Jhar's illusions seemed to have little effect on the Darth, he ignited his blades and walked towards. The Noghri simply stood, and ignited his blades.
"He served the Force, and brought it to its knees."
With that, Jhar began to do something that he had not done in a long time. He used his other hand, through the force. A Doppelganger of his old hand, and telekinetically held his saber as he would have long ago. Now he struck the Darth with the power of two Noghri arms, amplified by the force. Of course the Darth would not see this other arm, but he would certainly feel it. It seemed that the Sith's Dun Moch worked against him, as it only empowered the aliens spirit. He mocked his God, and now he would make this Sith worship Jhar in combat. Lengthening his blade, and deactivating the bottom blade, he charged with whatever power in the force he had left. Blood leaked from his nose profusely, he was using more power over the force than he had ever attempted before, and what started out as a calm clarity fell apart into a pure Force-induced rage. He delved into the resistant mind of the Darth and began to pick information from him as rapid as his mind allowed, and he mimicked and mirrored whatever forms the Darth knew, gaining years of information.
This was Jhar's finest hour, and he was glad that this could very well be his last. He had succeeded where the Darth had failed. He destroyed his super-weapon, prevented him from gaining another apprentice, and now he was certain he would cripple this Darth, at least just before Jhar's death. Jhar's Djem So, Ataru, and mimicked Vapaad, they all came at once against the Darth, empowered with Force Speed, Force Strength, and now his force was amplified by Force Rage. What Jhar had done was impossible, and upon completion, if he did not die first by the Darth's hand, then surely Jhar's pure religious rage would destroy his body in the end. A Force Scream escaped his mouth in an unearthly roar, he had become a monster in mere moments, but he feared he would become a corpse today, in vain. His yellow blade was a flurry, blocking the Darth's blade just as much as he was being blocked, and parried. But it would be short lived, soon in the battle Jhar would eventually collapse, even as empowered Jhar was, he was no match for the Darth. He had decades to prefect his skill. Jhar hand only but one decade, and although powerful, Jhar was still weak in the force. This did not deter his ambition however, he was determined to kill or maim before death. If he did not, he would curse this man with his soul upon leaving this material plane.