Jhar's eye's flickered open to a surprisingly unangered Sith Lord. He had asked him about leaving for a tomb. If not for Jhar's humorless reptilillian species, a large grin would be set upon his face. Perfect. All was well in his head, while the Trandoshan hunts for a new disciple (and the alien nearby would wake to do the same), Jhar could follow the Sith Lord, were he could complete his goal. But Jhar sensed a unique distrust, he sensed a plot within the Sith Lords head. It was not as blatantly obvious as the Darth no doubt saw within Jhar, but he liked to think he was resistant to being observed so easily. He felt that there might be a fear--no fear was too powerful, a hesitance-- to bring him along, but a certain desperation to have him there for an unforseeable purpose. He could take him on his offer, then perhaps lead the Darth off of the path and drive him insane with doppelganger attacks and other illusions, to lead him into dangerous traps. Or he could conceal himself, pull out one of his metal daggers, with his force signature suppressed stab and slash the Sith in the dark. He could also use the traps to his advantage in dualing him out right. But a prominant idea in Jhar's head was to refuse the offer, but then follow him into the tomb under force stealth, and force concealment. Whatever traps were in there Jhar would encounter them second, thus cancelling out there dangerous effects to Jhar, and while the darth was busy diffusing the next set of traps Jhar would take the oppertunity and engage him in anyway he saw fit. If the Trandoshan called soon however, that could ruin everything. Jhar looked to the stunned alien and pondered. Perhaps he could buy some time and send the alien to hunt as well, the two hunters appeared to have some sort of rivalry, maybe they would fight each other for the target. That might be long enough for Jhar to finish this job. Then one last possibility entered the Noghri's head, that perhaps he could steal whatever it was the Darth was after, because after if a chaos causing Sith Lords braves dangers of a sacred tomb for an artifact, then perhaps it was worth perventing, and then handing its power to the cult. Finally Jhar decided to follow the Sith Lord, and he knew what he would do.
"Money is unneccissary, the Disciple's of Vader take care of me well. I will follow you in your tomb, I sense that with the release of this alien it will be some time before I hear back from them." He placed a comlink with the appropriate information upon the alien's chest, and then entered one last meditative stance, as he attempted to negate the stunning effect upon his body. Gasp of breath escaped his mouth, probably in anger. "The Trandoshan has taken the lead. I've given you the information I had given him. Hunt the feline as well, the parameters I gave the Trandoshan are the same, but whoever gets to her first will be paid." From there Jhar stood to meet with the much taller Darth. "Do you know what you seek in your tomb?" He asked him. Upon him announcing his coming the Darth's mood seemed to drop to apprehension. He was skeptical no doubt of Jhar's intentions, despite his earlier announcement that he had been trying to kill him. Jhar was quite surpised by how little people cared that Jhar seemed to want to eat them. Perhaps it was his small stature and amputation, an easy excuse to see no real threat in Jhar.