thermal detonators, as you never know when you'll need them." Not waiting for a response, the droid climbed up the walker, opened the cockpit before tossing his rotary blaster cannon into the co-pilots seat, as it would be empty for the time being, then sliding into the pilots seat as he closed the cockpit.

[member="Arkov Lyrandis"] [member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Durza the Zealous"]
--- --- --- --- ---
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Vheissu Ireles"]
Wasting no time Arkov was already over at the crate with the detonators, grabbing two belts which held several of the small explosives he turned to the mando, "Hey shiv" he called out alerting the man before he tossed them over. Arkov grabbed two for himself and tied them across his chest making sure it didn't cover any of his spare ammunition, quickly turning back to the hanger doors he marched back to the other man and got into a ready stance, "Whatever happens try not to get separated from the walker once we touch down, it should draw most of the fire away from us" he spoke up as he pulled the bolt back for his slug thrower, clambering a round, "Hopefully". Any nervousness and fear he felt quickly faded from his mind as he switched to his combat mode, he was ready for what was to come.

[member="Drazav"] [member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Durza the Zealous"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Vheissu Ireles"]
[member="Arkov Lyrandis"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Durza the Zealous"] [member="Vheissu Ireles"] [member="Drazav"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Perla Pirjo"]

Shiv set his rifle, or the more accurate terminology, cannon on maximum fire output. He grabbed the grenades midair and slung them over his shoulder. Heaving his massive rifle into a ready position, he licked his lips in anticipation, and nodded his acknowledgment to Arkov.

"The Prime evils," he said, purposely mispronouncing the name, "are a paranoid bunch, they'll probably have the spots well defended. We'll need to take them out before they can damage the ship."

The Primeval wouldn't give up the Mandalorian iron lightly, Shiv knew this. Echoy'la was the only source of Beskar outside of Mandalore, and they'd undoubtedly fight them to the last man. Besides, if the crew somehow got the Beskar, it would send a message to all that opposed the Primeval;

They were not as untouchable as they made out to be.

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