Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just Like Old Times [TU Dominion of Rodia]

Objective: A
Location: Inside the bio-dom
Allies: [member="Orick T'ane"]
Enemy: The vong

After the initial attack the vong were about to come in force, it was know time to reset the harpy in to automatic fire mode. The sniping time was over, as it took time align the shot, that time they no longer had. The vong were coming thick and fast, and it was going to get hairy, well scaly at least. These guys may not been sharpest tool in the box, but they were always have been decent grunt's. She sent a distress call to base, ​This is lieutenant Roscoe, I need help vong butes are in coming. Request immediate assistance. Then a message came in from [member="Jennifer Blanchard"], She replied send in troops to me, or drop a package on these coordinates. She sent her a location to the rear of the vong main force, if she dropped the bombs it would stop them being able rush them. She wonder who her saviour would be, but hay who cares as long as they quick about it.

The firefight began to become a staged retreat, as to stay put would be suicide. As these guys were well armoured, and tough enough to gain ground. So tactical choice was to fall back and keep them at bay, as they were better shot`s and lighter on their feet.
Location: Equator City, Rodia
Allies: [member="Darell Irani"]
Post: 15/20

With a few taps to her datapad, Morgan quickly booked the penthouse suite in the Vos Gesal Hotel. “Done,” she said. “If your schedule permits, we will leave for Coruscant a week from today.”

As Darell gave her the instructions to be on alert for things he himself may miss, she engaged a couple of scan modules that could help with this. She had self-installed a truth scanner and had actually used it on Darell once or twice before. This would, as it sounded, be able to tell the HRD whether the Rodian engineers were lying or telling the truth. Another module that she occasionally used was a Vapor Sampler which helped to detect anything toxic in the air or traces of explosives.

Otherwise both of them would need to naturally stay on the highest alert around the engineers and hopefully the business deal would go as expected. Morgan had the utmost faith in Darell Irani. He had handled a roomful of angry and volatile Yuuzhan Vong after all. A bunch of cash-poor Rodians should be a piece of cake. Right?

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Equator City, Rodia[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Morgan Redeaux"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“I am sure I can squeeze it in.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]He probably had some kind of appointment or other briefing to attend to, but there were more important things than that sometimes and this was definitely one of those times. His aides would be able to handle themselves just fine in his absence, they were sturdy lads, if just a little bit inexperienced.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]But you only got experience from actually [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]doing[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] things.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The transport finally landed on the landing platform of the Rodian Engineering Corporation, once it was scattered all across the CIS space, prestigious company… but things have changed. They had to downsize and currently were only operating in the Tyrius System.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Once again Irani stepped out, offering a hand to Morgan; so she didn’t have to stumble out of the vehicle. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Finally they would start walking towards the welcoming party waiting on them.[/SIZE]
Location: Equator City, Rodia
Allies: [member="Darell Irani"]
Post: 16/20

Along with the luxury room in the Vos Gesal Hotel, Morgan had ordered a box of Carababba cigars from one of the most exclusive Coruscant tabac shops as well as a bottle of Vistulo brandale. These would be welcome surprises for their stay in the Underworld but for Darell only, because of course, Morgan as a droid didn't smoke cigars or drink spirits.

After the transport landed on the platform, the Duke gave his hand to Morgan and helped her out of the speeder. Ahead of them were various Rodian engineers and administrators awaiting their arrival. As in the previous meetings, the HRD stood next to Darell, patient for the formalities to begin. Luckily Morgan had no sense of smell but she knew that Rodians as a race had a repugnant smell at least to humans. The droid turned on her truth scanner and her eyes flashed blue for millisecond, a byproduct of the module activation.
Objective: A
Location: Outside of the bio-dome
Allies: [member="Freanne"]
Enemy: The vong

Orick and his droids had managed to make it to the bio dome with little opposition, which surprised him because everyone knew the vong hated droids of all kinds. His advanced slowed as the sounds of battle began to get louder, the dome reflecting the larger sounds and making them sound closer than they were. His com suddenly filled with a voice requesting assistance and he checked his hud to see how close he was to this, Roscoe person. " Lieutenant, this is Troublemaker, I'm coming up from your 5 o'clock. Head in my direction, I have a small team that will support your retreat." He cut his comm off and motioned to the droids, " Spread out and find good positions for covering fire, we have friendlies moving to us. Only the vong forces are to be engaged."

He turned, not bothering to wait to see what the droids were doing, he knew that they would do exactly what he told them to do. He glanced up at the sky, wondering where the N1 had parked the Ranger and he toggled on his private channel, " N1, bring the ship down towards my coordinates, we are going to need both the fire support and possibly an extraction, have the weapons ready to fire and prepare the launch tubes."

" Yes, sir" was the only reply he got as he turned back towards the dome. He checked his rifle and made sure that the charge was full. He flipped the safety off and crouched down, he was in the open so that whoever this Roscoe was knew that they had found the help they asked for. He checked the readout that he had wired into his helmet for his cybernetics package and saw that everything was in the green. Vong brutes were known for their love fo melee combat, and he didn't want to disappoint them when they did get close.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Equator City, Rodia[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Morgan Redeaux"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]As Morgan and Darell approached the small congregation of Rodians talking amongst themselves all settled their attention on their salvation. Because that was what Saiba Group was for them to a certain degree, an entity that could save them from the horrors of bankruptcy and assassinations.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Mister Darell Irani!” one of the Rodians would detach himself from the mass and approach with eagerness in his tread, which slowed down noticably when he noticed the Saiba Security Solutions commandos nearby and instead of a handshake, he opted for a deep bow.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Darell nodded back. “Mister Pors, let’s go inside. We got a lot of things to discuss and being in the open makes me uncomfortable sometimes.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Of course, of course. Do not worry, mister Darell Irani. There is nothing to fear here.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]He was lying.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Irani would simply nod and offer his arm to Morgan, so they could walk together.[/SIZE]
Location: Equator City, Rodia
Allies: [member="Darell Irani"]
Post: 17/20

As the two of them approached, the Rodians turned their bulbous orbs to the pair and began excitedly talking among themselves. The main engineering envoy came over, and with some hesitation at viewing their security detail, opted for a formal bow.

Morgan had her truth scan module activated and could tell by his increased brain activity that the Rodian was lying as he explained there was "nothing to fear here."

Darell extended his arm to her like a gentleman, and after she took it, she gave him a soft squeeze to get his attention. The HRD moved in close to his ear and speaking in Yuuzhan Vong so the Rodian's hopefully wouldn't understand them, she said, "The lead engineer is not telling the truth. Do you have a signal for the commandos to be prepared for an attack?"

Jennifer Blanchard

Objective: D – Be Watchtower
Location: Her ship

She was uploading all the property rights to the Techno Union remote server, and melding the two computer systems. Rodia was going to sign on with them, it was that obvious, but right now? She needed to make sure the computer systems were ready to move. Net Zillo would work with some of the more main stream computer junkies back on Roon and Hypori. She’d probably be over there, but right now? Nah, she’d stay here and do the missions that Obsidian Order put up for her. Slicing and helping break down computer systems.

She could be so much more useful than Marek in any upcoming invasion, Marek of the few talents and most involving casino games. But she could say that, he was the one who sponsored her in not one but two collectives of business minded beings.

She had sent the messages over to Creticus and [member="Orick T’ane"], as well as [member="Freanne"]. She spun on her chair to access another terminal when the call for assistance was given. “Lieutenant Roscoe, what can we send for you? Weapons? Or do you prefer a droid unit? I’ve got Barons and TA-1s on standby.”

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Post 12 of 20
Objective: M as in Mancy (Really B )
Location: Rodia’s Capital
Posse: [member="Adekos"] [member="Charlotte"]

See? If Techno Union factories opened up every time a Yuuzhan Vong warrior was killed by Force lightning, that meant whole battalions of battle ready, Vong hunting droids were created each time a warrior was felled by droid induced blaster fire and thermal detonator attacks. Marek did enjoy a good blast of Force lightning, but for whatever reason, he was more content to destroy Vong with technology than the Force. It just felt more… insulting?

He watched as the Hydra War Droids took the signal of his riot blast from the prosthetic arm ending and moved forward, he took a step back as the arm reset and the armor to fold back over. He heard the sound of the hiss as he knew he’d be at least protected from any noxious fumes the Vong cooked up, y’know, beyond their standard smell. Reigniting the orange lightsaber blade, he watched the pair of Hydra War Droids and saw one reach out to a Vong that was running from a doorway. The Hydra picked the Vong up by the throat and squeezed.

That made short work of that.

Boy technology was fascinating.

“Any survivors?” Marek called, outside the room his compadre was in. Remember the golden rule, if it screams in Vongese, shoot to kill.
Objective: A
Location: Inside the bio-dom
Allies: [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Jennifer Blanchard"]
Enemy: The vong

She smiled support was here, and know it was time to show these things the true power of techno union. She replied to message We take any droids you got, we are falling back to troublemakers position. Please reinforce his position, asap. She then turned to her men and said, Fall back towards five o'clock mark, we have reinforcements there. She then fell back with them each time, they throw grenades at the vong. This slow them down, and allowed to fall back towards the new position in good order. Each time they did move however, the vong did manage to take couple down. This was war though and it was expected, though vong was know running into a trap. As each time they moved they got closer to reinforcements, closer to the counter attack....

Jennifer Blanchard

Objective: D – Be Watchtower
Location: Her ship, outskirts of Rodia Capital
Allies: @Orick T’ane, [member="Freanne"]

Jenn looked at the monitor and nodded. She could get allies out that way. A fly-by from an Onith Class Shuttle would drop a platoon of Baron droids right on the sniper’s position. Just outside the Biodome. Part of it was damaged and she didn’t want to cause more damage to the location as they would then have to build it back up. The Barons would get there first and she was re-routing the orders of a standby platoon of TA-1s. They’d head over, but the Aerial Droids would be there first.

“Affirmative. Barons and TA-1s on route. Good hunting out there, Roscoe.” She said as she went back to ensuring the firewalls on the data transfer were sound. If Vong could break in? Well, they only had seen technology for what? 800 years? Silly, ugly beasts. Though that Willard was a sharp dressed Vong, he was alright in her book.
Asher gripped the Shaper by the back of the neck and dug his gloved, armoured fingers into the Yuuzhan Vong's flesh. He was told they needed these kinds, so he'd let this one live. That didn't mean he needed to be nice. Blood seeped out around his fingers, and then he knew he made his point clear to the beast. Valentine dragged the Vong back down through the building he'd just cleaned, and outside into the streets. His eyes cast left and right, and when that blaster amphistaff tried to come back to life, he sent a shard of metal up out of the rubble beneath their feet that beheaded the serpent. He gave the Vong a stare. That Vong returned with a level of defiance, until Asher sent a spark of lightning through the body of the beast. The jolt shook its nerve, then head gathering at Valentine's fingertips made the message clear. The Vong lowered its gaze, and Asher pulled it along further. He made for the exit, he needed to get this particular Yuuzhan Vong somewhere the Union would remove it from his sight.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Equator City, Rodia[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Morgan Redeaux"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]A bad feeling had already been gathering when the Rodian got anxious about the commandos, this feeling only got underlined when Morgan notified him that his future business-partner was already lying to him right now. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]He pondered if that meant assassins, hitmen or if the loan shark was putting on pressure on the corporation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Wouldn’t really be that strange, the shark had been on the verge of snatching the company for himself and with it all the valuable schematics and research. Then the Techno Union pops in and snatches it all away from under his nose, Irani would have been pissed in his situation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Darell simply patted her hand softly. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“You will know the sign once it hits.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]In the end they would simply follow the Rodian and his entourage, Saiba Security following their trail and it would be made clear that Irani wasn’t concerned at all. Probably because he was a Sith Lord and really didn’t have much to fear.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Perks of the job.[/SIZE]
Location: Equator City, Rodia
Allies: [member="Darell Irani"]
Post: 18/20

Whatever was about to happen, Morgan's combat routines would make sure she would respond at the slightest hint of danger. Her advanced programming would be able to pick up minute details and body language from the Rodians that even the commandos wouldn't be able to see. If a weapon were drawn or a sniper rifle fired, she would pull out her own blaster which was tucked away in her handbag, find some cover and be able to help protect Mr. Irani.

But the Duke remained the picture of calm as usual. The HRD's truth scan module was still engaged and he appeared to be telling the truth when he said, "You will know the sign once it hits."

Her eyes flashed a glowing blue once more as she activated the Vapor scanner but could detect no trace of gas or explosives in the air.
Location: Iskaayuma
Objective: Scout locations for an InterGalactic bank headquarters, score some spice, try not to kill someone in front of [member="Dorskit Wolf"]
Post 4/20

Turns out ol' Dorsky didn't do spice. What kind of lawyer didn't do spice? He turned around and ingested enough spice to kill a baby Wampa and then whirled on his heel to face his laywer. Eeth eyed the Verpine suspiciously and then noticed the lawyer looking down at the Zabrak's designer loafers. Come to think of it, there were probably a thousand different lenses in those insectoid peepers. Which meant that Dorsky could probably see a thousand things at once. Whoa. Mind blown. The spice was hitting him pretty hard at this point.

"Private club, eh?" Eeth finally asked, after a good five minutes of staring at his laywer's eyes with his mouth agape. "Sure, why the frell not."

The Zabrak tore off down the street in his vomit-covered shoes, zipping through the sector like a rogue comet. There was a moment of sheer panic when he realized that the clubs in this sector contained only dive bars and seedy cantinas. With a worried edge in his yellow Sith eyes, Eeth procured his Datapad and began to frantically punch in Holonet searches for Iskaayuma's trendiest clubs. The investment banker wouldn't be caught dead in a club that catered to the bridge and turbolift crowd.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Equator City, Rodia[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Morgan Redeaux"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]They would be ushered into a common meeting room, but this time it wasn’t even remotely organic. Instead it would be brushed durasteel, glasteel decorating the walls and in general it was a sign of scientific progress everywhere, it was clear that the Rodians held taste- and it was probably that taste that brought them into financial problems in the first place.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]This room would have cost them more than one senior engineer’s year salary. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]And they wondered why those loan sharks were all up their… well, no sense in becoming vulgar about the entire matter. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]They all settled down, Morgan and Irani next to each other, and the Rodians on the other side of the table. Negotiations started and yet Darell kept having the nagging feeling that something wasn’t or wouldn’t be right soon enough.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Mister Pors.” the experienced businessman would finally say then. “Are you being pressured into stalling this meeting for some reason?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Eyes widened, but nothing else came forth for a few moments, unless you count the hyperventilating.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Darell simply sighed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“You do realize that the Techno Union will put its flag on this planet with or without your support, and that assassinating me and my companion here will not put a stop to that. Don’t you?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]More hyperventilating.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Two of my guards will accompany you. You will point them towards the right direction and they will deal with your loan shark problem, are we in agreement?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]By that point in time any tension in Pors body evaporated, tears had appeared and he was just softly sobbing. It seemed that the loan shark had really done a number on him. Irani scratched his chin as two of his commandos ushered out with Pors to handle the problem, while he looked at Morgan with a thoughtful look. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“That could have gone worse, don’t you think?”[/SIZE]
Objective: B
Company: [member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Charlotte"]
Location: Iskaayuma (Rodia's Capital)
Posts: [09/20]

Clearly, this was cause for celebration. It was a nice bit of luck that there had been Hydra Droids and Starchaser lurking just outside the room to catch that little stray. Adekos got himself onto his feet, brushing himself off. There was really no need to do so- the parts of the building's floor that weren't covered in Vong corpses and destroyed droids were impeccably clean. A shame that these Vong had insisted on taking their slaughter outside of the pre-designated area. They were always pitching a fuss over everything. "No, you can't use that computer. It's so very heretical." And "No, you can't shoot me in the face and slaughter my friends and family, exiling the survivors from Rodia forevermore. That would be wrong."

Complain, complain, complain. It was as if everyone forgot what ruthless maniacs these people were. The Vongforming of Rodia, anyone? It was about time someone sent them packing once and for all.

"I'm still alive, yes." Adekos replied, exiting the room. His remaining droids took up defensive positions around the door. No one else would be getting through.

"Thanks for asking. Any more stragglers we should know about?"

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Objective: B
Location: Rodia Capital
Companions: [member="Charlotte"]? [member="Adekos"], Some War Droids
Post: Something higher than 13 but lower than 15.

The War Droids were a good build from Haor Chall, one of the last projects they worked on before folding into Santhe. Sure, he could contact the Xi Char engineers whenever he wanted to work on new designs, or new ideas, but well, that would take time. And right now he had other things to worry on. He was going to survive, this building was going to be cleaned out, and well, that was the major obstacle. The next was making sure [member="Darell Irani"] was using his right head and working with the HRD to do something about the agreements here.

Nodding to his comrade for the day, he smirked behind the mask. At least he wasn’t going to need to be burying a friend. “I think we’re doing well. Reports coming in from Blanchard are showing that we’re getting good reports from the Biodomes, and this building seems to be mostly cleared. I’d recommend sending out a hunting party just to clear the rest of the levels, nothing will get back in though.” He stepped over to the now headless body of the Vong, noticing the lightning marks and gave Adekos shake of the head. Lightning wasn’t efficient to finish the job.


Business! Corporate! Credits…

Activating the comlink in his helmet, he really needed to work on that AI project, he contacted [member="Darell Irani"]. “Report. How are we doing over there? You and Redeaux getting work actually done?” Can’t take Irani anywhere.

The writer also doesn't know why he tagged [member="Darell Irani"] not once, not twice, but thrice.
Location: Equator City, Rodia
Allies: [member="Darell Irani"]
Post: 19/20

The meeting room was quite a sight to behold, especially after the repulsive Vong conference room furniture. Morgan didn't think she would forget the undulating chairs anytime soon. But these were Rodian engineers and this location was exemplary of their fine planning and construction.

She withdrew the log pad to record the discussion... complete with the sobbing and crying from Mr. Pors. The HRD grimaced. For the most part, she was a droid and not affected by much but the sight of the greasy, blubbering humanoid caused her a little bit of distress. She was glad at times like this that as a machine, she would stay completely composed and civilized. Although there a certain fickle Umbaran who had, on occasion, made Morgan cry like the poor Rodian.

As expected, Mr. Irani took over the proceedings with his normal commanding presence. Once he was done, she replied, "That went much better than I expected it would." The whole time Morgan had a feeling that violence or sabotage would occur but like the Vong meeting before, the business deal went smoothly and with no bodily harm to either of them.
Objective: B
Company: Marek Starchaser | Charlotte
Location: Iskaayuma (Rodia's Capital)
Posts: [10/20]

Adekos noted Marek's disappointed glance at the lightning marks on the now deceased Yuuzhan-Vong warrior. Naturally, it didn't take long for the Umbaran to get defensive about it. "What? It seemed like a good idea at the time." Truly, it had. Which was a shame that it didn't work in the end. As usual, Adekos allowed himself to get cocksure, which of course had ended with him being duped. If Marek hadn't been around the corner... Well, the Vong probably would have gotten through a few rooms before being caught. And then killed more prudently. Adekos wasn't so idiotic that he would allow himself to blunder twice in a row, with the same Vong.

"I'll go poke around the building, see if there's been any breaches. You tell Irani I said 'hi.'" Adekos said. "But I think we're done here. There's no way whatever paltry stragglers got through will be able to pose any sort of threat to us in the future."

Unfortunately, this was going to become demonstrably incorrect in the coming days. Every action, especially one such as conducted here, would have far reaching consequences. This was merely the catalyst to what would become a longer, more expansive war waged by the Yuuzhan-Vong. Radical action had a tendency to radicalize others. Whatever Vong escaped Rodia today would leave this world, regroup, and spread word of the Techno Union's actions. There would be more concerted effort on the part of the Vong to strike back. Doubtless, they would all fail horribly, but it was an inconvenience that would cause some measure of problems farther down the line.

Especially once the Retail Caucus was finally roused from its slumber, now determined to defend its lethargic stranglehold over the independent worlds of the Outer Rim...

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