Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well, congratulations. That just encouraged Er'in to the stupidest thing she's done since she came to the board.

That's right little Sith, just challenge the hate of a planet face on because someone dared to break with tradition and assassinate a Queen without being Hapan!

Allana Badeaux

Ta’a Chume – Queen Mother
I will get my post up today. I was waiting to give other a chance to post and not steam roll people within the thread. I just hope I can adequately pull off a well worded post for Allan’s choice. If done right it should be some mind blowing development for Allana.

Well at lest mind blowing for me! lol

Allana Badeaux

Ta’a Chume – Queen Mother
Ok we’re getting closer to wrapping up the rebellion. We started a new faction thread looking for a lost lightsaber. And soon we will be having a thread with SJO. After the events we should reach out to the Confederacy. Politics as normal make nice but don’t commit anything. Just enough nice for now that if we need make CIS or SJO best of buddies that is a option down the road.

Soon we will have to deal with the First Order and Kyrel’s actions. We’re not looking for war. We’re in no position to have any of that, defiantly with a major faction. We can do what the Consortium is great at, politics and shifting politics into our favor. Maybe there can be some gain out of this we can get by just smiling and talking. Like if we’re on friendly terms it could keep a group like TSE out of the Mists? Last time I check the First Order and TSE is what they call friends? Well I don’t know how strong that alliance is.

Any thoughts?

[member="Erin Tenel"] [member="Melanctha Dallamoor"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
In speaking to Kyrel, I think he's open to getting captured and perhaps that would allow for an easing of tensions between between the First Order and Hapes. I know he's been playing this out organically - even more so than me at times, so kudos to him.

I agree that it's within our advantage to remain neutral and hold that stance as long as we can with any and all factions.

This gives us time to do faction stories, build up lore and tech and, like you said, Allana, not worry about war.
I would be interested in politics with the First Order - Er'in has IC reason to go 'hold on, you all worship Vader? Well, maybe you have something to teach' (or at least 'maybe we can subvert you to our cause') and it makes interesting plot. But much rather aim for talking rather than war.

Edit to add having read Temi's addition: We can see how it goes organically, but if he's up for capture, some deep dark-side style RP can happen, leading to politics. Which sounds fun.

SJO and Confeds both make sense - if only because Er'in is close to Darth Metus and will have to explain (politely) that she's going to go back to helping Hapes now, good day. (OC I'll still remain a CIS member - hoping maybe for Ambassador or something, I'd like to have access to a major factions doms and invasions and stuff and the CIS gave me a warm welcome).

IC and OC, Er'in / I believe that all three groups might support an independant Hapes, with the FO being the most difficult to convince - but potentially there we can play upon whats going to be inevitable hostility between the the two biggest evil overlords in the galaxy.

[member="Allana Badeaux"] [member="Melanctha Dallamoor"] [member="Tha'ga Temi"]
All good stuff Er'in. Like your character Tmoxin will remain part of the CIS. Tha'ga will further the goals of Hapes IC.

I honestly think we can keep neutrality with The First Order as culturally they are more similar to Hapans with reverse gender roles.

The Sith will be the most difficult to negotiate with and/or keep ourselves safe from. Only my two cents.

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